Macro To Return Data From One Worksheet To Multiple Sheets

Jun 4, 2014

I have a worksheet (named "A") contains all data, and would like to have a macro to searching in A under condition of date,and return those data to in a cell of different worksheets (saying worksheet B, C, D). and everytime i run the macro previous data wouldn't be replaced by new one. Example: worksheet A has data

worksheetname date number
B 01/01 10
B 02/01 11
B 03/01 12
C 01/01 13
C 02/01 14
C 03/01 15

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Code To Return Data From Multiple Work Sheets

Apr 23, 2009

I have a folder on a public drive. (\CFDIVIX1PublicPurchasing2009)

This folder contains multiple sub-folders (the sub folders are vendors which I purchase merchandise from) each sub-folder has 1 .xls file in it. Each file has 1 sheet containing all the information I need to retrieve.

Each one of these files has the same header information in cells A1 through I2 so I manually place that when I create this new workbook prior to inserting the macro. Each work sheet has a different # of rows depending on the number of items I buy from that particular vendor but I feel safe saying it never exceeds 250 rows per worksheet.

What I need
For the macro to pull up the first work sheet and pull out the data from cells A3 through I250 and place that data into my new work sheet in the same format. Then I want the code to move on to the next worksheet and pull out the A3 through I250 and place that data in the new worksheet directly below the last row of data that was pulled in. (Also it would be great if the code ignored blank values. Like if the first work sheet it pulled data from only had data in the first 10 rows I don’t want 240 rows of blank rows before the next set of data)

I hope that running this macro will accomplish transferring all of my data from these multiple sheets into a single work sheet containing all of the pricing for all of my vendors. Once I have this I can place a second sheet on the workbook and use a formula to pull out pricing information that I need on a per basis without having to search through 50 vendors to find who it comes from. I don’t control the vendor work sheets that I want to extract data from so I need to use the macro to run it weekly incase my purchasing dept makes changes.

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Macro For Data In Multiple Sheets?

Mar 21, 2014

I want to consolidate the various employees' salaries of all months in a sheet. I enter salaries in different sheets month-wise and in each sheet, department-wise. Some employees get commission in various departments. Now, I need to see the details of an employee by giving his name. I should get month-wise his salary, commission and department in which he get commission, across all the sheets.

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Macro To Consolidate Data From Multiple Sheets To One

Feb 11, 2014

I have the following macro, however I am struggling to make it work on my file:

[Code] .....

I have attached my sample. essentially i have the dec, jan etc month tabs to consolidate into the summary sheet. i would like the data to be dumped from both sheets into the summary sheets. i will be adding a feb, march, april etc tabs as the year progresses.

I would also like column A in the summary sheet to repeat the name of the sheet the data is being retrieved from.

Attached File : sample macro_issue01.xlsm

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Multiple Data Sheets In One Macro Model

Feb 28, 2007

I have: + three raw data sheets (needed as 3 lots of data with 25K records in each). + I also have a model that I want to take each record from each sheet, populates some cells in a seperate calculation sheet and then gets a result - which it adds to a total (array).Finally I have + a clever macro that shows me what % of the way through I am (i.e. displays the number of record processed out of the 75K (3*25K) total)

While I have got the model to work - there is some untidy code used where I start my clever % macro for x = 1 to 75K then repeat the same instructions for running the model for each section i.e. sheet 1 : 1 to 25000, then the same instructions for sheet 2, 1 to 25000 etc etc. and then end it I want to know if there is any clever coding that will let me go from one sheet to another when there is an empty cell struck on the active sheet?

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Using 2 Variables To Return Multiple Items From Multiple Sheets

Feb 14, 2009

I have a need to populate a summary worksheet using two variables to find data in two or more other worksheets.

I find writing out what I want helps some times so let me try it here.

So my variables are:

Product (there are 22 products)
Supply Less than (inset number)

These are the two criteria I want to use to produce a result.

The next issue is I have 300 stores that carry said 22 products. Each store has a unique number 0001, 0002, 0003 etc. So in a separate worksheet I have a list of the store numbers, and then the products. So each product has the store's number to the left in Column A, Column B has the product name, Column C has the quantity on hand.

What i would like to do on the summary page is select the product, and then select the supply less than or equal to 'x' and then have the stores with the selected product less than or equal to x display below.

