To Find A Total Number Of Rows To A Blank Cell

Mar 14, 2007

I need to find the total number of rows down to the next blank cell (and then perform a function based on that number).

I'm using:

Situation: I have a raw data import - each record is anywhere from 2 to 9 rows, and I need to move each row in that group into a column.

I would like to use something like:

totalRows = Application.WorksheetFunctions.CountA(Range("A1, xlDown"))
If totalRows = 4 Then
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select
ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 1).Range("A1").Select

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Find Total Hours By Searching Entire Rows Below Selected Cell Versus Cells In A Column

May 19, 2014

I'm using the following code to delete select rows one at a time. I need the last row in the range to remain therefore I prevented the user from deleting the row one up from the row that contains "Total Hours" (which is always in Column B). The code works great as long at the user clicks into a cell in column B. If the user clicks into a cell in column A, C, D, E, F, G, H, or I then the code allows the user to delete the last row.

I believe I need to search entire rows to determine if the row contains "Total Hours" .

[Code] .......

Attached File : Staffing Report 1.44.xlsm‎

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Find First Non Blank Cell And Return Number Above It Based On Lookup From Other Sheet

Oct 18, 2013

I have two spreadsheets.

spreadsheet 1:
Lookup from Order numbers listed from A5:A177.
requested formula in I5: I would like a lookup to sheet 2 based on the order number (F19:F191), to return the cell above the first non-blank value.

spreadsheet 2:
Lookup value:Order number listed from F19:F191.
Data search:AY19:CI191
return the (date) which is in the range above the data search from row AY18:CI18.

I've had a look at few forums but i'm getting mixed responses, having to use index / match / lookup / min / --.

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SUMPRODUCT & Dynamic Range: Total All The Blank InDates For Each Technician By Employee Number

Feb 22, 2009

I have what I thought was going to be a simple function to create and, after a week of getting more error messages than I've had in a year, I'm ready to throw in the towel. Situation: There are two worksheets in the same workbook [Excel 2003]. One is for "Posting" details about technicians and their work orders. The other is a "Report" that summarizes the number of workorders open, closed, etc.

In the "Posting" sheet, I have created dynamic name ranges for two columns: Technician (4-digit text field) and InDate (date field that, if blank, means that the technician has not closed this work order. My ranges are set up like this:


So all I need to do is to total all the blank InDates for each Technician by employee number. I've tried COUNT to SUMPRODUCT. A co-worker got it to work with using...=SUMPRODUCT((ISBLANK(Posting!$D$2:$D$65307))*(Posting!$B$2:$B$65307=4288))
His solution was to list almost every available cell in each column. I just can't help but think that the dynamic name range should be able to work but I can't get it right. I think I'll choke if I get one more "N/A" or "VALUE! error.

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V Look Up: Find User Number 1 And The Total For Weeks 1, 2, 3 And 4

Mar 13, 2009

I have a large spreadsheet with various data. On the first column I have a list of user ids, this is a unique id to each user. In each row there are data there are varies other data. I want to find a unique id and then add up the figures from week1, week2, week3 and week4.

So lets say I want to find user number 1 and the total for weeks 1, 2, 3 and 4, how would I do that using an excel formula? I have given an example below but I have simplified to spreadsheet.

IDWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4

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Find Item Number & Add To Another Workbooks Total

Feb 19, 2008

I have two workbooks, (Invoice.xls) and (Inventory.xls) both using sheet1. When I fill out an invoice, with lets say 10 items on sheet1 column B, I need a macro to find those items in workbook "Inventory" sheet1 column A. When the item is found, I need the qty I entered on the invoice workbook "Invoice" sheet1 column C (same row as the item number) to be subtracted from the current total for that item in workbook "Inventory" sheet1 column C. I would like to run the code from the workbook "Invoice" before I do a "Save As".
I have found other Vb code on this site that seems very close to what I need, but I just don't know enough to make the changes necessary.

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Find Total Number Of Certain Character In Range On Cells

Jun 10, 2013

I want to find the total number of times the number 1 appears in cells B2 to B33.

