Userform Data Amend/Modify Not Working

Feb 24, 2010

I am trying to develop some data package for my office and created Userforms to add/input data, and amend/modify data. To input its working fine. But when I want to amend/modify the records its not working. I am new to Userforms, Codes. Can anyone help me by rectify me coding, for which I am attaching the sample sheet.

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Find & Amend/Edit Data Via Userform

Mar 30, 2008

A.) As a user is entering data into a userform two specific values need to be checked in the existing data sheet.

Textbox1 ( date)
Combobox (operation name) {4 tabs on from textbox1)

They relate to the data stored in columns 'A' and 'E' respectivly.

What I'd like is, as the user exits combobox4 to check if the values already exist. If they do; fill the coresponding textboxes with those values and allow the user to make any amendments, then have it SAVE to the SAME row, would a record number be necessary to accomplish this?

B.) For a future development, Im thinking of applying the same principle to a different project, where 3 values need checking.

Textbox9000 (date) Column 'A'
ComboBox1002 (Staff member) Column 'B'
Combobox1003 (operation name) Column 'C'

Possible complications are that below combobox1003 there will be 12 other comboboxes(a value title, from column header) with associated textboxes alongside(value previously entered by user).

There will be 22 possible values for the comboboxes(the values will be the same column headers) The user will only ever have the choice of making 12 entries though.

Does any one have any spare code laying round for this one..

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Amend VBA Code To Change Mandatory Inputbox To Userform Combobox Entry

Apr 25, 2013

I have 4 columns, If column B (Ref No) is filled in, the adjacent columns, C,D and E become mandatory and an input box pops up on screen one after the other for entry into each column.

My problem is that I require a drop down list and not a input box for the final column (status). So i have created a userform with a combobox dropdown. I am having problems connecting the combobox selection to the final column, and for the selected combobox item to go into the right cell like the input box entry currently does.

Attachment 53209test743.xls

I have attached a sheet and also you can see the code below.

Code in Sheet

Public SaveVal1
Public SaveVal2
Public SaveVal3

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)

[Code] .....

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Amend Macro To Select All But Last Column Of Data

May 12, 2014

Macro below - it now works and selects all the data in spreadsheet and converts to Proper Case

However I also need a macro to select all except the last column of data and convert all except the last column to Proper Case

It is for Post / Zip code info. so wish to keep it in Upper Case.

What I have already is:


Sub Propercase()
Dim LastRow As Long, LastColumn As Long
LastRow = Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=Range("A1"), SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
LastColumn = Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=Range("A1"), SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column
Dim r As Range, c As Range
Set r = Range("A1").Resize(LastRow, LastColumn)

[Code] .....

I was hoping I could easily amend the above to select all except last column.

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Amend Chart Data In Multiple Workbooks

Sep 5, 2007

In my VB6 project I need to loop through several Excel Workbooks with the same chart format and amend the chart data as required from time to time. There are 2 charts in Sheet2 of every workbook. With the following coding, I can only update the chart in the first workbook but not the one in the second workbook and the rest. It appears that there will be no further updates after the first workbook is closed.

Option Explicit
Dim oEquityWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim oEquityWS As Excel.Worksheet

Public Sub AmendChart()
Dim arrWorkbooks() as String'Path & Filename
Dim nn as Integer

For nn = 0 To UBound(arrWorkbooks)
If Not EquityWBOpen(arrWorkbooks(nn)) Then GoTo Next_nn
Set oEquityWS = oEquityWB.Worksheets("Sheet2")
oEquityWS.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Activate................

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Automatically Count And Amend A Formula As New Data Is Added

Jun 7, 2006

[please refer to attached sample data]

The formula in K3 is


This formula calculates the average mailing return rate of all the mailings added together. J15 is currently white text to hide it from the end user.

Everytime I add a new row of data I need the formula to update itself automatically. So for example, the next time I add a row of data the above formula has to change to


Or if I were to add three rows of data the formula would have been


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Modify Data Within A Column In A .csv File

Oct 24, 2005

I have been given a .csv file of several thousand rows, and I need to
change column A of each. The brief cutout below shows column A of the
first two rows. (I need to skip the first row, which is the headers.)
Kinda clumsy to have such a wide column, but the application this file
is to be fed after I change the contents requires all the data
separated by double-quotes to be in the one column....

