I'm trying to find an easy method of recording the available hours of operation for an airfield which can close a couple of times a day due to weather.
1.The attached file shows an example extract of a data extract that has thousands of lines. See the Data Tab. 2.What I need is some time that has passed between two dates in a DDHHMM format 3.What I then need is the top 50 of each of the times (or the longest time past) 4.The column headers will be: WO Number | Contractor Name | Time Calculation – see the various Report tabs 5.The calculations in the Data tab are between the following columns. a.Difference between Column Z and Column AC b.Difference between Column AC and Column AD c.Difference between Column AD and Column AE d.Difference between Column AE and Column AF 6.Is it possible to show the top 50 only in time?
This report is forming a part of a larger report and all other formulas are already present so I am hoping to keep the file size quite small. The aim is to then hand this over to someone else to just print on a monthly basis depending on the data that gets added with minimum input.
I need some IF formula I believe that will yield an answer between 1 - 5. I'm not swavey enough with these things to figure this one out... trust me I tried and it keeps getting more confusing for me.
If the time worked is between certain time criteria then it would equal 1 - 5 depending on the time.
Example: If I work between the hours of 5am and 1pm then I would be in the Open/Mid range and would need to equal 2. If I only worked a few hours and my hours fell only between the Mid range then it would equal 3.
Then based on that... It would automatically fill in on the deployment charts... My name would show up on the Open and Mid Deployments under the task chosen for me to do that day.
I've attached a small sample of what I am looking for to kind of help show what I need. The highlighted areas are the areas I'm not sure how to do.
I am using the following formula in Column E to calculate the difference between an employees start time, and their previous shift end time in order to work out how many hours rest they have had:
My Current Formula works fine for same day calculations, but if an employee finishes work at 18:00 on Friday and starts work at 22:00 Saturday night, Excel calculates the Total Rest hours as 04:00, when in fact they have had 28:00 hours rest...
Is there a way of calculating the hours difference between two dates?
I have attached a sample of my spreadsheet to illustrate
I need to enter a formula that calculates the time a report is received from the time it was recorded in our database. therefore, it needs to exclude non working hours. here are the fields:
I have two columns with two sets of dates which are nothing but durations of leaves.
Col 1 has start dates and
Col 2 has end dates
Start Date End Date 25 Jul 2012 5 Aug 2012 2 Aug 2012 8 Aug 2012
If I want to calculate difference between the two dates such that if a leave starts in July and Ends in Aug, then I want the result to be only the count of leave days in August. How can this be achieved?
I have a huge two column spreadsheet. The first column is a list of times in the format: dd-mm-yy hh:mm:ss and the second column is a status of either START or STOP
Every time there is a START, I want it to count the difference between that time, and the next STOP time, and display the results in column C
Sometimes there will be multiple START's in a row or multiple STOP's in a row, but I am only interested when the status actually changes from the first START to the first STOP. It then resets until there is another START.
You all were so great last week (thanks Ninja). This is a tracking form for a contest based on restaurant cost results (Page attached). I need a formula for if C2>D2, but less than 1/2%, give100, if C2<D2, give 200.
I have a worksheet where there are rows of information in a specific range (A5:G600). I'm using the conditional format of =AND(MOD(ROW(),2), COUNTA($A5:$G500)) to alternate the row colors. I would also need to have the information in column A formatted. Column A contains dates, and if the date is 90 days less than or equal to today's date (90 days or more old) I would need to format that also.
I've tried using both at the same time, but the conditional formats will override each other when applicable. Am I able to do this via conditional formats, or would I need to do one or the other in VBA?
we can get if functions to return conditions, as in if so and so "a" etc... is it possible to return long statements, instead of letters, with fill stops and commas. i don't know if it would be appropriate if i put an example of what i was trying to do. i am not trying to be rude but this
will this work in c3 =if(b3=5,"Readily understands classroom statements, questions and instructions.Can usually understand short electronic texts without difficulty.",if(b3=4,"Understands most classroom statements, questions, instructions.Can usually understand short electronic texts with only occasional difficulty.",if(b3=3,"Can generally understand classroom statements, questions and instructions, but may need repetition.Can understand short electronic texts reasonably well.",if(b3=2,"Sometimes misunderstands classroom statements, questions, instructions.Has some difficulty in understanding short electronic texts.",if(b3=1,"Has noticeable difficulty in understanding classroom statements, questions, instructions.Has great difficulty in understanding short electronic texts.")))))
I have workbook with multiple sheets with full of formulas. I need a excel macro which can convert formulas to values based on multiple conditions.
The formulas are in B2 and below.This formula provides results as soon as a value is entered in C2 and one among D2 and E2 cells (see attached excel)I want a excel macro to convert the values provided by formula to actual values as soon as results are obtained.Further, when user delete data in C2, D2 and E2, i want the formula to be working again since if a user enters different data in C2, D2, or E2 the value should get updated.
I found a similar post which addresses some part of my problem but works only with one condition. [URL] ....
I have to calculate the difference between the start time and end time of a job. The only catch is, how can I avoid calculating "out of hours" time. So, if a job goes from 9am to 9am the next day, I want it to avoid calculating between the hours of 23:30 and 03:30.
Another example is if a job goes from 02:00 to 04:00, I want it to avoid the tim between 02:00 and 03:00.
If there is a difference in days, so the job goes overnight, how do I take that into consideration also.
