Pulling Data That Matches A Specific Date?

May 21, 2014

I have this spreadsheet where in there's a Raw Data. Along with is there's a different tab for different user, is there a way that if a certain user choose a date it will pull up the data for that date in the Raw Data.

What formula should I use? and how should I do it.

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Pulling Specific Data From One Column

Apr 16, 2009

Start Date: 1/1/08
End Date: 1/1/08
Users: 100
Description: ...whatever

What I want to do is pull just the end dates into the next column. Is there an easy way to do this or do I need to build a macro?

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Pulling Over Data With Specific Criteria?

May 23, 2013

I have a huge listed of assets - the column i where my info is has vasrious serial numbers.... some are a simple string of letters/numbers and the others look like this for example AG-1234567

I need to somehow pull out the ones that look like that. (AG-1234567). I only need those. Now normally i would just do a filter and pull em out however, this sheet contains 73k worth of items.

what would be the formula to perform such a task?

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Pulling Specific Data From Random String

Jan 15, 2010

I have random comments in a column of cells of which I'm searching for a specific string of characters that may be contained in each cell. I want to pull 2 pieces of data from this specific string and place the data in 2 other cells in the same row.

Sample comments in cell 'N1':

..... blah, Appt: Friday; 12/4; night drop off. blah, blah....
Sample comments in cell 'N2' (and so on and so on):

.....blah, blah, Appt: Thurs; 12/3; 12:30PM. blah, ....

The specific string in the above examples will always begin with:

Then the key elements found directly after the 'APPT:' are:

Thurs; 12/3; 12:30PM.

(which are the)

These elements will be always separated by the semi-colon ';' and the string will always end with the period '.'

I need a pair of formulas to be in col 'J' & 'K' to extract the DATE and place it in column 'J' and the TIME and place in column 'K', both in each same rows.

So, from the 2 above samples I would need the following:

in Cells:
J1 - 12/4 ....... K1 - night drop off

J2 - 12/3 ....... K2 - 12:30PM

I've been trying to come up with a formula using a combination of FIND() & MID(),

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Pulling Multiple Matches (formula Repeat?)

Aug 21, 2009

I'm looking for is to repeat this formula within the cell, so that it can pull the information of not only the first match, but all matches proceeding it. Right now it only pulls the first match it finds, but I would like it to add every time a row matches the criteria of the formula.

=(LOOKUP(2,1/(('Paste SFHS'!$A$2:$A$9=A2)*('Paste SFHS'!$B$2:$B$9="08-Wave/Stu. Goals")),'Paste SFHS'!$C$2:$C$9))

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Vba To Show Data When Date Matches

Oct 28, 2009

Looking for an excel worksheet to keep a record of |MOT's due

By entering the Name, Reg, Date, Comments, Reminder

by way of a userform
after the data is entered it is stored on anther worksheet..

every morning when they get to work. they want to open it and on the MotDataEntry sheet it needs to bring up the Mot's that are due in a months time (reminder) ,name reg etc

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If Data From 1 Cell Matches Specific Data Of Another Cell Then OK If Not Highlight In Red

Oct 22, 2012

I have been wracking my brain around how to put this formula together.

Is it possible or it can't do more then 1 cell at a time?

Here is an example:

If F1= button request and E1= Scoring then OK (take no action) also i want to add that Folder in F and Corrupt in E would = OK

If it doesn't match to highlight the cell in red

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Trying To Pulling Specific Items From One Sheet

Jun 24, 2009

I was wondering how to input data on one sheet, then have specifics from that first sheet get sorted and put on the second and third sheet according to it's value. I have attached an example with my comments in red.

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Find Specific Text In Cell That Matches Range Then Display Specific Text?

Aug 5, 2013

I'm trying to find vehicle make and model in a cell containing a lot of text and then display that in the formula cell. For example if A1 is a paragraph that contains somewhere within it "Ford" & "Ranger". I want B1 to display "Ford" and C1 to display "Ranger". I have a list of vehicles makes (column A) and models (column B) on a seperate sheet.

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Pulling Specific Rows From One Sheet Into Another In 2007

Jun 29, 2008

I have a workbook for a category of academic journals. It contains the journal name in the first column, the year it was published in the second and various bibliometric stats in the next twelve as follows: ....

