Code To Return Data From Multiple Work Sheets
Apr 23, 2009
I have a folder on a public drive. (\CFDIVIX1PublicPurchasing2009)
This folder contains multiple sub-folders (the sub folders are vendors which I purchase merchandise from) each sub-folder has 1 .xls file in it. Each file has 1 sheet containing all the information I need to retrieve.
Each one of these files has the same header information in cells A1 through I2 so I manually place that when I create this new workbook prior to inserting the macro. Each work sheet has a different # of rows depending on the number of items I buy from that particular vendor but I feel safe saying it never exceeds 250 rows per worksheet.
What I need
For the macro to pull up the first work sheet and pull out the data from cells A3 through I250 and place that data into my new work sheet in the same format. Then I want the code to move on to the next worksheet and pull out the A3 through I250 and place that data in the new worksheet directly below the last row of data that was pulled in. (Also it would be great if the code ignored blank values. Like if the first work sheet it pulled data from only had data in the first 10 rows I don’t want 240 rows of blank rows before the next set of data)
I hope that running this macro will accomplish transferring all of my data from these multiple sheets into a single work sheet containing all of the pricing for all of my vendors. Once I have this I can place a second sheet on the workbook and use a formula to pull out pricing information that I need on a per basis without having to search through 50 vendors to find who it comes from. I don’t control the vendor work sheets that I want to extract data from so I need to use the macro to run it weekly incase my purchasing dept makes changes.
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Jun 4, 2014
I have a worksheet (named "A") contains all data, and would like to have a macro to searching in A under condition of date,and return those data to in a cell of different worksheets (saying worksheet B, C, D). and everytime i run the macro previous data wouldn't be replaced by new one. Example: worksheet A has data
worksheetname date number
B 01/01 10
B 02/01 11
B 03/01 12
C 01/01 13
C 02/01 14
C 03/01 15
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Nov 14, 2006
I use a code to work on all the sheets across all the files. But now I want the code work only on sheet named Paid across all the files.
Sub PP()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim varWBnames As Variant
Dim varItem As Variant
varWBnames = Array("Book4.xls", "Book5.xls", "Book6.xls")
For Each varItem In varWBnames
Set wb = Workbooks(varItem)
For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
ws.Range("A1").Formula = "=A2+A3"
Next ws
Next varItem
End Sub
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Sep 26, 2013
I have a workbook with 10 sheets.
Each sheets has data starting row 14 and column B with row 13 being column Headers.
I want to copy data from each sheet, having column headers suppose A, F & G in to a single sheet. The position of column headers I want to copy are different in each sheets
Means macro will go to sheet1 first, he will copy data from column headers A, F & G and paste in new sheet suppose main.
then macro will go to sheet2, he will copy all the data from column headerA, F & G and paste it in main sheet after the last used row and so on.
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Mar 6, 2007
Ive put some sheet code together that i need copied to 12 sheets (jan to December) in 24 workbooks (each workbook has trhe same sheet names). I dont want to alter the actual content of the Excel sheets, I just need to copy VB code from a template (in VB editor) to the 12 sheets in each of the workbooks. Is this possible to do with VB or do i need some other utility since Im using the VB editor....
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Feb 23, 2012
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(ActiveCell, Sheet8.Range("C16:Y1000")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Dim rw As Integer
Dim arw As Integer
rw = 16
[Code] .....
As you can see, my code is located in the sheet8 worksheet object. Now, I have a few questions about this. Because I am located in the sheet8 worksheet object does that mean my code can only work in sheet8, i.e., the following won't work because I am in a Sheet8 worksheet object?
Sheet10.Range("B12) = ..... ....... .....
This is not returning a value in Sheet10? My question is how do I make my code return a value in Sheet10?
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Jan 3, 2012
I am trying to use the SUM IF Array formula to sum a group of numbers that fall under a heading of reference numbers over several sheets of data. For example purposes lets say my spreadsheet looks something like the below.
The first two digits of the heading numbers are the criteria I am trying to use to separate and sum the data. For example I need to sum the value of the data below headings that falls between 1400000000000 and 1499999999999.
For the example above I used the below formula for the current Sheet and it works fine.
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Jul 19, 2007
How do I get a function to check cells on multiple work sheets.
