Average & Count Zeros But Not Blanks

Apr 19, 2006

I am trying to make a excell spread sheet that will calculate my students averages for the year. I need to account for zeros in the coarse and I want this excel sheet to track the current average all year long . So I do not need to include my blanks in the average as I go. Also , how do I formulate my average accum to show this formula - Test scores, four of them count as 80% of the total grade. So each test is worth 20% / Lab 10% of total grade and homework is additional 10%. I downloaded the templete from MSN and have tweaked it to my liking except for the coding above. Please advise. I am a below par on Excel. My attachemtn is below of my templete. One note. the templete gave me the room to include 13 ros of homework - but I will not necessarily use all of them... I can make it one row for home work only ....

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Sum & Average Including Zeros But Not Blanks

Aug 14, 2007

Attached is an xls with my formulas and problem. We need a way to factor in zeros in grading student workers. However, we also need a way to omit blank or null cells if the workers did not do a particular project. The formulas currently in the sheet compute zeros for both scenarios, lowering the overall 'grade' for workers who didn't do a project compared with workers who did the project but got a '0'

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Average Omitting Blanks / Zeros

Feb 12, 2008

I have run into a problem with the array formula. After inserting formula with the CTRL+SHFT+Enter it is giving me the same sum to the 3 cells that I had array formulas in but trying to capture different data from what was in the capturing column. Example:

If row F consists of text types: Move-in, Mid Year, and Year End as potential options,and row G is the score for that text type(cells will consist percentages), give me the average of all the cells in row G that are specific to Move-In only, but don't include the blanks in the average.

My existing formula isn't designated to exclude the blanks. how to exclude blanks and how to get it to stop giving me the same result in the three separate cells. My current formula is as such: {=AVERAGE(IF(F2:F73=E76, H2:H73))}

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Skip Any Blanks Rather Than Count Them In The Average

Jan 16, 2007

I want to figure a class average for a test, but I have students that have moved. My Excel is automatically counting them as a zero. How can I program/tell Excel to skip any blanks rather than count them in the average?

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Replace Zeros With Blanks

Jan 9, 2007

I have an Excel Charts with monthly balances entered. I need to delete all the values $0.00 of which there are many. I have tried to use the find and replace and also i tried the method explained in the Excel level 1 free training.

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Blanks Cells Treated As Zeros

Oct 21, 2009

i am creating a football prediction sheet, and have a problem where blank cells are treated as zeros.

The enclosed spreadsheet shows the formulas in green working fine, but the blanks are treated as zeros in cells j6, I7 & J7.

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Displaying Zeros Instead Of Blanks After IF(Vlookuo....)

Jan 4, 2010

I am working on a large spreadsheet (done by somebody other than I) that has a lot of vlookups and IF commands. If it sees that there is nothing present in the lookup, then it simply returns a blank cell. I could do with it showing a zero instead of the blank cell. The cell appears not to be empty and I am not familier enough with excel to get it to do what I want.

This is a typical forumla that either gives a figure if something is present, or simply returns no data / text but excel doesn't see the cell as empty.

=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP($A25,'Jul 09'!$B$1:$C$2000,2,FALSE/100))," ",(VLOOKUP($A25,'Jul 09'!$B$1:$C$2000,2,FALSE/100)))

Is there anything obvious from that formula that can be modified, or is it a much deeper problem?

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Can (xlUp) Skip Blanks And Zeros

Feb 12, 2007

Is it possible to run Range("A64000").End(xlUp).Select and have it skip the blanks and zeros until it hits an actual number?

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How Do I Stop Counting Blanks As Zeros

Apr 17, 2009

I have a sheet to analyze football(soccer) scores. But when I count the zero scores (no goals scored) across a range blank cells in the range are counted as zero, which I don't want. Is there any command I could put with the formula to tell it not to count blank cells as zero or just not to count blank cells at all? The sort of formula I use is {=COUNT(IF(H103:H559=0,(IF(I103:I559=0,1))))}

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Leave Gaps For Blanks & Zeros In Chart

Nov 21, 2006

Instead of treating cells with a blank or a text value as zero in a line graph, how can I create a gap in the line?