The last part of this is then to display (data from an other sheet) on the summary page which contains the quantity of the product selected available at the warehouse for that store.

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Excel Macro To Copy Data From One Sheet To Multiple Sheets Without Duplications

Feb 16, 2012

We have a company and need to automating workflow.

The Master sheet contains incoming mail details by customer. Each employee is assigned a set number of customers to respond to. We want the information on the Master sheet to filter to a specific employee assigned sheet. On the employee assigned sheet, once filtered, they are to provide updates in column E

Reference no.
Employee ID

[Code] ........

We need a macro that can filter customers' details to the specific employee assigned sheet based on the employee ID in the master sheet. For example, all customers assigned to DW (i.e with the 'DW' employee ID) filters into a sheet called 'DW'. Please note that the Master sheet is a continuous log updated daily. This macro must not duplicate information previously filtered once the employee enters a status update in column E.

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Return Multiple Values From Multiple Sheets?

Apr 23, 2013

I have a workbook with multiple sheets in it. One sheet is an Overview sheet, and the others represent the months (JAN, FEB, MAR, etc). On the Overview sheet, I have a few columns of data set up that I need to retrieve from the various sheets within the workbook. The thing is, this data can occur more than once on any particular sheet and it's very likely to occur multiple times throughout the workbook. For example, compressor #1 was blown down on January 1, January 15, February 5, February 9, February 12, April 22, and so on. Compressors 2-5 were also blown down multiple times throughout the year, as well as various other equipment that I have listed out throughout the numerous monthly tabs. On the Overview sheet, I have the columns Equipment, Date, Temp, Begin PSIG and MCF Loss. I'm needing to get the information from those tabs into these columns.

I first tried a simple VLOOKUP. After all, it's worked for so many situations similar to this, why wouldn't it work here? I quickly found that it won't work here because I need to return multiple results, not just the first one it comes across.

When I copy the formula down it seems to return the same results in every cell, not the next result, and the next, and the next, and so on.

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Copy Data From Multiple Sheets In Workbook To Different Workbook But On One Worksheet

Feb 7, 2014

I am looking for a code that would copy the data from each worksheet in a given workbook and then paste to just one worksheet within a different workbook. The Sheet names are auto generated when I run this canned report but the naming structure is always the same...the first worksheet is named Repair Details and then the next sheet is named Repair Details_1, the next sheet is named Repair Details_2 and so on for every sheet in workbook. So I would like to copy all of the data(Headers to last cell) and then paste in a worksheet(ex: Master Repair Report.xlsx and the worksheet could be titled Master Repair Details) on a different workbook, then the next sheet would copy from the one under the header to the last record and paste to the same workbook. This process would repeat for every worksheet in the Repair Details Workbook and paste to Master Repair Details worksheet in the Master Repair Report workbook.

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Macro To Copy / Paste Multiple Worksheets Data Into One Worksheet

Aug 15, 2012

i need a macro which copy and paste from multiple worksheets (except for 3 worksheets which is named after Jan, Feb and Mar) into one worksheets (named as OVERALL). The data to copy will cover from cell A1:D1 and below where there is data available.

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Macro To Create And Rename Multiple Worksheet And Then Placing Relevant Data

Feb 24, 2014

I want to find a way to create multiple worksheets and matching data to be placed on appropriate sheets.

Here are more details (Please check the attached sheet screenshot as well):


In a workbook, there is a "Master-Sheet". This master sheet contains 8 columns.

I want to create as many new worksheets after master sheet as the values are there in column B (Column 2 i.e. Ad Group). In above attached screenshot, there are 8 values (B2:B9 or A-H). So, I would like to create 8 new worksheets after the master sheet. Also, I want to rename them based on their value from Ad Group column.

Each newly created worksheet should have same columns as the master sheet . Same 8 columns with their name intact.

Finally, I want all matching data of the Ad Group values to be placed on their respective newly created worksheet. For example, worksheet A should have A2:H2 data. Worksheet B should have A3:H3 data, and so on.

Please note that same ad group may have more than one row data. But I don't want to create multiple worksheet of same name ad group. The worksheet should be just one, but all matching data should be placed in that one sheet.

I know it is a bit complex task, but I am sure there would be a way to perform this automatically - probably a macro.

