I have some values representing daily values belonging to a particular Week number. The week numbers appear from 1 to 6 times in the top row. I would like to get data pertaining to a particular week number (as entered in B10) from the array in the area shown in Light Yellow and from there, I would do some minor calculations to arrive at the required data..
In the sample, the week number 3 appears 3 times and is shown here. The first value I am able to get using HLOOKUP. Getting subsequent occurrences are the issue I have. I thought I will try and use OFFSET function based on the cell reference of the first occurrence of the week number to obtain the rest. I have not had any luck in that.
Basically, my issue is how to use HLOOKUP to obtain if the Lookup value is repeated in the range. Or should this be tackled using some other route?
The week numbers appear in a sequence and are not placed at random.
I was provided previously with the code for a VLOOKUPS function for a project of mine by JBeaucaire. It can be found here, in the returned file he provided to me: VLOOKUPS multiple results in a drop down list.
The set up works wonderfully. But now I'm trying to accomplish something that is just a little bit different. I'm trying to to populate an array with all the results returned from an HLOOKUP formula. I was wondering if anybody had any code written that might create an HLOOKUPS function. I've tried to tweak the code provided for the VLOOKUPS function by JBeaucaire but I'm a novice, novice programmer and can only pull off simple functions and procedures.
Is it possible to use HLOOKUP without exact matches. e.g. < =HLOOKUP(E1,Actuals,2) > where E1 is "2009 October" and the lookup value in named range "Actuals" would be simply "Oct".
i'm trying to use HLookup to find an adjusted midterm grade that's given. but i have some conditions:
If student missed exam and has a zero – keep zero. If student has a grade of 1-119 points, increase their grade 40 points. If student has a grade of 120-125 points, increase their grade 35 points. If student has a grade of 126-131 points, increase their grade 31 points. If student has a grade of 132-139 points, increase their grade 27 points.
with these conditions, if my midterms grade is 120, how would i calculate it using HLookup? i worked on it but i keep getting the #NA! error. =H4+HLOOKUP(H4,B24:D25,2).
hlookups. I have written a formula "T(HLOOKUP($H$2,Jan-Apr!$F$5:$EO$10,3,0))" where H2 is the date that I want to match on the other sheets. It works for the sheet Jan-Apr but I have 2 other sheets May-Aug & Sept-Dec. Unfortunately Im at a loss when it comes to writing the formula to include the 2 other sheets?
Jun Gross Profit  YZAAABACADAEAF45MonTuesWedThursFriSatSunTotal 46      1 47      6,166    6,166 48        492345678 505,2187,1159,4868,06413,75512,8076,166   62,611 51        529101112131415 535,2187,1159,4868,06413,75512,8076,166   62,611 54        5516171819202122 565,2187,1159,4868,06413,75512,8076,166   62,611 57        5823242526272829 595,2187,1159,4868,06413,7559,9617,589   61,188 60        6130       626,641         6,641
What I would like is to be able to type in a number (1-30) and have it give me the number underneath that number. So if I typed in the number 18, it would give me 9,486.
I have tried index(match), dynamic ranges, but I must be doing something wrong.
I know organizing the data differently would be easier, but I have external software that spits out the reports like this so continuously reorganizing the data would end up taking a lot more time.
if B2 value (red column) of datahave tab is equal to B2 value of red column in lookup tab then B2 value (red column) of datahave tab is equal to A. if B2 value (red column) of datahave tab is equal to B3 value of red column in lookup tab then B2 value (red column) of datahave tab is equal to B. if B2 value (red column) of datahave tab is not equal either B2 and B3 value of red column in lookup tab then B2 value (red column) of datahave tab is equal to H.
i tried normal Hlookup but i do not know how combine multiple IFs to solve my problem.
I am looking to pull out an outcome based on the user inputting two criteria, below is an example:
So if the user inputted P1 into cell H2 and inputted 9 in I2, J2 would show Pass, but if they inputted P5 into cell H2 and inputted 9 in I2, J2 would show Fail.
I used a Fuzzy lookup to match the data that was shared between my two tables. I was able to run 3 different Fuzzy attempts to increase my accuracy because the source data had a lot of spelling errors and such.
Now I am at a point where I need to analyze the 3 possible Fuzzy matches. I am kinda stumped on the best route to do this and thought that an approximate match Hlookup would be the best route but I can't seem to get it to work.
Here is a pic of my table:[URL]
I am trying to match the cell outlined in red against the 3 cells outlined in green, when the best suited match is found I need to copy the green cell and the orange adjacent cells to it's left and right (ID# and Similarity). It would be best if the match threshold was in the low 90% range.