For example this function searches for the word "hello" in cells, A1 to A50 and then adds up the number in the corresponding cells where "hello" is found from C1 to C50:
Two questions:
01) How do I search the same cells in two further work sheet, "Sheet2" & "Sheet3"?
02) Is there a way to search every cell in an entire work sheet?
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Feb 28, 2009
In sheet one I have data as follows ...
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Feb 14, 2009
I have a need to populate a summary worksheet using two variables to find data in two or more other worksheets.
I find writing out what I want helps some times so let me try it here.
So my variables are:
Product (there are 22 products)
Supply Less than (inset number)
These are the two criteria I want to use to produce a result.
The next issue is I have 300 stores that carry said 22 products. Each store has a unique number 0001, 0002, 0003 etc. So in a separate worksheet I have a list of the store numbers, and then the products. So each product has the store's number to the left in Column A, Column B has the product name, Column C has the quantity on hand.
What i would like to do on the summary page is select the product, and then select the supply less than or equal to 'x' and then have the stores with the selected product less than or equal to x display below.
The last part of this is then to display (data from an other sheet) on the summary page which contains the quantity of the product selected available at the warehouse for that store.
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Apr 23, 2013
I have a workbook with multiple sheets in it. One sheet is an Overview sheet, and the others represent the months (JAN, FEB, MAR, etc). On the Overview sheet, I have a few columns of data set up that I need to retrieve from the various sheets within the workbook. The thing is, this data can occur more than once on any particular sheet and it's very likely to occur multiple times throughout the workbook. For example, compressor #1 was blown down on January 1, January 15, February 5, February 9, February 12, April 22, and so on. Compressors 2-5 were also blown down multiple times throughout the year, as well as various other equipment that I have listed out throughout the numerous monthly tabs. On the Overview sheet, I have the columns Equipment, Date, Temp, Begin PSIG and MCF Loss. I'm needing to get the information from those tabs into these columns.
I first tried a simple VLOOKUP. After all, it's worked for so many situations similar to this, why wouldn't it work here? I quickly found that it won't work here because I need to return multiple results, not just the first one it comes across.
When I copy the formula down it seems to return the same results in every cell, not the next result, and the next, and the next, and so on.
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May 7, 2013
I have a workbook containing multiple sheets for documents issued to manufacturers. I have a summary sheet which contains all of the documents and I would like to be able to look up a document number against all the sheets, and return the name (or names if multiple finds) of the sheets containing this document.
I have got close to solving this by finding another post[URL] .... but I believe this doesn't work because it searches on values rather than matching text.
I have attached a simplified example file with the sheets to search being Fab 1, Fab 2 and Fab 3, and the formula need to go into column B of the Main Sheet.
Example for Ozgrid Forum.xlsm
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Oct 4, 2007
How I can unlock a range of sheets that are password protected in my workbook.
I have 20 identical sheets one for each department which are protected by the same password.
It would be nice if I could rapidly lock and unlock these sheets.
What I need a set rng command in conjunction with a For Next loop?
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Aug 10, 2009
I am trying to run the following code on multile sheets in a workbook. so far this code is working fine for one worksheet. Can someone help me modify this so it runs on multiple sheets. There can be more then 1 worksheet in a workbook depending upon data ...
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Feb 26, 2012
I have a workbook that updates from external source and creates sheets depending on a cell range.
I have put tab 1 and tab 0 on either end of where the new sheets will be inputted, will never know how many sheets
What i need to happen is if someone fills in "complete" in A7 in my "summary" sheet then the values in row 6 in all the other sheets get hardcoded. This needs to happen from A7 down to A26, so A8 = complete then copy row 7 etc
This is what i have so far
I get compile error here ........Sheets(ArrSh(1)).Activate
Also need it to work for all the other rows.
Sub hardcode()
'Sheets("Summary"). Select
If Range("a7") = "complete" Then
Sheets(Array("1", "0")).Select
[Code] ......
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May 23, 2013
i have a macro code but i don't know how to apply it to all sheets in the same workbook
my code is
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Range("D5:D100"), Target) Is Nothing Then
Target.Offset(0, 1).Value = Now() [code]....
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May 18, 2011
Am trying to find the VBA code to "ask a user for the password to unhide multiple sheets/tabs"
I have got the script for unhiding all sheets which is:
Sub Sheets_Unhide()
Dim sh As Worksheet
For Each sh In Worksheets
sh.Visible = True
End Sub
What i would like though is for it to prompt with a password first before the code is executed for unlocking 50 odd sheets.. I know its not 100% fool proof, but would do for what i need!
