I have an excel sheet which contains Supplier certs issue date and date of expiry of a particular cert. I would like to send an email to user when the date of expiry is met. I have very little knowledge or no knowledge of coding in VB. I want to send the email 30 days before the cert expire. i have attached the file.
I use a Macro that when run, will generate an email with the excel sheet attached. See attached example.
My two questions are:
- Is it possible for the body of the email that is generated to have spaces within the text? So it shows more like the below:
"Good morning,
Please find today's forecast for Friday, May 07, 2010 attached.
FRC Treasury Team"
- Also, the colors in the spreadsheet change automatically when the macro attaches the sheet. Why is this? Is it possible to do something so that this does not happen?
I send these kind of mails to intimate people about upcoming meeting, the format I prepare in Excel 2013 and paste it in Outlook 2013 (as a table, not as an image)
Now one of the columns I put as 'Days Remaining' which basically tells the users how many days are there to the review, the image below will show how it looks:
Now the numbers of days remaining will be correct the day I send the mail, but when somebody opens the mail at a later date, it would not sort of show the true number.
Is there a way to auto-update this number inside the Outlook mail, as it works in an Excel Sheet?
I have a macro to send emails to a group people that based on various criteria, it will attach a number of files to a recipient's particular email. This is a small portion of the code that does the attachment adding:
Code: If Range("B" & a) = "Y" Then If citChev "" Then .Attachments.Add citChev End If If Range("C" & a) = "Y" Then If citMits "" Then .Attachments.Add citMits End If If Range("D" & a) = "Y" Then If citToyo "" Then .Attachments.Add citToyo End If If Range("E" & a) = "Y" Then
Most people get several of the files attached to their email and all works fine. But, there are certain conditions when all the IF() stmts fail where a recipient will not get any files attached. I do not want to send the email if this is the case, but it currently is sending it.
Is there a way after all the IF() stmts have processed to check to see if this current email has any attachments assigned to it? (IF .Attachments "" Then...) does not work.
I am using Excel 2010. I have been given a task at work that can save my team a lot of time if I can solve the problem. Every month, we have a spreadsheet with about 5000 rows that we have to email. In each row, there is a range that we have to email to a specific email. For example, I would have to copy and paste Range A2-R2 in the body of the email, and then email it to whatever email is in cell S2. I would then continue this for the next 5000 lines, making it a possibility that i will be sending 5000 emails manually.
I have been trying to come up with a solution through VBA that would automatically send these emails. My goal is to automatically send the Range A2-R2 to outlook email, then cell S2 into the "To" email address box, and then automatically send it. So far, i have successfully been able to send one row, but cannot figure out how to loop it for the remainder of the rows.
A couple other key points are that I have column headings as well (Range A1-R1). If possible, I want to be able to include the column headings in the email body as well. Example - first email would be range A1-R2. second email would be range A1-R1 and A3-R3, and so forth. The body of the email would also contain a standard script, such as "Please review the information below."
The goal here is to save everyone from having to send 5000+ manual emails. This would be a big boost for my team.
We know that professional emails have a fixed format. I have a list of people with their names and emails and there are some people for which emails are missing. I am pasting my sample data below. But first let me explain the meaning of columns.
Column A: Means full name of the person for which we have email id Column B & C: just split of Available full name into first name and last name Column D: Email id of the person with full name in column A Column E: For the names in this column, we need to get email ids Column H: Sample result
Now basis on the Full Name(Column A) and Email Id(Column D) can we get the email id for person in Column E.
Sheet4 A B C D E F G H
1 Available Full Name Available FirstName Available LastName Email for available full name Actual Full name Actual firstname Actual lastname Sample result
I can get it to work with 1 email and 1 condition but not 2.
Sub auto_open() ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").OnEntry = "DidCellsChange" End Sub
Sub DidCellsChange() Dim KeyCells As String KeyCells = "A1:A99" If Not Application.Intersect(ActiveCell, Range(KeyCells)) _ Is Nothing Then KeyCellsChanged End Sub ................................
I need to send an email when value of timer in column F exceeds 72 hrs. E-mail address of recipient is in column C and 2 fixed addresses are to be put in C.C.
basic outline would be
name(A) work(B) E-Mail(C) Work Started (D) Work Finished(E) Time Elapsed for Work from Start (F)
Can this emails be sent to repeat also after 24 hrs if the timer in F is not stopped (i.e till no entry is put into Column E)?
look at the script im running in the attached spreadsheet. It auto generates an email to the email address in c so long as column H has a yes in it. However there are things i would like to change. I would like it to say: contact xxx to discuss your outstanding resource center loan titled: {then put the title of the load in here - column E} which was due back on {then put due back date here column G}.
I wrote this code years ago to Auto Send Emails from Outlook...
Sub Emailfile()
Dim OutlookApp As Object Const olMailItem = 0 Set OutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Dim EmailContent As String With OutlookApp.CreateItem(olMailItem) EmailContent = Range("A1").Value .To = "Test" .Subject = "LSG Data File" .Body = EmailContent .Attachments.Add ("P:MI TeamICCE LEADS EXTRACTSLSGLSG Data File")
End With
End Sub
I can't figure out how to get it working for Lotus notes... So 2 things I guess really... Firstly is it possible? Second: If it is, how can I get it to send say 16 emails each with a specific attachment but the same commentary?
I need to send an email reminder to teachers on the day they have duty. I know how to set up an email that sends on a certain date, but I am unsure how to code it when the date changes. I have attached the spreadsheet.
