Add Blank Row After Each Unique Value In Col A

Aug 15, 2012

The below is the data that I currently have. The data is always nicely sorted as per column A.

header 1
header 2
header 3
header 4


It would be nice if the code would be fast and efficient, but any solution is welcomed. I have attached spreadsheet that includes sheets "Before" and "After". So after you would run the code then "Before" would look exactly the same as "After".

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Excel 2007 :: How To Get Dropdown Box Results To Show Unique Values And Non-Blank Entries

Sep 27, 2012

I am using a ComboBox in Excel 2007 in a UserForm. It is drawing on a row source which populates empty cells duplicates. How do I get the drop down box results to only show unique values and nonblank entries?

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Filter With Formula: FILTER A Range And Display The Unique Items, One Below The Other, WITHOUT Blank Cells

Feb 10, 2008

How can I FILTER a range and display the unique items, one below the other, WITHOUT blank cells - with only a FORMULA. What I came up with is shown in the attached WB. I would like to present the countries like in C11:C15.

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Count All Unique Values (text) + Definition Of UNIQUE :D

Aug 24, 2009

If I have multiple entries with different but repeatable text values in one column - how do I count all unique ones ? Is there a function or does it have to be a pivot table of sth ?

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Assign Unique ID IF Adjacent Cell Has Unique Value?

Jun 5, 2014

I'm trying to think of a way to do this. I need a unique ID number per company, so I would want it to look something like this:

0001: Apple
0001: Apple
0002: Google
0003: Sony
0003: Sony
0003: Sony
0003: Sony
0004: Ford
0004: Ford
0004: Ford

.....and on and on for about 400+ rows. I think I know how to state the condition. IF B15 =/= B14 then....assign unique ID, else A15 = A14....or something to that effect.

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# Of Unique Dates Per Unique List Entry

Oct 22, 2009

Each product is represented by a serial number (column A).
The can be sorted on column A from smallest to largest prior to calculating results if that helps.

The repair list contains 1 entry per spare part used, so the same serial number may occur several times.

Furthermore, a product may have been repaired on several instances - so the serial numbers can span several dates (column B).

The solution i am looking for should return the number of unique repair dates per serial number. That way i can see, how many times each product has been repaired. Results can be displayed in an individual column.

Sample list:
Serial........Repair date

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Unique List Would Grab All Unique Entries

Jul 30, 2009

I have a data table that repeats as follows:


From the data above I need to make a new unqie list that would grab all unique entries.

I am trying to use the following guide:

Get stuck on "Listing A:

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Leaving Blank Cells Blank In Dragging Formula Combining Different Formulas In One Cell?

Aug 2, 2014

I can't modify my formula to leave blank cells blank when dragging it down, Also, I've got two formulas that i need to combine. Please view the comments I've put in cells E4, F2,F3,H2 and I2 to understand clearly what am seeking. See the attached worksheet.

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Excel 2010 :: VLookup Result Blank If Column Index Number Is Blank

Mar 3, 2014

The below piece of code carries out a vlookup on a defined cells value and produces a result in sheet one, however if the column index number in sheet 2 (Database) is empty the result 00/01/1900 is produced.

I'm not sure how to say leave the result blank if the column index number is blank.

Excel 2010
Userform = Tab 1
Database = Tab 2

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Count Blank Cells Within A Range Not Including Fully Blank Rows

Jul 15, 2008

I can count the blank cells withiin a range using


But I dont want it to count the cells if the entire row, within that cell, i.e. C6:AD6, is blank.

It should only count the blank cells within a row if there has been some data entered on that row..provided it has been entered within the specified range.

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IF Blank Or If Not Blank Function That Works With Adjacent Cell With Formula In It?

Aug 12, 2014

I have one column that contains an If statement formula and would like the next column to then work off of the first column (i.e. if that 1st column returns a value then then adjacent column uses that result).

What is happening now is that it is returning #value (because I guess technically the cell isn't blank?)

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IF Statement To Leave Cell Blank If Multiple Cells Are All Blank?

Mar 12, 2014

I am looking for an IF statement that would leave a balance cell blank if both the revenue and expense cells are blank, otherwise a formula would be calculated.

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How To Populate Blank Cells With Sequence Until Non Blank Cell Is Encountered

Mar 22, 2014

I presume this is fairly simple to do, since it's certainly easy enough to do manually by filling in a couple of rows and dragging them down, but I need it to be performed in a macro that I can run before other macros run.

