Combining Sheets Into Single Workbook - Keep The File Source Name
Feb 21, 2014
I am trying to combine sheets from various workbooks into a single file named "Combine". The goal is to have the sheets in Combine indicating their origin.
For example, with:
"File_1" having 2 sheets, "Sheet1" and "Sheet2"
"File_2" having 1 sheet, "Sheet1"
the goal is to have a file "Combine-forum" with the sheets named:
"Sheet1(File_1)", "Sheet2(File_1)", "Sheet1(File_2)"
I have grabbed pieces of code from various sources and read on the forums, but the result is different from what I want; I don't succeed to add the file name to the sheet name. Instead of the file name, the second part of the sheet name appears to be the order in which the workbook have been opened.
To be clearer, what I get is:
"Sheet1(1)", "Sheet2(1)", "Sheet1(2)"
Attachments: 3 compressed files to be combined. I suggest to copy them in C:TEMP and to copy this path in the InputBox (see below). Combine-forum.xlsm Best working file that I have been able to create
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Mar 20, 2014
I am new to the VBA editing and I am missing some steps to get my files correctly generated and then ideally saved in PDF format in the same folder.
I have two files; one is an invoice template with the following fields:
Invoice Reference: Line 8 column D
Issue date: Line 9 column D
Client name: Line 11 column E&F
Client address: Line 12 column E&F
Product name: Line 16 column E&F
Product details: Line 18 column E&F
Production date: Line 20 column E&F
Delivery date: Line 22 column E&F
Units: Line 24 column E&F
Total Units: Line 26 column E&F
Total Invoiced: Line 30 column F
Each sheet in the "template" workbook should be named after the Invoice Reference.
Secondly I have the source file in which the data is organized as follows: (Both are in the same folder)
Invoice Reference: column A
Issue date: column B
Client name: column C
Client address: column D
Product name: F
Product details: column G
Production date: column H
Delivery date: column I
Units: column J
Total Units: column J
Total Invoiced: column E
One invoice needs to be created per line in the source workbook. I tried many times the macro recording without getting the correct outputs.
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Mar 22, 2013
I've got folder of 44 files - all copies of each other apart from the data entered in the cells - which have 7 worksheets in them all named differently (Each one is a different day of the week - this is the work of someone else that I have to work on !).
I want to copy the data in the columns A-R of each worksheet from row 2 to the last one with data in column M into a single file so that I can then then work on all that data in a single file..
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Aug 28, 2008
I am using Excel 2003 and need to save via VBA code a single tab in a workbook to a new workbook. I need to be able to specify the new workbook file name and location. The copy feature on the tab won't work because the data is too large and I get an ugly message using that option.
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Jan 5, 2014
I am trying to modify the macro that I have put together so that it executes only specific worksheets within a single workbook. In this example, I would like the macro to update worksheets A, B, and C but I have more sheets in my actual file. I am only able to get the macro to work on the active sheet. Attached is my workbook.
Sub HideColumns()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim myRange As Range
For Each myRange In Range("B5:M5")
[Code] .....
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Jun 30, 2006
I have 30 and above sheets in a work book and like that I am having 5 such
books. The sheets are named as 201, 202, 203 ....etc as per the contents in
that particular sheets. (201, 202 .....are the P.O nos.). all the work
sheets are of having similar format of datas.
Now what I need is if I want to look the details of one single sheet (say
324) I have go all the sheets one by one and it is hard to find out.
If any body give me a solution so that if I type a particular no. (forms
part of the name of the sheet) that sheet should appear for me.
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Dec 28, 2011
Call all data in new workbook or in single sheet from different sheets (except 1 or 2 sheet) of workbook. i already use some macro to hide some data from sheets so i want only filtered data.
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Feb 25, 2014
Is it possible to have a single userform put data into two separate sheets within the same workbook.
I have a userform set up for entering client data into a quote register,with no problems ( sheet 1)
A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9
What I would like is for the data to also go to sheet 2, where I have a form set up to print off for our technicians to take on site.
The problem will be that I would like the data A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9 not to store on this sheet after it is printed, so the next set on entries , can be printed etc.etc
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Feb 1, 2009
I have 2 sheets which validates data using vlookup.
Table 1ABResult1121232313
=VLOOKUP(A7,B:B,1,FALSE) is the formula in result1 column.
Sheet 2
Table 2DEResult21020102040203010#N/A
=VLOOKUP(F7,G:G,1,FALSE) is the formula in result2 column.
The basic idea of these vlookup is to check whether the data present in A or D column is present in B or E. If the data is there then it will be retrieved in "Result1" or "Result2" columns. If not then the result would return the value "#N/A".
What im trying to do is to copy the resultant data(from Result1, Result2) other than "#N/A" from individual sheets to a final consolidated sheet.
