Search A Sheet For A Match And Then Copy All The Cells To The Right Of The Match

Jul 13, 2009

I need a macro that can search a sheet for a match and then copy all 7 cells to the right of the match. I have attached an example of the sheet that will serve as the database to search, and a userform example that will be similar to the userfrom that will display the copied cells when a match is found. I plan to copy and paste the 7 cells to a different sheet so that the userform can display the results with the control source property. I do not need a way to add to this database. I know very little about searching a database so.

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Exclude Cells That Exactly Match In Search

Mar 8, 2012

Say I have the following:
Cell A1: male
Cell A2: male
Cell A3: female
Cell A4: male

I want to conduct a search using the value in cell B1, and return the row numbers for which the value in B1 exists.

So my formula in C1 is:
=small(if(isnumber(search($B$1, $A$1:$A$A4)), row($A$1:$A$A4)), row(1:1))

and I make it an array by CTRL+SHIFT+enter

So in B1 I type "male" (without the quotes). From C1 to C4 the values populate as 1,2,3,4

However, I only want the rows where "male" exists, in other words, i want an exact match and I want to exclude those cells that have "female"

I'm wanting:
C1 = 1
C2 = 2
C3 = 4
C4 = blank

Is there a way to do this?

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Code For A Textbox To Search A Range Of Cells For A Match

Aug 10, 2014

I created a user form that has two textboxes on it. One is to enter a person's name that gets put into column A, starting at row 4, and the other is to enter a number into column B, starting at row 4.

What I would like to do is for the form to search the names that have been entered in column A for duplicates in the same range. If the name is not there already, then I would like it to operate as normal. If it already exists, then I would like the number in the text box to go into column C in the same row as the name.

Here is the code I have already on the Submit button:

Private Sub SubmitButton_click()

Dim emptyRow As Long
emptyRow = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) + 4
Cells(emptyRow, 1).Value = Guestname.Value
Cells(emptyRow, 2).Value = Roomnum.Value
Unload Name_usrfrm
End Sub

Is this possible? I have to make it more complicated, but once I get the basics, I might be able to figure it out myself.

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Excel 2010 :: Search Column For Match If Found Copy Cell To Next Vacant Row

Jul 8, 2014

I have a file which has in excess of 12,000 rows of data in 5 columns (sample file attached with fake data). The five rows are:

"First Name" "Last Name" "Name" (uses CONCATENATE to combine column A & B) "Email" "Date Attended"

There will be duplications in the list as people will have attended more than once over the years.
What I want to do is search through the email addresses (Column D with D1 being the header) and where there is a duplicate email address copy the cell to the right of the duplicate (F#) into the next available cell to the right of the first occurance and then delete the row with the duplicated email address.

I am on Windows 7 and Excel 2010

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Offset / Index / Match - Using 3 Functions To Search For And Return Values From Data Sheet

Jan 19, 2014

Trying to grasp the concept of using these 3 functions to search for and return values from a data sheet.

The attached spread sheet has performance data for a group of employees.

What I need to do is find a particular employee then return a value for one of the category's.

For instance, I need to find "10TE03 ANGIE HOLLIS" Parts Usage on color or cell C10 in the attached sample.

Sometimes new category's are added to column A adding to the number of rows so a simple offset is not reliable.

Once I get that working, I then need to use a named range to total and average different data points for groups of employees by teams.

Maybe Offset-Index-Match is not even the way to go here?

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Match Rows And Copy Exact Match To Worksheet

Jun 2, 2012

I am very new withe macro I recieve every day a CSV file from our supplier withe a list of the products that got updated withe new price, stock count, product ID etc.

I have my own worksheet with the product ID that we use, and I want to finde the exact match to my product ID in that CSV file and delete all other that don't match.

But i need them get deletede by rows thos product ID that dosen't match to my workbook.

I tried with this, so it could set an X in front of my match then i could filter and copy it to my workbook but it dosen't work:
Because the same product ID is sometime in 100 rows and the X come only in front of one of them.


so with some macro. I need to have every row deleted that don't match to my list of product ID.

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Copy Rows To Worksheet If Cross Match & Another If No Match

Jan 30, 2008

I have 2 worksheets named sheet1 and need_to_delete that are in the same format: 7 digit number, 5 digit alpha numeric, text, dollar amount. I need to copy every row into sheet2 where there are no matches in the column A of the two source worksheets, and copy every row that does have a match in column A into sheet 3. I also need to keep the rows in their current order.

