Write Total Number Of Hours Each Month Into Appropriate Cell?

Jun 6, 2014

I have a base of workers which log each day their activities in hours (D01-D11). I would like a macro to sum total hours of each project (project numbers are from 320-1500) and put it into the table on the left.

For example: For PERSON 1, I want that the cell I60 writes 10, and cell I74 = 6. For worker 2 (PERSON 2) would be AK60 = 3,5; AK67 = 8 and AK74 = 8.

In total where would have been 10 workers.

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Write A Total Number Of Hours Each Month Into Appropriate Cell?

Jun 12, 2014

I have a base of workers which log each day their activities in hours (D01-D11). I would like a macro to sum total hours of each project (project numbers are from 320-516) and put it into the table on the left.

For example: For PERSON 1, I want that the cell I60 writes 10, and cell I74 = 6. For worker 2 (PERSON 2) would be AK60 = 3,5; AK67 = 8 and AK74 = 8.

In total where would have been 10 workers.

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Trying To Add Total Hours Worked In Current Month

Jan 22, 2009

I'm trying to figure out what is wrong with this formula. =(SUMIF(Q14:Q4995, "<="&EOMONTH(TODAY(),0),W14:W4995))-(SUMIF(Q14:Q4995, "<="&EOMONTH(TODAY(),-1)+1,W14:W4995)). I've got a cell that adds Total hours worked which pulls from the same column of entered data as the formula above and that cell works. My hours for the month however just shows up as zero. If I try and edit the formula or even just highlight it to copy it and then tab out of the cell this shows up...


If I undo the highlight and tab it will go back to showing zero. I've checked my dates that I entered and they are correct. I'm at a loss as to how to fix this formula.

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Records The Total Number Of Hours

Sep 23, 2008

I'm trying to create a userform which calculates and records the total number of hours a user puts in, however it can not exceed 40 hrs.

Dim intProject1 As Integer
Dim intProject2 As Integer
Dim intProject3 As Integer
Dim intTotal As Integer

intProject1 = txtProject1.Text
intProject2 = txtProject2.Text
intProject3 = txtProject3.Text
intTotal = txtTotal.Text

If txtTotal > 40 Then
txtTotal = txtProject1.Text + _
txtProject2.Text txtProject3.Text
txtTotal.Text = Format(txtTotal, "currency")
MsgBox ["Total exceeds 40 hours."]
End If

If you guys could help me out I appreciate it

End Sub
Private Sub lblProject1_Click()

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Rota - Add Up The Total Number Of Hours Per Week Per Employee

Oct 14, 2007

I am trying to create a rota in excel but I am struggling to get it to add up the total number of hours per week per employee.

It get a little complicated as they work split shift so they may do 4 hours in the afternoon and another shift in the evening going into the next day, example they may work 11.00 am - 3.00 pm and 8.00 pm untill 2 am.

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Incorrect Sumproduct Array: Sum Up The Total Number Of Hours Consumed On A Particular Activity Within A Specified Period

Oct 23, 2009

I am trying to sum up the total number of hours consumed on a particular activity within a specified period.


Unfortunately, the formula above gives me the total number of activity and NOT the total number of hours within a specified period. I attached the file I'm working on as reference.

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Write Anyone In Particular Cell Only & Remaining All Cell Total Protected

Nov 30, 2009

we have one excel sheet. I want to write or edited data in specific cell. For example anybody can write in coloum : C1, c2, c3, c4, k6 and m6 (highlighted in green colour) and remaining all cell range protcted no one can change data. Also they didn't know formula which i m writing in others cell for example fom l6 to l33 or n6 to n33. We are attach file for ur ready ref to know easily.

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Format Total Hours To Days, Hours & Minutes

Aug 30, 2007

1) The output of an excel duration is : 22.00:8.00:25.00 ( day:hour:minutes ) - excel cannot average and work with this number format

2) resolution - =(LEFT(L2,4))+MID(L2, FIND(":",L2)+1,4)/24+MID(L2, FIND(":",L2,7)+1,4)/1440 as an array and Custom Format the cell as [h]:mm - works perfectly.

Q: to be conistent, the initial reporting is dd:hh:mm and then I convert to hh:mm so that excel can process the data. How can I convert from hh:mm to dd:hh:mm so that the excel report can be consistent in presenting the data to senior management?

example attached.

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Total Occurences: Formula That Shows The Total Payments Recieved For A Particular Month For A Particular Product

Jan 7, 2010

I have a report which has a list of customers, each customer has 24 columns which represent the payment history over 24 months. If a payment has been made for that month the date and time (formatted correctly) will be populated in this cell.

