V-lookup To Pull Information From One Worksheet To Another

Dec 9, 2009

I'm using a v-lookup to pull information from one worksheet to another. I know that each of the cells has a match on the second sheet, but the calcuation is resulting in a Value Not Available error. The only way I've figured out to get past the error is to go into each cell, hit F2 and then enter.

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LOOKUP:: Pull Information From Elsewhere In The Sheet Automatically

Apr 18, 2008

I have created a spread sheet that uses the LOOKUP function to pull information from elsewhere in the sheet and automatically fill in a cell so that I can save time.

The spreadsheet has several columns with a single word or number but the column used for the lookup contains 2 words, 1 number and a “#” sign. I have used the “CONCATENATE” function to create a column that has all the words, the number and symbol and then my formula says to LOOKUP the value in the created column and return the number associated with that LOOKUP value. The problem is it will not give me the correct value. All cells with the formula return a value from the same row in the LOOKUP table no matter what the LOOKUP value..

I have used this exact same formula (copied and pasted it) in another place in the table with the LOOKUP information added by hand, not generated with the “CONCATENATE” function, and it works fine.

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Pull Information From Worksheet To Outlook

Aug 12, 2009

I want to setup an excel spreadsheet that will list employees and when exams were completed on them. The exams need to be completed once a year. I want the excel spreadsheet to send out an email to their corresponding supervisors when is within one month or so of an exam needing to be completed so their exam can be scheduled accordingly.

I have searched this forum and read through some of the other posts regarding exporting data from excel to outlook. This seems like what I need to do but I wanted to see if anyone has an advice on what way is better than the other?

Also, if excel is setup to push the data to outlook, does the excel file need to be open? In other words if Jimmy comes within one month of his exam but no one opens the excel file will it send out the email to outlook?

Is it a better option/ or possibility to have Outlook pull/check to see if the condition exists where an employee is within a month of his exam and then let the supervisor know?

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How Can I Pull Selected Rows Of Information From 1 Worksheet Page To Another

Jul 1, 2008

how to reference cells in 1 page from another and understand basic formula's, and would appreciate any input on how or if i can acheive what i'm trying to accomplish.

I have a worksheet with say 100 rows of information, it is a list of materials to go into a construction job. the columns to the right of the description calculate volume/quantity etc and produce a cost for the item. what i want to do is have a summary page that only lists the items that are being used, not all 100 items are in every job and i dont want to have to print the whole list with a bunch of empty values, which will just waste paper and ink. I'd like to enter a value in a cell or setup a check box or something that i could somehow use to then list that row or a part of that row of information on a seperate sheet, for a nice concise, easy to read list of job materials. i would like to do produce 1 sheet with the cost associated with the item, and one without cost.

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Lookup & Return Information From Another Worksheet

Nov 19, 2007

In one worksheet there is a code for every customer and their details e.g. Name, medication they are on, what they are alergic to etc then in another new worksheet can we just type in that code and their individual information comes up automatically?

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Lookup: Pull Any Color Choices Associated With A Year From The Data Table On The First Worksheet

Jun 17, 2009

I have a data table that contains begin dates, end dates, and colors. The data is input starting with the earliest begin date. On a second worksheet, I have a listing of the years starting with the year of the first begin date and ending with the end of this year. I need to be able to pull any color choices associated with a year from the data table on the first worksheet. Some years may not be specifically listed in the data sheet as the person could have had the same color choice for several years. Sometimes a person could have more than one color choice in a year.

I am at a loss for how to get to the data I need. I created an example spreadsheet to demonstrate the data I am working with, and an example of what I need my results to look like in the end.

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Pull Information From One Cell To Another One

Oct 5, 2012

I have spread sheet with 2 tabs (MASTER LIST & CYCLE COUNTS), on each tab I have 2 columns(LOCATION1 & DATE1 and LOCATION2 & DATE2) I need to verify if I any cell from LOCATION1 is repetead on LOCATION2 and copy the informacion from DATE2 to DATE1. then if I update the CYCLE COUNTS sheet I want the MASTER LIST update by it self.

This is the formula that Im using but Im having problems with the range..... =if('Master list'!$A2$:$A$15000='Cycle counts'!$A2:$A$15000, 'Cycle counts'$B&2:&B&15000,0)

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Macro To Pull Information From One Tab To Another

Dec 9, 2009

I am trying to put together a macro to pull data from one tab to another. The key here is that I want it to take the entire row.

Basically it will look something like this:

As someone goes down the rows of the checklist putting x's in the boxes that need one (there is a column set aside for that), that box will turn red.

That part is easy and done.

What I cant figure out how to do next is to automatically have a copy made of the row with the red cell and send them to another document.

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May 26, 2006

I need a formula that will take info from sheet A column K only if sheet A
column E is equal to sheet B column E. I need it to paste into Sheet
B column K exactly as shown in sheet A column K.

I tried using a Vlookup formula but I got #N/A and I am not sure if that is
because there is text as opposed to numbers or if I am using the wrong
function entirely.