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Search Multiple Sheets For Text And Return Sheet Name

May 7, 2013

I have a workbook containing multiple sheets for documents issued to manufacturers. I have a summary sheet which contains all of the documents and I would like to be able to look up a document number against all the sheets, and return the name (or names if multiple finds) of the sheets containing this document.

I have got close to solving this by finding another post[URL] .... but I believe this doesn't work because it searches on values rather than matching text.

I have attached a simplified example file with the sheets to search being Fab 1, Fab 2 and Fab 3, and the formula need to go into column B of the Main Sheet.

Example for Ozgrid Forum.xlsm

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Select Multiple Sheets And If Value In Cell Is True Then Copy Values In All Sheets And Hardcode Data

Feb 26, 2012

I have a workbook that updates from external source and creates sheets depending on a cell range.

I have put tab 1 and tab 0 on either end of where the new sheets will be inputted, will never know how many sheets

What i need to happen is if someone fills in "complete" in A7 in my "summary" sheet then the values in row 6 in all the other sheets get hardcoded. This needs to happen from A7 down to A26, so A8 = complete then copy row 7 etc
This is what i have so far

I get compile error here ........Sheets(ArrSh(1)).Activate

Also need it to work for all the other rows.

Sub hardcode()
'Sheets("Summary"). Select
If Range("a7") = "complete" Then
Sheets(Array("1", "0")).Select

[Code] ......

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Return Multiple Lines From Workbooks Onto On Worksheet

Jan 21, 2009

I looking at attempting to combine 26 spreadsheets all into one with a macro. Basically i have 26 spreadsheets detailing all items placed into different suspesne accounts, these are on going so they can be up to 2000 lines long. All 26 spreadsheets are contained in one folder with a backup of each.

Columns B - F detail the payment being applied.
Columns G - J detail the payment being removed.

I was hoping the would be a way for a macro to look into each one and if there is data in column E (value) and not in column I (vlaue removed) then return the whole line onto a new worksheet. So basically after i have run the macro i would have one worksheet with all outstanding items on instead of having to open each one and copy and pasting.

The lines will always vary on each workbook as to where the outstanding payments is and im using excel 2003.

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Copy Tables From Multiple Sheets To One Worksheet

Sep 24, 2007

I need, I do not know Visual Basic, so I need something in simple Excel format that I can use before I am able to take the training (upon reading more threads, looks like VBA is just the editor used to create a macro where I can copy and paste in code text from your suggestions? I think I can handle that).

I need to condense multiple tables into one master table, and then perform calculations on those entries. Each table contains three columns, but after being manually pasted -- as I am doing currently -- into the condensed worksheet, there'll be two or three additional columns based on calculations from the entries. The Workbook does currently contain 2 worksheets that do not contain data in this format, so please share code that could exclude those? I am fine with every so often manually applying a formula on the last worksheet that says something like,

look in SH1 A2:C300. If entire row is not blank copy over contents, if blank move on to SH2, etc etc. Since I'm a newbie I imagine there are much more efficient ways to do this. I may be a little shaky on the VBA but surely I can copy and paste.

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Return Common Values In Multiple Worksheets Into One Worksheet?

Mar 6, 2014

I have a different worksheet in the same workbook for every "gig" that I book. Each gig contains the name of the musicians I staffed on the gig along with their salary+expenses For taxes, I need to summarize into a new worksheet how much each musician made. Ideally i'd see not only the total per name but itemized. So if 1 guy did 3 diff gigs, I'd see each row pertaining to his name.

Lastly, I'd like to include names that do not have multiple records because it's possible there is inconsistencies with the spelling of certain names.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Save Multiple Sheets To Multiple PDF With Cell Value As Filename

May 6, 2014

I would like a macro to be able to save 26 tabs within the one document to individual PDFs.Preferably I would like to be able to specify each time exactly which tabs get printed, because often I don't need to print all 26, just the first 10 or so.I would like each PDF to automatically be named with the value in cell E10 of each tab.E10 already has a formula to create its final value. It references cells from other tabs within the same document. Hopefully the fact that this cell has a formula in it won't affect my ability to use the resulting value as a 'save as' reference?I would like it if the PDFs save to the same location as the Excel sheet from which they're generated is located. The location of the excel sheet will change every three months, so I'd prefer not to specify a location with a specific filepath, as it will have changed by the time I run the macro again.

I am using Excel 2010.

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Macro To Return To Last Worksheet?