Each customer has a product name attached to it so a product can appear several times. I need is a formula that shows the total payments recieved for a particular month for a particular product. For example.

I have managed to create the following flag which works a treat, it picks up a date an account was set up but looks at 1 column.

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Last Ocurance Of The Last Date Used For Each Month And Then Use The Cell Number To Calculate The Column Totals For That Month

Jan 28, 2010

I have a spreadsheet that is now a yeare old with 5000 rows and is now going into the 2nd year

Column A is for date input and the same date can be repeated several tumes :-

1 Jan 09
1 Jan 09
1 Jan 09
1 Jan 09
2 Jan 09
2 Jan 09
3 Jan 09
3 Jan 09
3 Jan 09

Sometimes there are all 30 /31 days but normally not .

I need to find the last ocurance of the last date used for each month and then use the cell number to calculate the column totals for that month.

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Find Total Hours By Searching Entire Rows Below Selected Cell Versus Cells In A Column

May 19, 2014

I'm using the following code to delete select rows one at a time. I need the last row in the range to remain therefore I prevented the user from deleting the row one up from the row that contains "Total Hours" (which is always in Column B). The code works great as long at the user clicks into a cell in column B. If the user clicks into a cell in column A, C, D, E, F, G, H, or I then the code allows the user to delete the last row.

I believe I need to search entire rows to determine if the row contains "Total Hours" .

[Code] .......

Attached File : Staffing Report 1.44.xlsm‎

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Automatically Bold And Highlight The Current Month’s Total And Month Name

Jan 21, 2010

I have a spreadsheet for monthly supplies. In row 1 is Jan – Dec and in the row 2 below are empty cells where there will be a total for that month’s purchases. I want a conditional format formula to automatically bold and highlight the current month’s total and month name.

Also, when I enter February totals next month and that number is input into February’s total, I want that month and total to bold and highlight BUT I also want the previous month’s bold and highlight to vanish at the same time. Is this possible?

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Total Liters Sold Per Month In 24 Month Period

Aug 14, 2012

I have a range of dates in c1:c285. I have a range of liters sold on those days in e1:e285. I want to total the liters sold per month for the 2 year period.

I was trying to use =SUM(IF(MONTH(c1:c285)=1,e1:e18,0))

However this just returns a "value" comment. I think even if this worked it would add the months together for the 2 years so both June figures would be returned as one figure.

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Trying To Write A List Of Numbers In A Cell, Keeps Converting It To A Long Number

Jan 12, 2010

I'm doing the website for my company and things have to be entered into the site via spreadsheets. I have a list of numbers

e.g. 3652, 2845, 50925, 4809, 18392

that need to have the spaces removed in order for them to work.

e.g. 3652,2845,50925,4809,18392

There are over 500 cells with multiple numbers in each, so I don't want to do it one at a time, and rightly so, because Excel keeps changing the format and giving me something like

3.6*10^30 and loses all my commas.

Is there an easier way?

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Convert Hours Worked In Week To Hours Worked In Month With Formula?

Feb 21, 2013

Is there a way to conver a persons time spent (given in weeks) to adjust/convert to show per month. Attached is the sheet. Do note that week 2/25 - 3/1 is a combination of Jan and Feb so hours should be logically divided into jan and feb...

Name 2/18 - 2/22 2/25 - 3/1 3/4 - 3/8 3/11 - 3/15 Feb mar
Tom 40 10 0 20 ?? ??
2/25 - 3/1
3/4 - 3/8


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Total Hours Calculation

Oct 22, 2008

I need to calculate below hours

The answer suppors to be 37:30 Hours but its showing total diffrent value. i used sum(E1:E5) Excel formula, but its not working.

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Total Hours Between 2 Dates

Jul 21, 2008

I want to add the numbers of hours in a 4 week period. I have used the following formula (from this site) to total according to month but I don't seem to be able to adapt it to change it to only add hours between 2 dates or for the 28 day period. I thought maybe I should be using a SUMIF but I can't get that happening either.

I have attached a simple file( I think!!)


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Keep A Running Total Of Hours

May 1, 2009

I want to keep a running total of hours.

I know what to do when I add them- if the number is positive then a payment is due, if its 0 then the employer is "Up to Date" But what if they pay me more than they owe? I owe them hours, how can I have excel know that there is a surplus and to deduct the future hours worked from the surplus until i've paid it off?

I have my problem in an excel spreadsheet but I don't know how to upload so you can download it for reference.