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Filter Named Range Excluding Zeros Blanks

Sep 29, 2011

Im trying to filter a name range of 12 columns in vba. However im able to emit ZEROS but NOT blanks when i usse AutoFilter Field:=12, Criteria1:="0" it stil contains some blanks in the filtered data

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Sumproduct Ignoring Keyword And Skipping Zeros / Blanks And Words

Oct 25, 2013

I am trying to create a weighted average which will skip any row when Column B say's "yes" and then if Column N contains, a 0, I would like that to be skipped as well. The below works for skipping any row with the word "Yes", but it still includes 0 in the weighted average. Also, let's say the Column N contains a word and 0's, how can I skip that?


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Average - Cut Out Zeros

Jul 7, 2009

Within a worksheet I have data like this in a column (actually, lots like it in many columns):

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How Do I Get An Average Without Including The Zeros

Jan 27, 2006

I am using a formula to include all values greater than zero in my average which has worked fine until i tried to extend the parameters, then it gives me the Value? sign. Does anyone know another way to accomplish what i want?

here is what i am using now.
=average(if(BZ28:CM28<>0, BZ28:CM28, " "))

i was trying to make the CM extend to CS, but for some reason it is not working.

Anyway, i figure a different equation might be better than what i
have and solve my problem.

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Average Of Cells With Zeros

Aug 8, 2007

I want to take an average of only non-zero numbers in a range of cells containing a few zeros. I know there is a function to do this, but I haven't been able to find it. With the normal average() function, the denominator is too large as cells with 0 are included.

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Average Over Worksheets Excluding Zeros

Dec 14, 2009

im trying to average over a number of work sheets to determine the avergage talk time of employees over a day, ive tried:

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Average Of Every Other Cell Excluding Zeros?

May 9, 2013

I current have an Excel doc that I am trying to pull averages from. Every row has data that needs to be averaged but I only need every other cell. And I cannot have zeros in the average because it will skew the data. Also if the average for a row ends up being 0, I want that average to show up as 0 not #DIV/0!. From Column H to EE I need to average each row individually.

I came up with the below formula.

=IF(SUM(H1:H1:J1:J1:L1:L1)=0, "0", AVERAGEIF(H1:H1:J1:J1:L1:L1, ">0")

It works but Its not practical because I have to manually enter all of the cells that it pulls from.

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Average While Ignoring Zeros And Errors?

Feb 14, 2013

I'm trying to return the average, min and max values of a range that will have errors, be blank or have zeros. I have already found an array formula that works getting rid of the errors but the zeros are now a problem.


I was thinking that an OR might be needed but for the life of me can't figure out where it belongs. I will also be using this formula with both MIN and MAX in the adjacent cells so it would be great if all I have to do is swap those in for AVERAGE. I'm not keen on how array formulas work, just found an example similar to this on the interwebs, and I'm curious why if the array brackets are removed the value returned is 0 and not an error.

Workbook is proprietary so VB is locked and not an option (not sure if it was but wanted to be clear).

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Rolling Average That Excludes Zeros

Dec 7, 2006

I've got a worksheet that has chronological quarterly data for which I'd like to do a 5-year rolling average. The layout is: Column A = Dates, Column B = Values, and Column C = 5-year Rolling Average. My problem is that I want to exclude zero-values from the averaging calculation. I tried the following:


However, Excel will not accept this formula (I assume an array must be contiguous? Please let me know if that's correct).

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Excluding Zeros When Calculating An Average

May 10, 2007

I have a one column of numbers...let's say consisting of six rows
the following numbers 12,0,14,25,0,9
if I average this it comes out to 10

how can I average the same rows but exclude the zeros in the outcome(is there a formula to do that?)

I would like the answer to be 15.....I still need the zero's in the rows however

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Average Function That Excludes Zeros

May 10, 2008

I am working with averages of ACT scores and Class rank percentages. I cannot figure out how to exclude all the zeros and/or DNR (do not rank) values that are in those columns. For example if I have 10 items, and 2 are DNR, the I want to exclude the 2 DNR's in my average. I tried putting it in the Row or Column area and unchecking what I wanted to exclude and then drag it into the data area, but that didn't work either.

