I am trying to take a large spreadsheet with 2000+ rows of data each with its on unique date associated with each row (its a dump of invoices that need to get paid). I need to count how many invoices are each of the seperate 52 weeks of the last year using I believe a Countif function. My problem is I cannot seem to get the criteria written correctly. For example I want to count out of the 2000+ rows of data, how many invoice dates fall between say, Jan 1 and Jan 7. I would think it would be as easy as using the Countif function and then writing the criteria as a forumula to count invoices that have a date that is greater than or equal to Jan 1 BUT less than or equal to Jan 7. It is that precise formula that is giving me much frustration.
I have a similar Sumif forumula problem as I need to total the $ of the invoices but I think if I get the criteria to work for Countif it will work for Sumif.
I have a start date column and column for status. Status is either "in-progress" or "complete". I want to count the number of "complete" items that fall within a specific date range. I have tried countif but I can only seem to get a count of all items that fall between the date range. I do not want a pivot table for this.
I have 2 columns, one containing a piece of data and one containing dates. I want to count how many times the data is in the first column, based on a specific date range in the 2nd column. I have attached a sample SSF with a better explanation inside it.
I have a workbook which contains 1 spreadsheet that contains data entry for approximately 20 employees. The workbook then contains a separate sheet for each employee to display the detailed information
Column A stores the dates from Jan1 to Dec 31 Row 1 contains the employees names. The data entered consists of approximatle 4 different 1-letter codes as to what transaction occurred that particular day.
What I would like to do now is be able to count the number of cells that contain a code for 2 different time periods. I would like for it to count 2 weeks ago and separately count 2 weeks in the future.
In trying to get this last calculation, I've added a column for WEEKNUM next to the date (column B) and used somethign along the lines of =CountIF(C2:c366,Weeknum(Now()-2)) and also tried +2. Neither have worked.
The attached spreadsheet has a "master" workesheet in which I enter customer info, salesperson info, and date. The totals spreadsheet automatically calculates number of sales, contact value.
I need to modify the following formulas to only calculate the data within a date range shown in 2 cells.
In date: i have put a advanced filter with unique records. I would like to find a formula that counts howmany times that that date accurs in the first colom I tried with a countif but you can't put a cell valume in it. i thougth something like this: =countif(a:a;"=d") but ofcourse that doesn't work
Report X contains 2 relevant columns... E contains the date created for each item, J contains the type of each item - in this case i wish to see how many items '2' there are in the last 30 days
Report X is a daily report copied into the same tab each day - so the data will change every day depending how long each item is still in the system
this formula does work in the example sheet i provided but not in the spreadsheet in which i need it to work!
i also have similar formulas to calculate how many items are present in between 30 and 60 days exist, and how many over 60 days - all return the value "0"
column E containing dates is in the format 01/10/2008 - changed using Ctrl F - replace to amend it from 01.10.2008
I am trying to count the number of time the 15th and the 28th of the month show up in Column A. Column A is in date format but not all cells have a date. In this example I am only looking for the 15th but in the end I want the combined count of both.
This formula gives me a count of 1 =(COUNTIF(TimeSheets!A1:A119,"3/15/2012")) These return 0 =(COUNTIF(TimeSheets!A1:A119,"*15*")) =(COUNTIF(TimeSheets!A1:A119,"*/15/*")) Or any other combination of wildcards with * or ?
Maybe there is something other than COUNTIF I can use.
DateThursday, March 01, 2012Friday, March 02, 2012Saturday, March 03, 2012Sunday, March 04, 2012Monday, March 05, 2012Tuesday, March 06, 2012Wednesday, March 07, 2012Thursday, March 08, 2012Friday, March 09, 2012Saturday, March 10, 2012Sunday, March 11, 2012Monday, March 12, 2012Tuesday, March 13, 2012Wednesday, March 14, 2012Thursday, March 15, 2012 Total Hours WorkedHours In This Pay Period
I am having trouble writing a COUNTIF formula that will tell me how many times a particular month appears in a list of dates. January may appear 10 times, February may appear 43 times, March 102 times, etc. Instead of manually selecting the range for each month and using the count feature on the status bar, I need a formula that will count for me.
