0 Or 1 If Data Matches

May 6, 2007

I need a formula that will do this:

for all rows where data in column A matches, does data in column c & f also match? If it does, then put a 1 in column n; if it doesn't, put a 0 in column n

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Cross Check 2 Ranges For Matches & Return Row Number Of Matches

Apr 29, 2009

I have several worksheets (Labeled Sheet1,Sheet2,sheet3) What I need to do is to step through each row in sheet3, and do a search in sheet1, it the data was found, then return the row number. I then will need to copy data from sheet1 (rowfound columnA , through rowfound CoulmnBd to sheet3 current working row columnK

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Return Matches & Non-Matches From Delimited Cells Against List Range

Jan 29, 2010

In my spreadsheet, on the first worksheet called "Working". Column A, called "Results", contains carrot ^ delineated string values in each cell (i.e."john^apple^pear^banana^grape^love^heart^pickle"). The majority of string values in every cell in my "Results" column match a "source" column of Pick-List Values, called "Fruits" in the same spreadsheet, however found in a different worksheet called "Lists" (also in Column A). I want to perform 3 functions against my "Results" Column on worksheet "Working":

1.) Report In Column B: Analyze column "Results" by cell and return carrot delineated string values for only those that match my "Fruits" Pick-List

2.) Report In Column C: Analyze column "Results" by cell and return carrot delineated string values for only those do not match my "Fruits" Pick-List

3.) Report In Column D: Identify and return all unique values in "Column C" as a List.

Attached is a simple example of what I'm trying to accomplish called " Sorting.xls"

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Finding Matches Between Two Sets Of Data - Each Set Has Three Columns Of Data

Jul 13, 2013

I am working on large sets of data (more than 50,000 rows of data). I have two sets of data. Set 1 and Set 2 (master data) on the same worksheet. Both the sets of data have three columns each. I am using EXCEL 2007. I was able to accomplish step 1 below.. but I am totally lost with step 2 since i have an additional criteria for the "year".

I have attached the excel sheet as well. This is what I am trying to accomplish:

1) I want to find exact matches in set 1 and set 2 and highlight it or do something to show that a match was found. The challenge is the data in set 1 can occur anywhere in set 2.

2) Add to the complication .. my criteria for matching the year is different. If the Set 1 "year" is equal to or greater by 1 yr or greater by 2 yr when compared to Set 2 "year", I want to treat it as a "match".

For example, from the data attached:

Set 1 data in row 4 is: ATLANTIC ABSECON 2004
Set 2 data in row 3 is: ATLANTIC ABSECON 2003

I want to treat these two data as "MATCH" since ATLANTIC matches ATLANTIC, ABSECON matches ABSECON and according to one of my criteria for year, Set 1 "year" is greater by 1 yr than the Set 2 "year".

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Sum Horizontal Data In Vertical Summary Where Data Matches?

Jul 9, 2014

I have a page of data that i need to summarise/calculate, i thought sumif would be the correct formulae but i can't get it to work...

Sheet 1 - Data Recomds Emp Name, Weeks 1-52 showing no of hours to adj


[Code] .....

Sheet 2 - Summary by month - to Calculate the no of hours for the period per employee

Month 1

Require Sum for employee Avery Wk 1-4

[Code] ..........

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Calculate If Data Matches

Feb 14, 2013

In the attached excel sheet see the sample example tables 1.1.1 and 1.1.2. I have to use it for official purpose and my manger has given this task to complete it. I cannot even compare the forumlas and make it same for all the tables available.

How can I attach the excel file...

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Returning Data If A Value Matches

Apr 1, 2014

I have a reference vertical table which can be up to 30 long (I just put 5 here to keep it simple):

Sheet 1


And I want to return the data in the B column depending on whether the data matches either of the words in the corresponding A column.

E.g. Sheet 2

The formula in this cell would return B1 because C10 = A1

The formula in this cell would return B4 because C11 = A4

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Moving Columns So That The Data Matches

Jul 21, 2009

I need to line XYZ to XYZ as well as the information attached to XY&Z
i dont really know how else to explain it but i was hoping there was a macro or something out there that i could use to do this would make it a lot easier

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Macro That Matches Up Two Different Columns Of Data

Jun 23, 2014

I have a macro that I am working on which I have gotten stuck on. It compares Column A and Column C and any numbers which match are pasted into Column D.

