Automatically Identify Ranges Given The First Cell Of An Array

Apr 6, 2008

way for excel to automatically identify ranges given the first cell of an array.I guess the concept is simple:

Lets say given A1 is the top left corner then excel should look the offset columns for values and/or formulas,when nothing is found and a blank cell is found then that's the border column.Then same goes for rows,and when bootom row is found then the bootom right cell can be identified and array/range is found!

So how can that be done inside excel?

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Automatically Expanding Cell Ranges?

May 8, 2014

The table below has three rows and 7 columns. Row 3 shows cumulative sums of the values in Row 2. Sometimes, Row 2 may not have values (not even a 0). The formula for C3 is =SUM(B2:C2) and =SUM(B2:G2) for G3. The challenge is that I have a very long row and summing it individually would be inefficient.

Is there a way of automating the formula so that the cell ranges expand automatically which I could use to fill to the right?

1Row 1123456
2Row 21041503
3Row 3115202023

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How To Automatically Identify Image Name And Place In Cell Next To Image

Jan 22, 2014

I am looking for a way to take the picture name associated with an image ie: (picture 571) and place that picture name in the cell next to the image.

I can see the picture name - it registers in the top left box that usually indicates the cell the cursor is on... and I could manually type that name next to each image.

However my spreadsheet has several thousand rows- each with several columns of information and an image..

I am looking for a way "formula?" to automatically read the image in cell J4 and populate cell K4 with the image name... and so on.

The reason for my request... is I am importing products into a web based shopping cart... to do so I have to export the products to a csv and import that csv into the shopping cart. The process of exporting to a csv- strips away all the images and leaves just data.

I found that I can save the document as an html and that process creates a folder with all the images- saved as (picture 571.jpg) if the resulting csv had the image name... the shopping cart would then look for that image name in my image file and it would populate into the shopping cart appropriately.

This seemed on it's face like a really simple thing to do, I have plenty experience with excel & I thought I'd be able to make cell k4= j4 and tada it would glean the image name & I could simply copy that formula all the way down the sheet & it would be done... but I just cant find the magic button that freely gives up the image name...

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Identify Circular Reference (Changing Ranges, Vlookup(), If() And Sum())

May 28, 2007

Changing Ranges, Vlookup(), If() And Sum()

This is the link to the thread where ByTheCringe2 showed me the power of SUMPRODUCT and sorted my problem out. I don't think you'll need it, but I'd rather reference it before Roy reprimands me! lol

I am building on the same topic, though.

Hi All!

I have an investment where the monthly interest is added back to the capital. The next month earns interest on the higher figure and this higher interest is again added onto the capital and the story starts all over at the next month. OK, that's easy to do (Again, I think!).

All works fine UNTIL the end of the Tax year is reached and Tax on the interest earned is payable from the investment as the capital carried forward is reduced by the Tax payable. In the attached file I show how I calculate the interest earned for each following Tax year (which always ends at month 2) using SUMPRODUCT. Sumproduct is used because I never know whether the initial investment is made in month 5, 11, or any other month and by using certain controls (thanks ByTheCringe2!) I can simply total the interest earned in each tax year - the months between month 3 (start) and 2 (end).

On a seperate sheet I calculate the Income Tax payable as follows:

Firstly, I calculate the standard Tax payable on the investor's income from other sources. I then add the taxable portion of the interest to the standard income from other sources and calculate the tax payable on that combined figure. I then deduct the two figures from each other and get the increase in Tax payable because of the interest earned.

This "increase in Tax payable"-figure is then returned to the spreadsheet on which the interest is added onto the capital. See Sheet2! cells O9:O15. The Tax payable for each Tax year is placed next to taxable values I calculate using SUMPRODUCT (again!) in column N9:N15.

VLOOKUP is then used to transfer this Tax payable figure into the calculations (Column K9:K68) as and when required (only when tax is payable) - and should be deducted from the value in (Same row) Column H and that answer should be transferred to next row Column E (Balance at beginning of month) -

BUT it causes CIRCULAR REFERENCE faults and I am absolutely frustrated at not being able to figure out how to sort it out!

Sheet2, Column E9:E69 (See Sheet2!E19 for Comment explanation) in the attached workbook.

