Weighted Averages Using SUMIF And COUNTIF

Jul 6, 2009

DATA: D1:D11 contains either blank cells or a dollar figure from a payroll check.
E1:E11 contains either blank cells or the date of the check.

Current Situation: Using the following formula I obtain a weighted average of the pay checks, not including the largest. =(SUM(D1:D11)-MAX(D1:D11))/(COUNT(D1:D11)-1)

I desire to calculate the weighted average based on the checks issued only prior to a certain date. I have used SUMIF() in other parts of the workbook successfully but needing to withold the largest value has presented me with a problem I can not find a solution to. =SUMIF((E1:E11,">="&TargetDate,D1:D11)-MAXIF(E1:E11,">="&TargetDate,D1:D11))/COUNTIF(E1:E11,">="&TargetDate,D1:D11)

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Optimizing Weighted Averages?

May 21, 2014

I created an Excel tool into which really thousands of records are based on weighted averages calculations. And discovered Excel struggling in term of permormance.

The issue is: the user needs to uploads a couple of times in a day new data for further analysis, and the only way to make the Excel spreadsheat humanely usable (performance) was to calculate everything upfront.

To optimize the tool performance, I had to:

- First I made all weighted average calculations upfront when data is uploaded the first time. Leaving formulas in the tool was not viable, since this tool run live analysis, every click would have been a pain of 30 sec at best to re-calculate new conditions,

- Second optimization was to not leave formulas into columns > as soon as a calculation is done, the macro copy/paste values

The formula I chose is sumproduct based weighted averages..

Here is my question:

1. Does it exits specific formulas in Excel to handle nicely large amount of weighted averages to calculate ?

2. Should I consider to use an external application (an Access table, SQL or whatever) to perform those weighted average calculations quickly/quicker.

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Weighted Averages Across 2 Differently Sorted Ranges

Aug 16, 2014

I am looking for a way to get a weighted average to work without the need of helper columns, when my weights are stored in one range, and the actual values are stored in another range, but might not be sorted in the same fashion.

For example; range 1 might be:

Homework 120%
Pre-Exam 30%
Exam 50%

But the range for student's scores might be in a slightly different order:

Exam 90
Pre-Exam 72
Homework 1 81

(Note that this is a greatly simplified example and that just resorting would be impractical).

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Calculate Weighted Averages Using High, Medium, Low

Dec 31, 2008

On another thread I found a solution to creating a weighted average given a pair of columns of numbers but I have column B consisting of values given as High, Medium and Low and the weighted column C of 1, 2 or 3.

How can I use the formula below to accomplish this, or is this maybe not the right way to created a weighted average?


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Weighted Averages - Accurate Productivity Percentage

Feb 20, 2012

I have a spreadsheet that tracks productivity for various parts being made basically pcs made per hour against how many pcs should be made per hour shown in a percentage of 100 percent

For example: Part ABC - ran 450 pcs per hour. The rate is 9500 so it ran at 4.74% of the goal

The machine runs about 50 parts.

They had me create a sheet/chart to graph productivity. They told me to just take an average of all the percentage rates the individual parts are running at.

I believe this is where a 'weighted average' should come into play? Taking an average of all those averages is not going to give an accurate overall productivity percentage is it?

How would I go about making a 'weighted' average (if that is indeed necessary) to get an accurate productivity percentage?

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Calculate Final Grades With Weighted Averages?

Mar 19, 2013

I am trying to calculate final grades with weighted averages. However for the final grade I need to drop the lowest of the test grade which come after the bold line to the right, making the total relative weight of Tests, the weight of 2 tests. How would I go about calculating that with a SumProduct formula? I do not need to drop grades from B4:K4, however from L4:N4 I need to drop the lowest grade for my final grade, which needs to be rounded to the nearest integer. The relative weight of each assignment is given in Row 1.

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Mar 12, 2009

I want to calculate the average perofrmance % of 8 lines, the data isn't in one set of rows and some lines may not have values so I'm trying to account for this in my summary.

The code I'm struggling with is this...


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Sumif And Countif By Month?

Dec 1, 2008

I play poker, and I have a live session log in an excel spreadsheet, like so:

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How Do I Set Up A Countif Or Sumif That Is Multiconditional

Jun 20, 2006

I often try to set up a countif or a sum if that is conditional on two or
more conditions. For instance - I have Radio stations listed in one column,
flight dates in another column, number of contacts for each flight in another
column and appointments created from those contacts and finally, revenue
generated form those appointments. One example would be to sumif column one
equals the radio station and column two equaled the flight date then give me
the revenue.

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Countif, Sumif Or Sum Product

Jan 25, 2010

I have a table with 3 columns,

Project Person Hours

A B 1
A C 2
A B 3

So on project A persion B has worked 4 hours. I seem to be able to use sumproduct for counting how many times the person is in the project but I cannot seem to add on the final hours part.

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Apr 20, 2007

It's been awhile since I've used excel formulas so I'm very rusty but I need to count the number of times I see a particular item in a list as long as it has another criteria as well. Example List and Result are below: I want to count the number of AAA Rewards that Alex has....

