Macro To Dynamically Change Y Axis

Jan 2, 2012

I have used this code a number of times to automatically change the scale of x axes without problem. I have just used it however and it has condensed the data so that it the line only appears in the last quarter of the chart.

Option Explicit

Sub ChangeStaticAxisScales()
With Sheets("Static Charts").ChartObjects("Chart 2").Chart

' Value (Y) Axis
With .Axes(xlValue)
.MaximumScale = Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("AN7").Value
.MinimumScale = Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("AN6").Value
.MajorUnit = Worksheets("Raw Data").Range("AN8").Value
End With

End With
End Sub

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Dynamically Change Links?

May 21, 2014

I have a link

='S:2014DomesticATL[ATL-BP Eval-2014-04.xls]Business Partner Evaluation'!F$13

Now i have to compile 3 years of data for 200 airports so changing the month and year for every airport would be a challenge. I can do Replace all and change the year and month but instead of that i was thinking if i could have the year and month on one row and connect the links to that cell so that whenever i drag the cell my link changes

im looking at

2014DomesticATL[ATL-BP Eval-",D2",.xls]Business Partner Evaluation'!F$13

where in D2 i will have 2014-04 . But this formula doesnt seem to work. Is there anyway i can do this ?

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Dynamically Change USERFORM

Jul 29, 2009

or it's text box/ labels depending upon learning of how many records the application is working with?

I remember some body here has said that you could either
1 - create many labels and text box and then once run the application hides the number of the ones not use or

2 - you could once run the application have visual basic create label and text of the right number associate with the number of records working with.

I have looked at both these option and have found nothing. So is this possible and show some examples if you have them.

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Dynamically Change The End Value Of A Range In A Function

Jul 20, 2006

I am using the STDEV function on a range of values: STDEV($I$26:I2545). My starting cell is constant and I would like to make my ending cell variable based on a value I enter in a master cell (A1). The value I enter in the master cell is multiplied by 252 the product would equal the row number I would like to stop at. So if I enter 1 the formula will be STDEV($I$26:I252). I tried: STDEV($I$26"I"&(A1*252))) and other such variations to no avail

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Change Chart Range Dynamically

Sep 24, 2006

I maintain Production data in an Excel Sheet and have the code which will create Chart for each Employee. Sample Sheet Attached. However, I want the Chart Range to be updated in a Single Chart and exported to a .Gif File.

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Change Size Of Range Dynamically

Aug 10, 2007

Need assistance with this code provided by SHG. See attached sample. I need to create a range called DaysOff so that this function will work. As it is the function is perfect; though the accuracy if the result is dependent on the exact range, thus I need this named range to be dynamic. I have tried but it does not seem to work correctly. The named range should refer to the list of names between 1-10. The range should dynamically include any names that are listed.

Public DaysOff As Range
Function datNext(datLast As Date, DaysOff As Range) As Date
Dim datBeg As Date, datEnd As Date
Dim iLastPd As Integer
Dim iDay As Long, nDay As Long
Dim iYr As Integer, iMo As Integer
iYr = Year(datLast)
iMo = Month(datLast)
datBeg = DateSerial(iYr, iMo + 1, 1)
datEnd = DateSerial(iYr, iMo + 2, 0)
iLastPd = Pd(datLast)
nDay = DaysOff.Rows.Count

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Changing Values Of X-axis, And Descending Order Axis(x-axis)

Feb 8, 2009

Two questions:

1) How do make values on x-axis as words? E.g. apples, oranges, etc.

2) Is it possible to have the numbers on x-axis in descending order? If I can figure out 1), I can do this as well, but it would be nice to know if it is possible to have the numbers on x-axis in descending order.

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Dynamically Change How Values Are Displayed In A Chart

Dec 23, 2013

Is it possible to dynamically change how values are displayed in charts?

I have a list which references different named ranges. It either needs to display the values in a graph as a number (without decimals) or a percentage depending on the source. Is this possible? Maybe with some VBA? Or am I asking too much from excel?