What I need specifically is for the macro to go to G1 and insert the number .01... Then go to G2 and insert .02... Then G3 and insert .03... And repeat this until it finds the first non-blank cell ( row number this occurs at varies), at which point it ends and does nothing to that populated cell or any other cell in the column thereafter (including other blanks farther down).

This all needs to be done in Arial, 10pt, white.

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Imported Data Creates Blank Cells That Aren't Really Blank

Feb 21, 2006

Here's what I'm attempting to do: For each column, X,Y, Z, I am attempting
to count nonblanks. However, the data was imported from Access and Oracle,
and Excel treats what appear to be blank cells as nonblanks. I've tested
this theory by highlighting a couple of "blank" cells and deleting them, and
my count changes. So, can I get Excel to put a value into my "blank" cells,
so then I could filter it out, or create a formula that would only count
dates in my columns (which is what I'm after).

This is what I'm looking at:

1 2/4/2006 2/6/2006 ("blank")
2 ("blank") 12/13/2005 1/7/2006
3 2/20/2006 1/15/2006 ("blank")

In each column if I use a COUNTA I'll get a total of 3, instead of 2 for A,
3 for B and 1 for C.

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List - Filling In Each Blank Cells With Value Contained In First Non-blank Cell Above It

Feb 27, 2013

I have a list that looks something like this:

Column B

Row 4 Item 1
Row 5 Item 2
Row 6
Row 7
Row 8 Item 3
Row 9
Row 10 Item 4
Row 11
Row 12
Row 13
Row 14 Item 5

The range of cells in column B containing the items has a name "ColStreams"

I need to go through the list, filling in each blank cells with the value contained in the first non-blank cell above it - so, in this case, rows 6 and 7 would contain "Item 2", row 9 would contain "Item 3", rows 11-13 would contain "Item 4" and so on.

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Identifying Unique Entries Based On Unique Entries In Another Column?

May 29, 2014

I have a list of data and I want to identify the unique entries for both columns but the second column has to unique to the unique values in the first column.

Example List



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Remove All But One Non-unique Line Of Data, While Leaving Unique Data Alone

Jun 10, 2007

I am "designing" a time- tracking database. The way it works is that each user (there are multiple users) creates a new day, which is mirrored in the sheet name (i.e. if today is 06/09/07 and my name is Newuser, the sheet name is "NewusER 060907"). Each sheet is filled in, calculated based on in-sheet formulas, etc. At the end of said day, the user can " upload" the daily data from multiple days worth of data into another sheet, that the graphing macro draws from.

The one serious problem I'm having is that users can upload the daily time data for the same day multiple times, to no end. I would like to do one of two things. Either:

a. make it such that once data is uploaded it cannot be uploaded again (probably more difficult), or
b. write a loop to pull out the highest data point up the sheet and delete all other rows for that one specific day's . (probably easier)


Data loaded into the sheet before the macro runs:

Row: Date:
1 06/09/07 *
2 06/10/07 *
3 06/11/07 *
4 06/09/07
5 06/10/07
6 06/12/07 *
7 06/13/07 *
8 06/09/07
9 06/11/07
10 06/14/07 *

* The rows with asterisks are the ones that I would like to have pulled to the second set of data (below)

Data in the sheet after the macro runs:

Row: Date:
1 06/09/07
2 06/10/07
3 06/11/07
4 06/12/07
5 06/13/07
6 06/14/07

Because of the constant changing nature of the information within, I would like to to make this dynamic range selection, I would prefer to avoid using Advanced Filters, if possible.

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VLOOKUP - If Table Array Is Blank Need It To Return Blank?

Mar 27, 2014

I am creating a tracking spreadsheet where i can toggle between months (attached). It returns data properly when I select January or February from the yellow highlighted dropdown list. However, when i choose March, it returns 1/0/1900 because no data has been entered for March (table array) on the AAAG tab. How do I write the formula to return a blank cell on the summary sheet when no information has been entered into the table array yet?

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Replace #VALUE! Error For Blank Cells With Blank Cell

Nov 17, 2008

The formula below calculates appropriately, however, if any of the cells (E12,E14, E21, E22, E28, E29) are blank, it returns a #VALUE! error. I would like the cell to remain blank. How can I do this? The formula is listed below.


