Conditional Vlookup Return Table
Sep 10, 2009
Main (Sheet1) - Got a table with several informations relative to a number of a house
House1 (Sheet2) - Want the information extracted from Main (Sheet1) to a table.
House2 (Sheet3) - Want the information extracted from Main (Sheet1) to a table.
So basicly i want to extract the info from Sheet1 if it matches the Number of the House on sheet2.
With Vlookup can only get a cell value as i am not an expert in excel
See the attachment
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Mar 18, 2009
I currently use VLOOKUP to return a value from other spreadsheets. However, I need Excel to firstly check the contents of a particular cell, and then decide which spreadsheet to look up. So, for example if the vaule in cell C3 = 1 then VLOOKUP spreadsheet "ABC", if value in cell C3=2 then VLOOKUP spreadsheet "XYZ" and so on.
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Oct 7, 2008
I'm looking for a formula to search for a value in the SECOND (instead of first) column of a table array and return a value in the same row from FIRST (instead of the same or another) column in the table array. Formula would be searching for the unique production order number in the column B and return production line id from the column A.
A1 production line_id
B1 poduction_order_number
A2 L1
A3 L2
A4 L1
B2 505212
B3 504234
B4 505663
I was trying vlookup(504234;B2:A4;2;0) to make formula go search from right columns to the left but then excel is switching the search table to A2:B4 and gives #N/D!
One remark-there is no possibility to switch these 2 columns to simplify. I have to leave them as they are.
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Mar 27, 2014
I am creating a tracking spreadsheet where i can toggle between months (attached). It returns data properly when I select January or February from the yellow highlighted dropdown list. However, when i choose March, it returns 1/0/1900 because no data has been entered for March (table array) on the AAAG tab. How do I write the formula to return a blank cell on the summary sheet when no information has been entered into the table array yet?
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Apr 4, 2014
I want to look up a value in the third column of a table and return the value in the first column of that row on the same table. What do I do?
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Aug 18, 2009
I have a Vlookup which I want to modify so that it can become dynamic as the table array part of the vlookup will change.
So the basic vlookup is as follows:
but the data I am looking for wont always be in the range M60:P73.
So I tried to make it dynamic by doing the following:
The idea being that U1 and V1 would be numbers that can change so in this case U1 would equal 60 and V1 would equal 73
This vlookup is giving me #N/A and no matter how I modify it I cannot get it to work.
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Jun 2, 2013
I created a lookup table that works quite well. It even has if statements in the LookUp Formula. However, I have to update the table it pulls the information from each day. I wind up recreating the range each time because the table always has more rows each time. Is there a way I could just paste the table in each day and not have to change the range? The columns never change.
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Jun 5, 2014
I'm trying to see if you can look up multi columns for a number and when it finds it return back to one column and return that data?
I am trying to sort out territories for a state I work on; the territories are divided up by zip codes.
territory 1 12345 54321 11222
territory 2 22222 33333
territory 3 44444 55555
and what I want is to say put a formula in cell B3 on Sheet 1 pointing to cell C3 that has zip code 33333. I want it to then take that and look in Sheet 2 and search A1:D3 and when it finds 33333, return "territory 2" back to cell B3 on Sheet 1.
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Jun 24, 2014
Vlookup a table, to another table that has multiple values.
Look up table - need to return second coloum but not the first value, all the values?
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Jun 25, 2009
Hi, I desperately need help with a pivot-table and can't find anyone else who's ever had this problem...I have a very large healthcare data table which for simplicity I will describe as follows. In essence the first two columns respectively are (A) location and (B) month. Let's say the third column (C) is the number of cases of the disease kidpox treated in each health centre during that month. The fourth column (D) is the total number of cases of everything treated during that month in each clinic. The fifth column (E) is the proportion of cases of this disease over all consultations for each health centre and month, and the formula in E2 is .....
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Nov 23, 2011
I get a file every day that contains online orders for a client. They have made the state and country fields on the order form free text, so sometimes the State field has CA, sometimes California, sometimes even Cal or Cali. Oregon may be represented as OR, Oregon, or Ore (and one time even Orygon.)
The country field may have US, USA, United States and sometimes United States of America.
Well, they need this data imported to their system with the states fully spelled out: Oregon, California. And the country spelled out as well: United States, Canada.
Right now I have a lookup tables worksheet that I just have a macro run a vlookup on. But I'd like to know if there is a way I could just put it all in the code, without the external tables.
i.e. some code that, in English, would basically say, "If the value of any cell in column K is among these values, replace it with those values, otherwise just leave it as it is". Could I do that while containing the two sets of values right in the code rather than on a worksheet?
I really just want to replace the standard abbreviated state/country codes with the full text, and if the value does contain Cali or Ore, let them manually make the change. Hopefully that will finally nudge them to just make the online order form utilize a drop-down list of states and countries, rather than free text.
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Oct 29, 2008
Rather than explain, it's best to look at my simple example attached. Why am I getting #N/A in cell E6 when I want it to return "one"?
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Nov 26, 2008
In C1 I have =OR(B10="MOODY",B10="AIB")
B10 (see below) is a Vlookup and it is preventing C1 to return the name of
the agency: AIB or MOODY - Instead I get TRUE or FALSE, No use to me.
Hours Agency
70.00 AIB
80.00 MOODY
70.00 AIB (B10)
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Feb 2, 2010
I'm trying to use the VLOOKUP function to return value from a row below.
