Macro To Autofill A Number In Empty Cells In A Column

Jan 27, 2009

1. I need a macro to find a unique number, say a 10 digit number starting with 4100.. and move it 1 row down and 3 rows to the left. It needs to look only in one column (E) for this number. This row contains several unique numbers, variable number of blank cells between them, all having 10 digits and starting with 4100.. - So the macro needs to repeat this for every unique number.

2)Once it does this, I need it to autofill the unique number in all the cells in column A until the next unique number is reached.

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AutoFill Above In Empty Cells

Dec 15, 2009

how to find the next empty cell and then copy the data down, however; I am trying to do almost the opposite. I need to be able to click on a cell and have that cell's data copied above it until there isn't another empty cell. I will attach a small portion of my worksheet for viewing. Column A has account numbers and Column B has the brand of product. Unfortunately when I imported this data into excel from our software program it lists all the brands and then the account number is listed on the last row of brands.

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Find Empty Cell In Column And Apply Required Character To Empty Visible Cells?

May 8, 2014

I am looking to find all visible cells in column E that are blank, and then add ''B'' to those empty cells.

I am using code similar to the below:

[Code] .....

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Autofill; Copy Down It Doesn’t Automatically Update The Cell References Because It Want To Update Them By Column Number Instead Of Row Number

Dec 11, 2008

I have a basic formula =C17+'Asset Depreciation 2008 Onwards'!C24, and I want to copy it down just using the drag function. Problem is that the second reference range of cells are in rows and hence when I copy it down it doesn’t automatically update the cell references because it want to update them by column number instead of row number. IE I want it to display =C17+'Asset Depreciation 2008 Onwards'!
D24, instead of C25. Do you know if there is any way of telling Excel that I want it to increase the column number by 1 every time, instead of the row number for this part of the formula?

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How To Autofill Empty Rolls

Mar 9, 2014

I clean over 150,000 records a month, over 98% of the challenges have been resolved through this forum.

Here is the challenge

We have Columns like this

January 20, 2014
January 21, 2014
January 28, 2014
January 5, 2014

February 5, 2014

January 3, 2014

I need a formula that can apply to all the column A and whenever the value on any cell is empty, it would copy the value of the cell above it.

the result need to look like this.

January 20, 2014

January 21, 2014

January 28, 2014

January 5, 2014

February 5, 2014

January 3, 2014

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Macro Referencing Column Number And Cells

Jul 10, 2014

I want to create a macro to insert 12 cells left of a column labeled "This Year"

As the spreadsheet grows (by 12 columns @ year) the "This Year" column moves to the right. Thus I need to reference the range off of that column and then insert 12 columns directly to the left of it each year.

I then need to enter the month labels in the new columns row 8.

My problem is trying to reference off the "This Year" column.

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Autofill: Macro That Merges A1 Vertically As Shown In My Spread Sheet To The End Of Column B And C

Apr 5, 2007

Each sheet has the same basic formatting. A1 contains a name. B1, C1, D1 are column headers. B2:B is data. C2:C is data and always stops at the same row B2:B range does. The only differences between the sheets is that they might not stop at the same row. I want a macro that merges A1 vertically as shown in my spread sheet to the end of column B and C. I want a border around the merged data, as well as around the B data and the C data individually.

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Row Number Of 1st Empty Cell In Column

Jan 23, 2008

MATCH(3, A:A, 0) will return the row number with the first number '3' in column A. I need to search for the first empty cell in column A.

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Autofill In Macro: Get A Function (sum) Of Several Cells To Be Automated In A Monthly Spreadsheet

Feb 10, 2009

I am trying to get a function (sum) of several cells to be automated in a monthly spreadsheet. I can get the function to work, but how do I get it to Autofil? The syntex seems to call for a range, which will be different every month. I can't figure out how to loop it, so I thought autofill would work.

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Copy Cells From Column To Adjacent Column If Bold Or Empty

May 20, 2008

I have a worksheet on which the data is already grouped. At the top of each group is a row that contains only the group name. Since the rest of that row is blank, I want to use a blank cell on that row as a reference, then copy the group name to a newly created column, then fill that column down to the next group.

The goal is to create a column that contains the group name, rather than just having the group name as a " header" at the top of each group.

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Macro - Select Last Non Empty Column And Paste Information In Another Column?

Mar 25, 2013

I am trying to find a macro that look for last non empty cell in column A and them paste a formula/comment in all cells of column B.

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Formula Based Upon Number Of Empty Cells?

Jul 28, 2014

I am creating a fantasy football draft board using excel. To keep it short and sweet, each individual team (one per column) has a $200 budget to draft players. Each team must fill 14 roster positions (one per row), but here's the catch; you must spend at least $1 on all of the 14 players on your roster. So you have a maximum bid amount which is your remaining budget subtracted by $1 for every remaining spot you have left to fill.

