To Consolidate Data From 2 Or More Sheets To A Single Sheet Within A Workbook

Feb 1, 2009

I have 2 sheets which validates data using vlookup.


Table 1ABResult1121232313

=VLOOKUP(A7,B:B,1,FALSE) is the formula in result1 column.
Sheet 2

Table 2DEResult21020102040203010#N/A

=VLOOKUP(F7,G:G,1,FALSE) is the formula in result2 column.

The basic idea of these vlookup is to check whether the data present in A or D column is present in B or E. If the data is there then it will be retrieved in "Result1" or "Result2" columns. If not then the result would return the value "#N/A".

What im trying to do is to copy the resultant data(from Result1, Result2) other than "#N/A" from individual sheets to a final consolidated sheet.

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Consolidate In Excel VBA For Multiple Variable Length Sheets In Single Workbook

Jun 30, 2014

my macro comes up with an error on the Consolidate line that says 'Cannot add duplicate source reference'. I have a workbook with a variable number of tabs and I want to consolidate-sum (not copy and paste) the data from the various sheets onto a summary sheet within the same workbook. I'm at the point where it all works fine until it hits Consolidate.

Option Explicit
Sub ConsolidateExport()
' ConsolidateExport Macro


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How To Call All Data In New Workbook Or In Single Sheet From Different Sheets

Dec 28, 2011

Call all data in new workbook or in single sheet from different sheets (except 1 or 2 sheet) of workbook. i already use some macro to hide some data from sheets so i want only filtered data.

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Macro To Consolidate 20 Workbook Sheets Into One Sheet

May 12, 2011

I have 20 excel files each having more that 1000 records, the format and header for all the files are same.

I need to consolidate all these 20 different files into one excel sheet, having only one header row at the top. Since I need to perform this step frequently, I am planning to automate it.

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Select Sheets In Workbook Then Consolidate Data

Feb 8, 2014

* I have a workbook, with different sheets (with sheet name as Home, RawData, Data1, Data2, Data3, ...), these sheets are not fixed
* FYI... sheet (home) has a VBA code which on running creates a new sheet and pull data from some other source (So the sheet number is not fixed in the workbook, but the newly added sheet is named in a specific format as Data1, Data2, Data3, ...)
* So we can say, that the sheet number and name are not fixed (It keeps on changing)
* All these sheets have data in the same format starting from range A2:J2, except sheet(home)

Two things i am trying to do:-
- Select sheets from the workbook (to be consolidated)
- Consolidate selected sheets in a new sheet

Here is the sample file Select sheet then consolidate.xlsm

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Consolidate Data From Many Sheets To One Sheet

Sep 30, 2006

I'am have one data file with so many sheets those need to edit and bring them to final summary sheet.

I dont know how to move between sheets and edit them automatically.

Editing will need to add the brand name next to the variance name and the sheet name in one new column. And bringing those rows with completed data only to All sheet from those sheets in workbook.

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Selecting A Single Sheet From A Volume Of Sheets In A Workbook

Jun 30, 2006

I have 30 and above sheets in a work book and like that I am having 5 such
books. The sheets are named as 201, 202, 203 ....etc as per the contents in
that particular sheets. (201, 202 .....are the P.O nos.). all the work
sheets are of having similar format of datas.

Now what I need is if I want to look the details of one single sheet (say
324) I have go all the sheets one by one and it is hard to find out.

If any body give me a solution so that if I type a particular no. (forms
part of the name of the sheet) that sheet should appear for me.

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Copy Columns From Multiple Sheets To Single Sheet In Workbook?

Aug 11, 2012

I have a workbook with many sheets labelled as mmm-yyyy. The constant columns in all the sheets are C,E,R,T, and U.

Is it possible to have a macro do the following: Add a sheet called Summary at the end of the workbook. From the last sheet of mmm-yyyy, copy columns C, E, and R to the Summary sheet. Copy columns T and U from all the other mmm-yyyy sheets to the Summary sheet. All the cells need to be centered.

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How To Consolidate One Month Individual Report In Single Sheet

Jul 7, 2012

Every month I need to consolidate the individual report in a single sheet for that I was doing with copy paste options but I need this to happen through macro or some other short way.

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How To Have Single Userform Put Data Into Two Separate Sheets Within Same Workbook

Feb 25, 2014

Is it possible to have a single userform put data into two separate sheets within the same workbook.