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Chart Loop To Change Axes Dynamically

Oct 11, 2006

I've got an excel worksheet that contains charts 5-14, each with different max axes on primary and secondary scales. Right now the code below works to adjust the axes, however I have pasted this into a script 10 times, once for each chart with different references to the chart number, the max primary axis and max secondary axis. how I could write the following as a loop so that I don't need to have to repeat this routine in my code?

Sub ChartsBillingsShare()
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 5").Activate
With ActiveChart
.HasAxis(xlValue, xlPrimary) = True
.HasAxis(xlValue, xlSecondary) = True
End With
With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue)
.MinimumScale = 0
.MaximumScale = Range("Y6").Value
End With.................................

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Change Caption Of Dynamically Created Label

Jun 26, 2007

For a form that dynamically creates a series of text boxes and labels, does anyone know how to change the caption of a dynamically created label to display the value of a cell in a worksheet? The cell in the worksheet changes according to input on the text boxes. In the form's code, I have:

Dim newLblFreq As MSForms.Label
Set newLblFreq = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "lblfreq" & i, True)
newLblFreq.Caption = Range("V" & i).Text & " Hz"

But once the label is created, the caption won't change, even if Range("V" & i) changes...............

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Change External Link Dynamically With Cell

Apr 14, 2008

My Example

I have Master Book1 which has external links to Book2, Book3 and Book4.

My Formula in Cell B2 is ='D: empxl[Book2.xls]Sheet1'!$A$1

In Cells A1, A2 and A3 I have the text entries 2, 3 and 4 respectively.

Is it possible to use these Text entries to update the Formula I plan to copy down from B2 onwards?

i.e. Formula would read something like ='D: empxl[ Book"A1".xls]Sheet1'!$A$1

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Change Size Of Excel Data Table Dynamically

Jul 23, 2010

Is there a way to increase the size of the data table dynamically?

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Vlookup (name Range Change Dynamically When The Pivot Table Is Refreshed)

Oct 26, 2009

I have the following vlookup formula in my spreadsheet.

IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP($A2,'Purchase Order Pivot Table'!$5:$500,67,FALSE)),0,VLOOKUP($A2,'Purchase Order Pivot Table'!$5:$500,67,FALSE))

It works perfectly for my current requirement, but it looks at data in a pivot table which is created from a dataset. If I name the columns in the pivot table so instead of looking at column 67 it looks at a name range will this name range change dynamically when the pivot table is refreshed? If not how can I get it to.

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Change Position Of X & Y Axis?

Nov 1, 2006

I have a large database with names down the left and numbers across the top. I want to "tilt" the entire table so that the names run across the top and the numbers run down the left side while keeping all the data together.

from this:

a b c d e f

to this:

1 2 3 4 5

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Bar Chart With Dropdown Box To Change X Axis

May 6, 2014

Please see the attached workbook.

I would like to create a bar chart which is linked to a drop down box (from data validation) that allows me to choose of the 3 sets of data to show in the x axis.

So if i choose "HALF YEAR", the bar chart will have two bars (one is "jan-jul" the other is "jul-dec") with the green section data if i choose "QUARTER YEAR", the bar chart will have four bars ("jan-mar", "apr-jun", "jul-sep", "oct-dec") with the blue section data if i choose "INDIVIDUAL MONTHS" i have twelve bars....with the red section data.

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Change X Axis Of Scatter Chart

Jun 1, 2009

The attached file has a scatter chart in which all of the data is properly displayed except the X axis. How can I get my X axis to reflect the data I have selected?

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Change X-axis Labels On Pivot Chart?

May 15, 2014

I have a data set where a number of pieces of technology are listed in rows. For each piece of technology it can relate to a "Network" or a "Terminal" and the columns are yes/no as follows:

Tech Network? Terminal?

