Control Toolbox TextBox Moves When Printed

Aug 28, 2006

I am using a form textbox on a worksheet. I have the textbox positioned where I need it to be but when I print the worksheet the textbox moves out of position.

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Allow Control Toolbox Textbox Font Editing

Sep 6, 2006

I have an excel workbook where on several of the worksheets I have Control Toolbox Textboxes inserted into the sheet. The Textboxes are for when a user wants to type notes onto the worksheet.

My issue is that the Textboxes do not allow the user to edit the font because the VBA project is locked.

How can I allow users to edit the font in the Textbox without giving the VBA password away to the user?

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Control Toolbox Not Appearing When Clicked

May 31, 2006

i have been having this problem with my version of excel at work and it is driving me crazy. First of all this is excel 2000. For a while now I have been unable to use the control toolbox - when I click it - nothing happens. In the meantime I havent been doing anthing really serious so I used the forms toolbar. I have tried using the control toolbox in word - and it works - just in case someone had been messing around and uninstalling things. Is there anyway that I have hidden it somewhere?

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Adding Button From Control Toolbox

May 18, 2007

I have added a button to asign a macro to but for the life of me cant see how to "activate" the button. I am trying to click the button to make the macro run but it keeps selecting the button like it wont come out of design view.

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Icons On Control Toolbox Greyed Out!

Aug 14, 2007

I've just finished writing some vb code that i need to assign to a button. Trouble is I select the control toolbox and put it design mode and all of the icons with the tool box are greyed out. pic attached below

pukks Auto Merged Post;Doh Doh and double doh!

Problem solved: I inadvertently had selected more than one worksheet tab and this was stopping me from placing a button on the worksheet.

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Control Toolbox Pops-Up When UserForm Run

Apr 22, 2008

i've gotta demo an Excel app in a few days and this never really bothered me, but someone recently pointed out that it can get distracting for the Control Toolbox to pop in and out randomly. the form is being built for use by other staff, and i suppose it would also be distracting for them if the toolbox arbitrarily appeared here and there. is there a way to turn it off?

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Add Downloaded ActiveX Control To Toolbox

Jun 10, 2008

Version: excel 2003
OS: Win XP

Currently using VBA do develop a tool for Excel. I've downloaded a .ocx control and am wondering how one would go about adding it to the toolbox?

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VBA Print Preview And Control Toolbox Tools

Dec 9, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with check boxes and a combo box that are set to display in print preview as well as print. I have set up a Print Preview button on this spreadsheet, as well. When you click the Print Preview button and then click close on the preview window and return to the spreadsheet, the control toolbox tools appear out of place and are greatly magnified. Scrolling the screen down and then back makes them appear correctly once again.

I have seen this on this spreadsheet on three different computers. Does anyone have a clue what is going on?

Note, clicking the print preview button on the standard toolbar does not provide the same artifact. It works correctly.

Or for the cheap fix, what is the VB script to move the cursor to a different cell and then return back?

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Control Toolbox Appearing On Multipage Userform

May 9, 2009

I've started experiencing a strange problem. The control toolbox keeps appearing when the first page on a multipage userform is activated. I can't figure out what's causing this, and after searching the forum, with no luck, I thought I would see if anybody else is experiencing the same problem, and how to fix it.

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Assign Range Values To Control Toolbox Combo Box

Apr 3, 2009

I've built the code for a Template form for data entry of a survey. Through Control Toolbox I've created the form and used several textboxes, option buttons, checkboxes and COMBO boxes this one in turn being my trouble.
- Sheet one is called "Data" (this is the place where all inserted information is going to be stored
- Sheet two: "Variables" (here is where I keep the required values for the como boxes - inserted manually apriorely...
Question: What is the code to assing to the combo boxes in order to have the values from the sheet "Variables" of the range A1:A4 - use the comboboxq2 for referee, I'll do the others
P.S. see the code up to now:

Private Sub CommandButtonN_Click()
Dim eRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim inf As WorksheetFunction

Set ws = Worksheets("Data")
Set ws = Worksheets("Variables")

' Find first empty row in database survey
eRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row ................

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Vba: Changing Properties Macro On Control Toolbox Item

Jan 25, 2007

I have a bunch of Option Buttons in a worksheet whose properties i need to change by running a macro. For example, I created an OptionButton1 in a worksheet using control toolbox. Now I want to run a macro to change it's name, groupname, linkedcell and caption. I did this macro but it doesn't work:

Sub Label()
Dim Code1 As String
Dim Link1 As String
Dim Form1 As String
Dim GroupName1 As String
Dim Caption1 As String
Form1 = "OptionButton1"
Code1 = "FButton1"
Link1 = "FLink1" 'Defined in worksheet
GroupName1 = "FGroup1"
Caption1 = "Choose Function 1"
With Worksheets("Section1").Form1
.Name = Code1
.LinkedCell = Link1
.GroupName = GroupName1
.Caption = Caption1
End With
End Sub

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Counting Selections Made With Control Toolbox Controls

Apr 12, 2007

I am attempting to put in some dropdown boxes and text boxes and maybe some other items using the control toolbox in Excel. After a selection is made I would like to count that particular item. I was using the validation method in which all I needed was the following to sum up the selections made: =SUMIF(G:G,"Monday",I:I)

Now I realize this will not work due to the fact the control toolbox controls are embeded and merley sit on the cells. How do I sum selections made using drop down boxes that are derived from the control toolbox? If someone can give me an example to try or point me to a place to find such information that would be great.