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How To Pull In Web Information Into Excel

Jul 1, 2012

Any way to pull in information from a particular website directly to excel? For example if I have the URL or the specific web page can I then locate specific pieces of information that are contained in specific areas of the webpage and pull it into excel?

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Pull Certain Information Out Of A Cell But Not All?

Jul 16, 2012

Is it possible to pull only certain information out of a cell?

I have in cell A1 (As of 6-30-12 and 5-31-12) i would like to put a formula in cell b1 to pull just (6-30-12 and 5-31-12) so that everything i change A1 B1 will also change.

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Creating A Source Sheet To Pull Information From.

Aug 17, 2007

I'm trying to do is create a macro that will autopopulate information from a source sheet. What I have is a different route sheet for 25 or so technicians within my company on one worksheet.

I want to be able to have a source sheet that I can change daily and have it autopopulate the information needed into the appropriate cells/sheets from this one source sheet.

I am pretty sure there is a way to do this, but I'm not familiar enough with creating macros to do this myself, although if I had an example of one cell and a simple explanation of how to fit this to the information needed I think I could do this on my own.

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Formula To Pull Information From Database File

Apr 26, 2012

I need building a formula to pull information from a database file. The purpose is to try to interpret the data so that I can analyze a time period along with it's content. I don't know how best to explain it. Basically I have a table and I want it to pull information based on 3 criteria: time, type, and total. I would like for the formula to identify a time frame, then identify a type, and then take the totals and add them together.

Time / Type / Total
11:31 /1 / 4
11:43 / 1 / 6
12:04 / 2 / 1
12:31 / 1 / 3

Time / Type / Total
11:30 - 12:00 / 1 / 10
12:00 - 12:30 / 1 / 3

The top is the database and the bottom is basically what I want to happen on the other table. Pretend the / and dividers for each column.

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Inputbox To Pull Over Information From Another Sheet To Be Reviewed

May 30, 2008

I am using an inputbox to pull over information from another sheet to be reviewed. The problem is that I can't get the cancel button to work. I am not having a problem with the ok button though.

Sub test()
Dim pull As String

pull = InputBox("How many would you like to retrieve.", "Retrieve", vbOKCancel)
If pull = vbOK Then
MsgBox "ok " & pull
MsgBox "Cancel"
End If
End Sub

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SQL Statement To Pull Information Based On Textbox From Userform

Jul 30, 2014

OK,I have a spreadsheet that prints receiving labels based on received purchase orders that pulls information from an SQL server. The problem is that it is pulling almost 40,000 lines of data to sort and pull at most 30 lines. One of steps is that the purchase order receipt register has a barcode that is scanned into a text box on a userform. Can I use this information to filter the SQL data pull to only grab that PO number? I'm at a loss on where to begin with this. Below is my SQL statement from the Query builder with an example of a PO number input(PO-rma100613).

[Code] ....

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Pull Information From Master Database Into Seperate Worksheets

Oct 24, 2008

I need to be able to pull information from a "master database" into seperate worksheets. Here is my problem. When I use a vlookup and my identifer is say "office property" then the vlookup will only pull the first "office property" and not retrieve any of the remaining "office property" rows.

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Lookup And Pull Results Into New Sheet

Mar 27, 2009

I am trying to find a function that will scan down a column to find a particular criteria. I would like all the cells that meet this criteria to have their entire row pulled through to a new sheet.

For Example, In the attached spreadsheet, I would like everyone in sheet 1 to have their details pulled through to sheet 2 if they are in class 1, sheet 3 if they are in class 2, and sheet 4 if they are in class 3.

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Lookup Formula To Pull Multiple Answers To A Row

Jul 2, 2014

Instead of trying to explain my challenge, the attached workbook should be self explanatory. My answer is surrounded by the box. I need a formula that would automatically provide this output.

Lookup Scenario.xlsx‎

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Double Lookup And Pull Adjacent Cell

Apr 14, 2009

I need is spread across various rows. In a separate sheet I want to be able to lookup two identifiers and pull the number needed in the adjacent row.

The first identifier is a 3 letter character, the second is CURREVO and I need the number to the right of CURREVO. My problem is CURREVO is not always in the same column, but in relation to the 3 letter character is always in the same row.

A B C D E F GDMGCURREVO52011.25YTDREVO243085.00DTYCURREVO11892.50YTDREVO59783.50ECUCURREVI1943.00YTDREVI 5,541.25CURFRQI4.00EEGCURREVO32864.75YTDREVO205426.75EICCURREVO658761.26YTDREVO3507022.68EILCURREVO335741.70YTDREVO1720830.72ENTCURREVI161242.39YTDREVI638681.84CVLCURREVO796266.21YTDREVO4816890.98ENDCURREVI34479.19YTDREVI44074.54EYECURREVI11880.12YTDREVI 108,007.02(Null)MICCURREVO1098694.15YTDREVO5766072.54NEUCURREVI25251.90YTDREVI 158,236.60CURREVO207.00

in a seperate sheet, I want to pull NEU, in that row I want to find CURREVO and bring back the adjacent number = 207.00

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Formula / Function To Pull In Multiple Lookup Values

Aug 21, 2014

I am trying to replicate a payslip from a list of data on a worksheet.

