Conditional Formatting - Full Row/Column
Oct 13, 2009
If a cell in Column F = Closed Then, the entire row is filled green. If a cell in Column F = Open Then, the entire row is red with a strike through. I'm guessing this is simple, but I can only conditionally format on a cell-by-cell basis right now
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Feb 27, 2014
I have a worksheet with a lot of different conditions applied to a lot of cells. I'd like to do some housekeeping, but to do that, I would like a clear and complete list of all cells that have conditional formats attached to them, and what the formula/criteria is for applying said format. I don't even care what the formatting is, but that would be nice too.
So, when I go to my "Conditional Formatting" screen, I get something like:
Now, this doesn't show me much of anything about what the formula actually is. I need to select it and look around. I'd rather just get a full listing of what the rule says...
And where I might have the same rule applied to different ranges of cells And so on.
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Nov 17, 2011
Working in Excel 2007. I am using excel for a data log (basically) and want it to format all empty cells in a row yellow if there is data in column A
Basically, If i have a value in A2, I want any empty cell between B2-G2 to be filled in yellow (as an idicator to the inputter that the cell needs to be completed).
there is already conditional formatting on these cells, which i want to maintain for the non-empty cells. I also have "0" as a value, so I couldn't use the basic conditional formatting setting it =0, it highlighted cells with $0.00, which i do not want.
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Oct 18, 2008
when the largest number in column B the hotel in column A should be in bold.
So in excel language IF(Number in B Is Max display corresponding hotel in column A as BOLD. But I can't figure out how to do this.
You can see here on the image:
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Feb 1, 2014
I have a column containing 8760 item (365*24), I divided them into days, one column for each day, modifying a macro I found here. Now I want to conditionally format these columns in themselves with color scales. But if I select 365 columns at the same time and do it, it takes the highest and lowest of all the numbers and format. I want it to format each column using the highest and lowest values in itself. How do I do this without selecting every column one by one and turning conditional formatting on manually?
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Mar 26, 2008
I've copied a sample of my worksheet below (there are 52 of these in my workbook). i'd like excel to place conditional formatting in column M (i.e. "Promo Proice Per Unit"). So that if the price is different to the price in column L (i.e. "Shelf Price Per Unit") then excel will apply conditional formatting to the corresponding cell in column M.
So for example, in row 10 (product 5) the promo price (column M) is different to the shelf price (column L). It'd be great if excel wold then automatically format that cell as the example in the below table (i did the formatting manually).
When i tried to do this using the format/conditional formatting way i couldnt figure out how to tell excel what to do as its a little more advanced than the options that it gives you in that window?
******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Book2___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutH1=HIJKLMN1Week commencing - 04-Aug-08 ??? 2 Weekly Baseline Sales Log BaseRetail Price 3Account A 4 Sales MTSales UnitsSales - Shelf Price per UnitPromo Price per Unit% Discount5 6Product1 789.5 3,158.0 6.671$4.19$4.190.07Product2 1,529.0 1,529.0 7.332$4.19$4.190.08Product3 1,373.0 5,492.0 7.225$0.00$0.000.09Product4 8.2 16.4 2.105$0.00$0.000.010Product5 1,636.5 6,546.0 7.400$4.19$3.490.011Product6 1,363.0 5,452.0 7.217$4.29$4.290.012Product7 2,829.0 5,658.0 7.948$6.99..........................................
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Jan 29, 2010
I want a to include conditional formatting for Column D in my spreadsheet to highlight cells that have information in them but that are less than 17 digits. (The cell will be filled with alpha & numeric data)
How do I do this?
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Dec 21, 2013
I'm trying to build a simple spreadsheet that allows me to auto highlight the day in the week and part of the column.
I include a sample sheet... above saturday there is the formula I use to determine the day of the week.
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Feb 17, 2014
I have a value in column H7 as 2000.
