Change External Link Dynamically With Cell
Apr 14, 2008
My Example
I have Master Book1 which has external links to Book2, Book3 and Book4.
My Formula in Cell B2 is ='D: empxl[Book2.xls]Sheet1'!$A$1
In Cells A1, A2 and A3 I have the text entries 2, 3 and 4 respectively.
Is it possible to use these Text entries to update the Formula I plan to copy down from B2 onwards?
i.e. Formula would read something like ='D: empxl[ Book"A1".xls]Sheet1'!$A$1
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Apr 23, 2008
In Excel have a customer list, and notes associated with each of them. On my form, where I perform a search (by customer name), I would like to link the Text Box to the cell with notes. How can It be done dynamically?
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Nov 24, 2011
I've got a field where I enter the current month, from this I derive a file path which is stored in A4.
ie: A1 = '01/11/2011' (UK Date format)
A4 = '\myserverdirectory20111111MyFile.xls'
What I'm trying to achieve is to then have a link in cell A6 that will link to the file in A4. I can specify my cell reference as this will never change, just the file path.
So, if I changed A1 to '01/12/2011' my A4 changes to '\myserverdirectory20111211MyFile.xls'
I'm trying to set A6 to something like ="&$A$A4&"!B1 to get the value of B1 on my referenced sheet.
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Feb 24, 2014
I currently have a file that is linked to an external workbook that is referencing a certain cell from a certain tab. The below is what Column A & B look like right now. What I'm wanting to know is is there a way to have the formula in Column B automatically reference the name in Column A (which is the tab name in the external workbook) instead of having to manually change the formula when the value in Column A changes?
In other words, I want everything in the external reference formula to remain the same except have the person's name change dynamically...
='X:Anderson CorporationEmployees[Work Hours]Mary'!$F$42
='X:Anderson CorporationEmployees[Work Hours]Joe'!$F$42
='X:Anderson CorporationEmployees[Work Hours]Frank'!$F$42
='X:Anderson CorporationEmployees[Work Hours]Michelle'!$F$42
='X:Anderson CorporationEmployees[Work Hours]Sam'!$F$42
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May 16, 2013
My raw data is exported in CSV format. Is it possible for Excel to link to the data or can it only link to an Excel format workbook?
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Jul 31, 2014
I have a document (unfortunately I cannot attach it) in Excel 365 that each time I open it I get the usual prompt that it is calling an external link. As much as i'd love to hide the popup I need to find the link to solve to problem but I'm at a loss.
Simply breaking the links doesn't work for some reason, so I've tried updating the source to reflect the current file. No luck there.
I've searched the workbook for the name of the link in question, searching for all formula for name itself as well as variants of "[" and ".xlms".
I don't see anything in the name manager referencing that external file.
I don't recall if I copied from that particular document, I may have as it was a duplicate file. I tried looking over the cells I believe I copied from it but didn't see the reference.
I've installed Kutools and Bill Manville (MS MVP) FindLink Tool. Both of which says there is no external link.
I've looked at the compatibility checker which basically just says, yes there is an external link but give no insight on how to address.
I've tried a couple of macros, some of which crashed excel, some of which simply said that there was an external link but not how to find it. In my frustration I forgot which one that was but I'm about to try that approach again and look for that code.
external links.png
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Jan 30, 2007
I have a list of URLs and I wrote a small VBA code to launch them when the user clicks on a button, however, it launches in Internet Explorer. Is there any way to get it to launch in Firefox instead?
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May 16, 2013
Is there a way to specify the filename for an external workbook that can be referenced throughout the spreadsheet? In my case it would be better if I could change the single reference instead of having to change it throughout the entire spreadsheet everytime I needed to use data from a different file.
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Nov 24, 2008
Due to the large number of VLOOKUP functions on my page of data whenever I try to save I get the following error codes. Excel cannot complete this task with available resources. Choose less data or close other applications. Unable to save external link values. The problem itself may not be solvable but is there away to prevent these messages from coming up when I save (or when it autosaves?)?
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Oct 26, 2009
We're using SUMIF and it won't work unless the external excel file is open.
This is the formula we're using:
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Dec 12, 2006
In an Excel sheet i have set up a link to an Access database query (select query) using the Import External Data method. The data is store sales by week, arranged in a pivot table layout (stores as rows, weeks as columns). As time goes by, the database will be updated for new weeks sales, and i would like to refresh the data and the new weeks automatically appear in the Excel sheet, in subsequent columns.