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Jan 21, 2010
I read and used the Find_Range custom function provided by Aaron Blood. It's a great function, for which I have many uses, but, as I currently have it set up in conjunction with a userform, it doesn't work fully until I use it twice in a row. The first time it's used to return more than one row, it seems to stop short and only display a few of the appropriate rows. Not until it's used twice in a row does it display all the rows containing that product. What do I need to do to have it work fully each time?
I have a large worksheet from which I want to extract only the rows which contain a certain product, selected by a combobox, and paste the rows on another worksheet. I have a userform set up with an oversized listbox which displays the contents of the data worksheet. Below that I have a 'products' combobox, and a button to initiate the Find_Range. Another oversized listbox displays the results.
Here's the function contained in a module:
Function Find_Range(Find_Item As Variant, _
Search_Range As Range, _
Optional LookIn As XlFindLookIn = xlValues, _
Optional LookAt As XlLookAt = xlPart, _
Optional MatchCase As Boolean = False) As Range
Dim c As Range, FirstAddress As String
With Search_Range
Set c = . Find( _
What:=Find_Item, _
LookIn:=LookIn, _
LookAt:=LookAt, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=MatchCase, _
SearchFormat:=False) 'Delete this term for XL2000 and earlier
If Not c Is Nothing Then
Set Find_Range = c
FirstAddress = c.Address................................
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Apr 10, 2014
I am creating a Spreadsheet to work with a game which I am designing. I want to create a combat calculator which will generate formulas based on which class a person chooses to be, and their choice of weapons, armour and other equipment (makes things a lot easier for me to visualize). I have created the first worksheet which will act as the interface where users can input their character configurations and a second worksheet where all of the data is stored, included items and their values.
Assuming that on the interface I have cell A1 which will let the user select their class (Warrior, Archer, Sorcerer).
I also have cells B1 = Helmet, B2 = Body Armour, B3 = Leg Armour, B4 = Feet Armour, B5 = Hand Armour.
I would like cells B1:B5 to create a Data Validation based on the class which is selected in A1.
IF A1="Warrior"; B1 = A list of Melee Helmets, B2 = A list of Melee Body Armour... etc
IF A1="Sorcerer"; B3 = A list of Magic Leg Armour...
I have managed to do this with the following formula, but only if the data is stored in the same sheet.
Cell B1
=IF(A1="Warrior", =meleeArmour1, =IF(A1="Archer", =rangeArmour1, =magicArmour1))
Cell B2
=IF(A1="Warrior", =meleeArmour2, =IF(A1="Archer", =rangeArmour2, =magicArmour2))
=meleeArmour1 represents the range of cells where the Melee Helmets/Head Armour is stored.
=magicArmour2 represents the range of cells where the Magic Body Armour is stored.
The group cell names do not seem to work if they are on a different sheet, nor does it work if I replace the group cell name (=meleeArmour1) with the full formula (=Sheet2!A$1$:A$10$)
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Apr 2, 2014
I found the code below and it works perfectly if I want to copy all the other sheets to a master sheet. But, I need to specify specific sheets. Basically I have a workbook consisting of multiple sheets and multiple "master" sheets so I need to specify in the code which sheets it should be copying.
[Code] ........
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Jan 29, 2014
I have 3 calculations I would like to make based on data in the spread sheet and I can't seem to get them to work with data from the two separate columns.
I tried a few of the index match max formulas I found here and could only get them to work with one column of data.
I have the spread sheet attached and the 3 calks I want to do are blank on the bottom.
I am using Excel 2011 for Mac
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Apr 28, 2009
i have a spread sheet which has a very complex simulaton in it. excel is not the ideal place for it, but it is not possible to port it wholesale to something more sensible. i have modified the code so that it is possible to run two copies of the spread sheet (in two seperate excel processes) at one time. Due to the dual core nature of the machine this has almost no overhead.
I have created a controlling spread sheet that is cabable of launching multiple copies of the simulation and starting the code executing. the problem is the controlling spread sheet always waits for the code to return before it continues, hence it would open two seperate versions of excel, start the first simulation executing and then wait until it completes before starting the next one. is there any way of starting a function in another work book without waiting for the execution to complete?
