I am wanting to rank mulitple groups of data and as i do this daily and the size of the groups are constantly changing there is a lot of manual moving cell sizes around to get what i need. i am hopeing there is a simpler way...
An example is say a horse race
info i have
race tab score
2 1 10
2 2 6
2 3 8
2 4 12
2 5 9
3 1 7
3 2 12
3 3 8
3 4 15
i have been using =rank($C2,$C$2:$C6) so i am trying to rank the scores...... ETC and i know this locks sells but if i take dollar signs away the next row doesnt rank A3 from A2:A6 and i also want to be able to drag down so the formula will then do race 3 etc....
is there a way i can do a lookup + rank so my formula ranks all numbers relating to race 2 then goes on to rank numbers relating to race 3 ?
I will also have to add the track name i guess as each individual track has race 1, 2, 3 etc
Ranking values and ranking duplicates the same rank I'm looking to rank a group of numbers that will possibly have duplicate numbers that I want to show as a tie but have no break in the rankings.
I need to rank sales with Nation, Area and Division. I figure how to calculate National rank, Area but have a bit of an issue with Divisional Rank. I need to re-calculate division rank by looking at Area rank and if this individual already .....
I have a table of data where i want to rank scores. I know the general formula for this would be =RANK(B2,$B$2:$B$7) as an example however the range of data is not next to each other and I have tried this formula =RANK(B2,B2,B4,B6) but this comes up with an error.
Would someone be so kind as to look at the attcahed sheet. There are boxes with data entered. Depending on the achievement the 3 parties are automatically ranked 1,2 or 3 as you can see.
All except for cells j23:j25, although I've used exactly the same formula as the other boxes, the ranking doesn't seem to work for some reason I cannoot fathom.
I know there is an issue with merging, but all the others work and are merged (to get them to work I created the formula before merging).
I have 6 categories that need to be ranked 1-6 in order of highest number of occurances. My ranking formula is showing 1-7, missing number 3. I have attached a sample worksheet further showing what I am trying to explain. I need cell A3 to show a ranking of "3". Currently it shows "4". What am I doing wrong??
I am facing some problem with ranking formulae. Attached is a file illustrating them.
Problem 1: Ranking without zero I have a set of data for products. They have a number next to it. Some of the products have a ZERO value next to them. I want to rank the data in an ascending order while ignoring the products with ZERO value next to them.
Problem 2: Ranking on multiple factors I have a set of data for 50 products. There are 5 factors based on which I want to pick the best and the worst. Each factor has a value which can be a negative number, zero or positive number.
This is what I am doing presently: Ranking the products on each factor in a separate column. Points are assigned based on the ranking, i.e. if the ranking of "product A" on Factor 1 is 32, then it gets 32 points It is assumed that equal importance [weight] is given to each factor, thus average points is calculated based on ranking of each product on each factor. Average points are again ranked in descending order The top & bottom 10 are picked from this ranking.
Number of products and number of factors can be different for each analysis. Presently I am giving equal importance to the rankings for each of the factors, what if I have to give varied importance [weight] to the factors.
I am attempting to upgrade a scoring system in excel 2003 which I use to rank wins in a sports results grid and i have to amend a formula based on a new version. The current formula in the attached part-completed worksheet Draw9 of 1 to 9, which I wish to amend, is in cells AM42:53 one of which is:
I have now added an extra column of data in cell AN44:53 under “LSD” and I would like to use this to improve the accuracy of the original ranking. In other words I wish to Rank teams using the “Wins” in column AL42:53 plus the “LSD” data in columns AN44:53 and this will ensure that where teams are tied on the same number of wins then the numbers in the “LSD” column will enable a clear ranking i.e. say 3 teams on 3 wins ranked 6th = will now be ranked 6th,7th & 8th.
I had tried ranking formula to rank employees on some cirteria it was working, but if there is any tie between two employees then the next rank is not displaying for example in Ach Rank : rank 5 is missing because there is tie is between two employees is rank 4. Request your suggestion and help on this for overcoming the issue.
Formula used for ranking : =IF(B2>=75%,RANK(B2,$B$2:$B$41,1)-COUNTIF($B$2:$B$41,"
I have an excel work book with 6 tabs. I would like to have Excel move an entire row from one tab to another tab (removing the row and inserting it in the other tab). I.e. Example I have a tab with items that are marked as "Open Actions" so if I were to change the drop down to close. Excel would move that entire row of actions to the tab with the "closed actions" and insert into the next available row. Now if someone were to come back at a later date say no it should be reopened than I would change the drop down to open and excel would move that row back to the open actions tab into next available row. I tried a PIVOT table and no good I played with few macro and not.
I have a row C1 - AN1 that has percentages in, these are named per month, ie C1 = Jan, C2 = feb etc.
In another cell M88 I take the average of the next 9 months so that in feb I need from Feb - Oct, in Mar in need Mar - Nov etc, can I get this to change automatically on the 1st of ervery month?
At the moment I have to do this manually but I have a lot of sheets that this is for.
I have an IF formula on one worksheet that refers to another worksheet (ex: =IF(Page1!$A13="";"";Page1!$A13). The problem is when I move data from one cell to another the formula becomes #REF. (ex: =IF(Page1!#REF="";"";Page1!#REF)).