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Changing Groupname And Other Properties In Option Buttons From The Control Toolbox

May 31, 2006

Im trying to create many option buttons on my sheet and then change the GroupName and Name properties but im having no luck in accessing the properties. Here is the code ive got at the moment, could someone tell me how to access these properties. Shown below is a small section of the code, if you require the full code i will happily provide it. This is my first post and im not sure if this code tag thing has been done properly:

n = 18
Call Section_Header
Range("D" & n - 1).Value = " Case"
For i = 1 To UBound(Name_Case, 1)
Range("D" & n + i).Value = Name_Case(i)
Range("M" & n + i).Value = Cost_Case(i)
ActiveSheet. OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.OptionButton.1", _
Left:=628, Top:=(n - 1) * 15.75 + (1 * 6) + (i - 1) * 15.75, Width:=46.5, Height _
Next i

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Control Toolbox ComboBox To Return Chosen List Number

Aug 18, 2006

I'm using combo boxes. Initially I used combo boxes from the Forms toolbar, however the text in the combo box was to small. Now I'm using combo boxes from the Control tool bar. However, i would like the link cell to show the number of the entry in the list (like the forms control box) and not the actual entry. Is there an option I need to select in properties, or is there some VB code I can attach to the combo box ?

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Excel 2003 :: Macro That Clears Option Buttons Made With The Control Toolbox?

Sep 26, 2013

I created some excel 2003 spreadsheets to use for Fire/Police dispatchers. I have a series of yes/no option buttons that were created using the control toolbox. I have a macro that clears all the blanks where text is added, but want to add a line that clears the option buttons also.

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Use "live Search" In Column Range Any Control Toolbox Or Form

Feb 20, 2009

Can i use for this "live search" in column range any control toolbox or form?
only what i want is during writting name it will be shows the results in any textbox or so.

Control box or form can not be programmed so, that after each character check the range and return the results.

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Forms Toolbar Versus Control Toolbox Toolbar

Oct 19, 2006

which of these toolbars provides the better 'controls' to paste onto worksheets (as opposed to UserForms)? For those wondering, both toolbars contain some apparently similar controls, e.g., combo box, radio button, spinner etc. but there are differences in their behaviour it would seem...

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TextBox Control Being Cleared

Aug 18, 2006

I have a rather large userform with numerous textboxes and comboboxes. Data entered into the text and combo boxes is written to the next empty row of a sheet. As the data to be entered into the next row may not "all" vary from the last I would like to have the data I have last selected or entered remain in the textbox or comboboxes for the next. I attach an example for a better explaination.

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SetFocus On TextBox As First Control In A Frame

May 9, 2005

In Excel 2000 there seems to be a problem with setting the focus in a UserForm TextBox if the SetFocus method is applied in the same submodule as the UserForm.Show method. Microsoft's circumvention for this is to put the SetFocus command in the form's Activate event submodule.

This seems to work OK except when the TextBox you are applying the SetFocus to is the first control inside a frame. It works if the TextBox is not the first control, and it can be circumvented by first setting the focus on a subsequent control then switching the focus to the intended control.

However, the circumvention is not that useful if there is only one TextBox control in a frame or, as in my current project, if you try to create a generic piece of code to validate controls from multiple forms and set the focus from within the generic code.

Does anyone know of a way over overcoming this problem and being able to directly set the focus to the first TextBox inside a frame?

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TextBox Control Lookup Code

Aug 17, 2006

i am trying to use a look up formula to populate a textbox on a userform. this is the code but obiously does not work

Private Sub TxtbName_Change()
End Sub

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Input TextBox Control To Corresponding Cell

Sep 27, 2006

When I select in my combo box I would like it to populate fields. That part is fine. When I try to input I want it to input in corresponding cell to the combo box selection i made. Problem is I can only get it to input in a certain cell not cell corresponding.

Option Explicit
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Dim iRow As Integer
If Me.ComboBox1.Value = "" Then Exit Sub
iRow = WorksheetFunction.Match(Me.ComboBox1.Value, Range("People"), 0) + 1
Me.TextBox1.Value = Cells(iRow, 2)
Me.TextBox2.Value = Cells(iRow, 3)

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Unload Me.....................

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UserForm Control TextBox Or ComboBox

Jun 5, 2008

If this control is a TextBox, I would like to read the Text property,
and if it's a ComboBox, I would like to read the Value property.

