Code For A Textbox To Search A Range Of Cells For A Match

Aug 10, 2014

I created a user form that has two textboxes on it. One is to enter a person's name that gets put into column A, starting at row 4, and the other is to enter a number into column B, starting at row 4.

What I would like to do is for the form to search the names that have been entered in column A for duplicates in the same range. If the name is not there already, then I would like it to operate as normal. If it already exists, then I would like the number in the text box to go into column C in the same row as the name.

Here is the code I have already on the Submit button:

Private Sub SubmitButton_click()

Dim emptyRow As Long
emptyRow = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) + 4
Cells(emptyRow, 1).Value = Guestname.Value
Cells(emptyRow, 2).Value = Roomnum.Value
Unload Name_usrfrm
End Sub

Is this possible? I have to make it more complicated, but once I get the basics, I might be able to figure it out myself.

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Search A Sheet For A Match And Then Copy All The Cells To The Right Of The Match

Jul 13, 2009

I need a macro that can search a sheet for a match and then copy all 7 cells to the right of the match. I have attached an example of the sheet that will serve as the database to search, and a userform example that will be similar to the userfrom that will display the copied cells when a match is found. I plan to copy and paste the 7 cells to a different sheet so that the userform can display the results with the control source property. I do not need a way to add to this database. I know very little about searching a database so.

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Search From Textbox To Range

Jan 22, 2013

I have a userform with text boxes. When I click on the GO button on the user form I want it to search from the TextBox to the range of rows on sheet2 from start to end and if duplicate entry is found it should display a message box.

For E.g. After pressing GO button Textbox entry should search Sheet2 (where all the data is entered) from the range starting from B6 to last entry of cell and if duplicate entry is found a message box appears. This entry keeps on getting updated and so it may increase or decrease, and therefore VBA should be such that it searches to the last entry.

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Check For TextBox Value Match In Range

Nov 10, 2006

I am trying to have a macro to take a value from a text box and see if it is matches a value that is in a specified range. If it comes back true then it shows an error message. This code is working for text values, but if it is numeric it will not find find it.

Sub SearchForMatch()
'Procedure level declarations
Dim rngCell As Range
Dim bMatch As Boolean
' Loop through each cell in the nominated range
For Each rngCell In Range("B4:B50")
'If there us a matching value then set your
'boolean flag to true and exit the loop
If rngCell.Value = TextBox1.Value Then
bMatch = True
Exit For
End If

'If a match was found then alert the user
If bMatch Then MsgBox ("Name already exsists.")
End Sub

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Code To Search A Table And Return Value Of A Match

Oct 5, 2012

I have sheet 1 that in cells V5:V20 is a data validation drop down box. In cells W5:W20 I have another data validation drop down box. On sheet 2 I have a table that in column A matches the data in the drop down box's in column V on sheet 1. Row 1 on sheet 2 data matches the data in the drop down boxes in sheet 1 cells W5:W20. What I'd like to do is on sheet 1 Cells Y5:Y20 have a VBA code to lookup the data in columns V and W from sheet 2 and return the value.

Windows 7
Excel 2010

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Userform Textbox And Sheet Cells Date Format Do Not Match

Apr 28, 2014

I have userform1 where new data is inputed.

Userform2 is used for Edit purpose.

Both work fine.

I have Label which is visible if date in textbox is less than TODAY()..... ( which is textbox28).

Following is the code:

It will not work correctly due to date format of textboxes & cells??? Tried to resolve it but no success yet.

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Search Column, Match And Insert Copied Range

Apr 30, 2007

I'm currently trying to insert the copy range of one worksheet to another. Let's say I have 3 worksheets, one main and two additional info sheet. I want to search column C in main worksheet for blank cell and use column F in the same row as the worksheet name which I want to copy from, then use column E from main worksheet as the keyword for the range I want to copy(range from column E to column Z). But when inserting, I want the keyword in main worksheet such as 'G' in the same row as blank cell to match the 'G' in copied worksheet. Because the 'G' in main worksheet is not in the same column for each row, I try to search the forum but can't find the inserting part. I also attach the example workbook.

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Exclude Cells That Exactly Match In Search

Mar 8, 2012

Say I have the following:
Cell A1: male
Cell A2: male
Cell A3: female
Cell A4: male

I want to conduct a search using the value in cell B1, and return the row numbers for which the value in B1 exists.