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Where Names Match Copy Cell From One Sheet To Another

Feb 10, 2014

(Matching names)where cell G and cell H in Data Sheet matches with cell A and cell B in template sheet , copy cell K on matching row in data sheet to matching name in cell D in the template sheet.

Could be as many as 50 rows of data in data sheet and only a range of D8 to D15 in template sheet.

Can send example but I cannot see where I have option to attach the file again : place_user.xlsx‎

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If Two Cells Contain Specific Text - Match Or No Match

Jul 10, 2013

I am trying to identify matches for company names I have in columns A and H.

I originally used =IF( $A3<>$H3,"No Match","Match")

The issue is that not all of the company names in column A contain "INC","LLC", "CORP", etc. So, I am not capturing all of the matches.


Column A: American Eagle Outfitters
Column H: American Eagle Outfitters INC

Is it possible to write a formula with the logic that IF A3 and H3 both contain "American Eagle Outfitter" then "Match" or "No Match"?

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Match Cells & Shift Rows Down If No Match

Dec 7, 2006

Attached is a spreadsheet of 2 tables from B:1 to V:5
I need to shift either rows down if cells from column B do not match column M and vice versa.

How would it be possible to acheive results as shown in B:10 to V:15 through VBA.

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Loop Through Sheet And Match Entries On Userform To Non-empty Cells In Sheet

Oct 27, 2012

In the attached worksheet I have UserForm2. When I click on open compare form button on the menu sheet it opens UserForm2, I would like the information I select in the first 7 combo boxes Vegetable - Ball on UserForm2 to loop through the data in the database sheet Columns A:G and compare the entries to the non empty/not blank cells in each row. If the form contain data that matches all the non empty/not blank cells in a row in the database sheet then it is a match and should show the label and display the message. If the form entries does not match to the non-empty/not blank cells in any of the rows on the database sheet then do nothing.

The problem I am having is getting it to loop through the sheet and bring back the right results. It is only matching on row 2 of the database sheet when I select cabbage in the vegetable combo box and apples in the fruit combo box . I cannot figure out how to get it to loop through all the rows for the range I want to compare (A2:G7) - I need this range to be flexible so as data is added it will expand to read all added rows.

The code is on the btnSave_Click() for UserForm2

I attached the spreadsheet and I am explaining what I want to do and the expected result.

Fruit Type

[Code] .....

What I want to do is loop through the Database sheet and if the fields on the form contain all the values in any row of the Database sheet, excluding empty cells in the Database sheet, then display a message.

So if on the form I selected Broccoli fron the vegetable combo box, Cricket from the games combo box, puzzles from the toy combo box, bananna from the fruit combo box, grits from the cereal combobox, and baseball from the ball combo box, in the databse sheet tabel shown above the match would be row 6 since the values for vegetable, game, toy, fruit, cereal and ball on the form matches what is on row 6 of the Database sheet. It does not matter what other fieds are selected /filled in on the form, the match should only take into consideration the populated cell in each row of the database sheet.

So, if the user enters Apples in the fruit combo box and Cabbage in the vegetable combo box but had blank or something other than bike in the toy combo box on form it would be a match to the Database sheet row 2, regardless of what the user enters in the remaining fields on the form

If the user enters Berries in the fruit combo box, Blueberry in the Fruit Type Combo box, Carrot in the vegetable combo box, and Grits in the cereal combo box it would be a match to Database sheet row 3, regardless of what the user enters in the remaining field on the form .

If the user enters Apples in the fruit combo box, Cabbage in the vegetable combo box, and Bike in the toy combo box on form itwould be a match to the Database sheet row 5, regardless of what the user enters in the remaining field on the form .

If the user enters Grape in the fruit combo box, Carrot in the Vegetable combo box, Cards in the game combo box, and football in the ball combo box on the form it would be a match to Database sheet row 7, regardless of what the user enters in the remaining field on the form.

If the user enters Kiwi in the fruit combo box, Cabbage in the vegetable combo box, and Bike in the toy combo box on form it would NOT be a match to the Database sheet because the Database sheet does not have a row that contain Kiwi, Cabbage, and Bike.

So basically, if the entries on the form match the exact values for all the non-empty (blank) fields for any row in the Database sheet, then it is a match.

-If the entries on the form do not contain an exact match to all the non-empty (blank) fields for any of the rows in the Database sheet, then it is not a match.
-If it is a match show the label and display the message box
-If it is not a match the do nothing

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Copy The Data On Basis Of ID Match In A Single Sheet

May 14, 2009

i do need a macro which would solve in which i had to feed


id is being repeated numerous times so i had to fill all the remaining fields also
this is done many time so i need a macro which can check the id match it upwards in the data and copy the 4 fields paste those copied fields in front of teh id which is being inserted.