What I am getting stuck with is I need to copy and paste the data for column B to Column E as well. So in other words.

If column A and B match then the number from Column A that matches B will be pasted in column D along with the value that is right next to it in Column B.

Attached File : MatchingMacro.xlsm‎

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Insert Cells Until Data Matches Up

Sep 14, 2008

I have posted in a existing thread at mrexcel as i believe my problem and possible solution is very similar to that already detailed there. However i have not recieved a response there yet and was looking to draw upon more minds here ...

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Finding Last Row In Data Row That Matches Criteria

Oct 14, 2009

have two worksheets. sheet1 has order information on it with orders, dates, customer names. sheet2 has customer name list. How can I (via vba) search through the order sheet and find the most recent order date for each customer in the customer name list. post that most recent date next to the customer name on sheet2.

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Vba To Show Data When Date Matches

Oct 28, 2009

Looking for an excel worksheet to keep a record of |MOT's due

By entering the Name, Reg, Date, Comments, Reminder

by way of a userform
after the data is entered it is stored on anther worksheet..

every morning when they get to work. they want to open it and on the MotDataEntry sheet it needs to bring up the Mot's that are due in a months time (reminder) ,name reg etc

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Find Data That Matches Query

Nov 9, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with 3 columns: Name, Number and percentage. I need a formula to return the name that has the percentage and the 2nd highest percentage. the spreadsheet has 5 rows, not including the columns labels.

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Comparing DNA Data And Returning Matches

Aug 5, 2009

I have data exported as .txt from an external program in the following format:

Sample Name Marker Allele1 Allele 2 ....Allele n
AAA D8S1358 10 11 XX
AAA D16S539 16 19 XX
and so on.

Each "Sample Name" will have 16 different "Marker"s and upto 10 different "Allele" at each "Marker". There could be upwords of 200 Sample Names on each exported sheet. Is there a simple way to compare all of the data from each "Sample Name" to each other and possibly to another sample set that will always be static but of the sample general makup as this?

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Compare Data In Two Workbooks And Highlight Matches

Jan 28, 2008

Here is the scenario. I am running a business and each day I download my orders for the day. The information includes customer names and addresses. The customer name is for example in column E. We will call this "Book1".

I have a second workbook that I use to store bad customer information. i.e. customers that I do not wish to sell to. The information stored here is customer name and address e.g. column A - customer name, column B - 1st line of address etc. This will be "Book2".

I wish to programmatically be able to compare customer names in column E Book1 to the customer names stored in column A Book2. Any matches found should highlight the rows (i.e. orders) in Book1.

I have tried to make this clear as possible. I want to be able to do this as a macro hence programmatically so when I click a button this comparison/highlighting takes place.

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Copy Row If It Matches Data From Left Most Column?

Apr 25, 2014

I am trying to copy values and dates from a row if it matches the numbers in the left column.

I attached a simplified version where I explained how it should be done.

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Pulling Data That Matches A Specific Date?

May 21, 2014

I have this spreadsheet where in there's a Raw Data. Along with is there's a different tab for different user, is there a way that if a certain user choose a date it will pull up the data for that date in the Raw Data.

What formula should I use? and how should I do it.

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Finding Matches And Adding Additional Data

Mar 17, 2014

Sheet 2 in the attached sample workbook (without all the pre-existing formula's from the original) contains data that I paste in (Cols A to D).

Sheet 1 then searches that data (minus Col D) from Sheet 2 and returns "Yes" to Col I if matching data is found.

What I would like to do now is if Sheet 1 returns "Yes" then the corresponding value from Sheet 2 would be returned to Sheet 1 Col J.

So in this example the value "5" would be returned to Sheet 1 Cell J1

I already have all the formulas in place to find the matches and return "Yes", this is just to return the additional information from Col D Sheet 2 to Sheet 1 Col J..

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Search To Data Ranges And Highlight Matches

Nov 11, 2013

I'm trying to create a leave calendar for staff. I would like to paste in the staff members sick and annual leave dates.