So my formula in C1 is:
=small(if(isnumber(search($B$1, $A$1:$A$A4)), row($A$1:$A$A4)), row(1:1))

and I make it an array by CTRL+SHIFT+enter

So in B1 I type "male" (without the quotes). From C1 to C4 the values populate as 1,2,3,4

However, I only want the rows where "male" exists, in other words, i want an exact match and I want to exclude those cells that have "female"

I'm wanting:
C1 = 1
C2 = 2
C3 = 4
C4 = blank

Is there a way to do this?

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Search Changing Range In Given Column (VBA Code)

Aug 1, 2013

I'd like to create a macro that searches a column within a changing, variable range.

For example, I have a roster with a list of teams. Each team is separated by a blank row. In each team, there are a varying number of team members, and one team leader. Column I has the position code, which designates whether the person is the team leader (SL), or just a team member (RD).

What I'd like to do, is search each team for the team leader, then check another column (Col A) just within that team for another value, and if that value is present return the last name of the team leader as well as the name of the member with the value in Col A.

The problem is, I'm not sure how to search a varying range in Col I. Teams can vary in size from 3-11 members (including leader), and the number of teams varies each day. I don't have the option of changing the format or layout of the roster - it's automatically generated by some other program and given to me in a CSV list.

For example, from this sample data of two teams

Testing Program : DKSFS
Scoring Center : Concord
Rater Schedule Date : 07/29/2013


how to define that range in Col I which changes with each new team. My approach is to find a way to search a range (essentially the values between blank cells ) in Col I for the value "SL", then search that same range in Col A for the value "VM". If there's a value of VM within that range (team), then copy Cols A-E, write them to a list, and insert that person's team leader last name at the right.

how to define a dynamic range in Col I? I already have a working macro written which generates that last time, sans team leader name, just trying to figure out how to search that changing range in Col I for each team to find team leader name.

Note, not all teams will have a member flagged with that VM marker in Col A.

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Do Until / Loop Code To Match Named Range

Aug 14, 2014

I'm looking to use a do until/loop code to find a cell that equals a named range ("Clause") that is located on another worksheet, the code I have so far is:

[Code] ......

I've used something similar before and works, but I just cant get it to work. The values that I need to find the match to the ("Clause") cell are directly below the original activecell.

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Range- Code Stop When It Finds The First Match

Aug 22, 2008

Sub do_it()
Dim x As Range
Set x = Columns(4).F ind("*test*", lookat:=xlWhole)
If x Is Nothing Then GoTo 999
r = x.Row
Cells(r, 1) = Cells(r, 1) & " (W)"
End Sub

I need the above code to continue down column 4 and add the " (W)" to the entire column.
The code stop when it finds the first match.

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Find/Search Code Tweak In Cells

Jun 12, 2009

The code below will locate and select cells containing Kenny. What I want to do is create a little search cells(C5) on my spreadsheet and have the code reference whatever is typed into the search cell. I'm sure it's a simple adjustment. I've tried changing the What:="Kenny" to What:="=C5" & What:=C5 all without success.

Sub find()
Cells.find(What:="Kenny", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt _
:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
End Sub

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VBA Code To ONLY Search UnProtected Cells In Workbook

Jan 4, 2010

With the code below it searches my entire workbook.

What do I need to change so it will ONLY search UnProtected cells in my workbook?

Code: ....

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Match Cells And Run Code

Jun 11, 2014

In this workbook Test1.xlsm my active cell (in this case) is "E2" and i am trying to insert the word "INVOICE" in cell "E2" using a macro. Now, the adjacent cell to the left is "D2", i would like that for every cell in column "D" that matches cell "D2" to also have the word "INVOICE" inserted in its adjacent cell under column "E".

[Code] .....

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Copy Data From Textbox To Range Of Cells?

Jul 19, 2012

How do I copy a string from a userform1 textbox called 'Code' to cell range A1 to AX where X is a number that I enter into another textbox called 'lightcount' on userform2?

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Search A Range Of Cells For A Range Of Values

May 28, 2009

I'm trying to do is search a range of cells for a range of values AND then see if it matches one other value in another range of cells. In this case,


T3:T49 can equal P6 or P5 or P4 or P3 but the cells can only be counted if U3:U49 is 'w' as well

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Count Number Of Blank Cells In Range Starting And Ending Will Cells That Match String Values

May 13, 2013

I'm trying to develop a new daily timesheet for my production workers, where non-production items are recorded in 15 minute intervals. The user would put in "Clock in" by the corresponding time, and the same for "Clock out" at the end of the day. Any non-production items will be type in next to their appropriate time. Since clock in and clock out times will vary, I need to set up a formula that searches the array of cells for the day, finds the "Clock in" and "Clock out" values, and counts any blank cells in between them. Basically the blank cells will equal production time, and the result of the Count function will be multiplied by 0.25 to get the hours.

