Convert ASCII Characters To Hex Values?
Jun 9, 2014Is there an easy way to convert ascii characters to their equivalent hex value, such as 0 = 30?
View 6 RepliesIs there an easy way to convert ascii characters to their equivalent hex value, such as 0 = 30?
View 6 RepliesI have a sheet A1:R456 provided from an outside source, with many large text entries. In some of them appear various ascii strings such as, but not exclusively: •
It appears these have replaced apostrophe's, dashes, and other types of punctuation and formatting (bullets, etc).
I have used the Find (Ctrl-F) to locate some, but it only works if you know what you're looking for. According to Excel HELP! :o Clean() only strips the lower 32 ascii codes, and I'm pretty sure these are at the high end of the ascii chart.
I don't want to remove them, I want to replace them, but I'm not sure if it should be an apostrophe, a dash, or whatever. So I'd be happy to find them and I'll fix it as best I can.
Any VBA code to locate all cells in a range that contain any high-order ascii (say above 127) and fill with yellow?
Say I have a string "09800EBHR052708"
How would I take the first 5 characters and get a number out of them?
I need to convert some xlsx files into CSV, but they contain the following foreign languages -
When saving these files as CSV many of the unique characters get changed to a ?
I have tried a few things like using Open Office and saving it as a text CSV and then adjusting the formatting to unicode 8 but it hasn't worked. i am using Excel 2013?
Find the ASCII character code for the characters in cells A3-D3? I have a problem importing data into the database because of these cells. They have some weird properties: ISBLANK would return them FALSE; however if I leave blank space in "Find and Replace" it will find and replaces those cells together with cells which are genuinely blank. So I could theoretically go and replace all blank cells to some character (for example ^), then do the opposite and replace ^ into blank and it would solve the problem, but I am curious as to what exactly this character is.
View 14 Replies View RelatedPrivate Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = Chr(vbKeyA) Then
If sngXFactor 1 Then
sngXFactor = -1
sngYFactor = 0
End If
ElseIf KeyAscii = Chr(vbKeyW) Then
If sngYFactor -1 Then
sngXFactor = 0
sngYFactor = -1
End If
ElseIf KeyAscii = Chr(vbKeyD) Then
If sngXFactor -1 Then
sngXFactor = 1
sngYFactor = 0
End If
ElseIf KeyAscii = Chr(vbKeyS) Then
If sngYFactor 1 Then
sngXFactor = 0
sngYFactor = -1
End If
End If
End Sub
That is what I have right now, basically I just want to map W, A, S, and D to change variables. What am I doing wrong?
Keep in mind that this is a userform and not an excel worksheet.
I know you can create a DEC2HEX formula. I wanted to convert Hex to Ascii.
When I use HEX2DEC, it puts the ASCII number instead of the actual character.
For instance, if I put the HEX number 4A in Cell A1, I want Cell A2 to display a capital J instead of the number 74 which is J in ASCII.
I am importing multiple ascii files into one workbook, each file into a single sheet of the workbook. When I manually import an ascii file, everything works and formats fine. When I import the file or files with my macro, the formatting of the values in the ascii file isnt working correctly, that is, if a value is for instance 51,442 (, being the decimal seperator), it is input to the cell as 51,442, as in fifty one thousand, four hundred forty two..My import function is below, and I have tried various combinations of using the decimal seperator command and thousands seperator command, all to no avail..
Lastly, in case it matters, this is on a PC with regional settings set to Germany as well.
Below an example of the import which I found online earlier..
x = 1
Set wkbTemp = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=FilesToOpen(x))
Set wkbAll = ActiveWorkbook
wkbTemp.Close (False)
wkbAll.Worksheets(x).Columns("A:A").TextToColumns _
Destination:=Range("A1"), DataType:=xlDelimited, _
TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, _
ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, _
Tab:=True, Semicolon:=False, _
Comma:=False, Space:=False, _
Other:=False, DecimalSeparator:=","
x = x + 1
I want to write code so that at the push of a button you can browse and find an ascii file. Select it. and then it will go into the sheet of a excel file that you chose in the code.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have some dates that I want to reformat. The file is an ascii text file, and I have imported this into excel. There are 7 and 8 character lengths
I want the dates to be all 8 characters (with a zero in front of the 7 character dates), and also I want to reverse the format, so it will read 20071203
I have a number of methods but nothing has worked yet.
After this I plan to export the file as a comma separated ascii txt file. I managed to import it, but I'm not sure how to export it.
I've written a program to read data into a custom table from ASCII
files. The ASCII files are created from a VB script I've added to an Excel
spreadsheet. The VB script in Excel is the following:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim str_fileName As String
Dim int_fileNum As Integer
Dim str_fileName2 As String
Dim int_fileNum2 As Integer
MsgBox "Testing"
str_fileName = "\EPCOR02COLLECTSinto.txt"
str_fileName2 = "\EPCOR02COLLECTDisa.txt"
Application.EnableEvents = False
If (Target.Address = "$D$2") Then
'Write to the Sinto file
On Error Goto Err_CreateOutputFile
int_fileNum = FreeFile...............................
is it possible to write a macro that will convert absolute values into negative based on criteria? Data gets downloaded from in house system which comes out as all absolute values, now i need the macro to covert absolute values to negative if the amount is either "Our Reciepts" or "Our Delivery"
Below is a small sample of data, real data is around 100 rows
Col DCol EOur Receipts1231Our Delivery1231Delivery Settlement1323
I have a table (column C5 to H20)
The table has values in each cell. Some cells have zero values and some have positive values.