At the moment, the only way i can seem to get this to work is to open up the link in MSQuery and manually select the new weeks from the Access query. i have set the parameters to overwrite cells with new data rather than insert new data. i'm sure there is a way to do this, as it feels like it would be a common thing to want, but i can't seem to find an answer anywhere!
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Feb 1, 2008
I want to be able to get a value from a specific cell in another workbook, the problem i have is that i want to be able to select what file the active workbook looks for from the start page of my current workbook. For example when i load the workbook i get my startup page ( sheet 1) where i will be able to select what external workbook the active workbook will be linking with, i will then link the active workbook to the value in a specific cell from the selected external workbook.
I know to link to another workbook i would use ='[filename]sheet!cell
However i want to be able pull up a 'open file dialog box' which i select a file name which will be used as 'filename' in the formula above.
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Jul 1, 2013
I have a formula in a cell which is refered to other cell within the same sheet and also to other sheet from other file. say
C1 = A1+B1+data file c1 Data file is another file in other location.
I was trying to break a external reference link (from Data File) from Data _ Edit Link, but it is converting all the formula to value. How is it possible to break only the external link without damaging the formula within the sheet say c1 = A1+B1+26 (value from data file c1)
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May 27, 2014
I have the following formula in my workbook:
=COUNTIF('\caltulfs1DATAProjectsF2014FB-979916 - EQUATE7.0 DOCUMENTATION7.01 DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS & RECORDS[FB-979916 DSI FORM.xlsm]Customer Tracking'!A12:A86,"past due")
When I open the master file I want my links to automatically update and open the referenced files without having to open the source document for each value. Can this be done
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Mar 25, 2014
Say I have Source Workbook X 1, and Destination Workbooks X 4. The Source workbook contains a number of lookup values. I want the lookup values to be maintained in the single Source workbook, and I want this workbook to remain closed when the end users are using their Destination workbooks. It is critical that certain cells in the Destination workbooks have validated data in order for formulas and summarizations to be correct.
I'm happy if the Destination workbooks contain a lookup worksheet (perhaps hidden). In short, I'd like the contents from the Source workbook, Lookups worksheet, to just be replicated "as is" into the Destination workbooks, Lookups worksheet. I then want to do my data validation from that worksheet, which of course is open (data validation appears to only work with open workbooks).
I've investigated the techniques in this link: [URL]
1) Are the techniques in that link about the best approach? i.e. an external link plus array formulas?
2) A blank cell in the source workbook (text column but formatted as General) is resulting in a zero in the external link. How can I make the external link exactly match the text as entered in the source workbook?
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Jan 24, 2010
I have a Piece of Code that copys a Row in my Spreadsheet and Pastes it underneath the original Row.
The Problem that I am having is that within the Row it Copys there is a Spinner in it. I want the Spinner to be copied also but the Cell that the Spinner is Linked to Says as the Original Cell, it doesnt move Down with the New Row Pasted in.
Here is the code that i have written to Copy the Row and Paste it down a Row.
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Oct 22, 2009
I have attached the file I am working on. I am attempting to create a link to an external file based on the value of cells in column A. Then I would like to simply copy the formula down, lets say in Column B, the rows and as I do the external file reference will change depending on the value within the cell in Column A. I hope that I am making sense.
I am using Windows Vista with Excel 2007. The files will all be within the same file folder, however, there are hundereds of files so I won't be able to open them all for the indirect to work.
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May 21, 2014
I have a link
='S:2014DomesticATL[ATL-BP Eval-2014-04.xls]Business Partner Evaluation'!F$13
Now i have to compile 3 years of data for 200 airports so changing the month and year for every airport would be a challenge. I can do Replace all and change the year and month but instead of that i was thinking if i could have the year and month on one row and connect the links to that cell so that whenever i drag the cell my link changes
im looking at
2014DomesticATL[ATL-BP Eval-",D2",.xls]Business Partner Evaluation'!F$13
where in D2 i will have 2014-04 . But this formula doesnt seem to work. Is there anyway i can do this ?
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Jul 29, 2009
or it's text box/ labels depending upon learning of how many records the application is working with?
I remember some body here has said that you could either
1 - create many labels and text box and then once run the application hides the number of the ones not use or
2 - you could once run the application have visual basic create label and text of the right number associate with the number of records working with.
I have looked at both these option and have found nothing. So is this possible and show some examples if you have them.
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Jan 2, 2012
I have used this code a number of times to automatically change the scale of x axes without problem. I have just used it however and it has condensed the data so that it the line only appears in the last quarter of the chart.
