Autofill Blank Cells

Jul 8, 2009

I have a column of names with some spaces e.g. A1: BROWN, A2:empty, A3:empty, A4:SMITH, A5: empty, A6:JONES etc. All the empty cells have the same name as the one above i.e. A2 and A3 should also read "BROWN". A5 should read "SMITH" and so on down the column. Is there away to create a formula that does this automatically. I've tried a simple if command in a duplicate column which looks at the first column and tests for a blank - if it finds one it enters the name from the cell above - but this only works once and some of the empty spaces need to be filled more than once e.g. A2 & A3 above.

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Excel 2010 :: Autofill Entering Data Against Blank Cells

Jan 23, 2014

In earlier versions if I used the double clicked the autofill handle it would only fill down to the next adjacent cell containing data. Now it fills down to the bottom of all the data regardless of whether there is a blank cell or not e.g


Now this happens

X X ...Z

How can I stop this as I need to enter different data in the next section?

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Autofill Vertical List Horizontally With 2 Blank Cells In-between Each List Item

Feb 14, 2014

I have a list in column L2:L352. I would like to be able to start at AD2 and drag horizontally so that AD2 = L2, AE2 = <BLANK>, AF2 = <BLANK>, AG2 = L3, AH2 = <BLANK>, AI2 = <BLANK>, AJ2 = L4, etc.... until L352 has been autofilled.

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VBA - Autofill To First Blank Adjacent Column?

Mar 5, 2014

I want to write some VBA code that simulates the double click of the square in the lower right of a selected cell. When you double click it, it fills every cell in column A until the first blank in column B. I was able to find this code searching around:

Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A10:A" & Range("B10" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)

The issue with the above is that it copies the data all the way down to the LAST row in column B with data.

I want to have the macro stop when it finds the FIRST blank cell in column B.

Just as an example, the last row of data in column B is 100, but in row 67 the cell is blank, so I want it to stop at row 66.

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Autofill Until Non-blank Cell Macro

Jan 10, 2009

I have searched the forum a few times and haven't seen an exact example of what I am trying to do, so I hope this isn't a duplicate.

I am looking for a macro to copy a cell and autofill it down the column until it gets to a non-blank cell. When it reaches that cell it needs to then copy THAT cell down until it reaches another non-blank cell... this could happen just a couple times, a couple dozen times, or only the very first time.

So for example:

In cell B2 there is text "Data1"
In cell B13 there is text "Data2"
In cell B25 there is text "Data3"

I would like the macro to search column B to find "Data1", and then copy it down the column until it reaches B13, then copy "Data2" down until B25, where it would then copy "Data3" down until the end of the document. The location of the data in column B varies, and the number of cells with data in column B will vary as well.

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Autofill Cells On One Sheet When Cells On Another Are Inputted

Mar 21, 2007

I have got the task of doing the results for a local athletics mid-distance event once again and im fed up of doing it the present way. Basically i have a sheet which i input the race registrations which has the following collums: Number, Name,School,

and i have another sheet for results which have: Position,Number,Time. I then have to merge the two in a magical way and i get the results. However what i want to do is have the first sheet the same but the results sheet would be different reading: Postion,Number,Name,School, Time

But when i input the number, it will check with the other sheet and automatically fill the rest of the boxes (bar position and time) hopefully. Using my knowlegde i gathered at college(fairly average knowledge of vb) i still cant get it to work the way i planned. Is it actually possible to do, or should i go to my pet hate access?

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Autofill The Cells

Dec 8, 2006

I have this code present, however the autofill part needs to work by looking at the cells to the right & i dont know how to do this

Sub Merge()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(ISBLANK(RC[1])=TRUE,"""",RC[1]&RC[2])"
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range(Selection, Selection.Offset(0, -1).End(xlDown).Offset(0, 1))
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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Ignore Blank Cells And Truly Blank Cells In Named Range?

Jan 13, 2014

Ok so my named range looks like this:


However, I want to ignore the "" cells and the truly blank cells... However, I think all of them will have "" since I have this formula in all of the ones I'm putting in the range:


How do I go about getting these results into a named range so I can use it on validation since validation only seems to ignore truly blank cells and not the "" ones.

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Increasing Cells By 1/3 With Autofill

Jun 11, 2014

I'm trying to find a formula that increase a cell by 1/3 that will work with auto fill.

For Example if auto-filling a column:

Or if auto-filling a row:
3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5

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AutoFill Above In Empty Cells

Dec 15, 2009

how to find the next empty cell and then copy the data down, however; I am trying to do almost the opposite. I need to be able to click on a cell and have that cell's data copied above it until there isn't another empty cell. I will attach a small portion of my worksheet for viewing. Column A has account numbers and Column B has the brand of product. Unfortunately when I imported this data into excel from our software program it lists all the brands and then the account number is listed on the last row of brands.