I would then like a conditional format that would highlight the leave dates onto the calendar, so i can visually track attendance and check for any sick leave patterns. My calendar looks like below for each month, and although it shows just the date in excel, i have formatted it so its actually the full date (ie instead of 1 it is 1/7/2013, but just displaying 1)


Whilst i can easily track and input the public holidays (on an individual basis) i'm looking to highlight the whole calendar area, say cells (c5:i10) as the search area and then have the leave data as a whole search area (at2:at150)

Above is part A of my question. To further complicate it, if it can even be done. The leave data i get from my system only has the start date of the leave, in another column it has the end date, and in another column it has days absent, if we can do it so it adds the days after (total leave days) to highlight in the calendar that would be amazing, if not, i'll just amend the data to have every date of the leave listed

Leave Type Start Date End Date Days Taken

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Comparing Data In Two Different Sheets And Marking Matches

Jan 9, 2014

I have a huge lists of names that I need to work with. The first is a list of all employees. The second is a list of those employees who have submitted their monthly report. In theory every record should be a match. I need to compare the lists and mark the people who are missing their monthly report in the main list of all employees.

Not sure how to set this up in Excel

Sheet 1: Column A - All employees names, Columns B-M: used to show whether a report has been submitted.
Sheet 2-13 (July, Aug., Sept., through June): Column A - employees who have submitted their report.

I need Sheet 1 to show either all of the missing records across all the months or it can show the ones that have been received. Either will work.

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Formula (copy Data From One Sheet To Another When Value Matches)

Jun 26, 2009

I have two sheets (sheet 1 and sheet 2). Sheet 2 has a range of data about employees. Column A contains a unique reference number with the rest of the row (Column B - Column X) containing corresponding data about that empoyee.

When I enter that unique reference number in Sheet 1, Column A, and matches the value in Sheet 2, Column A; I would like the rest of the corresponding row data (Column B - Column X) from Sheet 2 to populate 'automatically' (copied) in Sheet 1.

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Compare Data-set With List & Summarize Matches

Jul 16, 2009

1) Background Info

We are trying to summarise some data that has been exported from an ancient database into a poorly delimited csv file. My colleague has imported the csv file into Excel ( attached), and we are trying to work out what to do next.

The dataset contains approx 300 records - each record being called a "sample" and having a unique sample number. NB: I have had to attach a cut-down version with only 3 samples, due to file-size - but it will hopefully give an idea.

Each sample contains 2 types of information that we are interested in (and a lot of irrelevant data besides). The relevant bits are:
- predicted occurrence of various species (given as a percentage for each species)
- observed occurrence of various species (given as positive/negative for each species, where positive is indicated by an asterisk)

2) What We're Trying To Do

We are trying to compare this dataset with a master-list of 80 species names. For each species on the master-list, we want to:
a) check whether it has a "predicted occurrence" value in each of the 300 samples (and if so, record the value in a summary sheet)
b) check whether it was observed in each of the 300 samples (and if so, record this in the summary sheet)

3) The Problem

Unfortunately, the dataset has imported into Excel as a gigantic list: 48000 rows (including loads of blanks) and only 3 columns across. To find the relevant data, it's necessary to:

a) open the attached workbook, and go to the worksheet named "Data"

b) Scroll through the rows, looking for the string "RIVPA" in column A. This tells you where each new sample begins. (The sampleID is stored in the same row as this, in column C. It is mixed up with a load of text, which we will need to separate out at some point, but that's a secondary consideration at the moment.)

c) Scroll down further until you find the text string "Predi" in column A. This indicates the beginning of the data we're interested in, for each sample (i.e. for sample 1, I'm talking about row 58). Count down a further 2 blank rows, and then you find the data itself:
- Column A contains the observed occurrence (a positive result is indicated by an asterisk)
- Column B contains the predicted occurrence
- Column C contains the species name

My colleague was trying to build a summary table, in the worksheet named "Summary". He was using the LOOKUP function to extract the data, but because there are so many samples, it's beyond unwieldy. He asked me if I could write a macro do do the job, and this is where I'm stuck.

How could I set up a macro that can identify where one sample starts and finishes, and where the data is within each sample? What is the most sensible shape for such a macro? If I could get the overarching logic worked out, I could make a start on writing the individual bits of code, but at present I just can't figure out how to begin.

