Formula To Total Column With Random Number Of Rows

Apr 6, 2009

I am copying various rows from one spreadsheet to another (sheet3) and would like to total one of the columns. The trouble is that since I don't know how many rows there will be I am having trouble inserting a formula that will work. I am sure that there must be a simple solution but I can't seem to find it.

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Total A Column With Unknown Number Of Rows

Jan 24, 2007

In the code below, a formula is placed in column F to compute the total of that column. I first find the number of rows and place the formula in the cell below it. I'm dividing the sum by 2 since there are subtotals in the column.

Sub AddColumn()
Dim NumRows As Long
NumRows = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row 'get the row count
NumRows = NumRows + 1
Worksheets("Report").Cells(NumRows, "F").Value = "=SUM(F9:F308) / 2"
End Sub

The problem with the code is that I don't really know that the last row in the column is F308. I need to replace that part with a variable. It will be something like this (which I know is incorrect):

Worksheets("Report").Cells(NumRows, "F").Value = "=SUM(F9:NumRows) / 2"

How would I use a variable in the SUM function in place of the cell names? Should I even be placing the formula in a cell, or should I compute the sum in the macro and place the value in the cell?

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Excel 2013 :: Formula For Getting Job Code To Appear In Column A Of Total Rows

Mar 10, 2014

I've got general ledger information that I export out of my accounting software (see attached spreadsheet). From there, in another spreadsheet I do vlookup formulas to get information from this general ledger. However, in order for the vlookup formulas to work properly in the other spreadsheets, I have to go through this general ledger spreadsheet and manually enter just the first five numerical digits in column A for each Total row. I would like to be able to find a solution that would return just the first five characters of the category (column B found at the top of each section) into the cell in column A on each total row. I usually have to manually enter 50-100 of these many, many times a month so it gets time consuming after a while. I'm using Excel 2013.

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Formula To Multiply Total Number Per Category With The % Of Total?

Dec 13, 2013

number for item detail level from category standpoint. For example, in the category sheet has total number per category and per month and in the item detail sheet has a list of item number with category. I want a formula to recognize which item belongs to which category then use the total number of category by month to multiply with % of total in column D from Item Detail Spreadsheet.

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How To Start From Specified Number In Random Formula

Jan 5, 2014

I have the following formulae to pick up a random number from 0 to 9999.


I want to start this random search from a specified number. for example if i press F9 it should show 3456 at first press and then onward.

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Formula- Creates Random Number

Apr 2, 2007

i have the formula =CHAR(INT(RAND()*25)+65) which creates random number when dragged from say C1 TO C6 however i need the 3rd 4th or 5th character to be a random number between one and 9 is this possible?

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Random Number Generator Formula

Jan 27, 2009

I have 4 names, and a grid of 100 boxes. I need those 4 names randomly deposited in the 100 boxes, making sure each name is displayed an equal number of times (25 each) Is there an Excel formula to compute this?

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Generate Random Number With No Duplicates Between 1 And 8 In A Column

Mar 21, 2014

I need the easiest way to randomize or generate team numbers in a league. Using COL A assign numbers between 1 & 8 without duplicates. Then repeat 5 more times. This has to be done on the spot and has time constraints as the players will be waiting for their team assignments.

EXAMPLE: I have 48 players which will be assigned to 8 teams of 6. I want to randomize the drawing so the same players don't play on the same teams each week. Also to be able to adjust number of teams determined by how many players are present. either 6 , 8, or 10 teams.

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Random Number Generation Without Repeating Across Same Row Or Column?

Nov 24, 2011

Been trying to think of a way to get random numbers 1 to 36 generated without repeating in the same column, however also getting it to perform the same opertaion in 9 more columns (B:J) without the same number appearing in the same row.


1 2 5 4
2 5 3 1
3 4 1 5
4 1 2 3
5 3 4 2

Unsure if this is possible, have created a basic script for random number generation but have no clue how to expand across columns.

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Formula For Drawing Cards Off Random Number?

Dec 19, 2013

I am creating a "board game" type game in excel and one of the functions will be landing on a cell. When you are on this cell you click the checkbox to the left of it which then flips the value to true. I then have another formula generating a random number between 1 and 100 if the value is true. I would like to make cards in a separate sheet out of single cells but make about 40-50 of them maybe less. I want it to be able to pull a card(cell's) contents into another cell on another sheet. But I want it to be a random card associated with the random number generator. I can definitely make changes if this isn't possible but the point of it is to show the contents of one of the random cards.