#DateEmployeeAmountReward Type
14/17/07Alex$5.00AAA Reward
24/19/07Joe $10.00AAA Reward
34/19/07Alex $5.00 Store Certificate
44/20/07Alex $10.00 AAA Reward

Employee # AAA Reward Amount # Store Certificates Amount

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Mar 13, 2008

I have a report that has thirteen tabs. Tab one is Jan; two, Feb; three, Mar, etc. The last tab is where I'm consolidating all the data into a report.

In Row 2 of Jan-Dec are the days of the week.
In Row 30 I have the data.

I am figuring the average of each day of the week for each month as well as a total average year-to-date.

Here is my formula for Jan and Feb:

Works great after the month is over - but now I'm in March and the formula is adding all data form row 30 that falls under MON and dividing my all MONs even if it does not have data.

How do I nest in the COUNTIF statement to only count MON IF there is data in row 30.

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SUMIF/COUNTIF With 2 Criteria

Sep 24, 2009

I am trying to extract some data from a large spreadsheet and having problems...

Column C contains text descriptions, e.g 'Description One', 'Description Two', 'Description Three'

Column O contains a date.

I need to count the number of items that have a date prior to 1st April 2007 and have certain text contained in the full text string value in column C e.g. 'One'

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Count, Countif, Sumif

Jul 13, 2006

I've got a table that contains a lot of text that i need to summarse in another table. Its really just two columns the first contains a group name and the second a result. What I need to work out is the number of times the result occurs for each group. But every work sheet function I've entered fails.

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COUNTIF Or SUMIF: Changing Amount

Oct 29, 2008

I have a data range with 3 columns - A -employee number, B -charging number, and C -charge amount. "A" shows multiple times and must be associated with value from "B". I am looking for totals of "C" for any combination of "A" and "B".

1 101 6
1 201 7
1 101 4
2 301 6
2 101 1
2 201 4
3 201 5
3 401 7 etc.

I am looking for totals (from column C) for A and totals for A with defined B. e. g.:

1 for all 101
1 for all 201
1 total
2 for 201 etc..

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Ignore Blanks Using =SUMIF/COUNTIF

Jun 2, 2009

I've come across a problem using the =SUMIF/COUNTIF function in excel. It incorrectly calculates blank cells as zeros.


The correct output should be 100%, but shows as 66.67% because of the blank cells in the column. How do I correct this?

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Consolidating Lists And Nested SumIf(AND / Countif(AND Statements

Jun 10, 2014

I am trying to produce a report of supplier transactions sorted by area code. I have a spreadsheet of data consisting of Supplier Code, Supplier Name, Transaction Amount and Area Code.

I want to be able to firstly seperate the transactions by area, then also consolidate the data so it shows one row per supplier with total amount spent on that supplier and a transaction count on that supplier. I know how to sumif the transaction total and countif the transaction count.

However I have problems consolidating the suppliers in to one row per unique supplier and I also have problems nesting an AND statement in to the sumif/countif statements. I need additional criteria in the forumula to only count transactions in a specified area code.

I've attached an example spreadsheet to make it alot clearer. See results sheet in this workbook.

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Combine SUMPRODUCT, SUMIF, COUNTIF Within Date Range

Jan 13, 2007

The attached spreadsheet has a "master" workesheet in which I enter customer info, salesperson info, and date. The totals spreadsheet automatically calculates number of sales, contact value.

I need to modify the following formulas to only calculate the data within a date range shown in 2 cells.


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Nested Formula (Sumif / Countif) - Sorting Table

Mar 6, 2013

It's actually a sumif/countif that works fine if i sort my table, which i don't want to do.

Here's the original formula:


I'm trying to apply the formula using some other filters, like if(C4:C35=O5 & I4:I35=M5).

I tried creating a SUMPRODUCT out of it but it was just as bad:


And also this with sum(if)


Is there a shorter formula that I'm not seeing ? I'm also confronted with the need of adding an "ISERROR" in the formula because not all ranges have the 1-4 numbers in column H.

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SUMIF/COUNTIF- Several Numbers That Are Contained In Non-adjacent Cells

Jan 9, 2008

I have several numbers that are contained in non-adjacent cells. I need to create a cell that will evaluate the cells individually to make sure that they are within a certain range. Once that is done, I want the remaining numbers that are within the range to be averaged. How the heck can I accomplish this task? SUMIF and COUNTIF will not allow me to use non-adjacent cell ranges.

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Formula- To Pull Cell Values Similar To A SUMIF Function (SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range))

Oct 25, 2007

I am trying to pull cell values similar to a SUMIF function (SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range)). For example, in A1 I use a data list created from data elsewhere on the spreadsheet. In the data I created elsewhere, there are 2 columns being used. The 1st column is the information that is being used to create the list and the second column contains specific values (number or text). In the dropdown menu I select an available value (text or number) . When I have selected that value I would like cell A2 to show what the cell directly to the right of it shows from the data I have elsewhere in the spreadsheet as mentioned. I have tried the SUMIF function however it seems to exclude certain values (number or text) and I am not sure what else to use.