Basically, I need to convert all positive (non zero) values to Negative values using VBA (i.e. convert 251 to -251).
I work in a fruit and veg business and they are using parchment and quill still, well it certainly feels that way. I have been asked by customers to provide an online order form which i will email to them and they can fill in and email back, i scanned an invoice and used OCR to upload it to excel and it has come out quite well.
Basically there are three columns of product lines and then directly to the right of each product is a column i have entitled Box & KG respectively, if the customer types a number into the box column i want it to automatically add 'Bx' to the end so this if they typed 5 in a cell in the box column it would look like this '5 Bx' (obviously without the quotes), and the same for the KG column but it would denote 5 KG instead, also i would want it to add in the space as well after the value.
I have been trying to do the following but have not been successful. thanks in advance for helping!
- i have lots of text strings on one worksheet
- some text strings have <randomstring>, some even have multiple instances of <randomstring>, but others don't have a <randomstring> at all
- what i want is remove anything within "<" and ">", including the operators "<" and ">"
i have done this so far, with simple text functions, have each of the following lines in separate columns (text string column is "C"): .....
I am trying to find a way to populate a cell with spaces (like " "). But I want to populate a cell based on a number in another cell.
For example, if cell A1 has a value of 7 in it, I want to make another cell have seven spaces (or seven letter Z's, or anything), but I can't figure out how to do it. Then I want to use that equation to do any number of spaces based on the number in the cell, whatever it is.
I ve got a list multuple values. All of them contain 00 before the actual value. How can I delete those two 00.
Here's an example
Currently Desired Outcome
0030148099 30148099
0030148099 30148099
0030148100 30148100
0030148100 30148100
0030148101 30148101
I would like to sort words or data which has the First capital letter, words which has spaces and words which contains number... i have attached a sample file.
View 9 Replies View Related=2*2 if this formula in A1 & it's showing result 4 , how this result means 4 show automatically in cell B1, i mean say that how convert formula result to values automaticallly.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have some cells in Column I which are linked to the respective cells in Column J, i.e. I17 is linked to the J17, I21 has a link to J21. Now what I want is to convert every cell in column I which has a link to column J into values so that when I delete the column J, the values in column I should not change.
Simply selecting the entire column I, copying it and then pasting as values is not required, as there are some cells in column I which has some functions, and there are other cells which has links to other areas of worksheet and workbook. I just want to convert the cells in column I which has any link to column J. Is there a way to achieve this?
Is there some way to write a formula that would convert these time values (usually in a HH:MM:SS format) into a "minute" value (by rounding 30 seconds or more up to an additional "minute" as well as multiplying each hour by 60 minutes which will all be added to the MM or "minute" format for a grand total of how many minutes were involved with each transaction)?
When I try to re-format the data it changes to a date/time format which makes no sense.
Here is a sampling of some of the data I am trying to calculate:
I have a product mix values as below. I want to convert the values into the % of total product mix.
----G---- ----H---- ----I---- --J--
4 Product A Product B Product C Total
5 32 73 125 230
6 14% 32% 54% 100%
I am conducting data analysis on a large data set. Missing values are coded as NA. Likewise, when I perform a calculation on a NA value, I receive the # DIV/0! error.
I want to know how I can automatically change NA to the integer 0 in a large data set so when I perform a calculation on the NA value, I will receive 0 instead of #DIV/0!.
I need to add a piece of code to a spreadsheet that will turn all formulae within into values. The number of tabs in the spreadsheet is likely to change over time but I want the code to apply to all the tabs - without needing to change it if a tab is added/ deleted.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have 2 columns - one that has numbers and the second that has text such as A, B, C, D,and E. I need to be able to convert the text into values such as 1,2,3,4,and 5 and then multiply with the first column that has value and display the resultant.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to convert :
Nine Hundred Sixty Three Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty One
Eight Hundred Seventy Eight Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Eight
Eight Hundred Twenty Two Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Four
Eight Hundred Twenty Six Thousand One Hundred Eighty Nine
Nine Hundred Three Thousand Nine Hundred Six
to numeric...
I need to convert levels to numerical values and then: Firstly, add together two vlookup values THEN divide by 2 to get an average AND THEN see if this average AND a second, individual lookup value are above a specified another value, which may be different. IF all these criteria are set, return, "yes" if either the first or second, or both criteria are not met then "no"
Or put it another way. if lookup values A+B/2>"5" AND C>"3" then "yes", Else "no"
Lookup chart:
I am copying the value in a cell to another sheet's cell. I want to convert the formulas on the second sheet to reflect their value. I do this all the time within cells by using Past Special and Values however it doesn't give me that option within the Text Box
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to find a way to search for specific cell formulas (not the values they produce). For example, how could I search an Excel tab for a cell containing "= sum()" ? I want to ignore all other formulas and values. I then want to replace this formula only with its value.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to be a good programmer and not do a whole bunch of activate workbooks and worksheets. So I am 99% complete with my subroutine and stuck on 3 lines. I need to copy my entire pivot table from PvtDest (which is Superdatabase.xls sheets f2 pivot)
Set PvtDest = Workbooks(SSRname).Worksheets(CarrPivot)
PvtDest. Cells.Copy
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
PvtDest.cells.copy works fine Fails due to (select method.range class failed
finally Selection.Paste special is supposed to paste on PvtDest but I have not been able to accomplish this.
I think I have seen copy paste special in the same command line is that the solution