This is a floowup to the issue that was originally posted as "Returning MAX/MIN values from multiple rows in a named range ". I marked that post as solved since I have worked through part of the issue and since have a different one.
I would like to extract Bill cost from "rule" sheet and insert it to "data" sheet using index-match functions. My problem are multiple criteria and multiple matches.
The criteria are Column: Cost type, Power, Penalty Category (The logic goes like AND function).
And I want it to extract "Bills" value from "rule" sheet.
There are multiple matches in all columns (Cost type, Power, Penalty Category) which cause wrong extraction.
How do i solve this problem with index-match function?
I am trying to match data on two different reports. Both reports have month, location and supplier number. I would like to match a quantity on one report to information to another. Here is an example: (A-D are columns in excel)
Report 1: A B C D Month Location Supplier # Quantity
Report 2: A B C D Month Location Supplier # Quality
I would like to match the quality on the second report to the data in report one. I would have several months of data and want to match on month, location and supplier number. But there could be occurences where a match is unable to be made - for example having report with quantity but no corresponding quality on the other report for the month.
I am trying to use the vlookup fxn to display employee names according their in-time (10:30 for this example). I have multiple employees in at 10:30 so I need to find a way using vlookup to accomplish this.
This is a sample of my Master worksheet showing the schedule for all employees (Cell used for this example is D16):
My vlookup formula for finding the first match for a 10:30 in-time:
The other worksheets in this workbook are various Floorplans depending on how many employees are scheduled that day with a column designated to the employee's name(B), and a column for their in-time (C). Here is a sample of the '8 Server Floorplan':
Finding the first 10:30 match with vlookup is fine, my issue starts when trying to find the next 10:30 match, since vlookup only finds the first match (this is happening in B9).
Here is the sample of cells showing my formulas for finding the address of the first '10:30' match from my initial vlookup fxn (O5 and P5):
I thought by just finding the address of the first match (Master!D16), incrementing it by 1 (=D17) and plugging the cell containing this formula (P5) into my data range, that it would force the vlookup formula to adjust its data range from D4:W38 to D17:W38. This, in turn would then find the first match for 10:30 and so on for anyother identical in-times...
I am trying to set up a worksheet whereby two critera when matched from a drop down list will populate cell 'x' with a coressponding answer. if you have Destinations then a From and To column with various locations listed below, then in a thrid column you have an output cell which is kilometres. What formula can i use to match the various location 'to' and 'from''s with the correct kilometre match?
i'm trying to do with an index match formula. My index match formula goes through a list and returns a date based on an email address. My issue I have is what if there are multiple entries that match that email address? How do I return the most recent date?
e.g. worksheet 1 has all the data
email ID date
worksheet 2 has a list of specific email addresses i'm looking for info on
email date
My formula in column B of worksheet 2 is along the lines of this:
basically saying where you find the email address in A1 listed in column A of worksheet 1, return in B1 the value in the column of that row in worksheet1.
The thing is we could have the same email address listed a number of times, so i'm looking for the latest date to be returned, not the first one it finds.
I am trying to populate a worksheet that takes information from a table on another worksheet. I have to match three columns and show multiple entries for each correct match. Attached is a sample worksheet.
The information should be on the "Invoice" sheet. The cells in green are what will be given. The cells in yellow are what should be grabbed from table 1 on "June Sands Tracking Sheet"
The delivery date, Customer and truck number are the given fields.
from there I want it to search the table and populate "Truck BOL #","Sand Yard","Time In Staging", "Time Out of Location", and "Sand Type"
I tried this formula in the BOL # column but it wouldn't work =IF(OR(C10={"",""}),"",IF(COUNTIFS(Table1[Delivery Date],$B$7,Table1[Truck '#],$E$7)=0,"No Entry",IFERROR(INDEX(Table1[BOL'#],SMALL(IF(Table1[Delivery Date]=$B$7,IF(Table1[Truck '#]=$E$7,ROW(Table1[BOL'#])-MIN(ROW(Table1[BOL'#]))+1)),ROWS(C$11:C19))),"")))
I am trying to connect a special date and a price to a special name (please see the attached file).
In sheet 1 I have the following: - In column A I have a set of different names. - In column B I have a set of different dates. - In column C I have a set of different prices on bonds that off course refers to the different names at their respective dates.
In rest of the sheets I want an overview of the different bonds, and what their prices are at the exact date. The problem is that if I use the vlookup it is only the first value that will be extracted. How can I get all of the prices corresponding to the different dates to the correct bond. I also want the possibility to update this every day.