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Add Together The Total Hours For A Week

Jan 26, 2007

I am trying to add together the total hours for a given week.The spreadsheet is used to show the total hours worked from the signing off and on times given.


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Sum By Name & Hours For Total Amount

Mar 7, 2008

I have pivot tables where I need to look through a series of names and sum the hours and dollars charged by that person. When I try to do a pivot I can get it to read

column 1 Column 2
John Doe $4000
Mary Smith $ 500

But if I try to add the hour columns it breaks it out by the week the hours was charged

column 1 Column 2 Column 3
John Doe $2000 4
2000 4
Mary Smith $ 250 5
250 5

I want it to just give me one dollar total and one hour total per employee.

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SUMIF Month & Year: Find Total Cost By Month Only For Year 2009

Dec 17, 2009

In attached sheet, I am trying to find total cost by month only for year 2009. Currently formula I have in Cell c24, is {=SUM(IF(MONTH(B2:B9)=1,D2:D9,0))} But this calculates for all years, not just 2009. How do I modify above formula, so for each month, it shows total cost but only for 2009?

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Calculating Total Hours Between Dates

May 2, 2008

I need to calculate time taken to fix a piece of equipment.

A1 B1
4/22/08 23:00 4/23/08 04:00

Should be 5 hours, but i can't find the formula to make it work.

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Total Time Minus 8 Hours?

Jun 24, 2013

I have a time calculated and I want to know, Out of that time how much is above or below 8 hours.

Ex. 1: 7:30 - 8 = [result] "-:30" mins
Ex. 2: 11:00 - 8 = [result] "3:00" hours


How can I convert 7:30 into 7.5 [decimal] and then subtract that from "8" to get the difference?

I know this is an easy one, I have done it many times before. It's crunch time and I am drawing a blank.

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Incorrect Total For Summed Hours

Feb 10, 2009

I am stumped on a formula answer I am getting on a simple timesheet. The timesheet is set up with an In and Out column for each day and person for the entire month. A formula calculates their total hours worked on a daily basis, minus their lunch (30 minutes per day). So far, so good.

The trouble comes when I try to sum the hours worked for the entire month. I am getting an incorrect total. The example I am working I am summing E3:BN3, which show the employee working 15 days in a month, 12 net hours per day. 15x12=180 hours a month. My sum total is showing up as 300:00:00. It may help to know we use a 24 hour format. I have the results cell formatted as [h]:mm.

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Sum The Total Hours By Project Between Two Dates

May 30, 2007

I need to sum the total hours by project between two dates. There can be multiple projects and the two dates can vary. So...

In column A are the project # (say A2 001, A3 001, A4 002, A5 003)
In column B is Yes or No for each project (contract Signed?)
In Column C through Z, row 1, are dates (shows the Monday of each week)
In Column C through Z, row 2-5 (which corresponds to the projects 001, 001, 002, and 003 above) are the number of hours worked that week.

On a separate tab (lets call it MonthTab) is the start and end date for each month (Jan through Dec)
On a separate tab I want to SUM the hours by Month for each project (so for project 001 would need to go across multiple rows), that has a Yes in column two. Therefore the hours summed For January will be taken from MonthTab and be between StartJan and EndJan.

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Calculate Total Hours Past 24

Aug 17, 2007

Is there a method to calculate the total number of hours in excel. In my attached file, the excel treat the 24 hours as time and recalculate from 0 hour.

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Add Total Hours Based On Dates

Dec 27, 2007

I want to add employee hours (flight hours) based on the calendar (I want of sum of hours for the last 30 days on a running calendar.

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Macro Allow To Total The Data On The Total Sheet Depending On What Unit Number Is Selected

Apr 22, 2009

This may not be the best way to do this, but I don't know Macros or Pivot Tables.

I am looking for a way with formulas to do the following:
Within a workbook the 1st sheet is the data entry.
In another sheet that will total data from the data sheet is where I want to be able to total columns of data, depending on what is entered in one specific column:

Data Sheet, E2:E2999 is a unit number selcted by pull down tab entry.
G2:G2999 in the same sheet is where the data is.

Q: What formula would allow to total the data on the Total Sheet depending on what unit number is selected in column E on the Data Sheet and the data amount in column D from Data Sheet?

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Add Each Day's Total While Displaying A Positive Number If The Total Exceeds 6000

Dec 21, 2008

I'm sure this can be done but I don't think I have the formula correct. What I am trying to do is add each day's total while displaying a positive number if the total exceeds 6000.

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How To Exclude Hours Form Total Sum Hour

Jul 20, 2014

2 sample with different 'sum' issue.

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