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Nested SUMIF Statement Or Multiple SUMIF

Sep 17, 2009

I need to perform 2 SUMIF's on 2 columns of data to return a result and I'm not quite sure the best way of doing this. I'll give an example below.

I have 2 columns of data, both numeric and the SUMIF needs to say if H1:H100="10" and also if J1:J100="907". I can perform one or the other but not both.

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How To Do A Weighted Median?

Nov 2, 2006

Is there any way to do a weighted median in Excel?

Consider this example: ....

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Weighted Average

Jul 25, 2007

I have a large dataset that includes information on the investment payout ratios of US companies over the period 2004-2006. I need to calculate the weighted average investment ratio for each company---see sample below

Microsoft Excel - example.xls ....

[HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box

The corresponding weight for each year must be as follows: 0.5 for 2006, 0.3 for 2005 and 0.2 for 2004. Then, for company A, the weighted average will be: (0.5*B2)+(0.3*C2)+(0.1*D2) = 7.8 (see cell E2)

The problem is that for some companies there are missing data for some years. For example, for company B, there are no data available for year 2004. In this case , the weights have to change to 0.6 for 2006 and 0.4 for 2005. Then, the weighted average investment for company B will be (0.6*B3)+(0.4*C3) = 16 (see cell E3). Similarly, in cases when there are data for only 1 year , the weight has to change to 1. Then, for company C the weighted average is 35 (see cell E4)

Is there any formula to give me the weighted average as it appears in column E without having to adjust it for each single case?

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Weighted Scoring

Mar 15, 2008

I'm doing a GCSE project for which I need a little help with Excel.

I have a set of data about a persons monthly spending habits on

Food 300
Entertainment 200
Clothing 100
Transport 260

The pre calculated budget allowance for the month was 500

I would like to write a formula that would do the following; give the person an score out of 1.1-10 based on how well he spent on the above items which are in order of priority (i.e. it is better to spend more on food than on entertainment etc) And then an over all score (1.1-10) that will reflect how well they spent.

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Is This A Weighted Avg Formula

May 1, 2009

In Col DL are digits ranging from 1-36, in Col Dm are the number of times they were drawn in 36 draws. I have a weighted avg formula in Col DN, that I found thru search, but it doesn't appear to be working right or maybe I don't understand the formula. I have no idea if this can be done.

************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - F5 HOT-COLD.xlsx___Running: 12.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutDN3DN4DN5DN6DN7=DLDMDNDO2DIGITSHITS 34125 47105 53395 62185 72885 DIGITS [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.

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Weighted Average In VBA

Nov 10, 2009

I have a spreadsheet which basically looks like this

2, 5, 15, 20
2, 8, 12, 13
2, 7, 19, 46
F, 1, 10, 26
P, 1, 10, 39
P, 6, 22, 89
P, 7, 14, 46
P, 2, 11, 14

Column A is the key. If multiple rows have the same key, they're related.

The last column (DX on my spreadsheet) represents minutes participated, and is the weight variable. The middle columns are data that I'd like a weighted average for.

Here is the output I'm looking for given the above example:

2, 6.66, 16.83, 79
F, 1, 10, 26
P, 4.91, 16.73, 188

Column A remains the same, with one row for each key. The middle columns have their weighted average (where 6.66 = (5*20+8*13+7*46)/(20+13+46)), and the final column (DX) is the sum of minutes for all like keys.

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Weighted Average ...

Nov 16, 2009

I have long lists of data which has name of manufacturer, number of items and fault rates of items.


Manufacturer.......Number of Items......Fault Rate

I need to find the weighted average of each manufacturers fault rate for just themselves, and also how the average of all the manufactueres would be if they weren't in it.

So for example for Dell I would need their weighted average of their three data entries and also then the weighted average of Sharp, Microsoft, Panasonic together.

I have been doing this by splitting the data into sections so for the example above I would do:

Manufacturer.......Number of Items......Fault Rate

I would sum the Dell items, then sum the number of items excluding Dell then do two weighted average calculations giving me the ones that include then the ones that exclude Dell.

Then I would do...

Manufacturer.......Number of Items......Fault Rate

And do the same process but with Sharp totals etc then move onto the next one.....

This example is with a very small data set so I'm sure you can see that this process is very time consuming, but I don't know any other way of doing it without splitting out the data first.

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Weighted SUM By Criteria

Jan 22, 2008

I am trying to find a formula that will calculate a running total of employee time off. Time off is recorded in Excel spreadsheets that I created. V = vacation, S = sick, PD = personal day, and so on.

For example: If a V is entered in any cell in their attendance worksheet, I would like for a 1 to display under the vacation total column. The next time a V is entered in, I would like it to update the cell containing the vacation days used for the year to 2. If a 1/2 V is entered, a .5 would be added to the total used.

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Rolling Averages

Jun 5, 2007

I am working on a spread sheet and am trying to use rolling averages of the last 3 months. I am using worksheets for each month with a final worksheet containing the 3 mo. rolling average. I tried using a formula with OFFSET and it worked fine if all the data was in 1 worksheet, but did not work for multiple worksheets averaging to another worksheet in the same workbook.

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