Jan 12, 2012

I have a workbook with multiple worksheets. Several have hyperlinks to one sheet called Calculator where users can perform certain calculations using a calculator I have made. I want to use a macro to take the user back to the sheet they were previously viewing before they came to Calculator. In other words if they got there from Sheet2 they go back to Sheet2, from Sheet3 to Sheet3 etc. Is there a way to do this?

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Macro To End With Return To Top Of Worksheet?

Nov 22, 2012

When I run my macro, it always ends leaving me having to scroll my worksheet back to the top manually. Is there a way to simplify this by adding a line of code to the end?

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Excel 2010 :: Return Multiple Text Strings From Other Worksheet

Mar 7, 2014

I need a formula or array to perform the following in Excel 2010:

I have 2 worksheets "Master Report" and "Free text comments". The master report will be shaed with individuals but the Free Text comments worksheet will not.

sample feedback report.xlsx

In cells D2 downwards on the "Master Report" I want to show the individual feedback comments from the "Free Text comments" worksheet that have been made by other people for the individual named in cell A2 on the "Master Report" worksheet. So on James' master report it would show the 8 individual comments listed for him on the Free text comments" worksheet.

I have searched the internet and tried various combos of lookups, IFs, index and match but have not come across the right formula yet.

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Return From A Macro To The Calling Worksheet

Jan 6, 2009

how I can go back to the worksheet I was in before I branched off to work in another worksheet via a macro?

I know you can tell the macro which worksheet to go to, but not sure how to get vb to remember where I was and return to the same sheet (or even cell).

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Out Of Range - Copy Cell From Multiple Sheets In New Worksheet Column

Dec 14, 2012

Here's what I'm trying to do (improperly apparently!!):

Book1, ''Master'' is the sheet, I'm copying info into, and Company info are the sheets im getting info from each of my .xls files in a folder, ie cell C2. Just in case, to be clear, I have all my vba projects opened from each .xls book, and need to copy, from each .xls book, in Company info, cell C2 into Master column A:

Sub collate_cell_data()
Dim dest As Range, wbNew As Workbook, wb

Set wbNew = Workbooks.Add

[Code] .........

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Using VBA To Find Exact Or Nearest Match And Return From Data Sheets

May 15, 2014

I has number sheets with thousands rows of unsort data. I need to find the price, with optional name and date if given, to return the rows values.

Example from Summary sheet, to find the price range and return 3 rows (even there are four set of answers, highlighted in light blue), with sorting the highest price first.

Summary Sheet
Sheet name


Search Fields

[Code] ........

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Apply Macro To All Sheets/Worksheet In Workbook

Aug 31, 2006

I need to apply the following code to all the sheets in my workbook (they are all identical format)

rivate Sub mymacro1()
Application .OnTime TimeValue("10:27:00"), "MyMacro1"
Dim objOL As Object
Dim objItem As Object
Dim lngRow As Long

Set objOL = CreateObject(" Outlook.Application")

lngRow = 6
Do While activehsheet. Cells(lngRow, 1) <> ""
If ActiveSheet.Cells(lngRow, 6).Value < Date Then
Set objItem = objOL.CreateItem(0) 'constant olMailItem = 0

With objItem
.Body = "The training review for employee: " & ActiveSheet.Cells(lngRow - 5, 2) & " is due today """.....................

I don't know what syntax to use to 'globalise' if you like the macro to perform the action in the code to all the sheets.

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Extracting Data From One Massive Worksheet To Split To Smaller Sheets Of Data

May 20, 2008

10/05/0808:30:00 AMValid Card EntryLamDoor 1
10/05/0808:31:00 AMDoor Leave Open Door 1
10/05/0808:32:00 AMDoor Closed Door 1
10/05/0808:41:00 AMValid Card Exit Yap Door 1
10/05/0808:46:00 AMValid Card Exit Lam Door 2
10/05/0809:14:00 AMValid Card EntryLam Door 2
10/05/0810:18:00 AMValid Card Exit Lam Door 2
10/05/0810:19:00 AMValid Card Entry Yap Door 1
10/05/0810:40:00 AMValid Card Exit Yap Door 1
10/05/0810:42:00 AMValid Card EntryLamDoor 2
11/05/0808:30:00 AMValid Card EntryLamDoor 2
11/05/0808:20:00 AMValid Card EntryYapDoor 1
11/05/0810:20:00 AMValid Card Exit Lam Door 1
11/05/0811:40:00 AMValid Card Exit Yap Door 1

the above is the data i need to work with (dates are in dd/mm/yy). i need to find a way (a macro, preferably) to extract the date and time corresponding to one person, and paste it into a new sheet, e.g. at sheet 2 (renamed to "lam") should be