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Can Automatically Create Named Ranges Based On Adjacent Cell Values?

Jul 11, 2013

Macro that could look at a row and take the values of two cells, combine them and then create a range name for a third cell in the row.

For example; for row 5420, in column C there is the word Florida, in column D there is the number 6235, and in column F there is a sentence or two. Is there a way to automatically create a named range for the cell of column F that would be named FLORIDA6235? And if so, can the macro do this for every row even if the word and/or the number changes.

I have roughly 28,000 rows and nine columns that I am working with. That's why I was wondering if there was a way to automate this. There are 10 states and I don't know how many different numbers attached to the states, however there are many state and number combinations that repeat, so there would be several rows with Florida in column C, 6235 in column D but a different description in column F.

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Formula To Identify Week Number Based On Date Ranges And Add Values

Feb 18, 2014

I have the following data:

Column A = Date
Column B = Reservations made per day

For ex:

1 3/1/2011 5
2 4/5/2011 10
3 3/8/2011 15

Then I have a look up table where based on the date ranges it assigns a week number.

WeekDATE Range 1Date Range 2

I am looking for a fomula that would assign a week to the corresponding dates on column A and tha would then add all of the reservations booked for each week.

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VLOOKUP Table Array Equal Cell Name (change Automatically)

Jan 17, 2014

What I want is that I have a table like below (but it's long for 52 weeks) and long down with Vlookups. I want the formula with which I can just do the copy-paste and it will work. W1, W2.... are the sheet names with exactly the same formats inside.





[Code] .......

The base formula (for W1) is:

What I want, is the formula which instead of "W1" will write the sheet name which is in a row 5 (basically - cell name which is equal the sheet name), so with just dragging and moving the formula I will got the data from different sheets.

I tried this: =Vlookup(A6;'indirect("c5";1)'!$A:$B;2;0)

But I got #N/D! as in the example, instead of the numbers (yes, I put numbers into W1 and W2 sheets .

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Macro To Automatically Name Ranges?

Jun 29, 2012

I have a sheet containing employee data - 13,000 rows - one for each employee.

Column A contains their store number (there are about 1300 stores in total) and column H contains their name.

Is it possible to create a macro that, for each change in store number, will create a named range for the employees' names in that store automatically?

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Array Constant Named Ranges

Jul 17, 2008

Is it possible to make an named array constant from named constants to use in a lookup?


I have defined the following constants in Names:

Num1 = "1234567890"
Num2 = "0987654321"

And would like to make the following array constant in Names:

Arr = {Text1,Num1;Text2,Num2}

However, it does not work.

I am using Excel 2007 by the way and the above values are made up.

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Copying Ranges Between Workbooks In An Array

Jun 4, 2009

I am trying to copy and paste between workbooks that are defined in an array. However, I get an out of range error when the code first reaches the line Workbooks(Wkbk(WkbkNum)).Activate.

Sub Gather_Risks()

Dim MasterRow As Integer ' Declares row number in Master Worksheet
Dim RowNum As Integer ' Declares row number in active array worksheet
Dim Wkbk(13) As String

MasterRow = 3
WkbkNum = 0

' Declare Wkbk array

Wkbk(0) = "G:Catering-RiskRegister-0409.xls"
Wkbk(1) = "G:CFO-RiskRegister-0409.xls"
Wkbk(2) = "G:Freight-RiskRegister-0409.xls"
Wkbk(3) = "G:GCA-RiskRegister-0409.xls"
Wkbk(4) = "G:IT-RiskRegister-0409.xls"
Wkbk(5) = "G:People-RiskRegister-0409.xls"
Wkbk(6) = "G:Regional-RiskRegister-0409.xls"


Workbooks.Open (Wkbk(WkbkNum))

RowNum = 3

Do Until WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Rows(RowNum), "") = 0

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Subtract Ranges Without Makeing Them An Array

Jun 5, 2009

if i can subtract ranges without makeing them an array?


x = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Raw Data (2)").Range("C6:C65536")
y = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Raw Data (2)").Range("N6:N65536")

z = x - y

ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Raw Data (2)").Range("DH6:DH65536") = z

Or do I need to read each range as an array, subtract it and then write it out the the sheet?