I've got a time difference from 8:00AM - 12:30PM as 4.30 I'm trying to get the minutes, .30, converted into a 6 minute increment, .5. Is it possible to do this and if so how would it be done? Below is a chart of how the time is converted from 6 minutes increments into decimal form.
i want to ask for a reason if a item is late where M & line is the time it should have left and N & line is the actual time it left.
TL is the difrence between the two times i want the input box to read " DRIVER DISPATCHED 30 MINUTES LATE PLEASE ENTER REASON" but it returns "DRIVER DISPATCHED -.11233543 E2 MINUTES LATE" how do i format this to show the difrence in minutes
TL = Range("N" & Line) - Range("M" & Line) late = InputBox("DRIVER DISPATCHED " & TL & " MINUTES LATE PLEASE ENTER REASON")
formula that will compute contract amounts that are paying out for a given month, depending on what is listed as the contract renew date and how often the contract renews.
Assume the contract date is in C1, contract renew date is in C2, Contract term is a drop down menu in C3 that has two options of text, 6 Months or 12 Months. C4 gives the contract amount. There are then dollar amounts in C5 and C6 that are only taken into consideration if they are $0.00. In B1 will be the run date or the date I want to pull my info for.
I basically need a formula in C7 that will return the contract amount from C4 taking into account these conditions: If there is a dollar amount in either C5 or C6, return "$0.00" in C7. But if C5 and C6 are both zero, than: If C3 = "12 Months" and B1 is in the same month as C2 (I don't want it to take into account the year of day of the date), than return the amount listed in C4 in cell C7. Or if C3 = "6 Months", and B1 is in the same month as C2 or if B1 is 6 months ahead of the month listed in C2 (again not taking into account the day or year), than return the amount in C4 in cell C7. So basically if the contract amount in C4 was $100, and B1 3/1/2014 and the contract renew date is C2 is 9/15/2013, I still want $100 to appear in C7, even though there is only technically 5 and a half months in between the dates of 9/15/2013 and 3/1/2014. I want it to look at these dates and add six months to the month of September and then look at cell B1 and as long as that date is a date in March, return the contract amount in cell C7. I also want $100 to appear in C7 if the date in B1 was a September date. In the situation where C3 is set to 12 months, if C2 is a September date than $100 will only appear in C7 if B1 is also a September date.
And one last thing, I'm going to somewhat withdraw my request that the year shouldn't be taken into account. This is only partially true. It just occurred to me that the $100 should only appear provided the date in B1 is in the same year or in a subsequent year AFTER the year of the contract renew date in C2. So for instance if, C2 is 9/15/2013 and I put in 03/01/2013 in B1, it should NOT calculate the $100 in C7 since the contract technically would not have renewed in March of '13 as it didn't exist until Sept of '13.
I am looking for a way of creating the following conditioned concatenation.
I have two tables, let's call them "summary" and "detailed".
The "detailed" table is something like the following:
001 01
001 05
The "summary" table below gets info from the "detailed" table. The 'ID'is now unique. I'm looking for a formula on the 'VOL (concatenated)' column cells it should get all rows from the "detailed" table with the same ID and then concatenate the 'VOL' column results, comma separated:
ID (unique) VOL (concatenated)
001 V01, V03, V05
002 V01, V04
003 V06
PS: I have people using this table with office 2003, so compatibility is necessary...
Formula query Column “A” list of dates correspondence in Column “B” list of dates correspondence reply out Need to calculate how many times the difference between date in and reply date is <= 5 in a specific time period.
The start date is entered in say, “K1” The end date is entered in say, “L1”
Also calculate difference in dates between 14 days and 21 days for time period Also with reply in column “B” not sent until over 28 days. I have tried SUMPRODUCT with (date_in=K1)*(date_out<=L1) for the dates but unsure how to define <=5
I work at a call center and I get the data as Date, Time of calling and Duration of the call. Now since this is an overseas call center, even though the calls spills over 12midnight, the corresponding date shows as the date when the agent logged in.
So I get the data in this format, Date: 06/11/2012, Time: 19:00:00 - 04:00:00.
How do I calculate the time difference at one go without first getting the time difference from the time of login till midnight and then add that to the time difference of midnight till time of logout. I have attached a file for your review.
Now to convert this in minutes (in number format), I multiply this number with 1440:
0:09*1440 = 9
When I click the cell this number is actually 9.0000005, rather than exact 9. I need it to be exact 9 since I have to match this number from other excel sheet.
does anybody knows an idea how to get the time difference without getting the #NUM! error message? Column A contains Start Time while Column B contains end time, if the time in column A is 11:45 PM and the time in column b is 12:15 AM, then I would get this error message...any idea how can i get the time difference without having to use the [hh]:mm format? i would like to use the hh:mm AM/PM format instead.
I have a userform with a number of textboxes where the time is entered in the format like 00:00, (24 hour clock).
What I need is code to calculate the time in minutes / hours between 2 of these textboxes and for the result to be displayed automatically in the third textbox with no user input required, (other than to put in the start and end times).
The third textbox must display the result in the same format as above - here is the code I use to get the textbox to force the time in as above;
Code: Private Sub TextBox3_Change() Dim t As Date 'If they enter 4 digits and NO colon e.g. 1400 If Len(TextBox3.Value) = 4 Then
I have 2 cells with dd/mm/yy h:mm format. I have been using =TEXT(BQ3-BP3,"[h]:mm") to work out the hours and minutes difference between the 2 cells. However I would like the formula to work so that the hours and minutes difference will only come into effect after midnight on the first day. For example