Cell Address Of Lookup Result

Sep 18, 2007

Is it possible to get the location of the result cell of a lookup result. For example, instead of showing the cell value it shows the cell address of the results of a lookup. You see I have this Summary Report of a payroll system. Everyone doesn't need to pay social charges, except two people, "person1" and "person2". What I want to do is to first look at the names in the report to see if one of those people are listed in the summary(this can be done by lookup, I think). Then go to a different column on the same row as the person. So, for example, "person1" is in a14, then the macro will select the cell say... g14.

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Ping IP Address And Write Result To Next Cell

Oct 28, 2009

I would like to “ping” each computer ip address to check if it is online or offline and then write the result in Column C.

There needs to be no limit to how many ip addresses the script can ping.

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Display Cell Address Based On Result Of Combobox

Jan 29, 2013

I have a combobox that returns me the names that are in a spreadsheet.

I need a return label, the index (address of that cell that the combobox returned), how do I do that?

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Find Cell Address Of VLOOKUP Result And Replace With New Value

Jun 21, 2013

I am using VLOOKUP to find the size of a cam to be installed in a tablet press, based on the product code it will be running.

The array has two columns: (W) Product Code, (X) Cam Size.

Array: W4:X437

The user selects the Product Code from a drop-down list in cell E5.

The resulting Cam Size is displayed in cell E7. The VLOOKUP works fine.


Occasionally, the cam size has to be updated. The user would then select a new cam size from a drop-down list in cell E9.

I have a "Update Cam Size" command button.

What I need to happen is for the value in E9 to replace the value in the array that is displayed in E7. Obviously, I have to know the location of the cell in the array, but I can't figure that part out. I've tried ADDRESS and MATCH functions, but it comes back with "#N/A" Value not available error.


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Cell Address Of Lookup Value

Jun 17, 2008

I have a range of lookup values I want to use to return the "Cell Reference" of the matching value in another vector (single column).

Is there a simple function that will do this..?
eg a variation of using VLOOKUP

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Lookup And Return Cell Address

May 1, 2009

I have a range of cells (C29:BB29) containing zeros and integers, I want to lookup the smallest non-zero value from that range in another range (C11:BB11) and return the cell address from C11:BB11 to use in a further SUM formula.
Is that possible?

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Return Cell Address Of Lookup Value

Jan 24, 2008

I'm trying to return the cell address of an lookup. The lookup result is correct, but when I try use the below Address function, it just returns the text value (i.e., the formula itself) instead of the cell address. Below is the an example of each: ...

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Return Cell Address That Falls Within A Range Of A Custom Lookup Function

Jul 3, 2009

I am performing a lookup using the populare user defined function nlookup, which does not take a lookuparray argument to find lookup values. But I only want to return lookup values that fall into a certain array. To accomplish this, I figured out that I need a way to specify a condition of the type "if cell address of lookup value falls within range"

It should be possible if I find a way to return the cell address of the nlookup value, but as nlookup is not limited by a lookuparray argument, so I was not able to use the address/index/match that come up in similar questions.

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VBA Index / Match Result Address

Jun 29, 2013

I want to pull the file location of a hyperlink to populate a image control in a form. I have 150 names, each with pictures. So I need to do a index,match or vlook up within the VBA and make the result the active cell. From there I know how to pull the file location out. Just need to know how to make the address of a index match result in vba.

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Result Of Address Function In Formula

Nov 13, 2006

How do you use the result of the "Address" function as ranges for other formulas?
I have 2 cells A1 and A2, each containing an "Address" function to find the start cell and end cell of a range.

A1 shows the result "$J$6" and A2 "$AB$6". These are working fine:

A1: =ADDRESS(ROW($A6),MATCH(HLOOKUP('cleaned up'!$I$2,pivot03!$2:$2,1,FALSE),$2:$2,0),1)

A2: =ADDRESS(ROW($A6),MATCH(HLOOKUP('cleaned up'!$I$5,pivot03!$2:$2,1,FALSE),$2:$2,0),1)

I want to get the average of this range using cells A1 and A2, but Excel treats the formula as an error: =Average(A1:A2) shows the error #DIV/0!

Going back one step and putting the formulas within cells A1 and A2 into the average formula doesn't work at all with a colon:.....................

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Open File With Inputbox Result In The Middle Of The Filename Address

May 26, 2007

I am trying to open a workbook with

Workbook.Open filename:="xxxxx"

The address in the xxxx is something like this "G:AnimalMammalZZZZGorillayyyy.xls"

The ZZZZZ portion is the result of an InputBox.

What is the syntax for placing the result of that InputBox in the middle of the address?

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Need To Pull Street Address Out Of Full Address In A Cell

May 20, 2014

Assume the following list of addresses are all in separate cells of a single column (A1-A4). I just need the formula to extract the street addresses, and then a separate formula to extract the zip codes.