I have already created a "remaining budget" field which subtracts each drafted player's inserted dollar amounts from the $200... easy. Beneath this, I'd like to create another cell per team that tells you your "maximum bid," which is essentially 200, -1 for every cell that remains blank. I have played around with the conditional IF formulas but cannot seem to have it account for multiple cells.

As a workaround, I have made columns hidden beneath the board which contain the conditional IF, ISBLANK fields which are -1 if true and 0 if false. Then creating the "remaining budget" field that subtracts these values from 200. This works, but it's not perfect, as when you have multiple players you still need to draft and you've exhausted your budget only saving $1 for each, it overstates your "maximum bid" by $1, or when you have $X left and you need to only fill one more spot, it ill tell you your "maximum bid" is $X-1.

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Count Number Of Empty Cells Up To Maximum?

Feb 13, 2014

Is there a way I can count the number of empty cells in a range, but up to 1 below a maximum, in this case a cell value?

For example, if the value of A1 is 10, I want to count how many blank cells appear between the range B1:B30 up to a maximum of 9, (1 below 10).

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VBA Code To Remove Value Of Cells In Column B If Value In Column A Is Empty?

Sep 26, 2013

I need to write a VBA code to remove the value of the cells in column B if the value in column A is empty. In my excel sheet, the user will paste hyperlinks in column B. If any link does not meet certain conditions, the cell in the same row in column A will be empty.

I want to have a change event so that after pasting links, it automatically deletes the links from the cells in column B if the cell in column A is empty

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Fill Empty Column Cells With Reference To Adjacent Cells

Aug 11, 2008

I would like a macro that when run, finds empty cells in a column within the used range and fills them with the same formula in the other cells in the same column but relative to the row.

I have a basic understanding of VBA so if someone can set me on the right track i'll have a go myself as i appreciate this would take a while to write out from scratch.

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Count Number Of Rows In Specific Column Up To Empty Cell

Feb 13, 2013

I want to count the number of rows in a specific column up to an empty cell and assign this value to a cell. I don't want to count the total number of rows but instead I want the number of the first group of rows.

For example, column A may have cells ranging from row 2 to 10 and then from row 12 to 20, so I only want to count the first group.

The below code counts the total which is not what i need.

Sub test()
Dim Mycount As Single
Mycount = Application.Count(Range("A:A"))
Cells(1, 4) = Mycount
End Sub

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Finding The Number Of Unique Items In A Range That Contains Empty Cells?

Aug 15, 2014

It is about finding the number of unique items in a range that contains empty cells.I can intuit the form of this:



And many of the variations of it when there are no empty cells in the range.

For a range of that contains empty cells I've tried this:

Formula: [Code] .....

And variations of it. It does not work, and I don't know why...............however..........

I ran across this on another [SOLVED] thread and it does work:

Formula: [Code] .....

I would have never considered this plausible. What is the magic behind appending an empty string to the criteria in the COUNTIF function?

It strikes me that this strategy likely has application elsewhere, too.

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Counting The Number Of Non-empty Cells Beneath A Reference Cell

Aug 18, 2009

I'm trying to count the number of non-empty cells beneath a reference cell and would be most grateful for a few pointers. The code I currently have (that doesn't work) is:

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Returning First And Last Non-empty Cells Of Column

Oct 3, 2008

Ok, so I have a column of data in 24hr time format over a 24hr period from noon thru midnight and back to noon again. It has been necessary to make some of the cells in the column blank, and I am having difficulty extracting the first and last non-blank entries of the column (basically I want the earliest and latest time in that specific 24hr period). The time data is in order, so for example, some of the first values in the column are 14:30, 21:10, and 22:40, while some of the last values in the column are 02:20, 05:50, and 11:00, therefore the values I require are 14:30 and 11:00.

Any help that anyone can give on this matter would be greatly appreciated, but until then I guess I will keep plodding through the help sites and playing with formula until I spontaneously combust.

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Find Empty Cells In Column?

Apr 11, 2014

i want to find all the empty cells in column M & N within the data range and input formula into them. How can i make it to input the formula only within the data range (maybe can take reference to data in column E, only when there is data in column E then empty cells in M & N will input with formula)

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Insert Row Before All Not Empty Cells In Column A?

Apr 16, 2014

I know it is easy but I can not get code to work. I need to insert row before every not empty cells in column A. This is what I have so far.

Sub proba()
Dim c As Range
Dim i As Long


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Interpolate Along A Column, Where Cells Are Empty

May 11, 2009

I have pasted 5 fields with some random values that are in A1 to E1. E is the column I am trying to populate to fill in the missing data for C.

I have written a function that will interpolate between 2 deltas using the dates. Assuming that June 09 will always have a corresponding delta (e.g. here 33) how can i populate the INTERP column using my YINT function. I can do this manually 1 at a time, but the already-filled cells in the Delta column will not always be the same and manually would take ages....