I have columns M to X labeled Jan to Dec. I want to highlight in yellow values in the row M7 to X7 if they are greater than 2000!
Then, I need to copy this conditional formatting down the columns under M to X, but under column H the values will be different, but I still want the same results, values greater than the value under column H then highlight in yellow.
I thought I had the answer but when I tried to copy down, it was making cells yellow that were clearly less than the column H value.
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Nov 5, 2013
I have a query relating to conditional highlighting - specifically highlighting a cell's column and row based upon whether it contains data or not i.e. if it is blank, it's column and row remain unhighlighted, but when it contains data, it's column and row should become highlighted. I could probably manage this myself but I have a few more specific requirements which I have illustrated with a few screenshots, however I can't see how to make these available to view here!I
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Jun 29, 2006
I have made a sample file with conditional formatting. The file contains 3 sheets which contain a number of orders. Conditional formatting is changing colour of the whole line depending on value in column C. The formatting contains reference to a certain cell in column C. It is very easy to make when the lists are so short: I make conditional formatting for line 2 with reference to cell C2, copy formats in the other 2 lines and change formula references to C3 and C4. However in the original spreadsheet there might be more than 5000 lines per sheet and it will be too time consuming to correct the formulas manually. Does anyone know how I can make a reference to column C without specifying each particular cell?
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Mar 25, 2014
I created added conditional formatting to the Response Due column, to keep track of when response was due.
I only want the conditional formatting to be applied if the cell next to it is blank.
For example, the last one on my attachment is due 3/26/14 but I have already submitted a response (see column K)
What can I add so that only those dates next to a blank in column K get the conditional formatting?
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Jan 6, 2010
I have a spreadsheet where column H can be either yes or no. When column H changes to Yes I want the background of the whole row to change to Red.
e.g. Cell H4 contains the word no. I then change this so that it says "yes". I want the background of row 4 to go red. so A4, b4, c4, d4, e4, h4 all go red.
With the type of conditional formatting i normally do i can only get cell H4 to go Red by putting cell value = yes as the condition. I cant for the life of me think of a formula or way round of doing this.
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May 18, 2013
I want to have Excel highlight one or two numbers/cells in one column based on the value in another cell. I am attempting to do this using Conditional Formatting.
For example, if X1 is BETWEEN A2 and A3, I want to highlight A2 AND A3. I have used various AND and IF functions to achieve this goal.
Also, if X1 is EQUAL to A2, I want A2 to be highlighted. This is easy to do with a simple formula.
But my problem is this: if X1 is equal to A2, I want ONLY A2 highlighted. If X1 is between A2 and A3, I want BOTH A2 and A3 highlighted. I cannot figure out how to achieve both. For example, when X1 = A3, A2 AND A3 are being highlighted, instead of just A3. I would prefer to do this without a macro, if possible. Can this be done?
Example formulas I have tried which easily achieve the highlighting of two cells when the value is between them:
Condition 1=IF(AND($I$35>I8,$I$35<I7),1," ")+IF($I$35<>I7,1," ")
Condition 2=IF(AND($I$35<I6,$I$35>I8),1," ")+IF($I$35<>I7,1," ")
It appears that the +IF, etc. functions are not doing anything.
This is more complicated by the fact that the value of, in the above example, I35 is based on a value from another sheet (I used a function to transfer a value from one sheet to I35 in the other sheet). As data are entered on Sheet1, the value in I35 in Sheet2 changes.
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Sep 29, 2011
I am putting together a worksheet with all my teams tasks. I have columns A:U and Status is column "M". What i want to do is when ever i select Complete from the list in Column "M" i want to the row to turn Green.
I tried the following:
Selected the Range
From Conditional Formatting menu selected Manage rules
Selected new rule then Use formula to determine which cells to format
formula i used =$M$2=complete and selected green from the format menu
BUT nothing is happening. What am I doing wrong.
BTW the Values in Column are Complete,Development, Not Started Research, QA/UAT. If I can conditionally format based on these selections that would be even better.
