Cascading Combobox And Dynamic Ranges?

Aug 21, 2013

I want to create a cascading combo box from some values that I have, ill explain how I approached it.

Cascading combo box is a combobox which values are obtained depending on the answer of a previous combo box.

So I set up a little table like so:

Categories Car Train Bike
Car Mercades First Honda
Train Ford Western Ducati
Bike Skoda Red Suzuki

and the combo boxes would be set aside from that.I collected the data in Named Ranges (A Range for Categories, A Range for Car, A Range for Train...)

The first data validation box contains = Categories the second data validation box contains =INDIRECT($C$2) (Where C2 was the range of the first validation box)

Once this was working, I decided to change the formula for the named ranges to allow me to add more values.

The formula was: =$F3$F8

I changed it to: =OFFSET($F$3,0,0,COUNTA($F3:$F96),1)

I expected this to work however, it just doesnt.... when clicking on the drop down arrow for the validation box, nothing happens. No box or values or dropdown.

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Userform With Cascading Combobox

Jan 27, 2010

Basically I want it to look similar to the vehicle search on auto trader, or whatcar, where you first chose the make, then use a second combobox for the model (dependent on the choice made in the first combobx.

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Cascading Combobox - For Printing

Aug 10, 2006

I have a worksheet with 13 columns. ....which i have attached.

I am trying to use cascading combobxes for priting the certaion rows that match the criteria in the 2 comboboxes.

I have -

Customer - in column C
Category - in column G
Complaint Owner - in column J
Month - in column L

Above 4 options are shown in the drop down list in Combobox 1.

Once user selects any one option from combobox1, combobox2 will populate with the relevent list of Customers, Categories, Complaint owners and months.

Also, depending the selection in combobox1, I want excel to search particular columns for the value in combobox2. And then display all the rows that fit the criteria in print preview (showing all the columns A:L, fit in one page)....which then can be printed by user.

I managed to the get the first part right where combobox2 populates based on selection in combobx1. But I am struglling to get the second part....

I have used a code that I found in another forum and tried to change it to suit my purpose, but obviously i have messed up the code and there are a lot of errors now...

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Creating Cascading Data Validation Lists / Comboboxes Without Named Ranges?

Jul 28, 2014

Is there a way to add cascading lists (from data validation or form/activex controls) to my excel spreadsheet WITHOUT using named ranges? Maybe structured references?

I need to avoid the named ranges because it will cause my workbook to have duplicate named range titles which I cannot avoid.

As a general example my issue arises because I have something like this where the titles are the same but they map to slightly different data. These also have to be cascading because the titles align to another list which I do not show in the example. I also considered using pivot tables, but the issue there is that the data validation lists repeat in the same worksheet. So I would have 3 cascading lists in row1 dependent on each other, but the same 3 lists in row2 dependent on row2 but not the previous row.

[Code] .....

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Cascading Ranges - Vlookup (make My Reference Range Access Multiple Columns)

Feb 10, 2010

I need to run a vlookup to find some data. But I have a lot of data about 600,000 lines. Currently this list is spread over several columns (as the limit is something like 50000). How can I make my reference range access multiple columns?

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How To Name A Dynamic Range & Make A Validation List (of 2 Dynamic Ranges)

Dec 22, 2009

I have a range which will change in size & in content, & I want this to be a Named Range at whatever size it is.

Reason I want to is because I want to make a Validation List with this dynamic range. I also want a Validation list which lists the content of 2 or more dynamic ranges which may or may not be on the same worksheet - is this possible?

First dynamic range: called "Milestones" at A11
Second dynamic range: called "Activities" at A25
& make a Validation list that will list content of both

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Dynamic Starting Point For Dynamic Named Ranges

Jun 21, 2009

I would like to replace the blue bit of this Dynamic Named Range (DNR) with an INDIRECT formula in order to modify the starting point for the DNR: =OFFSET(DATA!$C$60,0,0,20,1). Unfortunately, I can’t seem to get my INDIRECT formula to work in order to use it to replace the blue bit above: INDIRECT("'"DATA"'!&ADDRESS(MATCH('SHEET1'!AC8,DATA_Date,0)+22,3)"). The orange bit of the formula above returns a value of 60, therefore the ADDRESS formula should return $C$60, that can then feed into the INDIRECT and act as the equivalent of DATA!$C$60. But it doesn’t.

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Static Ranges And Dynamic Ranges

Feb 26, 2010

definitions for static ranges and dynamic ranges?

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Dynamic Combobox: Listindex Of A Given Box

Nov 18, 2008

I am working in excel 2003. I have a number of combo boxes, and I would like to get the listindex of a given box. It is easy to get the value of the box number "x"

Controls("Combobox" & x).value

works no problem, however

Controls("combobox" & x).listindex

does not work, and while I can do


I cannot figure out how to make the 1 a variable.

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Dynamic Range For Combobox?

Nov 21, 2013

i have a combobox(form control) that has its listfillrange property equal to a range("A1:a10") on sheet1. The combobox allows for user entry and i am trying to create code where it adds the value entered in the combobox to the range("a1:a10) on sheet1 if its not already within the list. Then set the last value used as the listindex of the combobox.