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Delete Empty Cells In Column

Sep 12, 2007

I am using the code below in an effort to copy two columns from Worksheet1 ("S:S","T:T") to Worksheet3 ("A:A","B:B"), delete the empty cells and then find the difference between the two values for each row("C:C"). I do not want to create a new column in Worksheet1. The code worked great before adding the SpecialCells code but was slow since it had to also process the blank cells. I am trying to speed it up. The code has an error on line five and I cannot seem to figure out why.

Sub TempDiffok()
Dim wsNew As Worksheet
Set wsNew = Worksheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("S:S").Copy Destination:=wsNew.Range("A:A")
Sheets("Sheet3").Range("A:A").Select.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Delete Shift:=xlUp
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("T:T").Copy Destination:=Sheets("Sheet3").Range("B:B")
Sheets("Sheet3").Range("B:B").Select.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Delete Shift:=xlUp
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-2]-RC[-1]"
Columns("C:C").Select.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
True, Transpose:=False
End Sub

The last two lines are from the previous version before adding the ability to delete rows prior to the calculation.

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Calculate Contents Of Column Where There Are Empty Cells

Jan 16, 2013

In the Wheelchair 1, 2, 3 & 4 sheets in the attached workbook, I would like to do a simple calculation of the contents of column 'H'. Instead of it adding up to just a few £'s I'm getting the result of something like -£5880.00. I think I know whay is wrong, but I don't know the solution to it. Column 'H' populates when a date is put into Column 'E' So if cells if cells in Column 'E' are empty then column 'H' doesn't do the sum.

What I think I need is a bit of formula to put into column 'H' to tell it to ignore blank spaces and count what is there.

Wheelchair Hire-Sample New (1)(1) (2).xlsm‎

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Fill Empty Cells From Cell Above In Column

Apr 15, 2009

Is there an easy way that if any cell in column A is blank it can copy the value from the closest non-blank cell above it? I eventually have to export data from a workbook into a database. But I cannot have any cells in column A as null or blank.

1. There are no blank rows, and at least 1 cell in each row has a value.
2. The person who constructed the sheet did not fill in all cells in column A for each row, they imply that if the cell is blank then it belongs to the same value as whatever the cell above it has. Ie, all similar rows are grouped together.
3. Of course, I only need column A filled in for rows that have data in at least 1 of their columns.
4. Simple worksheets with no formulas to worry about.

Additionally, if it is possible to get a macro so I can apply the code to all worksheets in my workbook at once, can I get that too? In the example below (where .... are blanks) I would like A2 to read 'Fruit' and A4 to read 'Meat'

ColA ColB Colc
---- ----- -------
Fruit apple red
.... grape green
Meat ham pink
.... beef brown

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Macro - Move To Next Empty Cell In A Column

Sep 30, 2010

In columnA I want to jump to the next blank cell in a list that continues to grow. So the first time I run the macro I want to go (blank) cell A5 to paste in some data. The next time I run it, it would need to go to cell A6 and so on.

When I do this manually, I simply hit ctrl down-arrow (takes me to the last cell w/data) and then one more down-arrow to take me to the empty cell below.

When I do this in the macro it seems to remeber the cell as an absolute reference (if that's the term) and so it just copies info in the same location as previous, instead of the next empty cell.

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Count Empty Column Cells For Each Group Of Values

Jun 11, 2009

see attached workbook.

I'm attempting to count the empty cells in column C which correspond with the project reference shown in column A. I only want to perform this calculation where the project numbers change (see desired results in column D).

Am struggling with finding a way to define the different range of rows for each project ref within the formula. The full sheet has over 6000 rows and 1500 project refs.

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Copy Values Of Cells In Column To 1st Empty Cell On Row

Apr 8, 2008

I have two sheets and I want to copy the values in a row in the first sheet to the second sheet. I am doing the following:

Sheet2. Range("A1").Value = Sheet1.Range("A1", Sheet1.Range("A1").End(xlToRight)).Value

But this only copies the value of A1 in Sheet1 to A1 in Sheet2. How should I modify it to copy the values for the whole range to the second sheet?

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Checking Cells Are Empty Before Print Macro

Oct 4, 2007

I am creating an excel application and have come a bit stuck. I would like to able create a macro button for printing a blank version of the workbook...when I say blank I mean the cells that the end user is able to type into.

I think I am able to do this providing all the cells are on the same sheet as the button using this ...

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Macro Selecting Data In A Row With Empty Cells

Jul 9, 2013

I have to select and cut a column with on several lines empty cells. I use the following code

'Range("c2", Range("c2").End(xlDown)).Cut' but this code select only the data till the first empty cell.

How can I select the whole column till the last cell. The column B is filled with data on every row so I think that I have to use the offset code.

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