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Mar 7, 2012
I have a column of cells containing dates. I need to change the colour of any cell which is 7 days older than todays date. I would like to leave the header and any blank cells unchanged. Every formula I've tried has changed the enire column, or if I selected a range, the entire range.
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Oct 11, 2013
I am totally new to Macros. I need a Macro which should format a column based on the value of another column.
Consider I have 10 rows. I have to format column D, based on the value of Column E. If the value of Column E is > 1000, then the background color of Column D should be changed as green. The most important requirement is Column E should be invisible, Changing the font color of Column E as White does not seem ok cuz when we select the sheet entirely using Ctrl+A, the white values are very much visible. Can this be achieved using a macro?
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Feb 25, 2009
I'm trying to highlight cells a certain color based on the value of the cell 1 column to the left. How would I be able to do this in conditional formatting?
Highlight the cells in "Visit 2" column if it is greater than the "Projected Visit 2" column.
NameProjected Visit 2Visit 2Person 124-Nov-0820-Nov-08Person 226-Jan-0927-Jan-09Person 32-Jan-082-Jan-08Person 430-Dec-0829-Dec-08Person 46-Nov-0830-Oct-08
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Dec 2, 2013
I'm having to successfully add three conditional formatting rules, and associated cell interior colour formats if any of the rules are met.
Each time I run my macro, I want to refresh every cell, within a defined range within a Col P, with these rules.
So far, I can add the three rules to each cell, but when I try and add the format colour - for when a rule is met - I keep getting a 'Subscript out of range error'.
(As an aside, is my For / Next loop approach the best one to take to add the formatting to each cell, or can it be written much simpler?)
Here's my script:
Dim Col_P As Range
Dim Cell_in_ColP As Long
'Set up range of cells to add conditional formatting rules to
Set Col_P = Worksheets("tRIIO Pack Notices").Cells(2, 16).Resize(Lrow - 1)
[Code] ......
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May 24, 2014
conditional formatting in Excel. I have two columns with pertinent information. I need to know the following and format accordingly:
1. Is the number in column A positive or negative?
2. Is the number in column B less than 0.05 or 0.10?
I would then like Column C to just be highlighted a certain color depending on the combination... there are 5 possible combinations and I would like the cells to be formatted so that:
1. Positive and less than 0.05 - Bright yellow
2. Positive and less than 0.10 - Pale yellow
3. Negative and less than 0.05 - Bright green
4. Negative and less than 0.10 - Pale green
5. This "combo" just means the criteria wasn't meant... which is possible b/c sometimes Column A may have text instead of a number of b/c the number in column B is not less than 0.10. If either of these is true, I want the cell to remain blank.
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Jul 2, 2014
Cells in Column F change colour under certain conditions. How do I cancel or apply no format to cells in Column F if any date is entered in Column G.
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Mar 26, 2009
I want to format 3 columns in excel depending on certain value from another column.
By example: I have the columns A B C completed with some text. On the column D it will be the numbers 0 or 1. If the number is 0 the background color from A,B,C columns shall be Green, if the number is 1 the color shall be red.
I have tried in conditional formatting with the formula =$D$1=0 but the color of the columns are changing only depending on the value from cell D1. I don't know what is the correct formula. For column A1 I want to check the value from D1, A2 - D2, A3 - D3,...,An - Dn.
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Sep 16, 2009
I have a spreadsheet showing names, quality percentages and times taken to answer a call in 3 columns. I would like to highlight the cells that fall within the top 20% of those shown (e.g. if there are 100 quality percentages I want to highlight the top 20 not those over 80%) also the same with call length.
I have a column of numbers and times (mins and secs) and what would like to do is set a conditional format so that the cell turns a colour when the number of any cell is within the highest 20% and the other column turns a different colour when the time is within the lowest 20%.
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Jan 30, 2010
For my example, in column B I have a list of guest names. These names will repeat based on their entries.