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Autofill Filtered Cells

Apr 7, 2008

i am trying to use a small piece of code to find the last row in an excel sheet, to copy/paste formulas and data.

Dim LastRow As Long
If WorksheetFunction. CountA( Cells) > 0 Then
'Search for any entry, by searching backwards by Rows.
LastRow = Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=[A1], _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
End If

i am using this code like this:........................

if i filter only the DD the formula will find the last row being row 5, and the formula will fill all the cells untill that row, including 3 and 4. Is there any chance i can autofill only the active cells or filtered cells.. i don't know.

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Autofill Default To 'copy Cells'?

Jan 7, 2009

Is it possible to change the Autofill setting from 'fill series' to 'copy cells' in Excel 2003? Otherwise I have to keep changing it after each autofill, which is an additional two mouse clicks ...

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Autofill Index Value Times Var Num Cells

Feb 17, 2010

Attached is a workbook with some sample data. All cells in column A have a unique value that should be applied towards all values in column B corresponding to that cell in column A. For instance, A1 should apply towards all data in B1.

What I initially did is took all the values in column B and put them into a separate worksheet (this information is on sheet 2 of attached workbook) and used the text to columns to separate them into individual cells, but still horizontally.

What I need is for the macro to take all data in one row, copy paste special values transpose (to vertical) into column B of sheet 3. THEN (here's where I can't seem to get it...) I need that corresponding unique value from sheet 1, column A, to be copied and pasted into sheet 3 and autofilled down for the number of values it corresponds with.

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Drag And Skip Cells When Using AutoFill?

Sep 15, 2013

I have data in a row - A1 B1 C1 D1 etc.

And a SUM function in row 2 - =SUM(A1:C1)

I want to be able to drag this function to calculate SUM in blocks of 3 e.g.

=SUM(A1:C1), =SUM(D1:F1), =SUM(G1:I1)

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Referencing Cells To Correspond With Their Rows For Autofill

May 22, 2014

To be more specific, I work with highway signs, and they all have codes. the codes are priced according to their size, sheeting, and aluminum structure.

so codes can be something like : GS-4, IB-12, RB-21, and their sheeting could be: 231, 241, 245S, 420P, and their price is dependent with the size, materials, and quantity ordered. So a quantity of 3 or less of a flat sheet of aluminum, with HIP reflectivity sign would be a 231, where 4 or more of that same sign would be 241.

A workbook has the contracted price, the cells are in order. The order sheet I use is separate from this. But I have to look for each sign for all the info. How can I get the one cell to recognize the Code, along with the Quantity ordered?

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Autofill Cells With Information Contained In Other Sheet

Feb 9, 2014

I have a workbook with two sheets. The first one, let's call it the Main sheet, will be used to keep track of the touring artists of a record label. The second sheet contains a list of show venues with their respective contact info. Here's what the two sheets look like :

Main sheet

List of contacts

What I would like is row D of the Main sheet to autofill, according to the contact information contained in row B of the List of contacts, when I enter a venue name in row C of the Main Sheet.

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AutoFill Cells Based On Combobox Selection

Jul 14, 2014

What I'd like to do is fill specific cells with specific information drawn from other pages based on a combo box selection.

For example, if I were to pick 10131 in the combo box, I'd like it to fill out cells X, Y and Z with information from the three cells to the right of 10131. Assume X, Y and Z are not touching.

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Autofill Cells - Copying Worksheet Tab Names

Nov 15, 2007

In file named (Book 1) I have a lots of tabs named e.g. pd1 pd2 pd3 etc.

In another file (Book 2) I need to link cell A1 (on Sheet 1) to cell A1 on pd1 (in Book1)

Which I can do fine.

In Book 1 I want to autofill the formula i have that refers to A1 on Pd1 but when I drag it I want the formula to go up in a series to refer to Pd2, Pd3.

So the final formula looks at $A$1 on Pd1 then on Pd2 Pd3.

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Cell Data Properties To Autofill Horizontal Cells

Jun 21, 2013

I would like to enter a long line of data (text & numbers) into a single cell and have the single cell data populate successive horizontal data fields with automatically. The single cell data would have properties that would correspond to specific properties in the successive fields. The single cell data would remain unchanged. The successive horizontal cells would be looking for a specific piece of the single cell data.

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Macro To Autofill A Number In Empty Cells In A Column

Jan 27, 2009

1. I need a macro to find a unique number, say a 10 digit number starting with 4100.. and move it 1 row down and 3 rows to the left. It needs to look only in one column (E) for this number. This row contains several unique numbers, variable number of blank cells between them, all having 10 digits and starting with 4100.. - So the macro needs to repeat this for every unique number.