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Feb 6, 2012
I have an master excel file with 20 sheets with names x,y,z,a,b,c,f,.... Each and every sheet has data which start from Row 7 and Column 2. Now i need to consolidate this data in one sheet in another excel file.
Consolidation should be like
Suppose X sheet has 20 rows and 4 columns of data which starts from Row 7 and Column 2, this data has to be copied and pasted in my new excel file copied on my desktop. Now first 20 rows are occupied in new excel file.
Now code should move on to master excel file Sheet Y which has 45 rows and 4 columns of data which starts from Row 7 and Column 2,this data has to be copied and pasted in my new excel file from row 21, which means Master excel file sheets has to be clubbed to one consolidated excel file.
In All the sheets in Master file Data starts from Row 7 and column 2.
Data range varies row wise in each sheet but column length is fixed to 4.
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Aug 11, 2012
I have a workbook with many sheets labelled as mmm-yyyy. The constant columns in all the sheets are C,E,R,T, and U.
Is it possible to have a macro do the following: Add a sheet called Summary at the end of the workbook. From the last sheet of mmm-yyyy, copy columns C, E, and R to the Summary sheet. Copy columns T and U from all the other mmm-yyyy sheets to the Summary sheet. All the cells need to be centered.
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Jun 30, 2014
my macro comes up with an error on the Consolidate line that says 'Cannot add duplicate source reference'. I have a workbook with a variable number of tabs and I want to consolidate-sum (not copy and paste) the data from the various sheets onto a summary sheet within the same workbook. I'm at the point where it all works fine until it hits Consolidate.
Option Explicit
Sub ConsolidateExport()
' ConsolidateExport Macro
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Jan 25, 2010
I need a macro to do the following
1.Get list of .xls files from specified folder.
2.Append the files in new workbook in same folder.
I want to get the list of Sample_*.xls and
create Sample.xls master file which adds the above three .xls as sheets in it.
Actually my macro as below
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Jun 6, 2007
I am having difficulties copying a entire workbook into a separate new workbook (to make a number value copy for printing and saving purposes). My problem is the hidden sheets are not always hidden and the unhidden sheets are sometimes hidden. This all depends on a different macro that i am running through the workbook.
sometimes i need sheets 1,2,4 to be copied to the new workbook
other times i need 1,2,3 to be copied to the new workbook
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May 8, 2008
how to import an excel data file into another excel file? I have a file with a tab full of data that I need to import into another file and then I have to manipulate the data. I have figured out how to use an opendialoge box to select the file but after that i'm not sure how to get it into my file.
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Apr 9, 2013
I have a HUGE spreadsheet (1,000,000 rows) that contains a series of reports. The first row of the report contains all of the report identification numbers. The next 20-50 rows contains the report details, all in column A. Then the report ends with a cell in column A containing "[report_end]" and then on the next row the next report begins.
I would like to compress the report details all into a single cell in column A so that there is only one row for each report, sort of like this:
AA | BB | CC | DD
AA | BB | CC | DD
AA xyz 123 [end_report] | BB | CC | DD
AA xyz 123 [end_report] | BB | CC | DD
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Aug 20, 2009
I have about 20 choices I'd like a user to select from and have the text output to a single cell.
Just create a Data Validation List? Yeah, but that only allows you to select ONE of the items in the list -- I want to select as few as zero and as many as all 20, combining the resulting text into a single string - space or comma delimited.
My first thought was checkboxes, but all I can seem to figure out is how to get ONE of the results into the cell, meaning I'm better off with the Data Validation List because it's easier.
Especially since I need to repeat this for as many as 200 or 300 lines,
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Jun 24, 2006
I have a base excel file for summarizing some data, the problem is that the data comes from a different excel spreadsheet. What I want to do is make a function that pulls the data from another spreadsheet into my base file. It would be easy if it were just one excel sheet, but this job would require where the data is pulled from a data file which has many modified versions.
Can anyone tell me how to do this? The files with the data will be structured the exact same but with different data entered in. I just want a button so I can click the file I want the data from and have it show up on my summarizing base file.
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Sep 13, 2009
I have a set of related variables that are split over multiple worksheets, and I need to be able to take specific information, duplicate certain values and produce an output sheet for use in a separate piece of software.
The variables are:
Position Number (Sheet 1)
Position Title (Sheets 1 and 2)
Position Requirement (Sheet 2)
Requirement Importance (Sheet 2)
The output sheet requires a list of all the requirements for each position number, which means the position number itself needs duplicating (in new rows) X number of times, where X is the number of requirements assigned. The appropriate requirements are then to be pasted in next to each position number (and the requirements can be found by comparing position number to title, and from title to requirements).