The list of data contains the employee name, location they worked, and number of hours.

Each employee will work at multiple locations throughout the month, perhaps 10 or so.

The payslip must contain each location worked along with the relevant data, in a list so to speak.

What function can I use to pull this in? Of course if it were one location I would use vlookups to pull in data. As this only returns the top match I would then need a different formula to pull in the second location in the cell underneath?

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Evaluate The Information And Lookup

Jul 9, 2008

Im looking for a formula that will look at the the products in column A and see if their coresponding value in in Column I is equal to "website"

I would like it to count how many website sales the product has and return the product name in order of number of website sales into the top ten list at the bottom.

I have attached a test file which should clear things up

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Lookup Particular Row Information If Cell Value Matches Specified Value

Feb 10, 2013

I have two worksheets, one named Data and one named Index. In column G of Data, there is an index number. In column G of Index, there is a list of special index numbers.

In columns A:F there is information about each special index numbers.

What I need is in Data, if the index number of column G exactly matches the value of a special index number in Index Column G, put the column A:F information for that row in the row with matching index number in Data.

Data Worksheet


header row

[Code] ......

I need to be able to put the formulas in A2 to F2 and just drag the formula down all ~5000 cells of Data, and only need the information put into the ~ 20 special rows, determined by the index number in column G.

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Lookup Information Based On Times & Name

Oct 8, 2007

If you look at the attached file you will understand what I am trying to get at more. I have a download which comes from a time management system. What I want to do is have a macro which runs everytime the name dropdown box on the summary page is changed. The macro needs to lookup the correct times for that person and the day and place them in the correct order (i.e 1st clock in, 1st clock out, 2nd clock in, 2nd clock out, etc.) I am trying to find the best way to do this.

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Lookup Data Information For Selection

May 23, 2006

I have a spreadsheet and im trying to create a sports simulator..

Up the top I have a drop down menu with the teams listed, now what I want to do is when I click on the team I want the players from that team listed below it..

Could someone explain to me how to acheive that?

For Example.. Where it says 'Brisbane Broncos'... Say I change that to 'Canterbury Bulldogs' when I change it to that I want the spreadsheet to update cells A5:21 with the 'Bulldogs' players..

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Pull Out Information From Main Sheet To Summary Sheet?

Mar 1, 2013

I am trying to create a summary sheet from the matrix to do further analysis. I want to pick out the welds done everyday with weld inches as you will see in the summary sheet. How can summary sheet be automatically updated when I enter the inspection date rather than copying and pasting? I can use vlookup to get the weld dia once I get the weld numbers on that date. I have attached the file.

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Lookup Populate Another Field With Information Already On Sheet

Aug 14, 2014

I've been stuck with this issue for a few days now. I'm trying to populate another field with information already on the sheet. The data is demo data.

I've tried =VLOOKUP(C2,D55:E55,2,0) however it only returned 0

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Lookup File: Extract Information From Sheet

Jan 21, 2009

My company use a program called Bartender which is a barcode printing program. Bartender has the ability to extract information from an Excel sheet which is really useful and prevents repetetive keying in of information. We have found that if you simply print the Excel sheet when Bartender next uses the file it says it is corrupt and simply copying the data into a new spreadsheet and resaving it as the same name does not resolve this issue.

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Formula To Lookup Multi-criteria Information

Dec 20, 2013

I am using a list like this.



[Code] ....

I need formulas that can evaluate the table above and provide the information below. If there needs to be multiple steps/formulas, I'm okay with that.

Two sticking points, BOLD - be listed twice with the same teacher. I don't want them counted twice in the "Size 3" column. BOLD & italicized- same student could be in two different teachers' classes. They need to be counted under both.

Size 3

[Code] ...........

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Lookup Data And Place Corresponding Information On Another Sheet

Jan 10, 2008

Found several items close to this, but not exactly (at least that I could find). It's difficult to type what I need to do, but here it goes.

I have two sheets. Sheet1 has data that I want to look at in range A1:B7; Sheet2 has column titles waiting on data from Sheet1. If one of the column titles on Sheet2 is "Mike," I need to look for all "Mikes" from A1:B7 and pull the data automatically onto the other sheet. I apologize if confusing, but I tried as best I could to describe it. I have attached a small file for guidance. Using the attached file, take "Mike" for example. Under his name on Sheet 2, cell A2 would display 300, then cell A3 would display 1,000.

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Link Drop Down List & Lookup Corresponding Information

Apr 25, 2008

I'm trying to categorise a load of expenses against their appropriate budget and sub-budgets. I've got all the budget subcategories in separate dynamic named lists each headed by the main budget name. I want to be able to select the main budget name e.g. marketing or sales etc and then see, in the next column over, only the appropriate subcategories to select from e.g pick the appropriate dynamic list (I've used dynamic lists so I have some flexibility to add new categories at a leter date).

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