In cell A 53, I have the date November 24th. In cell C53, I have the email address of the teacher doing duty that day. In cell F53, I have the date November 25th. In cell, I53 I have the email address of the teacher performing duty that day. On November 24th, the person in C53 should receive a reminder email. On November 25th, the person in cell I53 should receive a reminder email. I will have spreadsheet for every month of the year. So there will be LOTS of changing dates. How do I code this when the date keeps changing?
I am looking for Excel to auto generate an email (to myself) when the following happens:
Basically, I have products with promotions which each have a start and end date. I have an excel sheet which we manually enter the promotions start and end dates into. I have a seperate column which has a basic formula to indicate the days remaining until the promotion comes to an end.
I would like excel to automatically send me an email to notify me when the promotion is due to end one week in advance.
So I will have a column which effectively shows the days remaining (number) until the promotion ends, when this number hits 7, I would like the email to be sent to myself stating (Model number XYZ. Promo ending soon).
So I want to be able to send out a meial of a copy of a wrok sheet from Excel. I wan to be able to send out and orginal (Insert Referral) and then a modified version (out). I got the code working for the out version but when I copy the code and change the names it does not insert the email addresses in the TO: address bar in outlook. the VBA cose is pulling the email adress off of a worksheet depending on who I want each task to goto. I just can not figure out why my second code is not working. Here is the working first code
I have written code in VBA to send emails via Excel based on a name that is held in a spreasheet that is then looked up against an organisation address book. What I need to know is there anyway that you can save mails into the Draft folder that were unable to send for example if they have an email adress that is incomplete or not recognised or if the email box has reached capacity?
I run excel 2010 on a windows 8.1 machine. In excel I have email address that I need to mail from however when I click the hyperlink it automatically directs me to Hotmail. Is there a way to change that to automatically load Outlook instead?
How do I copy 100 email addresses at the top of an email and post them in an Excell spreadsheet where each email address is in one cell i.e. 100 cells?
i have the following code in my Excel worksheet. This code successfully send out email to our customers when if the criteria is true. I have tested this at home and it works perfectly as I use Outlook at home. However when I take this code to work I couldn't get this working as at work we use Outlook 365 and we use web Outlook, OWA.
Is there a setting I can specify to use OWA as I don't think I am allowed to install outlook at work.
I have an excel spreadsheet on a network, and I need to be able to email a link to the spreadsheet to everyone who needs to use it.
I have done the formula =cell("filename") to get the filepath, i have created a userform which initialises textbox1 to pick up the filename. I have written a macros to create an email, it puts in the subject and the body of the message. In the body of the message is the value of textbox1, but i cannot get it to format this filepath as a hyperlink.
Here's the code in it's entirity i have done:
[VBA] Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() ESubject = "A Workbook has been created which requires your input." SendTo = ""
I am new to excel macros and writing automation code....I work for a company that sells special permits and so far i have written a macro to bring up a pop up box when a permit has expired but i also want to be alerted by email, how can I do this, also is there anyway to stop the macro from running once it finds all of the expired permits? I usually press ctrl + break....
I have attached the file to this post : Book1.xlsm
I have an Excel (2003) spreadsheet which imports data from a text file, adjusts it and then sends it to a word document, then adjusts it again to show different data then sends that to a different word document and then closes word down.
What I am after is a Macro running in Excel to open up my email client (Outlook 2003), attach the two previously created word documents, add a subject, and the recipients email addresses and then send it on its merry way.
I have code that is trying to open a word document and paste it into an email body. If I use plain old control v it works fine but using the method below, I loose my images and my formatting. Is there a way to use send keys here or some other method to preserve my formatting when getting the text to the body of the email?
Code: Private Sub DREmail_Click() Dim OutApp As Object Dim OutMail As Object Dim attachmentQ As String Dim oWord As Object Dim wdapp As Word.Application Dim DRloc As String Dim DRText As DataObject
I have a macro that will send an excel workbook by email when an image is 'Clicked on' however, I need the attachment to be renamed as the text used in cell B9 of this worksheet.
So far I have the macro below which auto populates the 'email to' address and the 'subject' line which is great but how do I get to rename the attachment?
Sub SendIt() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSendMail).Show arg1:="test@test.com", _ arg2:="test 1" End Sub
I have this Macro working almost perfectly, but I need to attach the worksheets to the emails. The code is below. I am unable to reference the ".Attachments" to the workbook created previously in the code.
Sub ActivityReport() ' Clear out any old data on Report Sheets("Report").Select
I'm using some code to send an email from Excel to Outlook via VBA, I of course got it from [URL]
I'm using it to send a mass email to some of our customers, it uses information from a sheet and then attach's some PDF files totalling 5MB.
The trouble I'm having is that I can send around 16 emails and then the mailbox reaches it's limit and it just comes to a halt until I can empty the 'Sent Items' and then the 'Deleted Items' folder.
I've spoke to the tech guys here at work about it and they seem to be doing a lot of shaking their heads about increasing the size of the mailbox () so I'm wondering if I can the routine automatically delete the email once it's been sent... ?
Here's the code I've got dealing with the mail;
Code: Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") OutApp.Session.Logon Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
I have a macro that is currently set up to save a draft of my email from Excel. Feedback I've received from my peers is that they would like this macro to Open the drafted email it creates instead of the user having to navigate to the draft folder to open it up.
Is there a part of the code below I can modify so this happens?
//Sub Mail_workbook_Outlook_1() Dim OutApp As Object Dim OutMail As Object Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)