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Add Array Formulas To Mutiple Ranges

Oct 3, 2007

I would like to set up VBA codes to generate a variable number of transition matrices. I would like to know how I can define dynamic ranges instead of coding each and every range. In the codes below, I have to define each range one by one instead of using a loop.

Sub TransitionMatrix()
Dim P1 As Range
Set P1 = Cells(2, 2).Resize(3, 3)
Dim P2 As Range
Set P2 = P1.Offset(5, 0).Resize(3, 3)
P2.Cells(0, 1) = "P2"
For i = 1 To 3
For j = 1 To 3
P2.FormulaArray = "=MMULT(" & P1.Address & "," & P1.Address & ")"
P2.BorderAround Weight:=xlMedium
Next j
Next i
Dim P3 As Range
Set P3 = P2.Offset(5, 0).Resize(3, 3)........................

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Automatically Copy Ranges To Another Worksheet

Aug 22, 2006

Ok What I want to do is copy the info in Cells A1:N55 into cells A63 onwards, now this I have completed so far with the following code, but what I also want to do is copy any changes that are made in cells A1:N55 from when this copy function is run into cells A63:N118.
Does anyone know of any way I could go about doing this?

Sub CopyJob()

Dim wSheet As Worksheet, strWS As String

For Each wSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
strWS = Left(wSheet.Name, 2)
Select Case strWS
Case Is = "AJ", "CJ", "PJ" .......................

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Control Ranges Automatically Calculated

Jul 15, 2007

When you have a formula that contains calculations using other cells, the formula will recalculate every time that referenced cell is changed.

In my attached spreadsheet in the June 2007 Worksheet, in Column C10+ I am calculating realtime pip values given a stream of data from a DDE server. The DDE server values are in the Data tab. For ease of use I have also added a manual setting as I am sure no one here has the DDE server in question.

My problem is everytime the DDE server (Or manually as it may be) changes the data field, the values in Column C and F on the July 2007 WorkSheet get changed.

I would like Column F to only calculate one time (At the time of entering the trade).

And I would like Column C to Stop updating and use the last updated value once the corosponding cell in Column G has a field data "Closed".

This is very important to me as if it keeps updating over time, then a couple weeks into trading, the pip values may have adjusted substancially giving incorrect $ values in other cells.

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Automatically Sort Ranges On Calculation

Feb 5, 2008

I've created this fantasy football programe to calculate all the scores from all matches in this years European Championships.

Basically everybody ranks each team from 1 to 16, giving 16 points to the country you think will win the european championship, 15 points to the runner up, and so on down to the country, you think is the weakest on just 1 point.

Everytime I try and change one of the values in the 'Results' tab I get an "Compile Error/Syntax Error".

What this macro should do is sort all the data in the "League Table" tab into a highscore table list.

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
Application.EnableEvents = False
Range("b1"). CurrentRegion.Sort _
Key1:=Range("h2"), Order1:=xldescending,
Key2:=Range("c2"), Order2:=xldescending,
key3:=Range("e2"), order3:=x1descending,
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

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Using Multiple Sum Ranges In Sumproduct() & Countif() In Array

Jul 2, 2009

My problem is :

1.In G Column I put logic for Fail and Obtained Marks.


2. Now in H column I want use this formula which I obtained from this forum


To get the position of Students.

But the text value "fail" in the G2:G7 getting Position No. 1 and i've noticed the reason by using evaluate formula as well.

3. I got solution by changing "Fail" with 0 by creating column I and then column H put this formula ........

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Create Single Array From Multiple Ranges?

Sep 10, 2012

I'm trying to create a single array from multiple ranges... I'm not sure what syntax to use:

Dim dat4() As Variant
Set r = Sheet13.Range("rsqlassetid")
Set r2 = Sheet13.Range("rsqlparentcat")
dat4() = (r , r2)

I can create an array with multiple columns from a range if the columns are next to each other but in this instance they're not.

These 2 ranges both have the same number of rows and I'm trying to combine them into a 2 column array, but not sure how to make it work without looping, rediming the array and using a secondary array to preserve the data...