I am having a very difficult time finding a way to set the "Clock in" and "Clock out" cells as the range for the Count function, because it won't always be the same cells. What would be the best way to automatically have excel find the cells containing these values and set them as the range criteria for a Count function?

The formula at the bottom was one of my initial attempts, but it didn't work. I took out the '=' for the screenshot, so that wasn't the problem.

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VBA To Search With Range Of Cells?

Jun 27, 2014

i currently have the following code set up to look at one cell (named 'TypeSelect'). If that cell = "a" it unhides tab "TAB DETAIL A". If it doesnt = "a" the tab remains hidden. I now want this to search across a range of cells (B2:B7 or using named range 'Category_Select') for "a".

Ultimately the code is to look for any from a list of categories within a range and unhide the relevant tabs if the category is present.

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Code To Search Multiple Columns And Delete Any Duplicate Cells (not Rows)

Jun 12, 2014

My Excel program (Excel 2010) currently has several columns and each column looks for and pulls data from a specific file on my computer. Then I need to delete any duplicate data entries, count the number of unique entries and track the changes through a chart. I have everything done except I cannot figure out (or find on the internet) a way to search in multiple columns (more than 2) and delete just the duplicate cells. I want to delete the cells in a way where there is one left. For example if the code 12gf is duplicated three time, I want to be left with one 12gf (it doesnt matter what column the original one is left in). Additionally, column length changes and they are not sorted. I have attempted to attach an image of an example file below.

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Vlookup: Search A Certain Range Of Cells

Apr 3, 2008

1. can i limit vlookup on sheet2 to search only a certain range of cells on a sheet1.

example, I want vlookup to look in sheet1, colum A - Y but only look between rows 1 and 100

2. If 1 can be done, and i happen to add a row in worksheet1 (making it 101 rows vice 100) will the vlookup code on sheet2 include that 101st row or do i have to redo the range manualy.

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Search Multiple Criteria If Match Append Multiple Cells To One Cell?

Apr 28, 2012

I am having such a difficult time creating a macro that will reduce the 5+hours I have to spend each week manually copying & pasting all of this data. I making an IMMENSE difference in this worker bee's life!

I have a workbook with two sheets (Sheet1 & Sheet2). Sheet1 has license #'s in column A and the state that the license belongs to in column B like this:

COLUMN ACOLUMN B11111Alaska11112Alabama11113Arkansas11114Arkansas
Sheet2 has three columns. Column A has the license #'s, column B has the state that the license belongs to and Columns C shows a line-of-authority tied to that license #.


I'm trying to write a macro that will compare the license # and state in Sheet1 to the license # and state in Sheet2. If it matches, append the contents of Column C to the corresponding row in Sheet1.

Here's the thing...Sheet2 contains the entries for all licenses in the company (so this table is HUGE). And there are multiple entries for each state license # (notice how there's two entries above for AK license # 11111 - one for the Property line and one for the Casualty line.

After my macro is run, I want Sheet1 to show all the lines-of-authority on a single line. So if I ran my macro on the above example, after it's run I would have this in Sheet1:

C11111AlaskaProperty Casualty11112AlabamaProperty Casualty11113
ArkansasLife Health11114ArkansasLife Health

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Search Range Of Cells For Text And Return Value Below It - Sum If More

May 12, 2014

I want to search within cells A4:F25 for "B71 - Brown" and show the number that is in the cell below this text. If there is multiple cells with "B71 - Brown" I would like the cell to show the total.

So for example,If the formula was looking for "B71 - Brown" in the cell it would show 8136. (A13+A21+D25+E17). If i changed it to "Lavender" it would show 2380. (C5)

Also this data is linked from several other sheets and the values i search for will change and will need to update.

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Search For Only One Word / Phrase In Range Of Cells

Jul 23, 2014

I try to search for only one word/phrase in range of cells. I would like formula to return the cell value that contains work/phrase I asked to look for.

For example: A1 contains "Apple", C1:3 contain "Cherry juice", "Apple pie", "Orange bonbon". I want D1 to check which cell from range C1:3 contains word/phrase from A1 and show it to me - "Apple pie".