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Dynamic CustomUI Combobox

Jan 4, 2010

I've created my menu. It has a new tab, two group, and some controls. My task is to load strings into one of the comboboxes from a list on a sheet. The id of the combobox is cmbo_ReachesCombo. I grabbed some code from Andy Pope's site that changes the text for a editbox. I tried to adapt it to my combobox, but it didn't work.

Public Sub cmbo_ReachesCombo_getText(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
' Code for getText callback. Ribbon control Reaches Combobox
Dim R As Range
Set R = Sheets("Options").Range(Range("ReachPagesHeader").Offset(1, 0), Range("ReachPagesHeader").Offset(20, 0).End(xlUp))

returnedVal = R.text

End Sub

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Combobox Dynamic Name Range

Jul 20, 2007

how to control the contents of one combobox based on the selection made in another combobox. But, for some reason, ComboBoxTime1 (as shown in the code below) will only display the first item in the Dynamic Named Range when the user clicks on the pull-down arrow. The Named Range is consistent in size (4 cells) for each of the selection options in ComboBoxDay1. why only the first of four options are displayed in the second combobox?

Also, when a selection is made in the first combobox, the second combobox immediately displays the first item in the Dynamic Named Range (the one selection option it allows). I would prefer for it to remain blank until the user has selected an item from the pull-down list.

Private Sub ComboBoxDay1_Change()
Dim strRange As String
If ComboBoxDay1.ListIndex > -1 Then
strRange = ComboBoxDay1
strRange = Replace(strRange, " ", "_")
With ComboBoxTime1
.RowSource = vbNullString
.RowSource = strRange
.ListIndex = 0
End With
LblTime1.Caption = "Time 1:"
End If
End Sub

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Dynamic Chart - Control In Combobox

Jan 30, 2014

Trying to create a dynamic chart herewith control in combo box.

Chart 2.xlsx

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Dynamic List In Combobox For Userforms

Jan 16, 2012

I have created a userform where I have a combo box and an options box. I want the combo box to reference a specific list of values. And if the check box is selected, I want the same combo box to reference a different list of values. This is the present syntax I am using. For some reason, The value of the check box does not alter the list in my macro.

Private Sub Userform_Initialize()
If chkHeader.Value = True Then
With cmbSort1
.AddItem Range("A1")
.AddItem Range("B1")
.AddItem Range("C1")


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Set ComboBox RowSource To Dynamic Range

Oct 25, 2007

I am unable to reference the combobox's rowsource to another sheet dynamically
The codes below are initialized when the userform is loaded. Is there anything wrong with it?

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

combobox1.RowSource = sheets("testing").Range("L2", Range("L65536").End(xlUp)).Address

End Sub

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VLookup For Dynamic Ranges

Oct 28, 2008

I want to create dependent lists using data validation. The lists need to be created from ranges that will be growing as users add more data. I think the best way to create the list is a VLOOKUP. However, I am not sure how to use the VLOOKUP when the range is changing.

I have attached an example. I have a list on sheet "Vlookup" called "FRUIT" with "apple", "orange", "banana". Then to make the depedent lists I have created three other lists called: "APPLE", "ORANGE", "BANANA". I want to pull the COST from sheet "VALUES" into the lists "APPLE", "ORANGE", "BANANA". Users will be adding costs next to the FRUIT they purchase.

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Dynamic Ranges For Correlation

Nov 18, 2009

I have a particular issue - i am trying to create a rolling correlation.

lets say you have two variables for 3 different months:

Month1 a x
Month2 b y
Month3 c z

correlation will correlate a-c with t-v

however, come next month - i have to manually drag the ranges for a rolling three month correlation:

Month1 a t
Month2 b u
Month3 c v
Month4 d w

correlation will now correlate b-d with u-w for a the last three months.

I want to automate this as I know what the month is, I can't seem to return the last three months and correlate the data.

I have tried to do this with the database functions, but I think that they break the array relationship of b-d and u-w in the correlation function.

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Darn Dynamic Ranges Again

Jan 20, 2007

In the example I have attached, I need 4 named, dynamic ranges to build a chart with:

1) Dates for the chart
always starting from A2 ... to whenever the LAST sum of B, C, D =0
(right now that would be A2:A30)

2) The Amounts
I need the amounts as 3 individual dynamic ranges, with no 0 values
(example - B2:B21, or c10:c14, etc)

3)The date column
same as #2, but just a single cell reference to show as a marker on the chart.
(example e21:e21)

I know someone here will think 'so what's the big deal' and pop it out in 30 seconds.

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Defining Dynamic Ranges

Oct 6, 2008

I'm trying to make ranges in a SumProduct formula dynamic, but getting errors #N/A. I think this is because the top two rows are headers, throwing off the range count.

Q. How do I adjust the range definition to compensate., e.g.

Range =Offset(Sheet1!$D$3,0,0,COUNT(Sheet1!$D:$D),1) where column D is numeric, and

Range = Offset(Sheet1!$T$3,0,0,Match("*",Sheet1!$T:$T,-1),1) where column T is text?