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Insert Blank Row If Adjacent Cell Value Is Blank

Jan 7, 2013

If the value of the adjacent cell in column A is blank, insert a blank row through Column B:J.

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Return Blank If Concatenating With Blank Cell?

Apr 3, 2014

in one column of my spreadsheet and it is returning the correct concatenation for the appropriate lines. However, I wish to have the column's cells return an answer of blank (" ") if B15, B16... etc is blank. In other words, at the moment, a correct answer would read something like '1810sd0000' C10 and B15 used, while an incorrect answer would still display '1810', but I want it to be a blank cell.

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Why After Paste Value The Blank Cells Are Like Not Blank Anymore

Aug 13, 2013

the situation is i have a sheet, contains like 500 cells, from A1, to T500, some of the cells are blank, then i figure that from cell A1 to E500 not all the words in capital, so i make it with upper on the2nd sheet, then, i copy + paste value back to the first sheet (A1 to E500)

i get wht i want, but why it's like there's no blank cells anymore on my worksheet.

like you know, if u want to jump from a filled cell to the blank cell, you would hit Ctrl + Down, it jump to the very end of the datas that i paste value before.

so when i hit Ctrl + Down from A1, it jumps to A500, meanwhile the filled cells only 10 cells.

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Copying Down Blank Cells Until Blank Row Is Reached?

May 24, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with data in 7 columns. Columns A-d have one line of data in them but the other 3 columns have more than one line.

How do I write a macro which will copy the first row of the first 4 columns down until I reach an empty row?

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Copy Or Create 'blank Cell' As 'blank'

Feb 4, 2009

using a formula to copy a cell A1. if A1 is blank, i need forumula result in blank instead it possible..

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Count Blank & Zero Cells Where Corresponding Column Not Blank

Jun 15, 2007

I was curious if it is possible to give a single cell multiple number formats based on what the number is in the cell. So for example if my number is bigger than 1000, I would like to use comas so that it looks like this 1,000. However, if it is less than 1000 I would like it to look more like this 999.00.

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First Blank Cell In Column & Offset To 1st Blank In Row

Jul 11, 2007

I have checked archives, some similiar but not quite what I want.

In code below I want the output instead of going offset one column to right in same row to go one column to right into the next blank cell.

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If / Then Functions Looking For Blank / Not Blank Cells

Dec 14, 2012

I'm am trying to combine columns B and C in such a way that the result will appear as B: C when C is populated and B alone when C is not populated. I've tried a variety of functions, and I'm unable to get the result I want. This is my most recent attempt:

=IF(C2=ISBLANK, B2, B2&": "&C2)

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Copy First Non Blank Row And Paste On First Blank Row

Mar 2, 2013

I'm working on this macro that copies data on sheet1 from A2:AI2 till the last non-blank row in the same range i.e. A:AI and paste it on sheet2 in the first blank row. However, my code keeps picking up A1:AI1 from sheet1 as well and pastes it on sheet2 just before the data that I actually want to paste. Here's my code:

[Code] .....

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Rank & Sort Table: Unique Numbers Sort Ascending, But The Non-unique Numbers Sort Descending

Oct 5, 2007

I have a list in rows where I have a ranking formula =COUNT($G$5:$G$81)-(RANK(G5,$G$5:$G$81)+ COUNTIF($G$5:G5,G5)-1)+1 When I sort the rank, ascending. All of the unique numbers sort ascending, but the non-unique numbers sort descending

ex) 1.751

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If Two Cells Are Blank Return Blank - If One Has Date Subtract Today Date

Apr 24, 2013

Using one spreadsheet with three date columns and two columns counting days.

If there is a value in Resolution date, then Column N is blank
If there is no value in Submit date and Resolution date, then Column N is blank
If there is no value in Resolution date, and there is a value in Submit date, subtract Submit date from todays date to show how many days it has been pending approval

Created on = J4
Submitted on = K4
Resolution Date = L4
Days to Approve = M4 I've got that formula =IF(L4="","",L4-K4)
Days Pending Approval= N4 (cell with formula)

If Resoultion Date L4 has a value, return blank
If Submit on K4 and Resoultion date L4 are blank, return blank
If Resolution date L4 is blank, and Submit on K4 has a value, subtract Todays date from Submit on K4 to show Days Pending Approval

Cell J4______Cell K4______Cell L4__________Cell M4__________Cell N4
Created on___Submit On___Resolution Date___Days to Approve___Days Pending Approval

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