Skip Any Blanks Rather Than Count Them In The Average
Jan 16, 2007
I want to figure a class average for a test, but I have students that have moved. My Excel is automatically counting them as a zero. How can I program/tell Excel to skip any blanks rather than count them in the average?
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Apr 19, 2006
I am trying to make a excell spread sheet that will calculate my students averages for the year. I need to account for zeros in the coarse and I want this excel sheet to track the current average all year long . So I do not need to include my blanks in the average as I go. Also , how do I formulate my average accum to show this formula - Test scores, four of them count as 80% of the total grade. So each test is worth 20% / Lab 10% of total grade and homework is additional 10%. I downloaded the templete from MSN and have tweaked it to my liking except for the coding above. Please advise. I am a below par on Excel. My attachemtn is below of my templete. One note. the templete gave me the room to include 13 ros of homework - but I will not necessarily use all of them... I can make it one row for home work only ....
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Nov 26, 2008
I have a range I would like to select but this includes blanks. I would like the VB to skip these blanks and find the last value / text in this row and then select that entire row.
Here is part of the code I have:-
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Apr 9, 2008
I have this code that checks for cells that "" and then transfers a range to a separate sheet. I am running into problems if in the specified range all cells are "". How can I update this code to allow for all cells in the range to be "" without giving an error?
Sub Search_Notes_Main()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Analyst Main").Select
Dim ConstantCells As Range, Cell As Range
Set ConstantCells = Range("B11:CX11").SpecialCells(xlConstants)
For Each Cell In ConstantCells
If Cell.Value "" Then Cell.Select
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Notes & Ticklers Upload").Select
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Apr 30, 2014
The spreadsheet that i use includes a table that some of the cells are displayed as blanks( include an IFERROR function ) I need to calculate the XIRR for a range of cells in a row that includes some of these "Blank" cells
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May 22, 2009
I have copied the following codes to create a Function of "Concatenate a Range Skip Blanks". However, I humbly seek help to add "," in between every word and also take away the empty space when there is only 2 words are concatenated. Pls refer to my attachement for easy understanding.
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Mar 24, 2014
Is it possible to insert a formula that skips blanks while copying a list? For example: If I have a list and make a column next to the list to put an "x" in if I want to see that info in another list, is there a way to pull the info over with a formula and skip blanks to create a clean list?Color
Include in new List?
Revised List
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Feb 12, 2007
Is it possible to run Range("A64000").End(xlUp).Select and have it skip the blanks and zeros until it hits an actual number?
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Jun 19, 2006
how can i skip blanks or zero cells
I have a column with data like this: ....
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Apr 3, 2014
We have a document template set up in excel which we have to use to accompany documents/drawings issued to customers. I have a macro set up to copy the cells required in the template and create a new tab with our company reference as the tab name, then copy and paste the relevant data into the log.
We could be issuing one or up to 10 documents at the same time to the customer, therefore there are between 1 and 10 rows which could contain data. Due to this, when pasting to the log, I have asked the macro to choose the next available row and paste as values and skip blanks.
However, when there are blanks on the template, it is copying all these cells and I am being left with lots of blank rows in the log. Is there anything I can do to correct it?
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Jul 16, 2013
I have a row with numbers
What is the formula to get then on another column as
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Jul 11, 2007
I have been using this macro, which works perfect:
Sub Signflip()
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Selection
If IsNumeric(cell.Value) Then cell.Value = -cell.Value
Next cell
End Sub
It allows me to select cells and flip from neg to pos, pos to neg, and it won't error out on text cells. Great little macro.
However, I don't like how it puts a zero in blank cells. It slows down the macro when I select large areas. Is there a way to make this macro work the same way but skip over empty or blank cells and not enter a zero.
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Aug 23, 2006
Have the marco (see Code below)that I am trying to pull only records that have a "y" in a column. The problem I am haivng is that I also get cells that are blank and rows are skipped if the cell is blank or not "y".