2)Once it does this, I need it to autofill the unique number in all the cells in column A until the next unique number is reached.

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Leaving Blank Cells Blank In Dragging Formula Combining Different Formulas In One Cell?

Aug 2, 2014

I can't modify my formula to leave blank cells blank when dragging it down, Also, I've got two formulas that i need to combine. Please view the comments I've put in cells E4, F2,F3,H2 and I2 to understand clearly what am seeking. See the attached worksheet.

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Fill In Blank Cells Referencing Non-Blank Cells Above

Apr 17, 2008

I have sporadic cell values in a column. I will be describing the lamen logic I use to fill in these blanks manually. Find the first nonblank cell in the column, then look for the next nonblank cell in the column. I count the number of blank cells in between. If even # of blank cells, then I give the first half of the blanks the value of the first nonblank cell and the second half of the blank cells the value of the next nonblanck. If odd # of blank cells, then I do the same with the exception that the odd cell that falls in the middle will be randomly designated the value of the either first or second nonblank cell.

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Count Blank Cells Within A Range Not Including Fully Blank Rows

Jul 15, 2008

I can count the blank cells withiin a range using


But I dont want it to count the cells if the entire row, within that cell, i.e. C6:AD6, is blank.

It should only count the blank cells within a row if there has been some data entered on that row..provided it has been entered within the specified range.

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IF Statement To Leave Cell Blank If Multiple Cells Are All Blank?

Mar 12, 2014

I am looking for an IF statement that would leave a balance cell blank if both the revenue and expense cells are blank, otherwise a formula would be calculated.

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How To Populate Blank Cells With Sequence Until Non Blank Cell Is Encountered

Mar 22, 2014

I presume this is fairly simple to do, since it's certainly easy enough to do manually by filling in a couple of rows and dragging them down, but I need it to be performed in a macro that I can run before other macros run.

What I need specifically is for the macro to go to G1 and insert the number .01... Then go to G2 and insert .02... Then G3 and insert .03... And repeat this until it finds the first non-blank cell ( row number this occurs at varies), at which point it ends and does nothing to that populated cell or any other cell in the column thereafter (including other blanks farther down).

This all needs to be done in Arial, 10pt, white.

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Imported Data Creates Blank Cells That Aren't Really Blank

Feb 21, 2006

Here's what I'm attempting to do: For each column, X,Y, Z, I am attempting
to count nonblanks. However, the data was imported from Access and Oracle,
and Excel treats what appear to be blank cells as nonblanks. I've tested
this theory by highlighting a couple of "blank" cells and deleting them, and
my count changes. So, can I get Excel to put a value into my "blank" cells,
so then I could filter it out, or create a formula that would only count
dates in my columns (which is what I'm after).

This is what I'm looking at:

1 2/4/2006 2/6/2006 ("blank")
2 ("blank") 12/13/2005 1/7/2006
3 2/20/2006 1/15/2006 ("blank")

In each column if I use a COUNTA I'll get a total of 3, instead of 2 for A,
3 for B and 1 for C.

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List - Filling In Each Blank Cells With Value Contained In First Non-blank Cell Above It

Feb 27, 2013

I have a list that looks something like this:

Column B

Row 4 Item 1
Row 5 Item 2
Row 6
Row 7
Row 8 Item 3
Row 9
Row 10 Item 4
Row 11
Row 12
Row 13
Row 14 Item 5

The range of cells in column B containing the items has a name "ColStreams"

I need to go through the list, filling in each blank cells with the value contained in the first non-blank cell above it - so, in this case, rows 6 and 7 would contain "Item 2", row 9 would contain "Item 3", rows 11-13 would contain "Item 4" and so on.

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Autofill In Macro: Get A Function (sum) Of Several Cells To Be Automated In A Monthly Spreadsheet

Feb 10, 2009

I am trying to get a function (sum) of several cells to be automated in a monthly spreadsheet. I can get the function to work, but how do I get it to Autofil? The syntex seems to call for a range, which will be different every month. I can't figure out how to loop it, so I thought autofill would work.

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Paste A Formula Into The First Cell In The Range And Autofill Down For Remainder Of Cells

Jul 30, 2009

Copy and paste the formula into a range or paste a formula into the first cell in the range and autofill down for remainder of cells?

P.S. when autofilling down, can I specify somehow for it to stop at the last row with data in adjacent cell?

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How Do I Autofill Cells From A User Form (Created In Visual Basic)

Apr 19, 2006

I've created a User Form in VBA. When this is filled out, and they hit the enter button, I want the info they entered to automatically be entered into a new worksheet within the document.

Here's the code I currently have:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheet("Sheet1")

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