Option Explicit
Sub ChangeStaticAxisScales()
With Sheets("Static Charts").ChartObjects("Chart 2").Chart
' Value (Y) Axis
With .Axes(xlValue)
.MaximumScale = Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("AN7").Value
.MinimumScale = Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("AN6").Value
.MajorUnit = Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("AN8").Value
End With
End With
End Sub
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Jul 20, 2006
I am using the STDEV function on a range of values: STDEV($I$26:I2545). My starting cell is constant and I would like to make my ending cell variable based on a value I enter in a master cell (A1). The value I enter in the master cell is multiplied by 252 the product would equal the row number I would like to stop at. So if I enter 1 the formula will be STDEV($I$26:I252). I tried: STDEV($I$26"I"&(A1*252))) and other such variations to no avail
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Sep 24, 2006
I maintain Production data in an Excel Sheet and have the code which will create Chart for each Employee. Sample Sheet Attached. However, I want the Chart Range to be updated in a Single Chart and exported to a .Gif File.
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Aug 10, 2007
Need assistance with this code provided by SHG. See attached sample. I need to create a range called DaysOff so that this function will work. As it is the function is perfect; though the accuracy if the result is dependent on the exact range, thus I need this named range to be dynamic. I have tried but it does not seem to work correctly. The named range should refer to the list of names between 1-10. The range should dynamically include any names that are listed.
Public DaysOff As Range
Function datNext(datLast As Date, DaysOff As Range) As Date
Dim datBeg As Date, datEnd As Date
Dim iLastPd As Integer
Dim iDay As Long, nDay As Long
Dim iYr As Integer, iMo As Integer
iYr = Year(datLast)
iMo = Month(datLast)
datBeg = DateSerial(iYr, iMo + 1, 1)
datEnd = DateSerial(iYr, iMo + 2, 0)
iLastPd = Pd(datLast)
nDay = DaysOff.Rows.Count
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Dec 23, 2013
Is it possible to dynamically change how values are displayed in charts?
I have a list which references different named ranges. It either needs to display the values in a graph as a number (without decimals) or a percentage depending on the source. Is this possible? Maybe with some VBA? Or am I asking too much from excel?
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Oct 11, 2006
I've got an excel worksheet that contains charts 5-14, each with different max axes on primary and secondary scales. Right now the code below works to adjust the axes, however I have pasted this into a script 10 times, once for each chart with different references to the chart number, the max primary axis and max secondary axis. how I could write the following as a loop so that I don't need to have to repeat this routine in my code?
Sub ChartsBillingsShare()
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 5").Activate
With ActiveChart
.HasAxis(xlValue, xlPrimary) = True
.HasAxis(xlValue, xlSecondary) = True
End With
With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue)
.MinimumScale = 0
.MaximumScale = Range("Y6").Value
End With.................................
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Jun 26, 2007
For a form that dynamically creates a series of text boxes and labels, does anyone know how to change the caption of a dynamically created label to display the value of a cell in a worksheet? The cell in the worksheet changes according to input on the text boxes. In the form's code, I have:
Dim newLblFreq As MSForms.Label
Set newLblFreq = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "lblfreq" & i, True)
newLblFreq.Caption = Range("V" & i).Text & " Hz"
But once the label is created, the caption won't change, even if Range("V" & i) changes...............
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Jul 23, 2010
Is there a way to increase the size of the data table dynamically?
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Oct 26, 2009
I have the following vlookup formula in my spreadsheet.
IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP($A2,'Purchase Order Pivot Table'!$5:$500,67,FALSE)),0,VLOOKUP($A2,'Purchase Order Pivot Table'!$5:$500,67,FALSE))
It works perfectly for my current requirement, but it looks at data in a pivot table which is created from a dataset. If I name the columns in the pivot table so instead of looking at column 67 it looks at a name range will this name range change dynamically when the pivot table is refreshed? If not how can I get it to.
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Dec 12, 2007
Is it possible to update external links on a worksheet via running a macro?
I have a worksheet where some cells have external links to other files, and every month I have to scroll through and do the typing in order to have everything up and running.
A typical cell has formulas like =[E:ReportsAug-2007.xls]Data!F25
Another cell =[E:ReportsAug-2007.xls]Data!F43
and so on.
Every new month I actually have to replace all [E:ReportsAug-2007.xls] occurrences with for example [E:ReportsSep-2007.xls]. So, is it possible to have a macro which opens a textbox of which i can type the new month 'Sep', so that when the macro runs I save all the typing?
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Jun 12, 2007
Basically I want to point my Excel sheet to a bunch of external Excel files. To get data from an specific cell (in this case, cell F10) of the external file, all I have to do is this: ...
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