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Modify Pivot Table Data

Dec 20, 2002

Possible to modify the data (# of units, e.g.) on the pivot table, and have it recalculate totals without going back to the original data? I would like to be able to use the pivot table to do adjustments on-the-fly. For example I want to put in a quantity, and have it multiply the price to give a total amount.

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How To Modify Source Data When Using VLookup Formula

Dec 17, 2013

I have 2 sheets, lets say SheetA1 and SheetA2. I am using Vlookup to serial number & getting data from SheetA1 to SheetA2. But I want to modifty the data. If i modify the data in SheetA2 that modification should relect in SheetA1. Is it possible...

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Modify Search VBA (Data Sheet To Another File)

Apr 29, 2013

I'm having a macro for search and all within the same file as folow:

Sheet"Search" has this vba


Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()

[c3] = "Type your search here."

End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

[Code] ........

Sheet"Data" is my data (which is refer to above vba as Const SEARCH_SHEET = "data")

My needs here, i need to move Sheet"Data" to another file then how can I linke above vba to Sheet"Data" that moved to another file?

Infact, that file will be as addins file (.xlam) .

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Printing A Userform Not Working

Mar 13, 2014

Im trying to add a print button to a userform. But three things that have to happen when the button is clicked:

1.Excel has to tell the print dialogue box to ensure the page will only fit on one page by one page

2.The print dialogue box has to pop up so the user can ensure the settings of the print

3.Right now when the print happens scroll bars are printing from the userform. I need those to disappear

This code in its current state is messing with me, it appears I set it to one page by one page but yet when the print happens its only printing the last part of my userform. And right now it also does trigger the dialogue box so that part is solved. I just cant figure out why its not resizing to one page by one page.

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Working With Two Workbooks Through USERFORM?

Jul 29, 2014

i have 2 workBooks (firstWB & secondWB)

In fristWB i have UserForm in which their is
TextBox_1 & Transfer_btn-->cmdbutton
..with transfer_btn i want anything written in TextBox_1 should always paste new row in secondWB workbook
I am trying to do this with USERFORM

i am also trying to do DYNAMIC CHART in USER FORM

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Alt+Tab Not Working When An Userform Is Opened

Apr 28, 2009

While using an userform, is it not possible to swap to other files in the window?
I.e Alt+tab function is not working while an userform is opened.

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Userform Not Working On All Computers

Mar 24, 2009

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
End Sub

A userform is called up upon a calculation change in the spreadsheet on two computers and has for years. We just hired a new employee and the userform is not pulling up for her. Instead she gets an error: Runtime error 75...Could not find the specified object.

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Setfocus In Userform Not Working

Dec 29, 2009

I'm having some problems with SetFocus on a user form that I am using. Code is Below.

Dim Answer As Variant
With cboAccount
If .Value "" And .ListIndex = -1 Then
Answer = MsgBox(cboAccount.Value & " is not a registered account, would you like to add it?", vbYesNo)
If Answer = vbYes Then
Load frmNewAccount
frmNewAccount.txtAccountName.Value = frmEnterTransaction.cboAccount.Value
If Answer = vbNo Then
End If
End If
End If
End With
End Sub

basically the code asks if the if the answer placed in a cboAccount (combo box) is valid against the list designated to that combo box,

If the entry is not valid a message box appears asking if they would like to add the entry to the valid list if they do not want to do this they can click no and in which case I wan't the focus to be set back to the combo box however currently the setfocus command above does not does not work and the focus is set to the next text box.

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UserForm TextBox Total Not 100% Working

Apr 4, 2014

I have a UserForm which enables the user to input sales figures for each month for 5 years.

At the bottom of each year is the total box.

At the moment it only sums the 12 months when each month has a figure in it. Sometimes the user only needs to enter, lets say, 4 months figures and the total box doesn't work. It also doesn't sum as data is entered i.e. it only adds them up when all 12 months TextBoxes have a number in them.