I have a userform set up for entering client data into a quote register,with no problems ( sheet 1)

A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9

What I would like is for the data to also go to sheet 2, where I have a form set up to print off for our technicians to take on site.

The problem will be that I would like the data A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9 not to store on this sheet after it is printed, so the next set on entries , can be printed etc.etc

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Consolidate Various Sheets In One Workbook

Apr 26, 2014

i have a workbook with multiple spreadsheets A1, A2, A3, A4, ...... and I have information in each table, i need a macro to select the range of information and consolidate them into another file, ie the macro would say:

Enter the desired range of sheets:

I would input: from A31 to A34

and create a new new workbook called CONSOLIDATED



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Transferring Data From Many Sheets To A Single Sheet

Sep 21, 2009

I'm loving these new formulas that i'm learning here and applying them to whatever sheets i come across to make my life easier at work...

So now i've created another worksheet, this one is to help my colleague who wastes atleast an hour everyday to generate a consolidated report of our bank accounts...

Now i've sorted out half of the report where he can give an overview of the position of cash flow on a daily basis.

Theres however 1 more addition i wanted to make to make this workbook absolutely perfect!

On sheet 2 (which is my consolidated report sheet) I want to add all the transactions that occur on a particular date from all the different bank accounts (Each account having a seperate worksheet)

I'm not sure if advanced filters can achieve this or not or even easier/short macros... Any tips/hints as to how i can achieve this would be awsome..

I've attached a sample workbook which has sheet1 for a bank account and sheet2 for report generation...

I want to add all the rows having "Clearing date" (column A) in Sheet1 to report date in Sheet2
..And this for all the account sheets i can add...

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Copy Data From Multiple Sheets To Single Sheet

Feb 5, 2008

trying to copy data from multiple sheets to one single sheet. I am pretty sure this is possible. The problem I am running into is that the number of sheets at any given time is dynamic. The numbering of the sheets is from 000 to 999 (they must be a three-digit code). The other issue I am having is I only want to copy the rows in each sheet that have an "x" in column "A". Also, the row in which the first "x" occurs can differ from sheet to sheet. I have attached a copy of the spreadsheet that indicates how the spreadsheet is layed out.

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Copy Data From Single Sheet To Multiple Sheets

Jan 23, 2009

I recieve a daily spreadsheet with ~25,000 rows of data and is 4 columns wide. Each day I need to break the data equally up into 19 or 20 different sheets within the same workbook. This is very time consuming as I need to copy the first ~1,000 rows and paste it into the first sheet, then I need to take the next ~1,000 rows and paste it into the second sheet, and so on.

I have attached a small example with desired output. In my example, the raw data file contains 19 records. For these 19 records, I need to distribute the records evenly between 5 individual sheets. In this case, each sheet will contain 4 records or less.

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Distribute Data In Single Sheet To Multiple Sheets

Sep 23, 2009

The worksheet is formatted as follows: It contains data in columns A-L. I want to breakdown the data further into sheets according to the data that is found in column G. As an example, say I have 1,000 rows of data and in column G there are a number of different branch numbers in each row. So there may be 250 rows with branch 450, another 250 rows with branch 360, another 200 rows with branch 777, and finally 200 rows with branch 888. In this case I want to create 4 new sheets (450, 360, 777, and 888) and copy only the data in the main sheet that corresponds to same branch.

Actions would be as follows:
copy 250 rows to tab "450"
copy 250 rows to tab "360"
copy 200 rows to tab "777"
copy 300 rows to tab "888"

Any comments are much appreciate. I have attached a data sample along with desired output, if needed. One note: the data comes in each day as one single sheet of data and the number of branches varies day-to-day, as such, code would need to create new sheets for each branch found.

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Simultaneously Copying Data From Multiple Sheets To A Single Sheet

Jun 4, 2009

I have a workbook containing about 20 sheets. I need to find a way of pasting all the numbers in the A column in each sheet (sheets 1-20) to the last sheet so I get a great big list of all the numbers in the 20 sheets. How would I go about doing this?

Right now I'm cutting and pasting from sheet 1 to my last sheet, then from sheet 2 to my last sheet, then from sheet 3 to my last sheet... Is there a quicker way? The ranges in each of the sheets start at A2 and go down a few cells. Sheet 4 might have 4 numbers in the A column, sheet 12 might have 47, sheet 17 might have 8 and so on.