Have tried searching for an answer or example for what I want to do. Looked at autofilter but had no luck.
Sub Macro1()
Set rd = Sheets("ActiveHerd") 'set read data sheet as rd
Set wd = Sheets("SaleSheet") 'set write data sheet as wd
For i = 12 To Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row ' set i to the last row in column A
If UCase(Cells(i, 1)) = "Y" Then Range("A" & i & ":c" & i).Copy Destination:=wd.Range("AA" & i)
Next i
End Sub
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Jun 25, 2014
I need to compare cell value with information from main source cell.
And I need it to skip blank, return "-" if "-" was entered.
I attached example file for your reference.
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Dec 28, 2013
Below is the macro code in which the code is segregating the data page wise i want the below changes:
> macro should copy and paste only values with the option skip blanks.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim j As Long
'Setup the loop to loop through the Areas
For j = 1 To Columns(1).SpecialCells(2).Areas.Count
'Add a new WorkSheet
[Code] .....
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Mar 8, 2014
I have a spreadsheet where a column has many cells being empty and others with values. I need to use copy-paste skip blanks to another column so it only overwrites cells that contains values. BUT The cells in the column appears to be empty, not blank, when I try use the copy-paste skip blanks it doesnt work. However, when I press delete in every empty cell the copy-paste skip blanks works for those cells.
Do you got a fast method to make all the empty cells blank?
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Jan 20, 2010
I use the formula below to sum hours in a spreadsheet:
=((((SUM(B6:AP6)+(COUNTIF(B6:AP6,"x")*12.5))+(COUNTIF(B6:AP6,"d")*12.5))+(COUNTIF(B6:AP6,"m")*12.5)) +(COUNTIF(B6:AP6,"e")*6))
I would like to be able to change the range from "B6:AP6" to something which will start with B6 but only count every 6th cell up to AP 6. I could probably place a symbol at the top of each column I wish to count if needed. If I try to simply choose every sixth cell I get an error about too many arguments for the countif function The above formula is used to add hours for various shifts (symbolized by letters). For my current need I do not need the multiplier i just need to count how many of each letter appear in every sixth cell of a row.
This may be too fancy but if one formula would work to count every 6th cell starting with B6 and give me a sum , then automatically do the same starting with B7 and count every 6th cell etc...that would be great. I am trying to sum the number of each occurrences of each shift at each of 6 locations.
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Jul 21, 2009
I'm using an arrays AVERAGE(IF( to average several scores from one spreadsheet to another. However, if I have 30 employees, 1 may have no score, and I don't want that no score to factor into the average, but with the above array, it does.
Specifically, I get the wrong average for Score A, but the right one for Overal Score. See attached sample.
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Jan 4, 2009
Trying to determine the best way to do this. I understand that the standard AVERAGE function will ignore blanks if given a range; the function I'm using does a search for a particular value to determine if a value is to be included in the averaging: ...
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Aug 14, 2007
Attached is an xls with my formulas and problem. We need a way to factor in zeros in grading student workers. However, we also need a way to omit blank or null cells if the workers did not do a particular project. The formulas currently in the sheet compute zeros for both scenarios, lowering the overall 'grade' for workers who didn't do a project compared with workers who did the project but got a '0'
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Oct 22, 2007
I have a formula to calculate an average value for a reference range:
= SUMIF(DATA!B32:B61,"<># div/0")/MAX(1,COUNTIF(DATA!B32:B61,))
Because these cells are references the blanks are being treated as zeros so I am getting an inaccurate average value.
Is there a way to make it so it will treat blanks as blanks? I need the zeros to be zeros.
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Feb 12, 2008
I have run into a problem with the array formula. After inserting formula with the CTRL+SHFT+Enter it is giving me the same sum to the 3 cells that I had array formulas in but trying to capture different data from what was in the capturing column. Example:
If row F consists of text types: Move-in, Mid Year, and Year End as potential options,and row G is the score for that text type(cells will consist percentages), give me the average of all the cells in row G that are specific to Move-In only, but don't include the blanks in the average.