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Formula To Return Random Number From A List And Associated Name

Feb 12, 2009

My objective is to take two different random counts of numbers written in column b, ranging from B9:B66. However I want to highlight the specific fields listed in the example below, and pull random numbers from those selected fields only. Then I want to pull another set of random numbers in the same column B9:B66, however using a different specific set of fields within column B; as shown in the second random formula string. Use the Press 9 feature to randomly select the two different numbers. What this attempt is trying accommplish is selecting one boy, one girl who have assigned numbers adjacent to their names(name field populated in column c).
What am I doing in correctly?

HTML Formula written to B70

Formula written to B72

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Multiply Column Of Values By A Random Number Within Range?

Apr 20, 2012

I have a column of values I need to multiply by a random number (percentage) within a range of numbers (15%-22%).

How can this be done?

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VBA To Insert Formula And Then Fill Down Number Of Rows In Reference Column

Apr 8, 2014

I am trying to insert formulas to my cells in different columns and then fill down the formulas as many rows as in the reference column. So far I have put my formulas in a macro but I seem to get problems with " and ' symbols. My macro looks like this:

Sheets("Sold Articles Database").Select
Range("U3").Formula = " =VLOOKUP(LEFT(K3,2),'Input Variables'!$A$48:$B$52,2,FALSE)"
Range("V3").Formula = " =VLOOKUP(K3,'Product datas'!$A$2:$C$10000,3,FALSE)"
Range("W3").Formula = " =VLOOKUP(K3,'Product datas'!$A$2:$D$10000,4,FALSE)"

[Code] ........

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Excel 2010 :: Generate 6 Digit Unique Random Number For ID Column A

Jul 18, 2012

How do I create a 6 digit unique random number for use as an ID in column A. Once created the rows with preexisting 6 digit unique random ID numbers must not change every time new rows are added.

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Formula Required To Take First Letter In 1 Cells And Add Random Number To Create Unique ID

Mar 27, 2014

I have 1200 doctor/patient records to input into an excel spreadsheet for import to an online EHR database. I can set up all the normal formulas and formatting but for the life of me not figure out how to create a custom formula to take the first letter of the patient first name and last name and add 6 figures to create a unique patient identifier.

ie. James + Smith+ random 6 figures = JS245318.

In my spreadsheet the first name is under Column 1, Last name Column 3 and the unique number generated in column 4.

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To Find A Total Number Of Rows To A Blank Cell

Mar 14, 2007

I need to find the total number of rows down to the next blank cell (and then perform a function based on that number).

I'm using:

Situation: I have a raw data import - each record is anywhere from 2 to 9 rows, and I need to move each row in that group into a column.

I would like to use something like:

totalRows = Application.WorksheetFunctions.CountA(Range("A1, xlDown"))
If totalRows = 4 Then
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select
ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 1).Range("A1").Select

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Formula To Total Values In Column Matching Text In Adjacent Column

Dec 20, 2013

Formula(s) to do as explained in the attached example.


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COUNTIF Formula: Total Of The Number Of Cells?

May 24, 2006

I have cells C22:C27 with a number that could change each week. How can I get a total of the number of cells that = 0,1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12?

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Match Formula Using Static Column Heading Which Could Appear In Random Columns

Aug 5, 2013

I have one worksheet which comes out of an online application (for the purposes of this example I will call it "Online Sheet"). The column headings in this sheets are always named the same but could theoretically appear in any column address. For example, the column header "Completed" could appear in column "X", or "AT", or "ZZ".

On a second sheet (called "Code Sheet") I have to unscramble all of this data into a standardize layout. Each row value has a unique ID which appears on both the "Code Sheet" and the "Online Sheet". However, in the "online sheet" the unique ID could also appear in any column. Like the "Completed" column this column also has a unique column heading ("Unique ID").

Using Match I can calculate the column number in which the "Completed" column appears in this instance of the online data. For example, "Completed" = Column "25". However, I now need to use some lookup function on this column based on the row in which my "Unique ID" appears of the "Online Sheet" (which could of course be in any column in the "Online Sheet").

For example, if "Completed" is in column "25" and the "Unique ID" which I am referencing on the "Code Sheet" appears on row 14 in the "Online Sheet", then the lookup formula must return the value of column 25 row 14 on my "Code Sheet".

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Delete Rows Until, Total Found In Column

Jun 24, 2009

Is there a macro that will begin in cell A2 and delete rows until the contents “Total” is found in a random row in Column A?

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Add Random Numbers For A Specific Total

Nov 10, 2006

If you have a single column of random numbers, is there a way to give Excel a total amount you are looking for, and have it choose which numbers in that column total to that amount?

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Balance Column Total Repeats In Empty Rows

Dec 27, 2011

My balance column is formulated for 60 rows. I am currently on row 23. The balance is repeated down the entire sheet range I have set. How do I keep the balance from showing next to an empty row without losing the formula?