I tried: COUNTIF(B:B,month(1)) COUNTIF(B:B,month=1)
as well as several other lame attempts, but kept getting a result of zero or an error.
Is ther any way around not being able to do this - I read that if u make the ranges an array it shoul work - Shift, Control, Enter - or something but I can get it to work. I was hoping to use copuntif for this :-
How do i create a formula for countif with range name
I did create a formula =COUNTIF(C2:C868,"NS") but it show 0 NS range name contain working shift NS 0:00 - 9:30 7:00 - 16:30 7:30 - 17:00 7:45 - 17:15 8:00 - 17:30 8:15 - 17:45 8:30 - 18:00
I have two columns - Employee and Status of Deal. Now, I need to get the total count of New and Active-to-date but on a per employee basis. Am I making any sense? To clearly put it, I need a formula that will answer the questions below:
How many New and Active-to-date deals does Michael et al have? I tried to use Countif but that gave me the total number of deals, not on a per status basis. Will VLookUp work or a combination of both? If so, how? I'm using Excel 2003.
What i have is a list of dates in a row. I want to set up a countif formula to count the number of date that fall with in 90 days of todays date. I'm planning on placing todays date in a cell in the upper left hand corner (cell A2) above the list of dates. This way i can just type in todays date and the spreedsheet will count the number of dates, in the list, that fall with in 90 days of the date i type into cell A2
I have column A fill with dates and column B with customer code. I'm looking to count the number of time the customer code (column B) is repeating but ONLY in previous year. Meaning that the count range must be adapt for each customer code. Will a countifs is able to work with this request?
I am trying to solve a a problem that I am having.
I have a list of projects in one column and start dates in a different column.
I want to create a dashboard that breaks down projects by month, quarter and year to date.
I have tried various formulas centered around CountIf. Bottom line is I want to review a column of dates and determine how many projects started last month, etc.....
I am trying to use the COUNTIF function but over a selectable range. in other words instead of a fixed range like =COUNTIF(A1:A11,"=yes") I want to be able to choose the range Axx:Axx selected by drop down menus.
I am trying to determine how many times a value occurs in each quartile in a data set, with the range of my quartiles changing for each row.
Above is a simplified sample of the data I am working with. What I would like to do is calculate the length of a quartile for each row, then determine whether "Red" is in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th quartile
Right now I have two output tables. The first is a "Quartile" table, which for each row counts the number of values entered, divides by four, multiplies by the appropriate quartile and rounds down. For this I use the function
=rounddown(counta(range)/4*(quartile)) For Q1 in this dataset, that is =rounddown(counta($B2:$I2)/4*(1))
Then I have a table which calculates whether "Red" occurs in each quartile, with references to the cell values in my quartile table. My formula for Q1 here is
Where Q1 equals my rounddown formula noted above, returning "1" in this case. For subsequent quartiles, I change my reference in the Match formula to start with the previous quartile +1, and end with the current quartile.
I want a conditional format change to happen when certain criteria is met. I have a conditional formula in column F Let's say F173 If the value in A173 value is found anywhere above cell A173, then make a blue box surrounding cell F173. I want to be able to copy this conditional format down column F
When I apply the countif function to a named data range, it evaluates to #VALUE. I'm trying to count the number of entries in the range (Belgium.Data) that are strictly greater than zero, to calculate a y.t.d. average that won't be biased by incomplete data. The range-name is well-defined - the arithmetic functions like sum, sumproduct etc work and evaluate correctly across the range, but countif always refuses to return a value. I've also tried
Even the last didn't evaluate, even though "=SUM(Belgium.Data)" evaluates correctly. I can't seem to use the actual cell-references either, since the range is non-contiguous - I miss out every 11th cell to compute an average on the last 11 cells - and Excel doesn't seem to like the comma ("union") operator, insisting the 2nd component of the union is COUNTIF's "criteria" argument.