How would I go about getting all the A columns in the sheets to the last sheet?

I'll throw up a few screenshots if the problem is unclear

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Consolidate All Data From All Worksheets Into A Single Worksheet?

Jan 27, 2014

how to consolidate all data from all worksheets into a single worksheet(master sheet)?


In the attachment, data for worksheet 1 will be added to the masterlist and worksheet 2 will follow.

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Consolidate Multiple Rows Of Data Into Single Row

Jul 28, 2006

I imagine my goal could be achieved via some scripting code, but, alas, I don't do vbs. Here's the situation:
I have a spreadsheet generated by another office which lists individuals' names and information about participation in various programs. Each line lists name, address, program title and amount. The next line may be the same name, address with a different program and amount. Each person may have 4-5 entries. I want to make single entries for each individual, with colums showing the programs and amounts.
ID Name Address Program Amount
1 Bob home A 25
1 Bob home B 37
2 Dave home A 22
2 Dave home B 10
2 Dave home C 21

ID Name Address Program A Program B Program C
1 Bob home 25 37 0
2 Dave home 22 10 21

Hopefully this makes it a bit more clear. The only way I know how to accomplish this is the "old fashioned" long hand approach of cut & paste. There are several thousand individuals, with (currently) tens of thousands of rows.

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Copy Data From Multiple Sheets From Workbook1 To Single Sheet In Workbook2

Aug 14, 2014

Following is my query:

There are two workbooks , Workbook1 and Workbook2

Workbook1 has only 1 sheet (Sheet name is Final) with multiple rows Tiger,Lion,Goat etc..

Workbook2 has multiple sheets (Tiger,Lion,Goat .... so on)

Each sheet Tiger, Lion, Goat has different no of rows but same no.of coloums.

I want to copy the data from all the sheets in Workbook2 to one sheet Workbook1

ie., once i execute my macro the final output in Workbook1 should contain Tiger under that all the rows from sheet tiger(Workbook2),Goat under that all the rows from sheet Goat(Workbook2) ,Lion under that all the rows from sheet Lion(Workbook2).

Here rows should be inserted in Workbook1 and in these inserted rows we should copy data from respective sheets of Workbook2

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Copying Data From Multiple Sheets To Single Sheet In New Excel File

Feb 6, 2012

I have an master excel file with 20 sheets with names x,y,z,a,b,c,f,.... Each and every sheet has data which start from Row 7 and Column 2. Now i need to consolidate this data in one sheet in another excel file.

Consolidation should be like

Suppose X sheet has 20 rows and 4 columns of data which starts from Row 7 and Column 2, this data has to be copied and pasted in my new excel file copied on my desktop. Now first 20 rows are occupied in new excel file.

Now code should move on to master excel file Sheet Y which has 45 rows and 4 columns of data which starts from Row 7 and Column 2,this data has to be copied and pasted in my new excel file from row 21, which means Master excel file sheets has to be clubbed to one consolidated excel file.

In All the sheets in Master file Data starts from Row 7 and column 2.

Data range varies row wise in each sheet but column length is fixed to 4.

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Consolidate Rows Of Data Based On Single Column?

Aug 16, 2014

I have thousands and thousands of rows of data which look like the spreadsheet screen shot shown in this image:


I want to consolidate them so that they look like the spreadsheet screen shot shown in this image:


How to insert it into a module in the VBA editor.

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Code To Copy Data From Dif.cells In A Sheet To A Single Row In Another Workbook

Mar 3, 2008

I have a workbook ("CaTr") Sheet1 has data ranging ("B2:I41").

There are about 30 cells values (scattered) which needs to be copied in a workbook "CA_Log" in one single next available row .

As soon as the CaTr.sheet1 is filled I want the operator to click a button to trigger this event. Then the sheet1 in workbook CaTr should be saved as "G3" cell value.

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Import Data From Several Closed Workbooks To A Single Sheet In An Open Workbook

Aug 3, 2009

I need to import the data from a specific sheet (same named sheet on all closed workbooks) to a sheet in an open workbook. All the columns are identical in every workbook but the number of rows is variable, so the data from each subsequent workbook must be appended to the end of the current data.