In each cell I have codes such as 4919409382a, 5021193035v and so on.

I have tried =COUNTIF(B2:B33,"1") but just get 0 returned.

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Total A Column With Unknown Number Of Rows

Jan 24, 2007

In the code below, a formula is placed in column F to compute the total of that column. I first find the number of rows and place the formula in the cell below it. I'm dividing the sum by 2 since there are subtotals in the column.

Sub AddColumn()
Dim NumRows As Long
NumRows = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row 'get the row count
NumRows = NumRows + 1
Worksheets("Report").Cells(NumRows, "F").Value = "=SUM(F9:F308) / 2"
End Sub

The problem with the code is that I don't really know that the last row in the column is F308. I need to replace that part with a variable. It will be something like this (which I know is incorrect):

Worksheets("Report").Cells(NumRows, "F").Value = "=SUM(F9:NumRows) / 2"

How would I use a variable in the SUM function in place of the cell names? Should I even be placing the formula in a cell, or should I compute the sum in the macro and place the value in the cell?

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Adjacent Cells - Search For Specific Values And Find The Total Number Of Instances

Jan 30, 2014

Any method to determine the number of instances a value ("4" for example) appears next to a specific value ("x" for example). I don't have a workbook; I'm just looking for any formula that can search for specific values and find the total number of instances that an adjoining cell contains data.

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Formula To Total Column With Random Number Of Rows

Apr 6, 2009

I am copying various rows from one spreadsheet to another (sheet3) and would like to total one of the columns. The trouble is that since I don't know how many rows there will be I am having trouble inserting a formula that will work. I am sure that there must be a simple solution but I can't seem to find it.

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Find The Total Rows In Multiple Worksheets And Paste It To A Summary Worksheet

Aug 22, 2009

I am trying to find the total rows in multiple worksheets and to copy the row count to a summary sheet.

For Each ws In Workbooks("HR.xls").Worksheets
With ws
If ws.Name "Summary" Then
If ws.Name "Pivot" Then

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Find Blank Cells With Number

Mar 6, 2008

I have this formula in columns C:D and G:F -

Try this formula. Array formulas will have curly brackets {} emcompassing the ENTIRE formula. You do not add these, you Enter the formula with Ctrl+Shift+Enter and Excel will add them (details: Array formulas). Many more Excel Formulas


Some of the cells end up with nothing in them. Columns E and H are the differenced of C & D and G & F respectfully. The problem is that some of the cells in E and H state #VALUE! because there isn't any data in the other columns (C2 is blank, D2 is 24, E2 is #VALUE!). If I update C2 with 0 then I receive the correct answer in E2 of -24.

I want to have a macro auto fill all blank cells (even though there is the formula in them there isn't data) with a "0". I am using the below code and it is Compile error: Type mismatch at the "True" part of the code.

Sub FindEmptyCellAutoFill()
Dim rFound As Range

With ActiveSheet.Range("C:D", "F:G")
Set rFound = . Find(What:=" ", LookIn:=xlValues)
If rFound Is True Then AutoFillValue "0"
If rFound Is False Then Exit Do
End With

End Sub

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Scroll Down Column And Insert Total In Blank Cell

May 22, 2007

May seem straightforward, but not to me. I need some code to scroll down column A and insert the sum total of A2:A16 in B17, and repeat this everytime a blank cell appears in colum B, continuing down to the end of the worksheet.

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Find Row Number Of Last Non-blank Entry In A Column

Jul 28, 2006

I want to find the Row Number, not necessarily the cell value, of the last non-blank entry in a Column.

If the address of this row is found, then that could also be useful. I believe there are some simple Excel functions to do this, maybe involving the X1Up feature. I've searched the threads and haven't found a clear answer this.

Below is code that I custom wrote, but its long and tiresome to use.

'The purpose of this sub is to find the last filled row in a column
'Knowing this last row is useful for telling later
' looping operations which row to stop on.
'The logic of this sub is that it will look down a column.........