I have a large list of numbers (sheet Data) for the entire year with 8 different items per week, and I need to create a list for each week with group of 8 unique items as shown on "Week 21" sheet (I did it manually by copy and paste, highlights are just for the example, don't need to be at the original file). After the first 8th rows, it should start over until it gets to the last value on sheet "Week 21".
Basically, Column B on sheet "Week 21" should be statics, and once I change value on column A it should return values as in the example automatically.
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Mar 21, 2014
For some reason when i run a vlookup, it is only returning the first lookup value for the whole column. Not sure why this is happening.
See attached example. vlookuperror.xlsx
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Mar 19, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with 2 tabs.
Tab #1 is a complete list of ALL possible pipelines
Tab #2 is a partial list that will ONLY have a pipeline listed if there was activity for the month
I need a Vlookup on Tab#1 that looks up the activity from Tab#2.
However, when a pipeline is NOT populated on Tab #2, I'm getting "#N/A" on Tab#1.
Instead of seeing #N/A - I need it to say "0" so that I can sum the column total.
I tried to look at Error Types...and found that the error type for #N/A is 7, however - I can't figure out how to make the formula work.
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Jun 30, 2009
conditional value return. See the attachment.
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Nov 15, 2012
I'm working on a report that uses part numbers in column J, starting in J6. I'd like to highlight the entire row if a certain p/n from a lookup table is in J. (the table is in the sheet "Testers" from A2 to A42 and the relevant p/n's are in column "A") I went to cond format and in use a formula to determine formatting I entered:
And then selected a fill format but whan I apply it does not work. I tinkered with the $ to ensure it jumps to the next row but stays in the column but I cannot get this to take.
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Apr 5, 2008
I applied a CF in my worksheet that has customers and associated information. The formula is as follows: =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(A1($AA$1800:$AA$1816,1,FALSE))FALSE,TRUE. Then I applies a fill color, if the word is found in the lookup range, the cell color is highlighted. Can someone tell me why this is not working?
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Nov 17, 2012
I am trying to use vlookup to locate a cell in another work book. The identifier is in the same workbook as the vlookup formula however the table and column to look within is in another. The identifier will also show up in the other work book where the table resides.
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Jun 8, 2014
I have this formula "=VLOOKUP(B5,$F$254:$G$258,2,FALSE)" I want it to return a "0" when cell B5 is not populated. How could I do that? Right now it returns "#N/A" and messes up my math down the sheet..
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Dec 9, 2013
Been working on this problem for a while, I need to have a vlookup (or other function) return locations based off of a concatenate (for unique identifiers). Only issue is that the concatenate formula creates doubles which returns the same location for each vlookup. I have attached an example file.
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Jan 10, 2007
Q1: In the range for the lookup I'm performing, the column with the possible match is the 2nd column. I've tested my function with this range, but it fails (range is $A$x:$K$x, with possible matches residing in column B). If I change the range so the 1st column has the desired data ($B$x:$K$x), it works. Can I modify the function to search using the 2nd column so I don't have to rearrange the columns in my worksheet?
Q2: Can I return an entire rold of data? If yes, how? I only know how to return one cell.
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Jan 15, 2009
I have 2 columns of data: Column A is basically postcodes, but just the 1st part and Column B is a #2. If somewhere else on the sheet I type in the postcode IE. SW19 it will show besides it in my lookup the number 2. However if I type in a postcode that is not listed in Column A, I'd like to to return the value 1. I cannot figure this out. My code is:
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Mar 25, 2009
I'm using VLOOKUP to search for results in another worksheet. What I need is 0 returned if the search fails. Currently I'm getting #N/A and that's causing my other formulas to fail.
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Mar 4, 2013
I have a formula that needs to return blanks as blank and 0s as 0. The vlookup formula will return blanks as 0, or I can make it return a blank whenever it is zero (below), but some cells may have a 0 record that need to return 0s, not blank.
Right now I am missing a few records that are entered as "0". I have:
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Aug 26, 2007
i have a customer work book for outstanding orders of which there are hunderds of rows with there name order number and the items that are outstanding
when i have progressed all my purchased orders i take all the items and run it throught my work book using vlookup to return who wanted what items if any
but what if there are more then one customer wanting the same item how can i get vlookup to know that and return the next match
i'm still very new at excel so can someone please help me
attached is a small test of my work book
if you see item 3182Y/1.0/BLK
you can see it is wanted by both a.f switchgear and amg
but it will only return a.f switchgear
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Jan 9, 2009
I don't even know if using the IF statement is the right function, but anyway. I am using VLOOKUP to complete a supply list, but of course if the supply name isn't on the first spreadsheet then the result is NA. Instead I want it to return 0.
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Aug 5, 2009
Is it possible to write a vlookup that will return a value of Yes if the value is true and a value of No if the value is false?
I have data in column A on sheet 1 so the lookup value starts in cell A2 and the table array is on sheet 2 in columns A and B so the column index is 2.
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Feb 18, 2011
Here is my starting Vlookup Formula I. I need to alter it as I will state after the formula...
Instead of returning the data from column D upon the first match I need the smallest available number to be returned. There will be more than one match and they will all have different numbers to return so I need the smallest return from D.
So in "REPORT" there is many duplicates in Columns A but they all have different values in Column D and I need to return the smallest number from Column of all of those duplicates in Column A.
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