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May 15, 2014
I has number sheets with thousands rows of unsort data. I need to find the price, with optional name and date if given, to return the rows values.
Example from Summary sheet, to find the price range and return 3 rows (even there are four set of answers, highlighted in light blue), with sorting the highest price first.
Summary Sheet
Sheet name
Search Fields
[Code] ........
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Nov 26, 2008
I deal with large amounts of data. For a score card I need find a way to filter data based on two constraints, sum it and display the output in a table. The two constraints are: Business Unit and Maintenance Type. I played around with recording filters, but the code becomes very unwieldy. From past experience with this site, where I used 10 lines, there's a way to do it in 2. take a look at the attached example book, a truncated data set and the output.
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Jun 24, 2014
I've attached a sample sheet to this message.
What I'm trying to do is grab data from the raw data sheet and paste it into the master sheet based off of certain criteria. I want to list any accounts that are not correct.
For example, I want to look through the Raw Data sheet, find the account that contains campaigns which are not correct, and then list the name of the account on the Master sheet. I only need the account name listed once on the Master sheet.
Sample Data.xlsx‎
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Jan 13, 2010
creating workbook with macros or vba code. I have a workbook that has several sheets.
The first sheet (All Students) has a table / range of student information. There are several other sheets one for each teacher, that would contain the student information from first sheet for that teacher. Teacher name is in one of the columns on the first sheet(All Students). What I'm looking to to do is create a workbook that would contain all Students in first tab/sheet, data will be entered into first sheet by teachers.
When I click on any of the teacher tabs excel should get data from (All Students) tab / sheet and populate teacher sheet with data for that teacher based on teacher column in All Students. Any suggestion on how to create this workbook. I've attached a sample workbook with data. I would like to make sure data refreshes when I click on teacher sheet.
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Feb 26, 2014
I basically have a sheet where clicking a button on a UserForm creates an email and populates it with data from a specified sheet. So for example, the attachment v3.1, I've included looks at Sheet1 and populates an email with the data. However, I want it to drag data from another sheet. So, as per the attachment v3.2, I want the UserForm on Sheet1 and the data on Sheet2.
It works fine if the UserForm and data it's looking for are on the same page, but it won't find information from another sheet when the code is changed? I thought changing the code to Sheet2 instead of Sheet1 would work fine, but that's not the case!
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Jan 25, 2012
I am using the following code to copy data from multiple workbooks in a folder to one workbook.
Sub copy_files()
Dim wkb1, wkb2, wkb3 As Workbook
Dim i, lastrow As Integer
What changes are required in the above code to paste the data in different sheets on one workbook.
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Dec 17, 2013
- I have total of 13 sheets in a workbook - 12 sheets represent 12 months with data; 13th sheet is single sheet in which i would like to get complete overview of 12 months
- each of 12 sheets has actually sales results for multiple products with following data: internal code, manufacturer part number, name, and qty sold in that month
- situation is that some products have been phased out during the year and some were introduced so each sheet is slightly different in terms of in which row certain product is located
What i would like to achive is to make 13th sheet (whole year overview) do the following:
- there is a list of all the products in it, each product has unique internal code - this code (from each line) should be used to find that code in each monthly sheet, then find its monthly sales value (copy it) and paste it in sheet 13 in cell that represents this product and particular month.
In other words i would like to see for each product what was monthly sales throughout this year, but avoid manually filling in qty for each product per month.
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Mar 19, 2005
got work book that has about 20 sheets in it.....there are links throught the workbook. sheet in particular when i go to it, it freezes up...and i get the dreaded "Send Error Report to Microsoft" window"...and we all know what happens next.....excel shuts right down.
I can open the workbook and click on ANY sheet....but when i click on this one particular sheet in the book i get the error message
This work book is a template....its the estimating work book i use at work...and whenever i get a new job to estimate i open up this template.....put in my data and save the workbook as the job basically i have about 50 of these workbooks......and it doenst matter which one i open.......whenever i go to this one same sheet in any workbook i get the freeze
and the freaky thing about this is it does it randomly....I make save this template (as a new work book) when i get a new job to estimate.....and i never have any problems.......but today for some crazy reason its doing what i mentioned did this about a month ago too.......same exact problem.
when it happened the first time i tried all kinds of stuff, and the only thing that worked was i had to go to windows all the files to a memory chip.......go to a different pc with my version of windows (XP) each file it.......go back to my pc...reload it
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