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Load Array With Values From Non-contiguous Ranges

Aug 2, 2014

I have tried:

With Sheet1
x = .[b7:i16,b19:i23,b27:i32].Value
But that only loads the first range (.[b7:i16]).

This does work:

.[b7:i16,b19:i23,b27:i32].Copy .[z1]: x = .[z1:ag21]: .[z1:ag21].Clear

I would rather avoid having to copy/paste, load the array, then clear. Is there a way to load the array directly?

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Using Multipel Sum Ranges In Sumproduct() & Countif In Array

Jul 6, 2009

I want to get students positions in a class like 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. There can be two 1st position and 2 2nd positions at a time .

1.In G Column I put logic for Fail and Obtained Marks.
2. Then i made array formula in column H to get the position
Some improvement to write fail & position
And more work to get total marks & position and Fail at the same time......
Now I wounder that is there a way to do all calculations in column H without using column G

By replacing (if there is any method) G2, G3, G4 etc. with Sum(B2:F2); Sum(B3:F3);Sum(B4:F4) etc. in below formula

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Ranges, Column And Changing Values Automatically

Oct 14, 2008

I m trying to get around here within the company I work for.

I'm interested to know how to set a specific range value e.g. "5 to 10" once a value is between those 2 numbers, and then if the value in the next row below is 34.12 it will be "30 to 35".

Here's an example code I constructed, but the darn thing just keeps on running

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Select Multiple Ranges Stored In Range Array

Nov 19, 2013

I am trying to do something that sounds fairly straightforward but have not been able to achieve the final result.

I have a sheet which has multiple range addresses stored in different cells and so far I have been able to pass the Range address to Range variables by looping through a range array. Now I would like to select these multiple ranges. My code looks as below;


Dim Cnt As Integer
Cnt = Sheets("Sheet1").(Range("1040").Value ' Cnt holds the the total number of ranges to be specified in Sheet1
Dim RStr(1 To 80) As String ' This will hold the range addresses specified in Sheet1 in cells C1041 to C1120. Upto 80 range addresses could be specified.
[SIZE=2] Dim Rng(1 To 80) As Range ' This will store the ranges based on the range addresses stored in RStr()
Dim i, j As Integer,


I am not sure on how to select multiple ranges using range array hence tried Union() however it is obviously not correct and throws an error.

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Write Names Of Named Ranges Of Specific Sheet Into Array

May 21, 2008

I am trying to enter only the named ranges in the active worksheet into an Array.
The amount of named ranges can be from 4 to 7 per sheet.

I'm self taught at VB (This posts on this forum have taught me - thank you!) and have got the below code working on a Workbook - but not on a worksheet level.
ActiveSheet.Names.Count returns nothing, changing to ThisWorkBook.Names.Count returns the sum of all .Names in the workbook.

Sub aTest()
Dim sArray() As String
Dim sJoin As String
Dim y As Long

x = 1
y = ActiveSheet.Names.Count
z = ActiveSheet.Name

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Naming Ranges But If Any Cells, Row Or Columns Are Inserted The Range Will Automatically Adjust To Suit1?

Jul 25, 2006

Range("B25").Name = "EndMull"

Its fine but if i insert a new row or column then it mucks the whole thing up. Is there away of naming them but if any cells, row or columns are inserted the range will automatically adjust to suit1

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After Unhiding Array Of Sheets How To Automatically Take User To Lead Sheet

Jun 27, 2013

I have the below VBA code associated with a sheet called "Select View". When the workbook opens there is another code that displays only "Select View", all the other sheets are hidden. In "Select View" there is a data validation list. Based on the selection the user gets to see only certain sheets. For example, if the user selects "Region 1" they see only the sheets "Region 1", "Panama City" and "Pensacola".

As you can see some of the names in the "Target.Value" are the same as sheets in an array. The ones that do are lead schedules, that is information from other sheets in an array roll into it. That is values from "Pensacola" and "Panama City" flow into "Region 1", the lead sheet.

