Capturing Lowest Value Recorded In Data That Changes?
Jan 3, 2012
I run a golf handicapping system that utilises excel quite heavily to record a LOT data over the course of a season. In essence we have in excess of 50 players who play once or twice a week and I record their Stableford scores (dont worry that's a golfing phrase but it is basically how they performed that day) and adjust their golf handicap accordingly - all in XL.
So - a player may start the season with handicap of 20 but over the season this will vary up and down as each score is recorded. A player may well play in excess of 50 rounds in a season.
I currently record the player's starting handicap in one column and in the next column appears the freshly calculated new handicap after a new score has been entered. The column containing the new handicap overwrites the old handicap value each time it is recalculated.
All I want to do is to create a 3rd column that records the lowest handicap value attained during the season. So for each player I guess it should take the newly calculated handicap and decide if it is lowest it has 'seen' in that column and if it is record it.
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Aug 30, 2012
I have a macro that is starting to get pretty intensive and beyond my knowledge base. Currently is takes the needed data from sheet(1) and copies it to a newly created "Sheet2" in a specific format. Once the macro is done formatting "Sheet2", it shows both userforms for the next part of this macro.
One userform (UserForm1) is for inputting barcode data into rows on "Sheet2" (this is where I am running into problems). I cannot get the userform to capture the captions to the needed cells in "Sheet2".
The other userform (UserForm2) is for a visual representation of the error check. This will check for differences in Sheet2's column data. If a row's data in Sheet2 doesn't duplicate as expected it will flag RED and an image to show in the associated frame in UseForm2.
Plate ID (PlateIDLabel goes to "PCR Plate ID" header column in Sheet2)
Plate Location (PlateLocationLabel goes to "PCRLocation" header column in Sheet2)
Currently the userform is coded to recognize prefixes for correct input into label textboxes.
Attached it the workbook with macro/userforms.
Option Explicit
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Sheets.Add.Name = "Sheet2"
ActiveSheet.Move _
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Nov 4, 2006
I am trying to copy a formula down a row. All I am getting is the exact same answer from the 1st cell instead of the new data.
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Apr 24, 2007
I found a useful thread Creating UserForm Controls via Code. how to create dynamically scalable UserForms at run time. I'm now stuck on the obvious Part 2 that isn't included...How does one capture the values in the text fields without knowing the names of those fields. My initial thought is to use a For loop to read the values into an array, like so...
Dim ReadArray (TextFieldCount)
For k = 1 To TextFieldCount
ReadArray(k) = ?????????
Next k
If it were a simple read from a text field I'd use something like:
Set ReadField = TextBox1.Value
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Jan 9, 2006
I have some data recorded for every day for some subjects.
And the possible recorded value on each day is: 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or null.
I have this type of data for number of subjects over many months.
My data looks like below.
Subjectnameyearmonth day1day2…………..day30day31
Name1990January 2044
Name1990February 31nullnull
Name1990March 2null31
So on.
I need to calculate the following 3 for each row.
1) On which day of the month first occurrence of the 4 comes?
This one I figured out using match() function which I paste below.
2) On which day of the month last occurrence of the 4 comes?
My data can not be sorted, and I couldn’t use match function here.
3) If there are any 4’s in a month, how many consecutive 4’s are there?
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Oct 22, 2009
find the attached file. Book 2 there is 4 columns ie,reg no,fleet no,product & model and on book 1 there is fleet no,reg no and model and what i need is to capture fleet no & model from Book 1.
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Aug 7, 2008
I am making a timesheet which has a UserForm with textbox and 3 command buttons namely Search, IN and OUT. The program works like this, user type his id no., then clicks on search, once id match command buttons for IN and OUT are enabled. User clicks on IN button then current time which tags as NOW() will be pasted on the worksheet. Same goes with the OUT button. I was able to make them work that way. The problem here now is, the data being entered are vulnerable for data-re entry. What I mean is, if a certain user has already a recorded IN time, if he clicks on the IN time again, the data will be overwritten. Is there a way that once the user has already a recorded IN time, the IN button will be disabled for that user since he has already a recorded IN data?
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Dec 16, 2013
Find below the data sequence. 1st is the customer code, next are the date we have recd. the orders. In one excel command i want to find out the when was the order recd. date.
[Code] ......
If I give code and order qty then the formula should go to the code row and find out if any order of that qty had come if yes then date has to be returned as a result.
