Autofilter 2007 Vs 2000
Sep 7, 2009
In using Autofilter on a Date column in Excel 2007 compatibility mode (Vista) and in Excel 2000 (XP), I receive different selection criteria (see pictures attached). In Excel 2007, I can select by year, by month. In Excel 2000, I am presented with all dates available in the filtered column.
I realize I can do a custom filter in Excel 2000 with a range of dates to select only the month I wish to query but this is cumbersome for the user. Is there VBA code available that will allow the same or similar selection criteria in Excel 2000 as is available in Excel 2007?
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Feb 10, 2010
When using the autofilter, the drop-down arrow turns blue in color, i.e., when some filter citerion is being used, the small down-arrow turns a different color as a way of informing the user that a filter is in place. Is there a way to control the color of this? Currently, mine turns blue, but it would be more useful if I could change it to a brilliant color in order to make it contrast more with the default black. Blue is too difficult to be distinguished by my eyes. The autofilter is turned on via a macro. If there a line of code that controls the color.
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Feb 2, 2009
I have made a couple of Macros in VBA for 2007 that resize re-font etc a graph, and another one that exports te graph as an image. I want to use these macros on a few other machines but they are running older versions of Excel and i get an error when i try and use the macros.
Would someone mind taking a look and showing me how to adapt them to work in excel 2000/2003
First macro:
Attribute VB_Name = "Module11"
Option Explicit
Sub ModifyChart()
Attribute ModifyChart.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "u
ActiveChart.ChartArea.Width = 900
ActiveChart.ChartArea.Height = 600
ActiveChart.ChartArea.Interior.Color = RGB(233, 233, 233)
ActiveChart.PlotArea.Interior.Color = RGB(233, 233, 233)
If ActiveChart.HasLegend Then
ActiveChart.Legend.Font.Name = "Verdana"
ActiveChart.Legend.Font.Size = 16
End If..........................................
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Feb 6, 2009
We are currently on Office 2000, but our IT group are considering a company wide switch to 2007. I've played around with it just briefly, but noticed that it is night and day difference in both look and feel.
We use Hyperion Essbase, and have a custome built planning tool that utilizes Excel 2000, enhaced with a few thousand lines of VBA coding. One of the main purposes of the VBA code, is to control the Excel menus and replace with custom built menus that are specific to our Planning System.
Does anyone have any idea if VBA controlled custom menus from Excel 2000 will even work in 2007? Will I have to do complete rewrite?
One last question, If you are running 2007, is there a transition function (simlar) to prior versions, where you make the menus look like the legacy version?
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Jan 8, 2010
I would like to know if there's an easy way to transform an excel file from 2000 version to 2007 version or if I have to redo completely my file
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Jun 6, 2009
I am running Excel 2007 on my Windows Vista laptop. A workbook I've developed in Excel 2007 (compatibility mode) on my Windows Vista laptop has a macro that runs as expected on my laptop but will not run on my desktop which is running Windows 2000, Excel 2000.
I've addressed this question previously under the thread "Macro Bombs Excel 2000". I've not received a response as to why it won't run under Windows 2000, Excel 2000. I don't know if it's an Operating System issue or an Excel 2000 issue.
I'm developing this workbook for my children for their personal financial management. I'd like to determine if this is an Excel 2000 issue or an Operating System issue. Most of my children run Windows XP, Office 2000. I have a dual system on my laptop (Vista and XP).
I have a legal software license available for Office 2000. My question is, can I load Excel 2000 on my Vista, Office 2007 laptop. I've looked at and they talk about installing oldest versions first. I have Excel 2007 already installed. I don't particularly want to uninstall it. Can I install Excel 2000 without uninstalling Excel 2007?
1. Can it be done?
2. Can it be done without MAJOR operational issues.
3. What is the process?
4. Can I load ONLY Excel 2000?
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Jun 27, 2009
I have a workbook developed in Excel 2007 (compatibility mode) that contains Userform4. This form can be displayed (or not) depending in the wishes of the user. What I am trying to do is return focus to the worksheet after the UserForm is displayed.
When the worksheet is activated, I have the following .........
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Dec 4, 2007
We have a large list of data with an autofilter on it. On column, R we want to show ONLY Blanks. Once we have the Blanks filtered, we put the word, TRADE (or any other word that you want). We finally select all the TRADE cell that were previously shown as blank and highlight them yellow. When we cancel the filter, all the rows in between are now highlighted yellow whereas in Excel 2003, only the rows that we highlighted when the filter was in place had the yellow highlighting.