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Running Total Based On Content From Column For Over 1700 Rows?

Mar 26, 2014

Currently have a sheet with column A/B. Column A has any of the following letters to represent Wins, Losses, Ties, Overtime Loss, Shootout Loss - W, L, T, OTL, SOL. Column B has team point totals after each result. So after the win in row one, the team has 2 points. After the losses in rows 2 and 3, the team still has 2 points. After win in row 4 the team has 4 points. After win in row 5 the team has 6 points. After tie in row 6 team has 7 points.







What is the best formula or is there a formula to easily calculate running total based on content from column A this for over 1700 rows?

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Total Yearly Rent Calc, With Random Adjustments

Aug 6, 2006

i have a problem that i have been trying to get over for about a week now.
i need to calculate a lease commission, with an extensive amount of variables.
first i need to find the length of the total term which should be anywhere between 1 to 10 years.
then on a annual basis i need to define how many months are billable in that year.
which gives me to variables to account for there, which are
A= initial free months, non paying
B = the last month of last year may only be a half year

i think i have worked that out pretty successfully, so next i need to calculate the rent for each year period. with several variables
a= the rent can be caculated :
-by per month basis
- by annual basis
- by a per square foot basis
b= next in relation to annual rent operating expenses may also be calculated in the annual rent number also by the same variables, however it may or not be calcuated into the number depending on the lease.

c. this is where i am at now, and its killing me. i need to account for rent adjustments for each year.
rent adjustments can start from either the lease start date or the date that rent starts which would be after the lease start if free rent is granted.
then the adjustments will continue through the end of the term and be implimented every x number of months.
the value of the adjustments will either be a percentage of the first years rent usually 3-5 %
or per sf, per month, or just flat rate per year. but it will escalate each year.
for example year 5 is x amount of ajustment from year 4.

i am finding difficulty in finding an annual value of the original lease term in relation to this date series. expecially if the adjustment periods leave a remainder carring over to the next year, or if their are several adjustments in one given year.
any help would be appriciated on this.... i know its pretty complicated, and i have rewritten this code about 30 different ways , i am at a loss right now.
if you think you may want to see my file let me know and i can post it

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Formula To Total Hours And Minutes In A Column

Jun 23, 2008

I am using a formula such as =Text(A5-E5,"H:MM) to get the difference in clock-in time and clock-out time on a daily basis (Monday-Saturday). I want to add the results as a total for the week. I am not sure what formula to use to get that result. I prefer not to use decimals unless I have to. Also, the above formula does not work when the time goes past 12 midnight.

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Macro Allow To Total The Data On The Total Sheet Depending On What Unit Number Is Selected

Apr 22, 2009

This may not be the best way to do this, but I don't know Macros or Pivot Tables.

I am looking for a way with formulas to do the following:
Within a workbook the 1st sheet is the data entry.
In another sheet that will total data from the data sheet is where I want to be able to total columns of data, depending on what is entered in one specific column:

Data Sheet, E2:E2999 is a unit number selcted by pull down tab entry.
G2:G2999 in the same sheet is where the data is.

Q: What formula would allow to total the data on the Total Sheet depending on what unit number is selected in column E on the Data Sheet and the data amount in column D from Data Sheet?

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Add Each Day's Total While Displaying A Positive Number If The Total Exceeds 6000

Dec 21, 2008

I'm sure this can be done but I don't think I have the formula correct. What I am trying to do is add each day's total while displaying a positive number if the total exceeds 6000.

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Formula To Calculate The Absolute Total Of A Column Of Numbers

Jan 25, 2009

Need a formula to calculate a absolute total from a column of totals.

I thought this was simple, but the formula I made didn't work.

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Change Formula In Column When Cumulative Total Reaches Certain Value?

Jun 22, 2014

i am trying to create a spreadsheet that will automatically plan a days work in manufacturing based on the items the factory is making, the different items obviously have different hourly production targets and id lke to create a spread sheet that knows how many we want to create what the targets are and how long it will take. i also want it to be able to know when it has reached the needed total and automatically plot the targets for the next product, so what i need is a way to change part of the formula when the column reaches a set culmative total

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Find Total Hours By Searching Entire Rows Below Selected Cell Versus Cells In A Column

May 19, 2014

I'm using the following code to delete select rows one at a time. I need the last row in the range to remain therefore I prevented the user from deleting the row one up from the row that contains "Total Hours" (which is always in Column B). The code works great as long at the user clicks into a cell in column B. If the user clicks into a cell in column A, C, D, E, F, G, H, or I then the code allows the user to delete the last row.

I believe I need to search entire rows to determine if the row contains "Total Hours" .

[Code] .......

Attached File : Staffing Report 1.44.xlsm‎

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