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Match Values On 2 Sheets If Value Matches Copy Row Into 2nd Sheet

Jun 16, 2013

I need a macro to start at cell "A1" on sheet1 and then find that same value on sheet 2 in column B. Once it finds that value in sheet 2, the code would copy the row related to "A1" (A1:H1) into the row on sheet 2 with the value matching "A1" from sheet 1. Once it has done this I need it to do the same from A2:A598. I thought this code below was working but it seems to erase a row from sheet 2 if it is not present in sheet 1. I need the macro to only update the row if the information in column A on both sheets is the same. Here is the code I am using

Sub FindStr()
Dim rFndCell As Range
Dim strData As String


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Copy Rows And Sum Amount If Four Cells Match Exactly

Feb 5, 2014

I am trying to summarize some of my data. I have attached file with Sheet "Data", and how it should look in Sheet "Result".

1. If on two rows content in A, B, C, D match exactly, to copy them on sheet Result
2. Also Copy E5 (it will always be the same if the first four cells match, need to include it only once)
3. Also Combine all F cells together with ; (first entry is Develop and Second entry is Test - then in Sheet Result it will become Develop;Test)
4. Also Sum the amounts in G
5. And then Copy all other rows that don't have exact match

There might be 3-4 rows that have exact match on A, B, C, D.

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Copy And Paste Cells If Match Found

Sep 5, 2008

I have a spreadsheet (range A1:P5000). B2:B5000 would contain cheque numbers. Many of the cheque numbers would be repeated and would have common data in columns C, D, E, F, G, H, L and N.

I am trying to get VB code to copy and paste the common data when a user enters a cheque number.

For example:

When a user enters a cheque number in B3, VB would check B2 for a match. If a match is found, then VB would copy C2, D2, E2, F2, G2, H2, L2 and N2 and paste them in C3, D3, E3, F3, G3, H3, L3 and N3. If no match is found, then the user would have to manually enter the data in C3, D3, E3, F3, G3, H3, L3 and N3.

When a user enters a cheque number in B4, VB would check the B2:B3 for a match. If a match is found (in B2 – for example), then VB would copy C2, D2, E2, F2, G2, H2, L2 and N2 and paste them in C4, D4, E4, F4, G4, H4, L4 and N4. If no match is found, then the user would have to manually enter the data in C4, D4, E4, F4, G4, H4, L4 and N4.

When a user enters a cheque number in B100, VB would check the B2:B99 for a match. If a match is found (in B90 – for example), then VB would copy C90, D90, E90, F90, G90, H90, L90 and N90 and paste them in C100, D100, E100, F100, G100, H100, L100 and N100. If no match is found, then the user would have to manually enter the data in C100, D100, E100, F100, G100, H100, L100 and N100.

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Copy Cells To New Workbook If Match Criteria

Dec 17, 2007

My sample.xls have 11 columns and 6 rows ("for now" as the user might update this.) first row is the header, column G,I,K are the option if the data is to be copied to new workbook. there are 2 command buttons (1) Copy to New Workbook (2) Clear Columns G,I,K.
what i want is to analyze each row using Macro, if there is/are selected cell in that row then copy the header, columns A-E, the selected cell and the unselected in that row must have a value "0" in new workbook. if one row have no selected cell then skip it.
"Sheet2" in sample.xls is the sample output that i want to see in new workbook.

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Match 2 Cells On 2 Worksheets And Copy Contents Of Another Cell

Jan 3, 2014

Setup: I have 2 worksheets with between 8 and 9,000 rows on each

Column A in both worksheets Sheet1 and Sheet2 have an email address in them.

Not all addresses in sheet1 will be on sheet2 and visa versa

Column J on Sheet 2 contains a date

What I need: Column M on Sheet1 is empty

I need a formula to place into Column M on Sheet1 that will

Look at Sheet1:A

Locate the corresponding value on Sheet2:A

Pull the date from Sheet2:J same row into Sheet1:M

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Excel 2007 :: Macro - Match Data And Copy Rows To Existing Sheet

Jan 11, 2012

I've already found a TON of threads about this process but nothing that matches specifically what I'm trying to do.