There is a workaround that you can select each cell individually, apply a fill color, go onto the next cell, apply the color, etc but that is not efficient.
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Nov 24, 2011
I'm using Excel 2007. I'd like to be able to autofilter on a particular value that I put in cell J5. How can I do that syntactically?
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Feb 15, 2008
I am experiencing a problem with the autofilter function, but ONLY in Excel 2007. The "visual" filter works fine, but using the filtered range is a no go i.e selecting, copying and deleting an autofiltered range. The trouble is that the autofiltered range also includes all the (in this case) rows in between the target rows, which then means that the filter is more or less useless as a range selection tool.
Example code which was originally developed by Dave H.:
'Filter rows with autofilter
With ActiveSheet
.AutoFilterMode = False
With .Range("B5:N5")
.AutoFilter Field:=13, Criteria1:="Criteria"
End With
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Apr 25, 2008
In 2003 when you use autofilter and then tried to copy the resultant information, you would only get the visible items that remain as a result of the filter. For example if you have a list of employees in alpabetical order in Column A and then in Column B you have the State in which they are employeed. Now if I use auto filter and filter on Column B to get all employees in the state of Ohio, that is all that will be visible on the screen. Perfect that is what I want. Now I want to copy all of these employees and paste them into another document or spreadsheet. (don't forget that because the list is sorted by employee all employees in Ohio are not next to eachother in the list so there are a bunch of rows that have been filtered out. and for the sake of explaining the dilema here we will not resort the list as this is a very basic example of the problem that I am having and resorting the list may not work in every case.)
In 2003 I would simply select the top left cell in the list and hit Control+Shift+End to select the all of the results and then simply copy this over to another spread sheet and I will get exactly what I was looking for. In 2007 if I go through this same process, and paste the data to another location, all of the data, even the rows that were filtered out, will come through. The whole purpose of the autofilter is to weed out what you don't want. However in 2007 this does not work in 2007.
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Mar 21, 2013
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=5, Criteria1:=Array("CHF", "DKK", "EUR", "GBP", "NOK", "SEK", "USD")
I am trying to use VBA to filter a list for not equal to. See line above. I want to filter a table I have for unknown Currencies basically.
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May 16, 2008
I have a scatter chart and have applied data labels using the VBA macro supplied with Excel 2007. They pick up the cells in column A. But I now want to use Autofilter to show different ranges in the chart. Everytime I filter the chart data, the data labels change to show a different label (in fact they seem to be starting from the first label again, even if this value is not shown on the filter). I have tried to edit each data label and enter free text, I've also used a formula to link to the cell and made it absolute, but nothing is working.
The chart must be a scatter chart as it is plotting 2 values. I'm trying to create a Project Portfolio Risk Chart showing Benefits against Difficulty.
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Nov 8, 2011
I have several sheets with about 250,000 rows per sheet.
But, even I sort by Column A, there are STILL hundreds or rows that are total blank interspersed down the page . . . I can't autofilter for blanks because there is too much data . .
How can I get rid of them?
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Sep 25, 2009
Im sure this is a very common problem. I tried searching for it but I havent found anything that solves this for me. Here is the code Im using:
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Mar 30, 2005
Where do i find the numbering add ins for Excel 2000? I receive a message
every time I open a document that says: I must load them for optimal
numbering and toolbar behavior. I have looked in the add ins by going to
add remove program, selecting Microsoft office, then change, then excel.
under the add ins there is nothing that says "numbering". I have also looke
on line for a down load at the Microsoft web site.
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Oct 17, 2008
I created a calendar control pop-up in Excel 2003.
To create, I did the following:
First: I went to Insert>Object>Calendar Control.
Second: I inserted following code
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Nov 23, 2006
Excel 2000 spreadsheet everything is fine.
When I open the same file in excel 2003 #NAME? Error appears.
I check Accept Labels in Formulas and it helped in some places but not everywhere.
I still have lots of NAME errors in a relatively simple spreadsheet.
I Excel 2000 everything works fine.
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Aug 20, 2014
I can select the top cell in column "F" after filtering by multiple columns using VBA and arrays, but now want to I want to use the top cell in column "F" to search for all other equipment that uses this item.