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VBA Count File Which Modified Date Matches Fixed Date

Jan 9, 2014

I've written a Function which will count the number of files in a folder which the modified date equals a fixed date

For example, here, I want the file count which modified date = 01.01.2014

Function FileCountDate(Path As String, FileType As String) As Long

Dim strTemp As String
Dim lngCount As Long

strTemp = Dir(Path & FileType)
Do While strTemp ""

[Code] ......

However I got a #VALUE! error message with this formula:


In the TEST folder there are 4 pdf files so it should return the value of 4.

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Check If A Range Of Cells Matches Specific Text

Dec 19, 2008

How to check if a range of cells matches specific text.


A1 - dog
B1 - cat
C1 - mouse

I want the formula to give me "yes" if dog is present.

=IF(A1="dog", "yes", "no") is for one cell. However if I do it this way:

=IF(A1:C1="dog", "yes", "no") I get an error.

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Delete Row If Specific Cell Value Matches Value Found In Another Worksheet

Mar 22, 2011

I need a formula or VBA macro to do the following:

I have 2 worksheets, namely sheet 1 and sheet 2.
Sheet 1 contains data in columns A to H.
Sheet 2 contains data only in column A.

I want Excel to check the data found in column A of Sheet 2 with those in Column A of Sheet 1. Hence, when an exact match is found in Column A of Sheet 1, Excel will delete that entire row.

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Color Table Rows Where Specific Cell In Row Matches Condition

Jul 2, 2008

I have a selection on a worksheet that has 4 consistent columns (A, B, C, and D) each with a variable number of rows all containing string type data. With this data I want to use Conditional Formatting so that when I have a string value of X in column D for any row, that whole row with the X in column D has it's color change to say grey, this should happen regardless of what strings are in Columns A, B, or C.

Below is the way I've been trying to do this thus far and failing, when I run this code below I can only get it to grey out the cell with the X not the whole row.

Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlEqual, _
Selection.FormatConditions(1) . Interior.ColorIndex = 16

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Pulling A Date From A Cell To Another?

Jan 21, 2014

I am pulling a date from a cell to another and I need to create a formula based off of the result.

This is the formula I am using to pull the date over


This is what I need to do to the result


I believe =INDIRECT should be used, but I'm having difficulty making it work.

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Sum Data Up To A Specific Date?

Mar 6, 2014

Is there a way to sum data up to a specific date?

I have a large data table, which includes various values throughout the year, if i want to look at the total value up until say 31/01/2014, but my data goes up to 28/02/2014, is there way to do this within the sumifs function?

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Pulling From One Sheet To Another Based On Date

Dec 31, 2009

I'm building a personal budget that looks a lot like a set of business financials (really just an exercise to learn excel techniques).

So, I have one sheet that acts as a register -- in column A I have the date of the transaction, column B is the amount, C is from which account the money came, D is the use of the money, and E is a code (1 for paycheck, 2 for investment income, 3 for food expense...etc).

On another sheet I have an income statement. I want the income statement to pull code 1s from the register sheet for the month indicated by column A in that sheet into the proper month column (B is january, C is Feb....). I then have a cash flow sheet which uses V-lookups to pull the information from the income statement, and that seems to work fine.

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Pulling Nth Date From Large Dataset?

Mar 29, 2013

we use # of days per disbursement as a performance measure to ensure that we are providing out grantees with the appropriate amount of service. I keep a tracking chart that I manage with overseas partners that use these dates to prioritize the 30+ grantees in their portfolio at any given time. It would be great if this # of days to disbursement #1, disbursement #2, etc could automatically pull to show them who they have neglected.

"Sheet 1" = Overview sheet to see general information (where I'm trying to pull to)

"Sheet 2" = table to track information as the disbursements or other actions are processed per grant

Column A (on both sheets) gives the grant reference

Column B (data entry sheet) gives the date the payment was sent

When I do =SMALL(('Sheet2'!B:B),2), I get the 2nd smallest in the whole sheet, but then when I try to make an IF function to tie it to the specific grant...

=IF('Sheet2'!A:A,A2,SMALL(('Sheet2'!B:B),2)) --> this gives me a 1905 date

I've tried a bunch of different formulas and tried reformatting the dates... but I'm having very little success...

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Pulling Of Month & Year From Date Cell

Dec 2, 2009

i have attached a sheet, i want if i put date in cell a2 and automatically month should come in cell b2 and year in c2,


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Data Validation Against A Date - Specific Day Of Week

Sep 10, 2012

I am trying to do a validation against a date.

Can a cell have a calendar button - for user to choose a date, and also have data validation? (so far I've played with validation, haven't found how to include calendar).