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Lookup Process For My Address Part Of My Invoice

Apr 6, 2007

I'm trying to create a lookup process for my address part of my invoice, I want it so when I enter the first address it automatically looks up and enters the rest of the information (Title, Name etc.) I've been trying to do this with vlookup and I can't seem to get it to work. I'm just getting #Ref! returned.

My address 'database' (list of addresses etc) are on a seperate sheet to the Invoice.

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Using The Lookup Result As A Value

Oct 13, 2008

I am having a problem writing a macro that sources one of its values from a cell that contains the following formula =LOOKUP(J9,{0,80,85,90,95}, {"0%","40%","60%","80%","100%"}).

The above formula correctly returns '80%' but when I use this cell as an input for another formula Excel reads it as '0%'. Can, and if so how does, one use the resulting value of the lookup function as a fixed value for another function?

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Many Result For One LookUp Value

Jun 14, 2009

i am trying to make report for Mycompany sale
when i sert the date of Sales give me all the date of payment for this invoices
here is small example
ABCDE1Invoice DateInvoice NumberPayment Date

Invoice Date22009/06/011112009/06/05


when i insert the date in E2 to give me all the date of payment in this day in range under this cell

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Lookup Functions Find The Address Of The Minimum Value In That Range

Sep 19, 2009

I have a range of cells (say A1:D8).
I wanna find the address (say $B$2) of the minimum value in that range.

This command does it but it only works on a column. it does not accept a range spanning more than one column.
this will tell me the address of the minimum value.. but in a column... I need a range of many columns.

So I tried converting things to a Table.. but it never worked. basically the MATCH command is my problem. It only accepts single-column-ed ranges.

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Lookup Value In One Column Result In Another

Jan 26, 2014

In my spreadsheet I have a column (C) that consists of 20 rows. Within this column a calculation is done with only one value (currency) that appears based on the calculation criteria. All other rows are 0 (currency) and the correct calculation can be in any of the 20 rows.

In an adjacent column (say E10) I want the appropriate value to be entered from column C.

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Lookup & Return Corresponding Result

Dec 6, 2006

I have tried searching for this topic and have been unsuccessful. Perhaps my search was too broad. Either way, I am trying to understand how to search/query a specific data entry among several sheets, and then return corresponding values from adjacent cells.

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Lookup Value & Return Corresponding Result

Dec 30, 2006

I created a drop down menu from a named data range on a seperate spreadsheet in the same workbook. Based on the selection from that drop down menu I want a preassigned number to pull into another cell. I'm not thinking of the correct formula or something, because it's not working. Could it be because it's text? My spreadsheet with the data is as follows:

Bridger to American Fork 051725
Hunter to American Fork 051725
Hunter to Delta 051715
Hunter to Hiawatha 051728
Navajo to Am. Fork w/ front 051725
Navajo to Am. Fork w/o front 051725

The 1st column is the origination/destination and I named that range "freight hauls". Which is what the dropdown menu on another sheet (AP Reconcilliation) consists of. From that, I want the 2nd column number to pull into another cell on the AP Recon sheet. The formula I wrote that isn't working is: =index('AP Reconciliation'!A2:B8,match(A6,'Freight Hauls List'!B2:B7,0),2)

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Lookup & Offset From Result Row

Jul 7, 2007

i'm trying to return a value thats offset but the position of the value may change each time data is imported. i've attached sheet displaying problem, as i can't explain clearly. i need to lookup the value in column A (yellow), then find and return the total percentage value in column C (blue). its always 2 columns across but the problem is it could be anything from 2 to 5 rows down.

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VLOOKUP Formula Dragdown Copies Previous Cell Result Instead Of Unique Result

Jun 10, 2014

When I drag my VLOOKUP formula down a column in Excel 2010, the return value copies the formula result from the original VLOOKUP formula result. For example, if the first VLOOKUP returns a value of 0.5, I expect to see 0.5 or 1 in the cell below that one. However, I get 0.5 which is not the expected result for the cell below.

When, I click the fx on the cells below, the expected return values appear in the formula result. After I click OK, the expected formula results updates and now appears in the cell.

I'm not sure what is causing this issue. My computer was updated recently from an old machine to a new one. I have never experienced this issue before.

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Scan Into Excel And Lookup Result?

Oct 11, 2013

I want to scan the envelopes coming into our postroom and look up the results within excel. I would then if I match the name be able to print out the details e.g. name floor they are located on etc..

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Lookup With Multiple Result Return

Aug 17, 2007

I have an excel worksheet that consists of 4 tabs. Each tabs has approximately 60,000 lines of data. The data consists of user id's and menus that correspond to the user id. There are 131 user id's in total. I would like to be able to return all the menus for one of the user id's. If we need to start with one tab and work from there, that's fine.