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How To Search For Duplicates In A String Across A Range Of Cells

Apr 7, 2009

if I have a column of 5 cells (E1-E5) that contain a single character, how would I search a range of columns and rows (A1/5 - D1/5) with these?

So if E1-E5 each contain "1", i would like to return true when one (or more) of the A - D columns also contain "1" in each of its cells.

Columns A - D will contain a string of more than one character so it needs to search the string.

E1 = 1
E2 = 1
E3 = 1
E4 = 1
E5 = 1 and
A1 = 123
A2 = 134
A3 = 142
A4 = 412
A5 = 213

I would like this to return true because the A cells do contain the values in the E cells.

I guess this is like looking for duplicates but with a search string twist!

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Search For Part Of String In Range Of Cells

Jan 17, 2012

Following problem:

I have a list of changes on our bankaccount.

Sometimes, in the description a payment we receive the name of the person who transferred the amount is mentionned.

It can be anywhere in the string, it can be just his/her first name, it can be his/her full name...

I also have a list of all our clients with first name in column A, second name in column B

Something like this:

string from bancaccount:


client list
Francois D'hondt
Germaine Canipel
Willy Vandersmissen
Karel D'hondt

I'd like VBA to search in the clientlist for names that occur in the bankaccount string.

Sice ther might be a lot of Willy's in the client lsit I think it will be best to serch for the combination of both first and second name.

Once found the name the procedure should return the rownumer on which the client can be found in the client list.

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Search For Specific Characters In A Range Of Cells

Oct 5, 2008

I have a column of values of peoples initials and I want to cound how many times one persons initials occur in those cells. I can do this if the cells just contain one person i.e. "CH" or "DH" but if the cell has two or more peoples initials i.e. "CD DH" I can't do it as it only matches the exact search criteria.

How can I total the numebr of times a required set of initials appears in a specific column of cells? Not bothered is it requires a macro or a formulae, just can't seem to figure this one out.

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Search Range Of Cells For Alphanumeric String

Mar 5, 2010

I tried to find out how to post my table but the link in that thread lead me to a notice saying I wasn't allowed access to the page.)

Cells A2:G2 contain various alphanumeric strings.

If any cell contains "SD#" (# = a number which might include decimal places) then I want to extract the number.

If more than one cell contains "SD#", I want to add the numbers together. The total goes in cell C6 and it needs to change if the contents of A2:G2 change. E.g. if A2 shows SD4.75 and B2 shows SD8, the total in C6 would be 12.75

So I'm looking for a formula for C6....

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VBA To Search Copied Range For Blank Cells And Remove Them

Jun 18, 2014

In my current sheet, I have a button which pastes the contents of the user's clipboard into cell A20. The data that is being pasted is a simple, single-column range of data that may or my not contain blank cells. When this button is clicked, the user's clipboard should already have data.

Some of these pasted ranges may go from A20:A40, A20:A60, or even A20:A73. The point is, the length of the pasted information is variable.

I am looking for VBA code which can look at the recently pasted range in A20:AX, find blank cells, and remove them. Here is my current code (very simple), which is only the paste function:

Sub admin_btnPASTE()
' paste_align Macro
' pastes data
On Error Goto Whoa


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Search Range, Return Adjacent Cells Of Matches

Jun 21, 2007

I can solve my problem with a pivot table, and with VBA easily...however, I'm interested in knowing if this can be done with formulas (array formulas using index/match I'm assuming).

Goal: On sheet1 I have one column with products, then the column next to it will have an "Y" in it if the product is to be selected (blank if not). On sheet2 I want to create a list of the products that were selected (having the "Y"). The only thing stumping me is that I do not want spaces between the product list on sheet2...just a nice continuous list. Example:

cup Y
bowl Y
knife Y





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Excel 2010 :: Search For A String In Contents Of Range Of Cells

Sep 26, 2013

I have a range of cells each containing different values. Each of these different cells has a related date contained in the row underneath.

I want to be able to search the range of cells and find it in the contents of a cell and return the corresponding date from the row below.

Excel 2010


Row A4:O4 is the range of cells to be tested. Row A5:O5 are the corresponding dates. Cell B1 is the value I want to search for and B2 is where the date I would like to appear.

In the example shown I'd like 01-Sep to appear in B2.

I'm using Excel2010 and Windows 7.

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