To make things more difficult, the samples are not all the same length, and do not all contain the same list of species as each other. (However, at least there should be no species in the samples that are not in the master-list). The first sample begins on row 5, the second sample begins on row 173, the third on row 340, and so on.

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Count Data That Matches Criteria In 2 Columns

Feb 20, 2007

I am trying to use a "=COUNT(IF(..." formula to count the number of hourly employees that have start dates older than 3 years. Column A has the start dates and column B has the salary status (S/H). =COUNT(IF(AND(A2:A1000<DATE(2004,1,1),B2:B1000="H"),A2:A1000)) This formula returns 1 no matter what I change the data to.

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Compare Data In Two Workbooks And Highlight Matches

Jan 28, 2008

I am running a business and each day I download my orders for the day. The information includes customer names and addresses. The customer name is for example in column E. We will call this "Book1". I have a second workbook that I use to store bad customer information. i.e. customers that I do not wish to sell to. The information stored here is customer name and address e.g. column A - customer name, column B - 1st line of address etc. This will be "Book2".

I wish to programatically be able to compare customer names in column E Book1 to the customer names stored in column A Book2. Any matches found should highlight the rows (i.e. orders) in Book1. I have tried to make this clear as possible. I want to be able to do this as a macro hence programtically so when I click a button this comparision/highlighting takes place.

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Cell Return All Matches From A List And Have The List Of Matches Reduce As You Type

Jan 28, 2009

is it possible to have a cell return all matches from a list and have the list of matches reduce as you type, then be able to select one item from the list? this is a typical feature on internet sites, but can it be done in Excel?

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Conditional Formatting Highlighting Data That Matches On 2 Different Worksheets?

Jul 17, 2012

I have 2 worksheets. One has locations with numbers, example:

275 Location 1
276 Location 2

I have all my locations on the second sheet, but in 2 different columns, listed with numbers only, example:
271 275
272 300

I have 2 scenarios I need help with.

If any of the numbers on sheet 1 match the numbers in column 1 on sheet 2, highlight the number on sheet 1 in green If any of the numbers on sheet 1 match the numbers in column 2 on sheet 2, highlight the number on sheet 1 in red

If the number on sheet 2 matches any number on sheet 1, highlight green

I want these to apply to all the cells that have numbers (it could apply to all cells I guess as it should ignore it if it doesn't match, I would assume)

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Compare 2 Columns With Adjacent Data And Align Matches?

Jun 27, 2014

I have two sets of data from columns A:N (O is blank) & P:AC. Column A & P are account numbers. I want to compare columns A & P for exact matches, there will never be any duplicates in either of these columns by themselves. If there is a match I would like that entire row to align, if there is no match I would like a row to be inserted. I have attached a copy of a worksheet of what I am looking to have done.

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Cross Check Data In Two Sheets And Delete If It Matches

Mar 29, 2014

creating a macro I have two sheets named customer list (I have only put in 30 rows as an example but some sheets have 400 rows)

in the sheet named list column "F" are the names it should be cross checked with column "F" in the sheet named customer if it is there entire row to be deleted

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Summarize Data Based On Partial String Matches

Jun 30, 2006

I have two questions:

a. Check the code below:

Dim news1 As String, news2 As String

news1 = "new"
news2 = "polygon"
Dim countie As Integer
For buddie = 2 To b1.UsedRange.Rows.Count
'If b1. Cells(buddie, 1).Value Like "new*polygon" Then
If b1.Cells(buddie, 1).Value Like news1*news2 Then
countie = countie + 1
n1.Cells(buddie, 10).Value = "test"
End If
Next buddie

I have 2 strings, news1 and news2, i need to use the like function to check the occurance of these two strings in all the cells, and just for testing purpose, im printing 'test' it out in another excel sheet.

How do i make that work? the commented line shows what exactly i want, only that i dont want to hard code the string values.

b. If i have a value in the cell:
how do i split it so as to assign two variables to have 'new' and 'polygon'.

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Move Data B To Row That Matches Data A?

Apr 19, 2014

What formula to use to move Data B to the same row according to its matching data in Data A?

move data B to the row that matches data A.jpg

move data B to the row that matches data A.xlsx

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