Tech 1 Yes No
Tech 2 Yes Yes
Tech 3 No No
Tech 4 No Yes

When I plot this on a pivot chart, I get the attached chart, where the x-axis relate to the hierarchies, i.e. Yes/Yes, Yes/No, No/Yes or No/No. As you can imagine, this is not very useful for the viewer as it's not clear what the yeses and nos refer to. It would be much better if I could rename the axis labels: "both"; "network only"; "terminal only"; or "neither".

Is this possible? And is there a solution that doesn't require me to change the source data? I'm happy to use a power pivot if that would make things easier.

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Charts - Dynamic Change Of Where X And Y Axis Cross

Oct 4, 2013

There is POLICY statement that determine an what ACTION should be applied to a paticular building given a score for "LIFE" & "RISK" which results in varing policies A-D. (The Policy intervention points differs slightly for varing types of building. This excel sheet works just fine, and provides the correct guidance for our engineers by suggesting Policy A-D on input of tbuilding type and LIfe/Risk score. However the Policy is a guide, and they do need to apply a level of judgement with the data close to intervention points.

My Question,

I would like to provide further graphical representation to aid decision making. I have a graph plots the X Axis ( LIFE) 0-100, and y Axis (risk) 0-5 and show the , but what i need to be able to do is dynamically adjust the position where the x&y axis cross, so showing visually the intervention point when different building types are selected.

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Change Chart Axis Font Color With A Checkbox

Aug 22, 2014

Any way to change the font color of a chart axis when a checkbox is set to true.

let checkbox be checkbox5 and chart be chart5. What I would like to happen is that if checkbox5 is true then the font color of the horizontal axis changed to grey (RGB 166,166,166), if it is false then I would like the font color of the horizontal axis to be black (RGB 0,0,0). I also would like this macro to be run every time the checkbox changes, or the corresponding cell changes to TRUE or FALSE (it is in another sheet, say sheet2). This is the code I have so far but all it is doing is showing the chart as selected and not changing the font color. I would also like it to not physically select the chart, this is for a dashboard so the selecting of the chart throws off some of the visuals a bit, but not sure how to do change the chart values without selecting it.

[Code] ......

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Stacked Chart - Change Bar Colors Based On Date (X Axis)

Apr 19, 2014

I am wanting the colors of the bars in a stacked chart to change based on the date in the X Axis. As the current date arrives, the stacked bar needs to change to various blue shades. If the date is in the future, the stacked bar needs to be various grey shades.

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Excel 2010 :: Cannot Change Chart X-axis To Display Date Values

Nov 27, 2012

Example attached : Copy of CAB.xlsx

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Macro To Select File Name Dynamically

Oct 7, 2007

I have a macro, it imports data from a text file and separates the data from the text file into columns. My issue is that it automatically picks a fixed filename. I would want to manually select a filename from different directories.

Below is my macro: ...

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Create Chart With Names In Vertical Axis And Values In Horizontal Axis?

Mar 1, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with golfers handicaps, golfers names down the left in column A in rows 3-35. Row 2 has the event numbers titles 1 to 18 (18 events in a year). i need a graph that has the person as the vert axis and the horizontal axis needs to be the event numbers, so i can read down for the person and across to see how there handicaps change from each different event. i have attached the data below.

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Excel 2007 :: Primary Category Axis Title Rotates With Rotated Value Axis Titles

May 13, 2014

I've put together code to construct a chart

It all works fine but I've noticed an odd quirk which I can't explain nor can I seem to fix. Here's the (reduced) code :

Dim appExcel As Object ' Excel Application
Dim chtPareto As Object ' Chart
Set appExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set chtPareto = appExcel.Charts.Add
With chtPareto
' Primary category axis


The category (x) axis title should be horizontal, whereas the value (y) axis title should be rotated. Stepping through the code, when I .SetElement for the category axis title, it appears horizontal as planned. However, as soon as I .SetElement for the rotated value axis title, the category axis title also rotates.