I would like to validate that the chosen date is at least TODAY+14, but also is a Saturday - is there any validation which will provide this?

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How To Return Data With Specific Date In Macro

Jun 1, 2014

I have my tracking data sheet in my master file.

I wish to create a macro code to only retrieve the data on the file last modified date with the specific date.

For example like this :

I wish when I click on the List button, it will pull out the file that is from 28/5/2014 till 30/5/2014 which I have input in B6:B7

I have my code like this but it will pull out all the file in the folder:

Dim iRow

Sub list()
iRow = 11
Call ListMyFiles(Range("C4"), Range("C5"))
End Sub

Sub ListMyFiles(mySourcePath, IncludeSubfolders)

[Code] ........

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Pulling Rows From Other Tabs In Workbook Based On Date?

Jan 25, 2014

I have a workbook with multiple tabs, each tab is representative of a person and their ongoing project list. What I am trying to do is to be able to pull rows from each tab identifying the persons active projects based on an assigned due date.

Details: Tabs for Tom/Susan/Phil/Jerry each person will be updating their own sheet with project completion details. Each tab has similar headers with a corresponding due date or completion date. On the master sheet I would like to pull those rows that correspond to the specific dates for all persons.

Example - give me all rows that reflect projects due on 1/21/2014.

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Average Data Between Two Date Ranges - Specific Hours

Aug 22, 2014

I would like to average data between 0600 and 2200 hours, between two date ranges, such as July 1st and July 31st.


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Remove Specific Time Data From Row To Leave Only Date?

Mar 7, 2014

I have a lot of rows of data in this date and time format "2/29/2013 10:00:25 AM" and I would like to remove only the time and leave the date

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Pulling Specific Text Within Text In Which Information Is Typed Differently?

Aug 2, 2014

I am trying to pull titles out of a text string but its quite difficult because of how the data was originally inputted. I need titles that appear in the following different formats

" title"

These titles were not inputted consistently and it could show up in the middle or at the beginning. I have attached a sample of the data that i am working with and a sample formula that i was trying to use to obtain my information. The formula that i have is a nested formula of find and mid formula that searches for the text within " ".

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Formula That Matches Date And Time

Apr 4, 2014

I am creating a formula that matches a particular date with a particular time. All of the dates that have 14:00 (2:00 PM) next to them should be listed from oldest date to newest date. The workbook where the formula needs to be entered contains data that is constantly shifting and updating so the formula has to be based upon the 14:00 (2:00 PM) and not the number of rows because the 14:00 (2:00 PM) row won't always be in the same place.

See the attached spreadsheet for a better explanation. There are two examples of what I need on one sheet to give an example of how the data can shift. Also, the weekend is not included in the data so the dates skip days during that period.

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Copy And Paste If Date Matches

Apr 12, 2009

I have workbook with 2 sheets. Worksheet1 has a date by formula (Today()). Worksheet2 has dates listed in column A. I want to write a macro that will check that the date in Worskheet2, Column A matches the date on Worksheet1 then pastespecial -value from e2 on worksheet1 to the adjacent cell column B worksheet2. This is to create a log for changes over time. I have a macro that pastes to the first empty cell column B worksheet2 but I can not get the date correct.

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Copy & Paste Cell Value To Date Matches Across Sheets

Apr 26, 2008

I need macro to copy values from a Master worksheet on a daily basis, and paste them to multiple individual worksheets in cells adjacent to today's date (already crafted). For instance, a value of 8 is entered into a particular cell in the Master, it is copied and pasted into column E of another worksheet, on the row with today's date already written in column B. I need to do this repeatedly for over 50 worksheets.

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Pulling Specific Dates Out Of List Of Dates?

Aug 5, 2013

I have a list of dates in this format (7/20/2013) that go through several months. I would like to make have a formula that takes all of the dates from a specific month out and make a new list of those days. For example, if I have 7/20/2013, 6/28/2013, 8/3/2013, 7/1/2013. I would like to to take only the dates from July and put them in a new list: 7/20/2013, 7/1/2013.

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Cross Check 2 Ranges For Matches & Return Row Number Of Matches

Apr 29, 2009

I have several worksheets (Labeled Sheet1,Sheet2,sheet3) What I need to do is to step through each row in sheet3, and do a search in sheet1, it the data was found, then return the row number. I then will need to copy data from sheet1 (rowfound columnA , through rowfound CoulmnBd to sheet3 current working row columnK

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