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Oct 12, 2012
I have following macro recorded to extract data from a mainframe system
open "C:DesktopReportRBDRBD.txt" for OUTPUT as #1
rc% = ps.sendstring("{clear}")
rc% = ps.sendstring("a24octdelbom*9w{enter}")
test1 = PS.getdata(450,3,27)
print #1,test1
The requirement here is run the above macro for the next 30 days automatically, for example
rc% = ps.sendstring("{clear}")
rc% = ps.sendstring("a25octdelbom*9w{enter}")
test1 = PS.getdata(450,3,27)
print #1,test1
and so on till 23 Nov. From the start date the macro should run for the next 30 days. Currently i am changing the dates manually in the macro
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Jul 2, 2008
I am trying to place a formula in Cell "S5" that will look at sheet "audusd" in the entire Column D and return the Highest value.
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Jan 24, 2014
I have a data that needs to be ranked from highest to lowest. I used the Rank function to do this.After getting the rank, i need to consolidate the data by highest to lowest rank, while simultaneously getting the values of the column on the same row.
I used the index and the match function. And i was able to do that, but the problem is there are items that have the same rank. how do i consolidate the data from highest to lowest even if with same ranks?
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Feb 17, 2014
I can't find a way to sort my data. It looks similar to below. And I need to sort them based on the numbers from lowest to highest.
Tom Simmon (23.2)
Jason Paige (19.1)
Jeff Johns (14.1)
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Jan 17, 2007
I have data in a worksheet coming from an external device that is updated via DDE. The values in the cell change every few seconds. I would like to record the highest and lowest values that these cells contain.
I want the peak values to be stored in other cells.
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Apr 27, 2009
First, I know passwords are easy to break. The point is only to keep the average Excel user in a dept of 3 from accidentally damaging the data.
Normally I hardcode passwords to view xlveryhidden sheets.
But this workbook is for a dept head who has standard password(s) he uses to open or edit a file. I would like to capture these passwords and make it the same password(s) to view a hidden sheet.
This way if he ever changes the password to open/edit it will automatically change the password to view the hidden sheet(s).
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Aug 6, 2009
In the help file for MATCH it says:
If MATCH is unsuccessful in finding a match, it returns the #N/A error value.
So I am trying in vain to capture the error, but can't see where I am going wrong.
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Feb 16, 2006
I have a spreadsheet that monitors the opening time of some stocks. In the
morning before trading starts it looks like this:
When trading starts, the TIME value records the time of the last trade, thus
the first time will represent the time of the first trade - I am trying to
capture this time value. The problem is that if another trade occurs, the
TIME value updates to the time of that last trade. The TIME value is fed by a
DDE link from a data source.
Is there a way to capture the "first" change in the TIME value ?
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Feb 13, 2012
I have a worksheet which counts the entries of some orders via a barcode scanner.
What i would like to have is a progress bar showing graphically the percentage of completion of the progress.
For example in an 8 hour shift , 120 orders should be completed ideally.
The progress bar should show the actual status based on time and entries.
If the orders are processed on time the progress bar is green otherwise is red.
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Jun 14, 2014
I am trying to make a program and in this program I am trying to use an offset. In that offset I want the column offset be = to a Integer variable I have created but I am getting the "red text".
How can I capture the weeknumber integer, entered into the input box as the second offset variable?
Dim ForumMember As String
Dim ForumMemberRange As Range
Dim ForumMemberLocal As Range
Dim WeekNumber As Integer
'worksheet and book activation
Workbooks("Trivia Point Account").Activate
Worksheets("Game 3").Activate
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Feb 12, 2008
I have an excel model that cycles through several times and each time, changes the values in certain cells. What I want to do is to continuously add the values of each cell in my range and then paste the results on another worksheet.
My range of cells is B23:E93.
Say I want to run my model 3 times. I want to do the following calculation for each cell in my range and then paste the results:
First B23 = B23 (first value output)
Second B23 = New B23 + First B23
Third B23 = New B23 + Second B23
I then want to copy the results from the final run onto another worksheet named "All Resources." The range here would be B2:E72.
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Dec 15, 2005
I have some values representing daily values belonging to a particular Week number. The week numbers appear from 1 to 6 times in the top row. I would like to get data pertaining to a particular week number (as entered in B10) from the array in the area shown in Light Yellow and from there, I would do some minor calculations to arrive at the required data..
In the sample, the week number 3 appears 3 times and is shown here. The first value I am able to get using HLOOKUP. Getting subsequent occurrences are the issue I have. I thought I will try and use OFFSET function based on the cell reference of the first occurrence of the week number to obtain the rest. I have not had any luck in that.
Basically, my issue is how to use HLOOKUP to obtain if the Lookup value is repeated in the range. Or should this be tackled using some other route?
The week numbers appear in a sequence and are not placed at random.
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Feb 8, 2009
When reading a water meter in a large apartment building a meter reader can also click a timer (LAP) button as the meter passes preset intervals. The worksheet would record the "lap times" in separate cells which could then be compared and usage figures can be calculated, allowing the meter reader to know if there is currently a Leak or other problem before leaving the premesis.