Whenever a button is pressed, this macro will clear the sheet, then import the data starting in A3. The workbooks are in different folders but they all have the same name, so some sort of explorer window will probably be needed to actually select each file.

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Consolidate Multiple Worksheets Into A Master Sheet Same Workbook

Jul 22, 2008

l need to consolidate up to 3 columns of data from a varied number of worksheets within the same workbook. The sheets are (format/layout) structured in the same way. The columns need to get added next to each other in the consolidation sheet.

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Macro To Consolidate Data From Multiple Sheets To One

Feb 11, 2014

I have the following macro, however I am struggling to make it work on my file:

[Code] .....

I have attached my sample. essentially i have the dec, jan etc month tabs to consolidate into the summary sheet. i would like the data to be dumped from both sheets into the summary sheets. i will be adding a feb, march, april etc tabs as the year progresses.

I would also like column A in the summary sheet to repeat the name of the sheet the data is being retrieved from.

Attached File : sample macro_issue01.xlsm

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Consolidate Data From Multiple Sheets & Workbooks

Sep 23, 2007

I have been working on this project for some time and still haven't got anywhere with it. What I am essentially trying to do is create a master summary workbook where by you press a button to activate a chunk of VBA that will grab the same range of data from multiple workbooks but also multiple sheets in those workbooks, only problem is the number of sheets in each workbook are constantly changing so I need first find some way of accessing a closed workbooks, then I need a way of looping through a segment of code that will look into approximately 10 workbooks all with a different number of sheets and taking a fixed range of cells out of each sheet and for every workbook make a new tab and paste the information in that tab then move onto the next workbook, find the number of tabs (missing out the first 3 tabs of every workbook) and copy and paste the fixed range from each tab onto a new tab the summary workbook.
I will then have a summary workbook with a number of tabs, each one a different workbook with all the data from all the tabs in that workbook, I can then pull that information using formulas or some more VBA into a summary tab on the summary workbook, consolidating all of the information.

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Copy, Transpose & Consolidate Data From Multiple Sheets

Jan 25, 2010

writing a macro that could save me loads of time. In the attached file there are 2 separate sheets of data ( named "Elements Innovation" and "Dinttap") that I need copied, pasted, transposed and consolidated into one master sheet (named "Desired result"). Note that the fields that relevant cells are highlighted in yellow. In reality I'll have many (~100) of these sheets that I need the data extracted from, and the work looks like it can be automated using VBA to speed things up.

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Compare Data In Two Sheets And Write It In Another Sheet In Same Workbook?

Apr 16, 2013

The attached excel file arrivals page and departures page Serial number to compare current on the data up-to-date page, I want to copy.

up-to-date on the "F" column is copied to the page on which you need to print.

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Macro To Copy Data From All Of Sheets In One Workbook Over To One Sheet In Another?

Mar 10, 2014

computer just doesn't have the horsepower to run all of the sheets and the formulas and put them together on one sheet in the same workbook.

I was wondering if it would be possible to take the identically arranged sheets from one book and paste the VALUES over to One page in another book.

I'm guessing you'd need to know the directory of the workbook and the title?

Below is the macro i run to compile in to one page in same workbook: (Summary3 is an arbitrary name for the new page, HEADERS is the name of the page that holds the headers for all of the categories, 2014 URL, RAP and DB_Template are the three sheets that I don't want to copy in to this new page)

The headers are in each sheet from B2:DL2 and the data would be from B3:DL75.

I am looking for an update to the following macro that would paste all of the VALUES from each of these sheets in to a new workbook on a single page.

Sub CopyAll()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Sheets.Add.Name = "Summary3"
Sheets("Summary3").rows(1).value = Sheets("Headers").rows(1).value
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If ws.Name <> "2014 URL" And ws.Name <> "RAP" And ws.Name <> "DB_Template" And ws.Name <> "Summary" Then
Range("B2:DL75").Copy Sheets("Summary3").Range("B" & Rows.count).End(3)(2)
End If
Next ws
End Sub

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Sending Data From Input Sheet To Other Sheets In A Workbook?

Dec 11, 2009

I am trying to set up a new workbook for my home accounting, this will consist of a seperate sheet for each item which will store the monthly payment data and a master data input sheet, where i intend to select the month and year from a drop down list, then input the amount in each entry for that month. hopefully i will then be able to hit enter and all data will be sent to its corresponding position in its relevent sheet.

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