Normally, I’d be able to do this using lookups and so forth, but my problem arises when I have multiple position numbers with the same related title (in the attached example, there are three plumbers with unique position numbers). I can’t figure out how to say to Excel “a plumber has five requirements, and there are three plumbers, so duplicate each position number for each plumber five times, then insert the appropriate qualifications (and their associated importance values) next to the position numbers”.
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Mar 9, 2014
I am trying to generate several pivot tables from one data source table. I have successfully created my first pivot table (A date field, and a water storage facility level reading) and subsequently a graph from this. I have worked out that I need to group my dates as I am supplied a daily reading, but only need monthly average. All worked great.
Now i need to create more pivot tables and graphs. The next one I want is to create one grouped by years. But when I create this new pivot table and change the grouping of the date field to yearly, it also changes the grouping on my first pivot table, which is undoing my work.How to tell excel that these pivots are independent, and I don't want them changing in unison? See screen grab of my source data and where I am up to...
Microsoft Excel - 401027_0100.00_0221.00.csv_2014-03-10_11-41-35.jpg
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Aug 12, 2009
I need to copy a range of values (actually two ranges). The ranges are of fixed size. Le't say A2:D20 and E2:H20.
Both workbooks have the exact same layout, and they both have the same named worksheet (in this case it's called Entry). However the actual filename of the source workbook is unknown. I know numerous users have changed the filename of the xls file.
I want to instruct them to open the old and new workbook, and open a third workbook containing the copy macro, they run the macro and it copies the data.
How can I reference a known worksheet name but of an unknown workbook name esp when the source and destination share the worksheet name?
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Jul 17, 2014
I am working with multiple workbooks with several tabs in each one. I need the forumula to update the "sheet name" from the source workbook even if the destination workbook is closed.
this is a portion of the forumula I am working with:
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Jun 6, 2014
I want see if it's possible to take the name of the source workbook and put it in a cell in my destination workbook and then use that as the reference in formulas. The source document title includes a date that changes yearly, or in some instances changes entirely, and I want to keep the formulas in the destination workbook intact. I don't want to have to go to every instance where I have used the source workbook and change the title. Instead I would like to copy the source workbook title, paste it into the destination in the same cell and have that propogate the needed changes into the destination workbook formulas.
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Oct 24, 2013
I need to combine multiple sheets in to one sheet. Each sheet has a column with unique identifiers but other columns have different data. The model is attached.
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Jul 17, 2008
I had a Costs file which had a sheet per product (about 30) and a totals sheet with a basic 3D sum in each cell.
Columns A:E held the cost codes and descriptions and then column F onwards were a column per month showing any associated costs for a six year plan.
This file was cumbersome and not user-friendly, as they then linked into the 30 different product files, so I've effectively moved every sheet from this file into the relevant product file, so the cumbersome Costs file no longer exists.
This works much better. However, I still want a summary page to show me the total costs of all of these products.
Can I do some kind of SUMPRODUCT, or INDEX MATCH to take the cost for Code 13011234 for Jan 08 from each of the 30 files, without having to make a copy of each sheet or write a long winded suma+sumb etc?
NOTE: Not all sheets contain all codes (although they did for the previous 3D sums). My master list does, but I don't want any errors if code 13011234 is not found on one of the sheets.
Also, all of the sheets are now called COSTS within each of the individual files.
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Feb 6, 2007
I have three sheets within an excel file and I wish to run a macro to pull the results into one sheet. The individual sheets may vary in size and length so I want to copy all opf the used- range(?). I attach an example of the three sheets and an end result sheet.
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Mar 14, 2008
I have the below macro in a workbook that I need to combine the two sheets into one, (sheet1 and sheet2). Both sheets in use column "A" for id, but for some reason it is only copying over sheet one? One sheet has 12 columns and the other has 13, not sure if that is making the difference?
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Nov 26, 2006
I have a macro that someone else wrote. it is suppose to combine multiple sheets into one. the problem is that when it combines the information it is adding rows between the info. I would like it to just put the info on the next available row and begin there. here is the macro.....
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Mar 11, 2008
I have multiple sheets within a workbook, where the sheetnames will always be changing.
Inside of these worksheets there is data that will be different, the starting cell of the range is allways the same and the number of columns is constant. The number of rows changes. I need a code that will go to each worksheet, define and copy the range on that sheet and paste it onto a summary sheet, in order.
I would like to collect all the data and put it onto one sheet.
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May 31, 2013
loop and range function to apply in the below code through which I can avoid writing code for all the rows.
I am trying to open excel files located in single folder from files name (along with the path) in single worksheet (Column B and Row 1 to 500).
I have created follwing code which opens the file and then runs a macro in it.
a Sub Test()
Dim strFName As String
strFName = Sheet1.Range("B2").Value
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