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Using Count Function Exclude Zeros In Count

Jul 18, 2007

I am trying to count data using several criteria

1.Need to add data from for a certain category, say "blue" + data during a certain date but exclue the ones with zeros

My formula using arrays look like this, but it is still counting data with zero in the cell as an item

=count(if(A4:A400(text by category)=”blue”,count(if(O4:O400(date)<”04/01/07”,count(An4:An400)[Actual data],-(countif(An4:An400,0))))))

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Average Skipping Cells AND Not Counting Zeros?

Oct 31, 2012

Here are my cells and values

B38 C38 D38 E38 F38 G38 H38 i38 J38 k38 L38 M38 N38 O38

What I would like to do is average only every other cell AND also not count zeros. So =average(B38,D38,F38,J38,L38) generally the idea not averaging H38 & N38 since they are both zeros.

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Get Average But Exclude Zeros AND Hidden Rows?

Aug 15, 2013

excluding zeros and for excluding hidden rows, but can't seem to find a way to do both at the same time, which is what I need to do.

My company has projects that come and go (and are hidden when they are gone) and at times, those projects return 0s because we do not work on them for a short period... so, when I average a column, I need to exclude both situations.

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Average Non-contiguous Cells & Exclude Zeros

Oct 10, 2007

I would like to average a non-continuous range of cells while also excluding all zeros.

I am averaging hours worked and the hours are found in cells:

B2, D2, F2, H2, J2, L2, N2

Some of these cells contain zeros at this time and I do not what to include the zeros in the average.

I have found formulas that would work but they are all with continuous cell ranges.

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Average Dynamic Data But Exclude Zeros

Feb 26, 2008

I use a SQL query to export a subset of data from our server. After manipulating the received data I need to Average one column that has been sorted into a number of blocks consisting of variable numbers of rows and post the result to the ajacent cell. I have tried the Countif worksheet function but am unable to resove the syntax problem.

Sub SumBlock()
Dim First_Row As Long
Dim Last_Row As Long
Dim iTotalRows As Long
Dim iCount As Long
iTotalRows = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
First_Row = 2
Do While Last_Row < iTotalRows - 1
Last_Row = ActiveSheet.Range("j" & First_Row).End(xlDown).Row
iCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("J" & First_Row), ("J " & Last_Row), ">0")
ActiveSheet.Range("K" & Last_Row + 1).Formula = "=Sum(J" & First_Row & ":J" & Last_Row & ")/iCount"
First_Row = Last_Row + 2
End Sub

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Mitigating Blanks With Arrays AVERAGE(IF(

Jul 21, 2009

I'm using an arrays AVERAGE(IF( to average several scores from one spreadsheet to another. However, if I have 30 employees, 1 may have no score, and I don't want that no score to factor into the average, but with the above array, it does.
Specifically, I get the wrong average for Score A, but the right one for Overal Score. See attached sample.

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AVERAGE Without Range Ignoring Blanks

Jan 4, 2009

Trying to determine the best way to do this. I understand that the standard AVERAGE function will ignore blanks if given a range; the function I'm using does a search for a particular value to determine if a value is to be included in the averaging: ...

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Omit Blanks From Conditional Average

Oct 22, 2007

I have a formula to calculate an average value for a reference range:

= SUMIF(DATA!B32:B61,"<># div/0")/MAX(1,COUNTIF(DATA!B32:B61,))

Because these cells are references the blanks are being treated as zeros so I am getting an inaccurate average value.

Is there a way to make it so it will treat blanks as blanks? I need the zeros to be zeros.

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Average Formula- Data Avaliable And Discard Any ZEROS

Jan 31, 2008

This is info I have in a column

The formula in each cell is

=REPLACE(Track!B58,5,11,"") the reason behind this is that the info originally is entered into one cell like 25.0 x 32.0 and I wanted to use a part of the cell for column A and the other for column B.

My dilema is that I want to average the row which I have tried loads of formulas etc which are not working

I use this as sometimes not all cells are filled in so I want it to average only the data avaliable and discard any ZEROS.


However when I use this formula it is just coming up with


how to enter a correct formula so I can get the average.

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