I had assumed that the offset value 3 would do this, but I suspect the functions count and match are not doing so.

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VLookup With Dynamic Ranges?

Feb 24, 2012

I am trying to create a vlookup to get a count of trouble tickets techs completed daily within a table I created, I am using a table since its dynamic. For example I need to see how many tickets Joe completed in a day. See below...

Tech Ticket# Comments Status
Joe 1234 Replaced HD Closed
John 3212 Replace Motherboard Closed
Joe 5678 Installed OS Closed

Above is just an example (my table has 40 columns). I need to vlookup joe and get the count of the closed tickets.

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Charting With Dynamic Ranges

Mar 25, 2014

So I was looking for reassurance or validation more than anything. From what I can tell you can in order to build a chart that is dynamic throughout a range, you use the offset and count or counta function - 1. That part isn't a problem. My question is once you created that for your charts do you just normally plot your chart range or do you have to reference the named range directly into the chart range?

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Summing Between Dynamic Ranges

May 21, 2014

I have monthly sales, and i wanna be able to sum the last-twelve month sales, when i select the month from a drop-down list. For example, when i select Feb14 from the drop-down, I want the formula to sum the sales between mar13-feb14. how can i accomplish that?

Select Month

LTM Sales

[Code] ..........

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Dynamic Named Ranges ...

Aug 20, 2009

Dynamic named ranges - lots of them! ...

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Chart Dynamic Ranges

Jan 20, 2010

I have a stock chart that I want to update dynamically if the data record length changes. From the source data menu, I tried to use the following data ranges:

=OFFSET(Candles!$AB$8,1,0,COUNTA($AB:$AB)) ---> Date, x values
=OFFSET(Candles!$AD$8,1,0,COUNTA($AD:$AD)) ---> High
=OFFSET(Candles!$AE$8,1,0,COUNTA($AE:$AE)) ---> Low
=OFFSET(Candles!$AF$8,1,0,COUNTA($AF:$AF)) ---> Close

When I place any of these in the data range box under 'x axis labels or values', I receive the message "This function is not valid".

The MS webpage at describes using these formulas but they don't appear to work.

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Consolidating Dynamic Ranges

Sep 21, 2006

I am creating a consolidation worksheet. It contains a macro that automatically copy data from other sources and paste it into my DB sheet. It already works, but I want to improve it. The source worksheet databases has been defined with the name “SOURCE”. Is there any way that I can make my macro look for this dynamic ranges directly, copy and paste it into my DB sheet. I am attaching an example of what my current macro is doing.

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Autofill Dynamic Row Ranges

Feb 21, 2007

I've got a spreadsheet that I download a list of information into. The information relates to activities that are taking place e.g. start time, end time, type of activity (e.g. meeting) and duration (which identifies the length of the activity in 30 min slots e.g. 9.30am - 11.30am = 4).

The rest of the columns are labelled to represent the time in 30 min slots starting from 9am. What I would like excel to be able to do is to identify the first cell in the range which would be the cell that represents the start time in the row. Then from this cell fill cells in the row up to the end time with something - it doesn't matter what as long as the cell can be differentiated from the other blank cells in the row.

I don't think that I've explained myself that well so I've attached the spreadsheet for you to look at.

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Dynamic Ranges And Sumproduct

May 2, 2007

I'm having a fit with this formula; maybe the gurus will show me what I'm doing wrong. I have a list of area numbers along with dollar amounts that go with these area numbers. I have created a named range named "Areas" and another one named "MO_PD".

At the bottom of the worksheet I am doing a recap that takes the area number and sums all the entries in the MO PD column. This approach has been done before with Thomach's help. I'm trying to mimic it, but it's not working for me.

NOTE - I know that I can get around this using a pivot table, but I would like to use this approach for now. I would at least like to know what I'm doing wrong. Also, I'm not totally sure if I did the dynamic named ranges correctly so that may need to be fixed.

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Looping With Dynamic Ranges

Jun 29, 2007

I've been working a macro that seems pretty simple, but has been giving me loads of trouble. I have about 20 worksheets in a Workbook, which all have a similar template (i.e. the data I'm interested in starts on row 14), but have different amounts (rows) of data in them. I want a macro that sorts all the data in ascending/descending order according to column Q. The problem that I am running into is not that the macro only works for the sheet that is active when I run the macro as opposed to every single sheet in the workbook ....

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Countif With Dynamic Ranges

Jul 1, 2007

Does COUNTIFS not work with named ranges/dynamic ranges? Everytime I try, I get a #VALUE! error. These are my 2 dynamic ranges:



The formula is simply:


However, this does NOT work. it returns the #VALUE! error. However, odly enough, when I use column references, it works:

=COUNTIFS([results_list.xls]Results!Q:Q, "GENDER", [results_list.xls]Results!M:M, "MALE")

This makes me think that COUNTIFS just don't work with named references..

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Create Dynamic Ranges

Jun 5, 2008

I have just upgaded to Excel 2007 and previously used a Dynamic Range Wizard addin in Excel 2003 but it does not work in 2007. I think it originally come from Robert Bruce but can not find it on the web to get an update.

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