In column C I have amounts next to their name.
If the total of all amounts next to their name equal $1,000 or more I want all the rows that their name is in to be highlighted.
I attached an example.
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May 21, 2013
I have a conditional formula that highlights dates red when it meets a certain criteria. The file named MS Working, the conditional formatting formula (formula below) works as it should with no issues. The other file MS NOT Working, the conditional formatting formula (formula below) has stopped working as it should. What I did? I inserted a new column to the left. Where the MS Working file has only 1 column to the far left, the MS NOT Working file now has 2 columns to the far left.
It seems as if the formula adjusted itself when I inserted the new column; however, its not working.
MS Working
Conditional Formula: =AND(TODAY()>B3,NOT(ISODD(COLUMN())),B3<>"",OR(C3="",C3=0),B3<>0)
MS NOT Working
Conditional Formula: =AND(TODAY()>C3,NOT(ISODD(COLUMN())),C3<>"",OR(D3="",D3=0),C3<>0)
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Mar 24, 2014
I have a spreadsheet and I want to color particular cells in a column with a new color - i.e. any new changes need to be highlighted. I know there's a way to do tracking changes in excel, but it just sticks a little flag almost invisibly in the corner of the cell. I want to be able to bring the spreadsheet back to our administrator and say hey the stuff in red is new.
On a related note - I am working on this massive spreadsheet that is a .csv but I am saving it as an exel spreadsheet - is that ok? I am assuming that if I save it as a csv, it will return to the original formatting just without the colors, filters, etc changes I made - which is fine because I think somehow the .csv file will be uploaded to the system and no further changes need to be made.
I found out the hard way when you have a .csv file and make changes and then save it, you lose all the fun row/column size adjustments, color, etc - but I figure in the meantime I'll work on it as a excel spreadsheet and then return it to it's natural .csv file status.
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Apr 25, 2014
I am having trouble getting some conditional formatting to apply to all cells in a column in a pivot table. Currently, the conditional formatting is only applying to the top level items in the pivot but is not applying to the lower level items. I can see why it is doing this. the range in "Applies to" is only specifying the rows that contain the top level items. I tried to change the range to D10:D647 but, it reverts back to just the top level items. How to get it to apply to everything?
Image attached : Capture.JPG
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Jan 25, 2010
The entries are made in Columns A thru C. In Columns F and G I want any value over 100% to have a red background, any value less than 100% to have regular formatting, and I'd want percentages to have white font if an employee is deleted from Column A.
Here's an example of how I have the formatting set up:
Condition 1: Formula is =$E$2="" --->white font
Condition 2: Cell value is >1 ---->red background
Condition 3 Cell value is </= 1 ---->normal format
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Jul 15, 2013
I have designed a live calendar and am trying to highlight selected dates from a column in the calendar. I am able to select single cell in the column and highlight the date in the calendar, But am unable to select multiple dates in the column and highlight multiple dates in the calendar using conditional formatting.
Eg: calender dates are from B5:H9 and multiple dates are in column J10:J13
J column
J10 7/10/2013
J11 7/20/2013
j14 7/29/2013
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Jan 2, 2014
I'm working in Excel 2010.
I setup a table with a column titled "Type". Each value under column "Type" defines the type of row it is: "Section", "SubSection", "SubSubSection"
I wish to create a set of conditional formatting rules that apply to data rows in this table, each rule controlling how cells within a whole row should be formatted, according to the value found in "Type", for that row.
Rule1: [@Type]="Section" -> fat red line on top of cell.
Rule2: [@Type]="SubSection" -> thin black line on top of cell.
Rule3: [@Type]="SubSubSection" -> dashed black line on top of cell.
I can't seem to make this work.
How can I leverage the nice column names, and the "@"-this row designator, within a table to create conditional formatting rules that apply to all the cells within a row, in the same way one can refer to in table formulas?
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