I have a spreadsheet that I'm using to auto fill other tabs with data that only matches specific criteria. Here's what I'm looking to do:

Columns I, J, K, and L may be marked as either Y or N (or blank). I have different sheets that require 1, 2, 3, or 4 of those columns to match Y. For example, on sheet 2 I want to copy the entire row if there's a "Y" match on column I and J. On sheet 3 I want to match "Y" against, I, J, and K. Sheet 4 I need to match only L, etc.

I need the data copied into the existing sheets to start on row 7. I have other data on rows 1-6 that cannot be moved.

I'm running Excel 2007.

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Compare Two Cells If They Match Then Fill In The Cell From Another Sheet?

Oct 19, 2012

I am trying to compare two cells and if they match then I want to fill in a list on sheet one from sheet two.

I have the absolute working when I compare one cell to one cell, but I can't get it to compare one cell to a range of cells (two weeks of days)

Here is the absolute one I have working:

=IF(C1='Data Sorted'!A1,'Data Sorted'!A2,"")

Here is what I tried that doesn't work:

=IF(C1='Data Sorted'!A1:N1,'Data Sorted'!A2,"")

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Copy Few Cells Of Data Between Worksheets If Values Match Between Columns

Mar 9, 2012

Been a while since I've worked with macros within excel and I can't seem to get what I remember being a basic macro to work whatsoever. I have 2 worksheets containing a massive amount of data and need to pull some cells from one into the other when values in 2 columns match.

To better explain, sheet1 has ID numbers in column G spanning for roughly 1700 rows. Sheet 2 has corresponding ID numbers in column EO. The data I need to copy over is in columns EP and EQ on sheet 2.

So I'm trying to build a macro to compare the values in Sheet1_Column_G to those on Sheet2_Column_EO and when a match is found, copy the value in EO and the adjacent entries in columns EP & EQ over into columns X, Y, and Z on sheet 1.

Couldn't get a VB function together to save my life so I tried working with MATCH & INDEX and didn't get very far either. I've included my current function below.

=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(G1606,Data!$EO$527:$EO$601,0)),INDEX(Data!$EO$527:$EQ$601,MATCH(G1606,Data!$EO$527:$EO$601,0)),"Not Found")

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Match Data In 2 Cells In Different Workbooks And Then Copy Results In Matching Row?

Feb 13, 2014

I have 2 worksheets, A and B. In both worksheets there is common data in column A (account ID). I would like to find a way to return all of the data for the matching row in worksheet B and have it pasted into the matching row in worksheet A.

So in the example below, I am looking for a function that will match on Account ID in both worksheets and then paste the results from Dataset 1, 2 and 3 into the row with the matching Account ID in worksheet A.

Worksheet A
Account ID
Column to paste matching rows from Worksheet B



Worksheet B
Account ID
Dataset 1
Dataset 2
Dataset 3



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Copy Rows Where Cells In Column Match Condition/Criteria

May 5, 2008

I did a search to find a question similar to mine and I found this:
Copying data matching a criteria into another spreadsheet

This is exactly the same concept I am trying to accomplish, but don't know how all. I couldn't follow the thread either.

I have a schedule which is constantly being updated (simplier version attached). I want to create a schedule, which will:
1) First ask which region to display the information for (I would like to create the same pop up menu to choose from)
2) Then, it will select only that region's information (all rows & columns) and copy them into a new worksheet and lists it all
-if you go back to the Master List, you can again choose another Region and it will create another new worksheet with that region's information
3) Don't know if this is making things more complicated, but at the bottom of the attached file, there are 3 lines under "Land".

Is it possible to list these under the same spreadsheet as the region it is pertaining to but classify it separately under "Land" (ie leaving space, so it is clear this is separate

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Userform Textbox And Sheet Cells Date Format Do Not Match

Apr 28, 2014

I have userform1 where new data is inputed.

Userform2 is used for Edit purpose.

Both work fine.

I have Label which is visible if date in textbox is less than TODAY()..... ( which is textbox28).

Following is the code:

It will not work correctly due to date format of textboxes & cells??? Tried to resolve it but no success yet.

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Search Multiple Criteria If Match Append Multiple Cells To One Cell?

Apr 28, 2012

I am having such a difficult time creating a macro that will reduce the 5+hours I have to spend each week manually copying & pasting all of this data. I making an IMMENSE difference in this worker bee's life!

I have a workbook with two sheets (Sheet1 & Sheet2). Sheet1 has license #'s in column A and the state that the license belongs to in column B like this:

COLUMN ACOLUMN B11111Alaska11112Alabama11113Arkansas11114Arkansas
Sheet2 has three columns. Column A has the license #'s, column B has the state that the license belongs to and Columns C shows a line-of-authority tied to that license #.