I am trying to get a formula to work that looks up a vendor, and then checks the quantity of their order (less than 99999999, less 500, less than 200, and less than 50). I get either a #NAME or #N/A when I try to use what I have written. I tried to include an =index(array,AND(Match(row 1,exact match),Match(row 1 less than quantity),Match(row 1,greater than quantity)),Match(rate,exact match)) returning the variable rate. I have had no luck using vlookup and pivot tables.
I have a SumIF statement in cell E4 but I would much prefer some sort of index or something where I can drag the formula down because the cells in column D will change (and require me to pick a different SUM range for my SUMIF function). Now my issue is I have multiple matches so when I use a typical index it returns the FIRST match.
Here is the formula I used in cell E11 to try and replicate the result in E5: =INDEX('P10-2011'!$A$2:$Y$272,MATCH('Budget Upload'!$A4,'P10-2011'!$A$2:$A$272,0),MATCH('Budget Upload'!$D4,'P10-2011'!$A$2:$Y$2,0))
My index function works as it is designed but only returns the FIRST match. I should have multiple matches.
Is there a way to use an index function to return multiple results?
To clarify,the index function I put in cell F4 returns only ONE column (which is correct and will always be correct), which is related to the cell D4 but I have multiple rows (related to "7002" row match portion of the index function).
I have several worksheets (Labeled Sheet1,Sheet2,sheet3) What I need to do is to step through each row in sheet3, and do a search in sheet1, it the data was found, then return the row number. I then will need to copy data from sheet1 (rowfound columnA , through rowfound CoulmnBd to sheet3 current working row columnK
In my spreadsheet, on the first worksheet called "Working". Column A, called "Results", contains carrot ^ delineated string values in each cell (i.e."john^apple^pear^banana^grape^love^heart^pickle"). The majority of string values in every cell in my "Results" column match a "source" column of Pick-List Values, called "Fruits" in the same spreadsheet, however found in a different worksheet called "Lists" (also in Column A). I want to perform 3 functions against my "Results" Column on worksheet "Working":
1.) Report In Column B: Analyze column "Results" by cell and return carrot delineated string values for only those that match my "Fruits" Pick-List
2.) Report In Column C: Analyze column "Results" by cell and return carrot delineated string values for only those do not match my "Fruits" Pick-List
3.) Report In Column D: Identify and return all unique values in "Column C" as a List.
Attached is a simple example of what I'm trying to accomplish called " Sorting.xls"
what i'm trying to do with an index match formula. My index match formula goes through a list and returns a date based on an email address. My issue I have is what if there are multiple entries that match that email address? How do I return the most recent date?
e.g. worksheet 1 has all the data
email ID date
worksheet 2 has a list of specific email addresses i'm looking for info on
email date
My formula in column B of worksheet 2 is along the lines of this:
basically saying where you find the email address in A1 listed in column A of worksheet 1, return in B1 the value in the column of that row in worksheet1.
The thing is we could have the same email address listed a number of times, so i'm looking for the latest date to be returned, not the first one it finds.
I'm looking for is to repeat this formula within the cell, so that it can pull the information of not only the first match, but all matches proceeding it. Right now it only pulls the first match it finds, but I would like it to add every time a row matches the criteria of the formula.
I've information in two sections of a worksheet, columns A and B (range named "temp1") and columns D and E (range named "temp2"). I should also say that the reason I have two sections is that each section will have about 150 rows, so instead of having a huge list of 300 rows, I've tried splitting them into two sections.
AB 1a 1b 3c
DE 4d 1e 6f
What I want to do it show all the results that match the value 1 using a vlookup formula. Also the values in column A and D may change, i.e if value 4 in D1 changed to 1, I would expect to see "d" included in the results.
This is the original formula I got somewhere else which sorts out my vlookup on multiple matches issue.
I have two worksheets. The first contains a list of software (some having duplicate listings) in column A and a list of comments in column B. None of the software titles that have duplicates will have comments.
The second worksheet contains a condensed list of software (the previous list without the duplicates) and a column for the comments.
I need to have a formula that populates the second worksheet comments cells with the corresponding comments from worksheet one only if:
(1) The software title in worksheet two matches the software title in worksheet one (2) The comment cell in worksheet one contains a comment (or text)
I have had only partial success; my obstacle being the duplicate software titles in worksheet one.
I am trying to compare mutiple columns of data, match them and copy select data. Find matching cells in 2 different columns and copy select info into that row. See file attached