Public Function readValue(c As Control) As String
If (TypeName(c) = "TextBox") Then
' convert the Control to TextBox then put readValue = c.Text
If (TypeName(c) = "ComboBox") Then
'convert the Control to ComboBox then put readValue = c.Value
End If
End If
End Function

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TextBox Control Passes Number As Text

Aug 21, 2006

I am trying to store some information in a cell from a UserForm. The two sets of information I have are:

InvoiceNumber(number with no decimals)
InvoiceAmount(currency with two decimal points)

The problem I get is when I use the following command to store the information, it stores the information as text rather then a number.

Worksheets(CustomerName).Range("C" & Position + 1).Value = InvoiceNumber
Worksheets(CustomerName).Range("E" & Position + 1).Value = InvoiceAmount

I tried using the NumberFormat option as below, but it doesnt fix the problem.

Worksheets(CustomerName).Range("E" & Position + 1).NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00"
Worksheets(CustomerName).Range("C" & Position + 1).NumberFormat = "0"

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Calculate/Display Times Greater Than 24 Hours In TextBox Control

Oct 23, 2006

I have made a userform where I calculate how long time an operation takes. If the time fe.g. is 25 hours and 24 minutes then I get the result 1:24. I have attached my userform as it looks now. If you write 540 in the bar and 550 in volume and press "Beregn" then "Norm tid + 10%" will write 1:24 and not 25:24. Is it possible to have the Userform to write 25:24 or 1day and 1 hour and 24minutes?

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Pass Calendar Control Date To Selected TextBox On Another UserForm

May 9, 2008

I have a workbook that has multiple spreadsheets. Data is added to the spreadsheets using userforms for each spreadsheet. I have created a pop-up calendar to add dates and want to know if there is a way to add dates without having to create multiple calendars for each txt field on each userform. I would like it so that when I click on the calendar it would put the date into the text field it was launched from.

This is the code in the calendar which only puts the date into the field named Dat_Clsd.

Private Sub CMD_Close_Click() .....

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Excel 2007 :: Textbox Control Source Linked To Cell In Spreadsheet?

Oct 10, 2013

I have a userform with a textbox and would like the user to type inside the textbox which in turn send the text typed to a cell on my spread sheet say sheet 1 cell ref A1. I am writing the following into the control source Sheet1!A1 but the control source does not except this. I am using excel 2007 .

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Set Textbox Control Source To Hidden Worksheet NOT Active Worksheet?

May 6, 2014

I have created an excel worksheet that will provide budgeting and estimating tools for my project managers. All data used to be manual entry and took a good while to complete. I am trying to automate the process with VBA.

I created a UserForm called InfoVerify1. On that form I have TextBox 1 - 10. When the UF opens, the boxes display project information from my worksheet called "Basis of Estimate", also known as Sheet26.

The TextBox1 ControlSource is set to "E4". When I run the macro with Sheet26 active, the proper information fills in. However, when I am on the Start page or any other worksheet and I run the macro, it tries to fill in the text boxes with E4, etc, from the active sheet. I tried changing the ControlSource to "Sheet26,E4" or any combo thereof with only error messages.

how to get it to refer to a cell on a particular worksheet and hold to that worksheet no matter which sheet I am on at the time I run the Userform?

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Sum Moves As Data Is Added

Jan 25, 2010

I have attached an excel sheet that takes 2 inputs in cells A2 and A3, sums them in cell A6, and then writes the outputs in cells A9 onward, recording the new sum as changes are made to cells A2 and A3.

Below the last output in the list (Cells A9 to ...) I want to have a Sum of the above outputs. In other words, I want a sum of the previous outputs, and I want it below the final output, moving and recalculating each time another change is made to A2 or A3. How can I do this?

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Finding The Bottom Row When It Moves

Jul 12, 2008

I have a workbook that starts the beginning of the month by entering daily hours in cell D3 (Day 1 in cell D3, day 2 in cell E3, day 3 in cell F3 etc). Column B has several codes, but the one code the macro looks at when going down the current day is a letter "W" for "Worked". Therefore, Rows 4, 5, 9, 12, 56 (examples only - it changes daily) etc. could have a "W" and when the macro is ran, evertime it sees a "W" it includes the hours found in row 3 of the applicable day i.e. starting on row 4 the formula is =if($B4=D$3,D$3,""). This copies to the bottom row using the shortcut (Ctrl + Down Arrow) to find the bottom. What I have done is entered Zeros all the way down and changed Zero Values so they don't show.

Where I get in trouble is if a zero is removed, the shortcut stops at that break thinking that's the bottom. The bottom moves as we remove equipment out of the line up or add new equipment. What I am trying to do is have Excel figure out where the bottom row is for each daily calculation when the macro runs down the daily column.

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Data Moves To The Right In CSV Format

Apr 30, 2009

i have csv data which has splits cells due to commas between numbers, and then moves data further to the right, is there a way to fix this, so for example this is what some cells look like

31874.90 JPMORGAN

but need to be like this

31 874.90 JPMORGAN

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