E.g. remove filter, and reapply autofilter to column "F" based on selected cell as per below VBA
Note: Row 1 contains command buttons and row 2 Headers.
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Mar 12, 2007
Last monday I clicked on my quick launch icon for my time card, which is in excel. It opened up, but I got an error message saying that excel had an error, send report or don't send report. Closed everthing out and clicked on the icon again, but this time excel oppend but the file did not. I get just a blank (don't know what to call it) spreadsheet. There are no cells to enter anything in. I do get the "File, Edit, View, and so on" at the top. I can click on File than Open and browes for the file and open it that way, but I can't open any Excel file by double clicking it in explorer.
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Dec 2, 2008
I have created an AddIn with code for menu buttons. When I delete the .xlb file it is replace with one about 12 KB. After some use it starts growing. One station had it to 1 meg. Could this increasing file cause problems for the code? If so, is there a way to keep it from growing?
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Jul 2, 2009
I coppied this code from: Modified it to show menus but how to add sub menus? (This is the only code I found that works on Excel 2000, so far).
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Aug 23, 2009
If I have an application developed in Excel 2000 with Vista Operating System, does it matter what operating system (XP or later) under which it runs.
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Jun 2, 2009
I have a total in F16 that i need to find an average of.
The range is set from f4 - f15 (12 months) and need to find the running average per month. but as we only have done 5 months of the year so far that is the only average required (F16/5).
I need this to count at the end of june (F16/6) basically not counting any zero months (jul, aug, sept etc until the end of each)
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Apr 29, 2003
I have built a nice employee time tracking device in Excel 2000. It is pretty self explanitory ("IN" time, "OUT" time, total time, etc). What I am having problems with is the VB code that is behind the "OUT" time. In essence, once an "OUT" time is entered, the ms error message box is overwritten to ask what type of break the person took (No Lunch, 1/2 hour, 1 hour) and takes the response and implements it into the Total hours calculation. Works great in 2000, but the users are getting problems in 97. i don't have 97 and can't seem to trouble shoot it. Could some guru with 97 have a look at this and see what exactly I am missing in 97.
The code is a manipulation of Ken Getz's brilliance by Stratos. Which can be viewed at the following:
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Jun 24, 2006
Is there a way to set a tabing order in excel 2000? If so where do I find it or how do I set it up. If there isn't a way might there be a way once i create the permissions in 2003 to revert it back to 2000 and keep the same permissions.
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Aug 17, 2006
I have an activity recording tool created in Excel 2003 which works perfectly (ish)
However when some of my colleagues use it on machines running Excel 2000 it falls over at the following definition
Dim dlgFile As FileDialog
this is part of the following sub routine
Sub doCopy()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Call Archive
Dim dlgFile As FileDialog
Dim rv As Long
Dim sCreated As String
Dim sClosed As String
Dim wsThis As Worksheet
Dim wbkAOM As Workbook
Dim sThisCol As String
Dim aAOMCol As String
Dim strDate As String
Dim wsCore As Worksheet
Dim wsDiverted As Worksheet
Dim iRow As Integer
Set wsThis = Application. ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet
Set dlgFile = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
dlgFile.Title = "Select AOM Sheet"
dlgFile.InitialFileName = "*.xls"
rv = dlgFile.Show.......................
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Apr 20, 2009
Using excel 2000 on windows XP (home). When saving data as a web page the grids do not show despite having the page setup "show grids" box ticked. It makes reading the file on line hard to follow.
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Jan 21, 2010
I am pulling my hair out trying to figure this out. Any help at all is greatly appreciated. I created a spreadsheet for a friend to track his profit/loss for his business; he is not very computer literate so I created separate tabs for each month. I have no idea what he did but the horizontal scroll bar and all of the tabs are not visible, he is using excel 2000 on windows XP. Unfortunately we are not in the same area so I can’t go look at his screen. When he emailed the file back to me and I opened it, it looks fine. Also when he opens any other file it does the same thing. I have gone through all of the obvious causes, everything is correct in the tools, options.
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Mar 15, 2007
I convert text file into Excel. Then what I want is to look in column C for cell value “UNT:” (it is chopped word account: ) and copy value what is in the same row next column D into column K.
Then in column K copy down the value until next not empty cell.
My problem is that it works on Excel 97 and 200 but 2003 doesn’t work.
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