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Draw Log Chart Or Edit Axis Intervals And Starting Axis Value

Apr 20, 2007

I have some numeric data that has to be put on a log chart. but there is no option for log charts. so i converted my data to log and then drew a chart but i am unable to edit the axis intervals and starting axis value. whenever i change the value it gets back to its default value,ie 1. can anyone tell me how to draw log chart or how to edit axis intervals and starting axis value?

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Dynamically Alter Macro Based On Tab Name Or Cell Value

Feb 1, 2014

I have a workbook with several tabs. One tab is named for the year eg 2014. Annually, I open the workbook, rename to the new year and rename the year tab to the next year eg 2014 to 2015. All the dynamic range names update as expected. Sheet2(2014) becomes Sheet2(2015). However, a line of macro code does not change and errors out because the year does not change.

Is there a way to dynamically modify the '2014' sheet reference to reflect the renaming of the year tab eg to 2015 or to reference a helper cell named YEAR?

The cell referenced above R332C1 is dynamic.

I have tried writing the above line many ways based on internet research but no success. I suspect I can use a LEN function to actually modify the line of code but I'm not sure its even possible to alter a macro dynamically to meet my needs here.

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Dynamically Refer To A Cell In A Macro Formula

Feb 17, 2009

I want to write a formula that inserts a column and then does a vlookup in that new column using the cell just to the left of it as the first variable. The problem is, this could be in any random column so I can't do a static reference to $A2 as an example. So, my question is...

Instead of using =vlookup($A2,Sheet1A1:B50,2,false)

How do I replace the $A2 part with some code that says, "the cell to the left of here..."

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Creating Macro Dynamically On Keypress And Execute

Apr 1, 2014

creating macro dynamiccally on keypress and execute it

i have 3 excel sheet sheet1, sheet2, MasterSheet

MasterSheet conatins the following


Colorcode FLAG SKEYS

RGB(121,223,214) A Ctrl+a

RGB(125,228,114) B Ctrl+b


I have 3 columns column 1 contains colorcode in RGB format column 2 Contains FLAG and column 3 contains SHORTCUT KEYS

i have a macro in sheet1 & sheet2 for coloring the backgrouf color of the selected rows in sheet1 or sheet2

Sub Macro_color()
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.Color = RGB(234, 241, 221)
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With

what i need is when th user presses say Ctrl+c , RGB(233,129,220) from the MasterSheet needs to be copied in the macro as .Color = RGB(233,129,220) instead of RGB(234, 241, 221) and the selected row in sheet1 shld be colored. how can it be done

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Dynamically Created Range Names In A Macro

Apr 1, 2008

I have 100s of name ranges in my spreadsheet. I am using a series of drop down boxes for the user to select the info that they want to see. Based on the dropdown box, the macro "dynamically generates" a range name from which to pull the info.

For instance, if they Select Manager = Terry, Analyst 1, and Month = Jan, then the range name would be JanTA1

The if statement would dynamically create this name by concatenating the info

If manager = Terry
mnger = "TA"
if analyst = 1
anlyst = 1
if month = Jan
mnth = "Jan"

rangename = mnth & mnger & anlyst

So, I am dynamically creating the range name based on user selections...then to display it, I want to set the display cell = to the value

Range("display cell").Value = Range(rangename).Value

The problem is, I am getting an object error every time I try to refer to a range this way.

If I type:
Range("display cell").Value = Range("JanTA1").Value, it works

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How To Create Engineering Graph With Two X Axis And Single Y Axis

Dec 10, 2012

I need to create a graph with a 2 x axis and a single y axis. For example:

Pressure ( PSIA) Solubility (mol %) Velocity (m/s)
200 0.024 1
300 0.036 1.2
400 0.041 1.8

I need the two x axis to be pressure and solubility and the y axis to be velocity, with the data being demonstrated by a single plot (I have only managed it with two plots which does not demonstrate solubility's relationship to pressure ).

For example at a pressure of 200 PSIA (lower x-axis) and solubility of 0.024 mol % (upper x-axis) velocity was found to be 1 m/s.

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