10/05/0808:30:00 AM 11/05/0808:30:00 AM
10/05/0808:46:00 AM 11/05/0810:20:00 AM
10/05/0809:14:00 AM
10/05/0810:18:00 AM
10/05/0810:42:00 AM

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Copy Template Worksheet To Multiple Worksheets And Incrementally Number Sheets In Workbook

Mar 25, 2014

I have what is probably a simple request to all the VBA experts out there, and simply want to take a template sheet in a workbook and copy it across to 100 sheets numbered/named 101 -200, and add the name of each sheet as a text reference, e.g. sheet name 101 will have a cell within the worksheet that refers to sheet 101.

I have attached a simplified spreadsheet which indicates what i'm trying to achieve.

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Grabbing Data With Multiple Criteria Across Multiple Sheets

Jun 24, 2014

I've attached a sample sheet to this message.

What I'm trying to do is grab data from the raw data sheet and paste it into the master sheet based off of certain criteria. I want to list any accounts that are not correct.

For example, I want to look through the Raw Data sheet, find the account that contains campaigns which are not correct, and then list the name of the account on the Master sheet. I only need the account name listed once on the Master sheet.

Sample Data.xlsx‎

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Search Worksheet For Data In Multiple Textboxes On Userform - Display In Temp Worksheet

Dec 23, 2013

I have a workbook with 4 worksheet that store different type of data. It also has a userform that load at start of the application which is to search the data in the workbook. The userform has a combobox where the names of the sheets are stored. when the user selects say Sheet2 in the combobox, it enables the relevant textboxes on the userform and activates the worksheet at the change event. The userform has a search button that searches all the worksheets based on the text entered in a textbox.

The problem: how to search based on 1 textbox. What I want is: say for e.g the end-user selects sheet2 from the combobox, this intern enables 4 textboxes (Name, DOB, Nationality, ID #) on the userform. The end-user should have the liberty to enter data in 1 and/or any of the textboxes. The search should be performed, that if data is only in 1 of any of textboxes then give all rows that fit that criteria and display in a temp worksheet. if say the name and dob is filled by the user than what matches both should be displayed in a temp worksheet. if say dob, name and ID# given so the search button should narrow down to fit all 3 criteria and then display result in temp worksheet. As if mentioned data can be entered in either just 1 or any or all textboxes.

E.g. the worksheet is (Columns are Name, Nationality, DOB, ID#)

row 1 = name: Steven Martin, DOB: 27-may-1993, Nationality: Trinidad & Tobago, ID #: 1234567
row 2 = name: Gary Richards, DOB: 2-FEB-1993, Nationality: British, ID #: 456789
row 3 = name: David Cohen, DOB: 27-May 1993, Nationality: American, ID #: 98765
row 4 = name: Roberto McDonalds, DOB 21-Jul-1962, Nationality: British, ID # 654321
row 5= name: Gary Richards, DOB: 01-Dec-1978, Nationality: Australian, ID # 1234567

Now if the user enters only name as "Gary Richards" and search then row 2 and 5 should be displayed in a temp worksheet. if user enters name Roberto McDonald and ID# 1234567 then it should not display anything. if user enters DOB 27-may-1993 and nationality British and ID # 1234567 then as well shouldn't display anything and should a msgbox "no data found".

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Run VB Macro On Multiple Sheets

Apr 17, 2009

Hi i have this macro below which works perfectly to clear the contents of column A. I will have multiple worksheets all named from 1,2,3,4,5 upto 50.

What i would like to do is modify this script below so it will run on the worksheets labelled above.

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Run Same Macro On Multiple Sheets?

Sep 8, 2012

I have a macro and I want to run that macro on multiple sheets. I don't know how to select multiple sheets. I have selected for example three worksheets.

I have used the following code but the code runs only on sheet 10. what do I need to do to make it work on all the sheets ?

Sub multiplemacro()
Dim wsh As Worksheet
Sheets(Array("Sheet10", "Sheet11", "Sheet12")).Select


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