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VBA Find Blank Row And Then Delete 15 Rows Down?

Sep 11, 2013

I need to loop through data when it finds a blank it need to delete that row and 15 rows down and loop through whole data set find blank row and delete 15 rows down.

It's been years since I did any VBA, and I forgot. Do I need to use offset to acheive this task?

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Find Rows Containing Data And Copy To Next Blank Row?

Apr 21, 2013

In table 1 you will see that not all rows contain data (this is because i have removed it previously with a macro) the second table shows what i want the macro to do but without deleting rows:

Hiddenrow with formula


So basically i would like a macro to search for the first none blank value in column A and copy the row to the first available blank row , it also needs to blank out that row once done. i.e row 3 would be moved up to row 2, 5 up to 3, 7 up to 4 etc etc.

The hidden rows contain formulas which cannot be deleted or my ws goes Pete Tongue.

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Find Text And Insert 6 Blank Rows Above It

May 15, 2013

I have spreadsheet with data all over. I want a macro which identifies the first cell (in Column A) which has the text "BNY" and insert 6 blank rows above the text "BNY" (First text in the Column).

Once, it is done - the macro should also assign names to the last inserted row.

Column A - Should reflect "Bank", Column B should reflect "Field1", Column C should reflect "Field 2" and Column D should reflect "Field 3".

And after the names are assigned - It should also highlight the last inserted row in Yellow.

For Example:
Raw Data (Snap):
Field 1
Field 2
Field 3


[Code] .....

Output (After Macro):
Field 1
Field 2
Field 3


[Code] .......

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How To Count The Number Of Rows Until A Blank Row

Dec 29, 2012

I want to be able to count the number of rows until I hit a blank row, and use the counter as an index. How is that possible?

I have a no. of rows that are fulled, followed by a blank row then another set of rows that are filled then a blank row etc. I want to count the rows filled till the blank row and set the counter to that number. Then I want to do the same with the next set of rows etc.

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Delete Blank Rows :: Large Number Of Row

May 18, 2009

The following macro deletes blank rows in my project (I have a source sheet that I "transfer" information to various "law practice worksheets", and it works fine. However, once I get past a certain number of rows (my project will include 65,000 rows), the macro does not delete the blank rows any more from the "law practice worksheets" (I previously sent this spreadsheet to the Forum with another question that was not answered yet). Here is the macro for deleting rows:

On Error Resume Next
Application.DeleteBlankRows = True
On Error GoTo 0.............

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Macro Allow To Total The Data On The Total Sheet Depending On What Unit Number Is Selected

Apr 22, 2009

This may not be the best way to do this, but I don't know Macros or Pivot Tables.

I am looking for a way with formulas to do the following:
Within a workbook the 1st sheet is the data entry.
In another sheet that will total data from the data sheet is where I want to be able to total columns of data, depending on what is entered in one specific column:

Data Sheet, E2:E2999 is a unit number selcted by pull down tab entry.
G2:G2999 in the same sheet is where the data is.

Q: What formula would allow to total the data on the Total Sheet depending on what unit number is selected in column E on the Data Sheet and the data amount in column D from Data Sheet?

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Add Each Day's Total While Displaying A Positive Number If The Total Exceeds 6000

Dec 21, 2008

I'm sure this can be done but I don't think I have the formula correct. What I am trying to do is add each day's total while displaying a positive number if the total exceeds 6000.

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Find Combination Of Cell Values Equaling A Specified Total

Sep 30, 2006

I guess this would work in a similar manner as Solver, but where Solver tweaks cell values to equal a given total, I've got a set of cells and I need to find the combination that equals an amount in another cell. Is there a way to do this?

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Formula To Multiply Total Number Per Category With The % Of Total?

Dec 13, 2013

number for item detail level from category standpoint. For example, in the category sheet has total number per category and per month and in the item detail sheet has a list of item number with category. I want a formula to recognize which item belongs to which category then use the total number of category by month to multiply with % of total in column D from Item Detail Spreadsheet.