In the attached worksheet you can see what I would like the meter reader enters the reading - the light green "Interval List" is created from that reading. The Meter reader then watches the meter clicking the LAP button each time the interval is passed, the current time is then stored to the Pink cells (Similar to the NOW() function), the times are then calculated in other cells like I did in the Blue column in this case showing elapsed time.
I have tried several ways to do this using NOW, but each time all the cells are updated to NOW not just the current cell - and the Single Button woulod be really nice so the meter reader didn't have to look away from the meter.
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Oct 19, 2009
How do I capture keys sent to Excel when my workbook is open / active?
I know when you write a macro you can assign a shortcut key combo to it, such as "Ctrl-Shift-s", but I can't find where / how Excel stores that information, and can only presume it is stored away not accessible to the coder, (ie. not by going via the macro -> properties boxes).
My issue is I want to capture a key combo, then from that call a function passing a variable dependant on the combo pressed, eg:
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Oct 2, 2011
I need the solution for the following:
1. Currently I have a randbetween() formula in cell B2.
2. Cell A1 = B2 (Every time the value in B2 changes so does the value in A1)
Instead, I want that every change in value in cell B2 is captured in progressive cells.
For example:
First iteration in cell B2, value is entered in A1.
Second change in value in B2, value is entered in A2, while value in A1 remains unchanged and so on and so forth.
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Apr 1, 2012
I am building an input tool in Excel and the aim is for people to add data which is then updated and inserted in the database. After this I want to show the user which data has been inserted correctly (green cell) and which has not (red cell with comment).
Wanted to know if there is an easy way to iterate through dirty cells in a range or I am going to have to do some before and after comparisons? For before and after I was thinking of having the start range address and then everything is an offset from here.
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Jul 16, 2006
I would like to create a macro to enable a user to enter the number of copies to print, and then print that number of copies of a predetermined range in a spreadsheet. My InputBox routine works fine, but I don't know how to use the info I just captured. The code I have so far is as follows, but I guess I don’t know where this number is stored, or how to use it in a print statement. Needless to say, this routine doesn’t print the number of copies entered by the user.
Sub TestPrint()
' Ask user to input the number of copies to be printed.
Dim Message, Title, Default, MyValue
Message = "Please enter the number of copies to print" ' Set prompt.
Title = "Number of copies" ' Set title.
Default = "2" ' Set default.
' Display message, title, and default value.
MyValue = InputBox(Message, Title, Default)
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
End Sub
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Oct 31, 2012
i have used two form and a macro in a workbook. First one captures data via text box. This data is captured in a cell. Form two adds a new sheet with the name that is captured in a cell, then perforns some task in the newly created sheet. Macro does the formatting of the newly created sheet and saves the sheet. Again when i reopen the the workbook the value is captured in next blank cell and the procedure follows. This works fine as far as there is a single. But not in case of multiple user at the same time. Is there a way to directly capture the value to form 2 and macro so that multiple user can work on the same time.
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Feb 9, 2014
My worksheet has 1096 rows of data including headers. I am trying to create dynamic named ranges using the OFFSET function but when I check to see if they are capturing the entire range I see they are not.
Here is my formula:
I have tried all four but every time it continues to stop on row 409. I have tried to name different columns and they all stop short too.
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Dec 6, 2012
I have used this template for a Vlookup and have been having troubles that I simply cannot pin down. Some duplicated numbers in Columns A and C will NOT appear in Column B. I am also trying to work it out where when the results are displayed that Excel will tell me in a pivot how many loans are on both lists and how many loans are on each specific list.
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Feb 26, 2009
I was provided previously with the code for a VLOOKUPS function for a project of mine by JBeaucaire. It can be found here, in the returned file he provided to me: VLOOKUPS multiple results in a drop down list.
The set up works wonderfully. But now I'm trying to accomplish something that is just a little bit different. I'm trying to to populate an array with all the results returned from an HLOOKUP formula. I was wondering if anybody had any code written that might create an HLOOKUPS function. I've tried to tweak the code provided for the VLOOKUPS function by JBeaucaire but I'm a novice, novice programmer and can only pull off simple functions and procedures.
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May 2, 2012
I have a VBA code that captures auto-filtering based on two criteria, but the problem is, the spreadsheet I am working on changes the amount of rows daily (ie: more rows are added onto it).
How can I change my code such that it doesn't fix the filtering area to a certain date's row #'s?
The code is
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$6:$Q$108").AutoFilter Field:=11, Criteria1:=
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$6:$Q$108").AutoFilter Field:=5, Criteria1:= _
xlFilterYesterday, Operator:=xlFilterDynamic
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