Can I literally make it as simple as it would be on a normal worksheet i.e. =SUM(A1:A12) ??

Here is my code that is 'in' each month's TextBox

[Code] .....

End Sub

The total box itself - txtY1Total - doesn't have any code in it.

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Userform To Change Password Not Working

May 29, 2009

Below is code i wrote to change a password. password value is hidden in cell iv4 in different sheets. My userform contains 3 textboxes and button to run macro. As long as old password matches cell value AND new password is entered twice correctly then it will change value in cell iv4.

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ListBox Validation On UserForm Not Working?

Jan 22, 2014

I have a UserForm with Combo Boxes, List Boxes, Text Boxes etc. When the OK button is clicked I want it to ensure certain fields are not left blank and notify the user (see code below). This works great for the combo boxes but not for list boxes. It seems to skip over that code. In other words, in the code below, if a manager is not selected, it doesn't notify the user.

Private Sub OkButton_Click()
'Verify fields are not left blank
If cboAgent.Value = "" Then


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Working With Workbook While Userform Is Running

Mar 12, 2014

is there any way to work with excel workbook while in another excel workbook userform is running

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Userform: Cancel Button Not Working

Dec 26, 2009

I have a userform with two buttons : O.K. and Cancel
When I use the O.K. Button, all is correct, but when I use the Cancel Button, it doesn't work.
What line I have to add, to leave that userform ? (Cancel : CommandButton2_Click()

Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
Public Function userChosen()
userChosen = Format(DateSerial(cmbJaar, cmbMaand, cmbDag), "")
Unload Me
End Function

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Auto Number On Userform Not Working

Aug 22, 2006

I have a user form that has a label "txtcompno" which displays a "Auto incrementing" number everytime the user form is opened. e.g. 90001, 90002, 90003 and so on. This was working fine till yesterday, but has since stopped working for some reason: This is the code I wassuccessfully using before:

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Me.txtdate.Caption = Format(Now(), "dd/mm/yyyy")
Me.txtcompno.Enabled = True
Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("ComplaintData")
' find last data row from database
iRow = ws. Cells(Rows.Count, 1) _
If ws.[A2].Value = "" Then
Me.txtcompno.Caption = 90001
Me.txtcompno.Caption = ws.Cells(iRow, 1).Value + 1
End If
End Sub

but now its giving me error - "Run time error 13 : Type mis-match". and its highlighting the line: Me.txtcompno.Caption = ws.Cells(iRow, 1).Value + 1

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Enter Key On UserForm To Next Control Not Working

Apr 23, 2008

I have a User Form that is used to collect data. CommandButton1 loads the User Form data into the worksheet and CommandButton2 clears all data from the Form in preparation for entering the next record. Immediately after a user first opens the Form, the very first time CommandButton1 is clicked, the Enter Key stops working. At this point data can be typed into any TextBox on the Form, but when the Enter Key is pressed the cursor remains in the TextBox. (The Enter Key will not move the focus to the next Textbox in the Tab Order. Also, if I alter the code to set the focus on a CommandButton as the active control instead of a TextBox, pressing Enter on the active CommandButton does not execute the CommandButton's macro... the same behavior as a TextBox; nothing at all happens when the Enter Key is pressed even though the CommandButton has focus).

At the point when the Enter Key stops functioning, if the user presses 'Alt-Tab' to leave the Form and then immediately uses 'Alt-Tab' to return back into the Form the Enter Key suddenly works again and continues to work correctly from that point on even after CommandButton1 is clicked. Again, the Enter Key stops working ONLY the first time CommandButton1 is run immediately following initially opening the workbook and Alt-Tabing into the Form immediately corrects it. I saw one other post in this forum with this same problem in 2003, but unfortunately it did not get answered.

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Autofill In Working Days To Userform TextBox

Jul 26, 2013

I am working on a "Salary Payment voucher excel Userform".

How can i do it, if i don't want manually fill in the number of working days into the textbox myself, Can i have the userform to automatically fill in the number of days when i initialize the userform.

We are working at 6 Days weeks.