How to make a formula with references to certain cells, so I can sort the sheet but keep the formula referring to the same cells as before the sorting?
In the example I illustrated the problem: when I sort the data, the formula refers to the same cells which have now different values, so the calculation is not right anymore.
I am having difficulty expressing a formula so that if a cell is greater than zero, it adds the value of that cell to a String figure. I have got as far as the following, the 'problem' area is in red.
Sub Share_Sales3() Dim Prompt As String Dim Caption As String
I need your kind help with a code that if the cells in the range become 10, then the cell across in column B will rank the order of the cell that scored 10.
ie: if A2=10 then B2=1st, A4=10 then B4 = 2nd, A5=10 then B5=3rd, A1=10 then B1=4th, A3=10 then B3=5th.
The ranking is placed according to the which cell results to 10 first.
i need to rank database and get an output of 1, 2, 3, 4, and ect. even if the first 2 had a tie of 1; 1;. So if i have 500 records and the first 3 are tie at 1st place than the next rank should NOT be 4 but instead should be 2 and so on. Is it possible?
The Excel function RANK allows one to automatically rank a number within a given range of numbers. Can anyone think of a way to do the same thing with words?
For example, imagine a list of 20 words in a column, with space to add ten more words (complete range B2 to B31, which include the last ten blank cells). If these were numbers, then in the previous column one could simply put in the RANK formula covering the full range, which would then auto update as you added more numbers to the spare ten cells of the range. Assuming that all the values being ranked are unique, and you would therefore get a unique rank number, to order them in rank order, one would simply have the list of possible rank values a column or two removed and VLOOKUP the ranks and their appropriate values.
But what if these numbers were WORDS? The first 20 words are FIXED and will not change, the next ten cells of the range could have any other words typed into them. There is no RANK function for words so how would you suggest that ranking by words is achieved, that does not require any intervention, and as new words were added to the spare ten cells in the range, then the rank would automatically update? This list of ranked words would then be VLOOKUP’d in the same fashion as above with the final list being used to fuel a drop down box, so the user would have an alphabetical listing of all the potential words in the range.
I have a spreadsheet which we use to rank scores for our golf society.
At the start of our season it was decided that if anyone of the top 3 scores were tied we would separate them using a second criteria(back nine score). Any scores from position 4 down would still be tied.
From searching this forum i have managed to separate ties using the 'back nine' second criteria(using a hidden helper column) but only for all the ranking positions not just the top 3.
However if you get two scores tied, for example 28, 28, 39, 6, using rank the points score for each 28 returns 2 when I actually need it to be 2.5 (Thats 3points +2points / 2).
i was looking for some assistance in regards to a formula i have used for ranking. i have attached a sample spreadsheet of what i have done so far but struggling to work something so thot id try here.
(Sample WB) Currently i have managed to rank in accordance to column E but as i have alot of 0% i would like to be able to rank the 0% in accordance to the number of work done (column C).
For example i have 62 0% answers and Username Q has actioned 316 jobs with 0 Failures so should be ranked 1st as he has the highest number of jobs.
Is there an equivalent of =rank for non-numerical data? If not, is it possible to sort data (into another column if necessary) alphabetically without resorting to a macro?
I have a list of values that I need to rank in descending order. Usually the RANK function is OK, but here is my problem. I need the list to use 'generous' rules. If there is a tie for 2nd, lets say, then I need the next place to be 3rd, NOT 4th as the RANK function does.
A number of columns (B to U) contain names, details and scores of players. The A column contains the ranking, e.g. 1 to 100.
If a player (row) is deleted, that ranking number is also gone. Is there a way to make the A column always maintain the integrity and completeness of the numbering, e.g. if rank (row) 16 is deleted, the range of B17:U100 moves one row up and the former 17 is now 16? And if a new row is inserted, the ranking numbers after the insertion move up one row and a new number is added at the end?
2. There are 6 columns of scores, P to U. But out of these 6 scores, only the best 4 count for the ranking. The two worst (highest) scores are dropped. Is there a way to automate the process by selecting only the 4 best (lowest) numbers to be summed into the Total column (C), which in turn determines the rankings in the A column?*
And then can the whole range B2:U100 automatically be sorted according to the ranking in column (A)?
*It is possible that there are 3 or 4 bad scores, all with the same value. In that case only 2 could be discarded, and 1 or 2 would be summed into the ranking cell.
I have a data base of numbers Columns C to K with values from Row 2 to 3766. I want to rank each of these columns by value 1 to 100. However, some of the columns will assign 1 to the highest value and 100 to the lowest. In other columns it will be reverse, 1 is given to the lowest value and 100 to the highest. I can do a rank by percentile but that's not the scoring I'm looking for. Also don't know how to reverse assignment of high or low values. One further note, some of the cells are blank in which case I want to assign a neutral score of 50.
im doing a excell sheet for a fantasy league that i ahve created. I have a "total" cell to combine the total points for each player. I then used the "rank" formula to rank the highest points to that player. My question is...can i show like how many points behind everyone else is from who ever the "rank 1" is in?
Not sure if you can do 2 formuals in same cell or not. maybe i could have rank and how many points are behind in same cell
Example. lets say Player points rank Tim 5000 1 Jimmy 4000 2 -1000 Sara 3500 3 -1500