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Excel 2007 :: Inserting Number Of Blank Rows Between Cells

Mar 5, 2013

I have a worksheet with four data columns A,B,C,D starting in row 2. I want to add between every row, exactly 11 blank rows. So if we have:



1 5 3 4
2 7 6 3
3 9 1 3

the end result should be:



1 5 3 4
2 7 6 3
3 9 1 3

Do I necessarily need a macro for this? Or is there another quick and creative way to achieve this result?

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Running Total In Cell Based Upon New Number Being Entered Into Different Cell

Apr 10, 2014

I am creating a spreadsheet for inventory use. I want to have a running total in (1) cell based upon a new/different number being entered into a different cell.

Column B, Row 1 (This will be a new/different number entered every day - inventory in or out, so positive or negative number)

Column D, Row 1 (This will be a running total based on numbers inserted in previous 2 columns)

Basically what I have is a key inventory. So there is column A with key number, B should be keys IN, C should be keys OUT, or ideally B would be IN and OUT meaning, for inventory IN input a positive number and for inventory OUT input a negative number, and D Should be total.

Column E represents number of keys currently in the inventory. I was going to hide the current inventory column so all you see is IN/OUT and total.

So what I need is to be able to just come in and type in a number in the IN and/or OUT column, without having to add/subtract it with the number already in that column.

Bottom line, I'd like to be able to use IN and/or OUT columns to just type in numbers as they come and not have to worry about what's already in those columns and get correct total number.

Ok here it is. Attached worksheet shows
Column A - Key Numbers...No data value
Column B - Inventory IN
Column C - Inventory OUT
Column D - Total
Column E - Current Inventory(Starting point)

So the formula I used to get what i currently have is (=B2-C2+E2). This way whatever i input in columns C and C. totals out in D. But this way every time I want to add/subtract a number in B and C, i have to add to the number already in the column. I'd like to be able to type in a number in B and C as i go and still have a correct total. I wouldn't mind having just one column for in/out and use positive and negative numbers to differentiate inventory in or out.

Key Inventory - Test.xlsx

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Calculate Total Number Of Characters In A Cell

Dec 23, 2004

I want to calculate the total number of characters in a cell or group of cells. Also, as a second step, I want to indicate which cells have a total number of characters greater than a certain value.

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Importing Text Files - Large Number Of Rows Blank After Each Import

Apr 5, 2012

I have a log that I regularly use to import text files, after each text file import it leaves a large number of rows blank that I have to delete before I add in the next text file import.

Any VBA method to detect this and remove the blank rows so that I dont have to keep checking to remove?

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Write A Total Number Of Hours Each Month Into Appropriate Cell?

Jun 12, 2014

I have a base of workers which log each day their activities in hours (D01-D11). I would like a macro to sum total hours of each project (project numbers are from 320-516) and put it into the table on the left.

For example: For PERSON 1, I want that the cell I60 writes 10, and cell I74 = 6. For worker 2 (PERSON 2) would be AK60 = 3,5; AK67 = 8 and AK74 = 8.

In total where would have been 10 workers.

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Write Total Number Of Hours Each Month Into Appropriate Cell?

Jun 6, 2014

I have a base of workers which log each day their activities in hours (D01-D11). I would like a macro to sum total hours of each project (project numbers are from 320-1500) and put it into the table on the left.

For example: For PERSON 1, I want that the cell I60 writes 10, and cell I74 = 6. For worker 2 (PERSON 2) would be AK60 = 3,5; AK67 = 8 and AK74 = 8.

In total where would have been 10 workers.

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Resample Data: Total Number Of Points Reduced By Averaging The Data Not By Simply Deleting One Of Every Four Rows

May 16, 2006

I have several files of data that are from a data logger. The data is broken up by day. Each day has roughly 43000 rows of data, at its sample rate. This has made charting the data a nuisance. Is there a way to resample the data so it fits in the 32000 points excel can chart? In the future I will set a sample rate that will keep the number of points below the 32K per series. I would like to be able to have the total number of points reduced by averaging the data not by simply deleting one of every four rows.

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