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Excel 2007 :: Modify / Transform Daily To Weekly Or Monthly Data

Nov 14, 2013

I have an excel 2007 script that downloads daily stock data and prices. I do analysis and graph the data.

I would like to keep the download the same, but modify my analysis so as to obtain weekly and/or monthly data.

I am sure this is commonly done, and is not rocket science, but so far I am baffled as to the procedure / algorithm to do this.

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Excel 2007 :: Pivot Table - Link Back To / Modify Raw Data

Jun 25, 2008

Scenario: I have a worksheet full of ~360 tasks. Tasks are broken down into phases, have owners, and have status'. I leverage a pivot table to easily sort my data by owner, or by status. When reviewing the pivot table with others we want to update the raw data. This entails changing worksheets and scrolling to the task in question.

I'm looking for an easier way to update the raw / original data.

Options I've tried to pursue but have come up empty:
Option 1: Excel modification? Is there a setting in Excel 2007 that would allow me to change a value in my pivot table and have it propagate to the original data set (another Excel worksheet)? So far the answer seems to be "no". Is this possible?

Option 2: Hyperlink from Pivot Table to Raw data field.
- I cannot create hyperlinks within PivotTable data cells.
- I have used the "hyperlink()" function OUTSIDE of my pivot table, along w/ a "match()" on a key field in my pivot table to create hyperlinks back to my raw data... But this is prone to breaking.
- Is there a way to enable hyperlinks from within a Pivot Table? I have seen other requests from individuals that had a pivot table with actual hyperlinks (e.g. [URL]...) and they could not 'activate' them.

Option 3: Tool Tip VBA Form w/ Link?

- If I can't create hyperlinks directly in the table, then how about a function so then when i click (mouse over?) a pivot table cell a form appears with a hyperlink back to the source data?

Option 2 and 3 Assume that there's an way to get at the underlying location of the raw data (e.g. "Pivot Table Worksheet!E10" comes from "RawData!C4". I've dug through some VBA documentation at but came up empty. I know this link must exist behind the scenes - In Excel 2007 when you mouse-over a pivot table cell Excel displays: "Row - Phase - Owner - Status", which is directly out of the raw data table/worksheet. [[This was an incorrect assumption... When i looked at the pivot table tool-tip closer I realize it was just walking through my data :'( row.

What is the VBA Code to revel the source cell? If i can get at that data, (and hyperlinking can be turned on w/in the pivot table...) then I can easily write a script to walk through the pivot table and create links back to the raw data... Not a perfect solution - but it takes away the need to search through the source data for the row I want.

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Dependent Combobox Userform - Submit Button Isn't Working?

Jun 4, 2014

I am currently running VBA when ComboBox1 is selected ComboBox2 shows specific information based on lists in the spreadsheet.

Now I would like it if ComboBox2 showed "Business Improvement" then ComboBox3 will show information set in that list.

Also, my submit button isn't working and I can't find out what's wrong using the debugger

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Amend Match For Min & > 0

Jun 8, 2009

I need to amend this formula so match only cells with min values > 0.

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Amend Code To Run Faster

Sep 5, 2008

I have the following code kindly supplied to me by someone else and I'd like to know if anyone can suggest any ways to speed up the running of it. It currently takes about 4 minutes to run (there are about 5000 cells to loop through)

Basically it looks for a value in Col C - works out the number of rows to fill up by searching a range in Col D - then copies value in Col C up by that number of rows.

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Amend Macro To Run Through All Sheets Except Two

Feb 5, 2009

I have found and adapted a macro (below) that searches all worksheets for a specific value (entered by the user in a specfic cell) then displays a list of hyperlinks to the matching cell locations.

I now have a couple of sheets I don't want to be included in this macro ("Master List" and "Pivot Table") but I'm really struggling to find a way of amending the macro to exclude these. I've searched and tried a couple of ways but I get errors and I think I'm not knowledgable enough to know where to put each bit of code.

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Amend To A Database Daily

Dec 31, 2009

I have a daily log for work that keeps track of purchases and returns among other items and I was wondering if there was a way I could have all this information get put into a log that will amend everything for each week, month and year.

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