My existing formula isn't designated to exclude the blanks. how to exclude blanks and how to get it to stop giving me the same result in the three separate cells. My current formula is as such: {=AVERAGE(IF(F2:F73=E76, H2:H73))}
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Apr 26, 2012
Project: x
Activity: xActifity TypeReference FormDec-11Jan-12Mar-12Apr-12May-12Feb-12Mar-12W/EW/EW/E2-Mar9-Mar16-Mar23-Mar30-Mar6-Apr13-Apr20-Apr27-Apr4-May11-May18-May25-May77%91%91%R/S95%100%100%R/S100%100%100%100%MMMM100%71%71%R/S100%100%R/SMMMM97%81%100%R/S100%MM100%R/S75%85%R/SR/SMM100%100%96%Average
Basically what I want to achieve is the average % of Dec 11 (D11:D22 on the sheet im working on) scores but excluding any blank fields (not excluding potential scores of 0%)
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Jul 15, 2014
I have few column values to count. I don't want the hidden column value. In that formula the hidden value also counted. How to ignore that hidden column value count, using macro/formula.
col A - col B - col C - col D - col E - col F
Task -- ok1 -- ok2 -- no1 --- ok3 -- ok4
Col D should be hidden. Final count result should be: OK = 4; No=0
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Oct 27, 2009
This code counts all cells with a value from column B1:B:10, C1:C10, D1:D10, E1:E10, F1:F10, G1:G10 and H1:H10. And then give the cells of the 3 lowest outcomes a blue backcolor. The problem is that the code also colors any duplicate outcomes. How can I let the code skip any following duplicate outcome(s)?
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Jul 22, 2014
I am trying to get the average of the last 6 data entries not including blanks or zeroes.
Currently I have:
Which works fine when I've got 6 or more values in the row.
But if there are less that 6 values in the row it returns with #NUM!. Is there a way to add an IF ERROR THEN make = to AVERAGE of C2:CP2?
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Nov 21, 2011
I am looking for a formula for the following:
If there is nothing is U6:W6 return blank
Otherwise sum the contents of Bf6:BH6 and divide by the number of cells that are not empty in the range U6:W6 (to get an average of only the values in that range not including blanks).
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May 4, 2008
how do I perform calculations on the last x non-blank instances in a data range?
for example, let's say I have a spreadsheet of 5 baseball players' batting averages (rows are team game number played, columns are at bats and hits for each player). I want to see how each player has performed in their last 10 games played, but some players have not played in every game. If I just use the sum function for the last 10 cells, I won't get the correct information for any player that has missed one or more of the last 10 games.
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Feb 28, 2008
I am trying to compile a count of dates using a numerical reference which adds x consecutive dates onto the initial start date based on the number in a cell.The dates added cannot fall on a weekend.
The start date for each calculation begins in D4 with the corresponding number of days to add onto this date in K4. In the example below 8/11/2007 -- 2 means that the 8th and 9th of Nov get one added to their count. As the next row also has 9th Nov as a start date one more is added to 9th Nov. As the 10th and 11th were a weekend they are skipped and the count starts again from the next Monday. I have enclosed a simplified worksheet with some sample data.
D4 --------- K4
8/11/2007 -- 2
9/11/2007 -- 3
Expected output:
8/11/2007 -- 1
9/11/2007 -- 2
12/11/2007 --1
13/11/2007 --1
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Dec 5, 2011
I have a column of numbers that are derived with a formula. I need to Average only the ones that either have a Positive or Negative number, ignoring blanks or zero.
I have tried Search but couldn't find anything that address both blank and zero.
Excel tables to the web : [URL] .......
With this small sample, the answer should be 3.35% according to Excel when I choose just those neg and pos cells.
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