I'm trying to write a macro that will compare the license # and state in Sheet1 to the license # and state in Sheet2. If it matches, append the contents of Column C to the corresponding row in Sheet1.

Here's the thing...Sheet2 contains the entries for all licenses in the company (so this table is HUGE). And there are multiple entries for each state license # (notice how there's two entries above for AK license # 11111 - one for the Property line and one for the Casualty line.

After my macro is run, I want Sheet1 to show all the lines-of-authority on a single line. So if I ran my macro on the above example, after it's run I would have this in Sheet1:

C11111AlaskaProperty Casualty11112AlabamaProperty Casualty11113
ArkansasLife Health11114ArkansasLife Health

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Highlight Cells If Match Another Sheet Cells

Dec 6, 2006

I have a lottery pool in sheet 1 in which i have the names of the people and their number picks. In sheet 2 i have the lottery results.

All i want is to be able to highlite(adding a backround color in the cell) to the matching numbers in sheet 1.

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Seach Values (Sheet 1) And Match Values (Sheet 2) And Copy And Paste?

Apr 11, 2014

I am trying find a match from multple "text" values.

The values I'm using are flight numbers from sheet "Indiv case" in column (range H2:H51). The flight number could occur multiple time in the column.

The associated flight number sheet "Code & categories" in column (range H2:H257) are associated with the last port of embarkation (range I2:I257) in "Code & categories" sheet.

I need to copy & past the name of the Last port of embarkation from sheet "Code & categories" into sheet "Indiv case" adjcent to the flight numbers in column (I2:I51).

Example: Sheet "Indiv case" from Column (H2:H51) Fligh number Data: UA863, VA4148, EK432, BA15, BA15, VA98, QF8, AC33 etc Using these value from "Indiv case" from Column (H2:H51) search and match valuse in "Code & categories" in column (range H2:H257)

If match found copy valuse from sheet "Code & categories in column (i2:I257) in to sheet "Indiv case" into column (I2:I51) Last port of embarkation".

H2;H257, I2:I257
Flight, Last Post
3k111, Singapore
3k131, Singapore
AC33, Vancouver

Copy and Past "Last Port" into sheet "Indiv case (I2:I51) adjcent to matching flight code.

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Search For Cells And Copy Into New Sheet

Jun 6, 2008

I need to search a sheet for a specific phrase "phrase". When the phrase occurs I need to copy adjacent cells into another sheet. Then, I need to continue searching through the end of the sheet for all other occurrences, copying them into the other sheet. For example: "Phrase" occurs in cell B2, B20, B42, and B82 of Sheet1.
When it occurs in B2 I need to copy C2 and D3 into Sheet 2, cells B2 and C2.
Then when it occurs again in B20 I need to copy C20 and D21 into Sheet 2, cells B3 and C3.

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Search And Match Between 2 Sheets?

Feb 27, 2014

I need sheet1 column B to match whatever is next to it in column A to the same value in sheet 2 column A and then return the value next to it in sheet 2 column b and insert it into sheet 1 column B. I have typed in 2 rows manually as example:

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Search And Match Data Using Two Worksheets

Apr 2, 2014

I'm trying to search & match data from two different spreadsheets. I will attach my workbook for reference.

The first worksheet is a list of all of my clients I have previously worked with and the second worksheet is a list using a set criteria. The criteria I am using is the UK postal code "AL10".

The clients address (Column B) will be used as a reference to match the address which is located on the AL10 worksheet which is also column B. If there is a direct match then a VLookup function will be performed to display something that can be easily referenced.

The problem I am having is that the address format is different on the clients worksheet then what it is on the AL10 worksheet. I have the feeling I will need to create a search function with multiple arrays but I have limited knowledge of how to do that.

There are some additional notes located in my workbook.

I know that two of the client addresses should match data located on the on AL10 worksheet and the other two shouldn't give a match at all as they don't exist. These are highlighted in yellow.

I have used the Find and replace function to do this but this is rather manual and slow and I would like the search feature to automate this process.

Attachment 308707

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Conditional Formatting - Match And Search

Mar 21, 2014

Attached is the example : Example.xlsx

Basically, would like to have the following conditional formatting:

There is a fruit listed and the are person 1 and person 2. If the fruit under Person 1 or Person 2 matches the fruit under Fruit, the cell under either person 1 or person 2 highlights green; if it does not match, it highlights red. If the fruit has not been listed under fruit, such as in cell A3, cells B3 and C3 are not highlighted.

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