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Return Result & Formatting From Lookup

Sep 16, 2009

I have a production planning spreadsheet that is updated every week from a database to a new sheet. This sheet is 'Sheet1', last weeks update becomes 'Sheet2'. Every day people annotate and colour cells for various orders, depending on their place within the planning scheme. It's really only the formats that I need to copy across, I could use the VLOOKUP function for the values - So I suppose you could say I'm looking for a VLOOKUP macro/VBA Code which keeps the original formatting (cell colour etc.)

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Lookup & Return Adjacent Result

Dec 15, 2006

I have a list of people with SSN, about 3000. This list contains business done by each individual, which can be in all 50 states. I have another list of the same individuals with just their name and addresses and what we call "client number". I need to put the client number with the list for the individual states. See example list:

List of individuals with client numbers

123 John Doe
456 Jane Doe

List of individuals with state business

John Doe AR
John Doe CO
John Doe FL
John Doe MS
John Doe TX
Jane Doe MS
Jane Doe TX
Jane Doe AZ

I need for those client numbers to appear in the column before the names on list with states.


123 John Doe AR
123 John Doe CO
123 John Doe FL
456 Jane Doe MS
456 Jane Doe TX

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Return Cells Above & Below Lookup Result

Dec 19, 2006


I have these numbers located in column A (rows 1:3)

formula that will return my search result (in these case 532) as well as the information immediately above & below the location of cell that has my search info?

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Lookup Formula Not Returning The Corresponding Result

Apr 6, 2007

I have a data table, A1:J22. The purpose it serves is to align and compare data from other tables, so the data contained within it is all cell references and contains many #N/A values. Also, and most importantly, not all of the columns are populated with data. The first row is a text header row and the first column is numeric and adjusts according to the value in A2. I have an additional column at the end of the data table, yet apart from it, which contains an array formula to provide me with the maximum value of each row and to circumvent the #N/A's, =MAX(IF(ISNUMBER(B2:J2),B2:J2,"")). I am trying to write a formula that will return the corresponding "header" of the result of this formula. Everything I have tried thus far, primarily variations of Lookup and Index/Match formulas, seemingly defaults to the header of the last column containing data.

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Lookup Formula Result Corresponding Data

Aug 1, 2007

I have all my data on sheet 2 which contains tables that relate to information on regions, manufacturers, etc so it can be a large amount of tables which will change from month to month depending on a monthly list.
For example, if “Region 1” is in cell B134 – the resulting data I need to pull out will be contained in C138:G232 ...or ”Region 2” which is in B235 – table info is in C239:G333, etc, etc.

On sheet 1, I have a cell (L7) that is populated by another formula. This cell is effectively my lookup to pull out information from sheet2 to populate cells in (sheet1) AE119:AH212 - same sheet as the reference (L7).

I need to look up the reference/resulting value that is in L7 on sheet1, find and match against the values in column B on sheet 2 and then pull in the corresponding table information.

If the value in L7 was not changing at all I could do.. in cell AE119… =OFFSET(sheet2!B134,4,1,1,1) etc etc
... but I am at a loss as to the value in L7 changing and incorporating a lookup… or maybe I am looking at it wrong..?

I have looked up match, offset, index and lookups on the forum and have managed to confuse myself even more. I have even tried taking some of the example formulas and amending with my references but to no avail.

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Lookup Value In Row & Return Result X Rows Down

Aug 28, 2007

I am working on a spreadsheet for some packages we are sending to multiple recipients. I have figured out how to get all the weights calculated, now my Mailing Manager has asked me to come up with a calculation for the actual postage amount for all the 1400+ packages...Unfortunately it is not as easy as that would seem.

There are 9 different mailing zones and each zone has 19 weight categories and each category has a corresponding postage amount for the package. So I need to come up with a formula to calculate the package postage amount based on those multiple categories.

For example:
Zone 1:
0-1lb = $2.12
1.1-1.5lb = $2.12
1.6-2lb = $2.21

How do I go about entering in that information from which a formula can determine the proper package postage cost and what formula do I need to use in conjunction.

This is all done within a address list so each package is a row and all weights and zones will be in a separate column.

Package is in zone X and weighs Y pounds therefore the postage is Z. Something like that.

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Create Hyperlink To Result Of Lookup

Dec 21, 2007

I have three columns. Column A=" Name", Column B=" Date" and Columnc="Amount". I need to find and go to the correct amount based on a certain name and date as criteria.

I was going to see if it was possible to use this =INDEX(C1:C1000,MATCH(1,(A1:A1000=D1)*(B1:B1000=E1),0)) with a hyperlink, but I can't even get it to work without a hyperlink. I also tried this to find the match= SUMPRODUCT((A1:A1000=E5)*(B1:B1000=EE6)*(C1:C1000)). I found it on a website(I'm not sure how it works.) My next shot was going to be with multiple criteria vlookup, but I can't get anything more than a plain vlookup to work. I'm using excel 2007 non-commercial use.

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