What I am trying to do is finish the code where based on the "Target.Value" selected it automatically takes the user to the lead sheet. For example, when the user selects "Region 1" in the data validation it takes the user directly to the sheet "Region 1". The user of course can also see the other sheets in the array, that is "Pensacola" and "Panama City" and can manually select the tab to view or go into one of the later

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim sh As Worksheet
If Not Application.Intersect(Range("B10"), Target) Is Nothing Then
For Each sh In Sheets(Array("Panama City", "Pensacola", "Region 1"))
sh.Visible = Target.Value = "Region 1"
Next sh


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Use Dynamic Formula Driven Text From Cell To Identify And Extract From Specific Cell?

Dec 21, 2013

I paste new data into a sheet of a monthly report I prepare. For this sheet, the # of data rows change (and is unpredictable) every month. I need the value inside a specific cell that dynamcially moves up and down based on the # of rows for that month (because it's below the rows of data).

So I made a formula to identify the exact cell # every month.


This month the exact cell is F255 in the "Refi" sheet.

So my formula in the "Summary" sheet cell A1 first finds the cell row # only (255) and since it's always column F, in B1 I have

="F" & (A1)

This outputs "F255" in B1, successfully identifying the target cell.

Now how do I write a formula in C1 to grab the value from whatever cell is named in B1. (For this month, the value in cell F255 from the "Refi" sheet)

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How To Identify Cell That DOES NOT Have Certain Value In Its Row

Mar 4, 2014

(I cannot attach the files as it is all personal information) Basically its list that looks like this:

2014-02-11 John Doe
2014-02-12 John Doe
2014-02-17 John Doe
2014-02-10 Mary Jane
2014-02-11 Mary Jane
2014-02-16 Mary Jane
2014-02-10 Frank Simms
2014-02-11 Frank Simms
2014-02-18 Frank Simms
2014-02-11 Tony Sly
2014-02-12 Tony Sly
2014-02-17 Tony Sly

Im trying to identify anyone who does not have an entry on 2014-02-17. I've played around with combing IF and VLOOKUP and Conditional formatting but I couldn't seem to get it to work. If it were to find a date, no problem, but to find someone without that date I'm having issues. If there was a way to highlight or identify Mary Jane and Frank Simms since they don't have an entry on 2014-02-17, that would be great.

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Identify Active Cell And Use The Column To Add Formula To Another Cell

Dec 1, 2009

I have a range of unlocked cells (B5:S10) that users enter data in. This sum of this data is then charted. The formula (sum) in a cell equals zero even when there is no data entered by the user. This zero is then charted.

I need to be able to plot the zeros if the user enters zeros but not plot the zero if the cells are blank.

What I was attempting to do is to use the worksheet change event to add the formulas to a cell so that the chart does not plot the value until something was added.

In my change event I need to know that a cell in the range (B5:S10) was changed and that if it was D7 (for example) that I need a formula enterd in D11 [=SUM(D5:D10)]. If it was I5 then the formula would have to go in I11 [=SUM(I5:I10)].

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Identify Rows Where A Given Cell Is Equal To The Contents Of The Cell Below

Apr 26, 2006

I need to identify rows where the contents of a given cell are equivalent to the cell below. I have managed to get this working based on iterating through the cells and selecting them both for cutting.

However it doesn't work effectively: It seems to be leaving blank lines in the original sheet and further fails after the first execution. I would be grateful for any suggestions on a good method to perform the following operations:
(1)to compare the cell with the cell below
I have used

If cell = cell.Offset(1, 0) Then

(2)to act on the rows for the two connected rows

Sub Test4()

' Loop through rows

Dim TheExtract As String
Dim cell As Range

'Application. ScreenUpdating = False
For Each cell In Worksheets("Sheet 1"). _
Range("A1", Worksheets("Sheet 1").Range("A65536").End(xlUp))
TheExtract = cell
If cell = cell.Offset(1, 0) Then
ActiveCell.Offset(3, 0).Rows("1:1").EntireRow.Select
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
End If
Next cell
'Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

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Identify Cell Address Of Active Cell Selection

Oct 10, 2007

I have an embedded chart on my worksheet.I can select a cell behind the chart using the keyboard arrow keys.Is there a way of doing this using a mouse click,so that I know which cell i am pointing to/choosing?

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How To Identify Colored Cell

May 18, 2014

I have a table with numbers, I want to create a result column according to colored scores. How can i do it with a macro?

See attachment for details : score.xls

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