How To Convert Links Into Values

Jul 29, 2012

I have some cells in Column I which are linked to the respective cells in Column J, i.e. I17 is linked to the J17, I21 has a link to J21. Now what I want is to convert every cell in column I which has a link to column J into values so that when I delete the column J, the values in column I should not change.

Simply selecting the entire column I, copying it and then pasting as values is not required, as there are some cells in column I which has some functions, and there are other cells which has links to other areas of worksheet and workbook. I just want to convert the cells in column I which has any link to column J. Is there a way to achieve this?

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Convert Links Into Hyperlink Format?

Mar 8, 2013

I have the following code, which translates the url into hyperlinks updating this code, so it displays the links in hyperlink format.

Sub Extract_URLs()Dim Hyli As Hyperlink
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Range(Range("K2"), Range("K" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))


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VLookup - Convert Links To Hyperlink Clickable And Be Sent To Webpage?

Jan 5, 2012

I had someone look up a price on a website, for a list of part numbers, and copy the link to the website page into my spreadsheet.

Now I want to transfer the price and link to my main spreadsheet.

I know how to use VLookup to get the info to my main spreadsheet but when I transfer the link using VLookup it does not come as a hyperlink that I can click on and be sent to the webpage. It is just text.

How do I convert the links to a hyperlink that I can click on and be sent to the webpage?

I have 1200 records.

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Hide Or Remove Zero Values From DDE Links

Jun 13, 2009

I'm using a dde link to import stock data into a workbook. The service that I use didn't create time templates when they wrote the excel add in for intraday data.

Because of that I get zeros in data fields when the stock isn't being traded. For example, when I update in the morning the stock hasn't been traded in three hours, so when requesting hourly data I have three rows where the Open, High, Low, and Close columns are field with zeros.

Is there anything that I can add into the dde array that would have excel only import data with price value greater than 0?

I've been trying to weigh my options but my excel experience is limited.

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Auto Update Links With Current Values

Aug 4, 2006

When copying data from a closed workbook, I frequently get the prompt:

"Links to 'Source.xls' were not updated because 'Source.xls' was not recalculated before it was last saved.
To update links with current values in 'Source.xls', click OK..."

Is there a way I can bypass this prompt and automatically update with the saved (uncalculated) values and therefore not require a user intervention?

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Edit Links - Break Links Not Working?

Jun 22, 2012

I have an unwanted link and I can't remove it. I have tried through the Edit Links dialog box, searched for [ in formulas throughout the workbook and gone searching manually for the reference but to no avail.

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Convert Absolute Values To Negative Values Based On Criteria

Aug 14, 2008

is it possible to write a macro that will convert absolute values into negative based on criteria? Data gets downloaded from in house system which comes out as all absolute values, now i need the macro to covert absolute values to negative if the amount is either "Our Reciepts" or "Our Delivery"

Below is a small sample of data, real data is around 100 rows

Col DCol EOur Receipts1231Our Delivery1231Delivery Settlement1323

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Convert Positive Values To Negative Values

Apr 7, 2008

I have a table (column C5 to H20)

The table has values in each cell. Some cells have zero values and some have positive values.

Basically, I need to convert all positive (non zero) values to Negative values using VBA (i.e. convert 251 to -251).

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Auto Convert To Values

Aug 16, 2013

=2*2 if this formula in A1 & it's showing result 4 , how this result means 4 show automatically in cell B1, i mean say that how convert formula result to values automaticallly.

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Convert The Time Values

Oct 10, 2008

Is there some way to write a formula that would convert these time values (usually in a HH:MM:SS format) into a "minute" value (by rounding 30 seconds or more up to an additional "minute" as well as multiplying each hour by 60 minutes which will all be added to the MM or "minute" format for a grand total of how many minutes were involved with each transaction)?

When I try to re-format the data it changes to a date/time format which makes no sense.

Here is a sampling of some of the data I am trying to calculate:


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Convert Formulas To Values

Sep 12, 2007

I have a product mix values as below. I want to convert the values into the % of total product mix.

----G---- ----H---- ----I---- --J--
4 Product A Product B Product C Total
5 32 73 125 230
6 14% 32% 54% 100%

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Convert Missing Values (#N/A) To Zero

Jan 31, 2008

I am conducting data analysis on a large data set. Missing values are coded as NA. Likewise, when I perform a calculation on a NA value, I receive the # DIV/0! error.
I want to know how I can automatically change NA to the integer 0 in a large data set so when I perform a calculation on the NA value, I will receive 0 instead of #DIV/0!.

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Convert All Formulae To Values

May 7, 2008

I need to add a piece of code to a spreadsheet that will turn all formulae within into values. The number of tabs in the spreadsheet is likely to change over time but I want the code to apply to all the tabs - without needing to change it if a tab is added/ deleted.

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Convert ASCII Characters To Hex Values?

Jun 9, 2014

Is there an easy way to convert ascii characters to their equivalent hex value, such as 0 = 30?

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How To Convert Text Into Values And Then Multiply

Sep 18, 2013

I have 2 columns - one that has numbers and the second that has text such as A, B, C, D,and E. I need to be able to convert the text into values such as 1,2,3,4,and 5 and then multiply with the first column that has value and display the resultant.

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Convert Alphabets To Numeric Values

Jul 4, 2014

Is it possible to convert :

Nine Hundred Sixty Three Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty One
Eight Hundred Seventy Eight Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Eight
Eight Hundred Twenty Two Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Four
Eight Hundred Twenty Six Thousand One Hundred Eighty Nine
Nine Hundred Three Thousand Nine Hundred Six

to numeric...


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Convert Levels To Numerical Values

May 29, 2009

I need to convert levels to numerical values and then: Firstly, add together two vlookup values THEN divide by 2 to get an average AND THEN see if this average AND a second, individual lookup value are above a specified another value, which may be different. IF all these criteria are set, return, "yes" if either the first or second, or both criteria are not met then "no"

Or put it another way. if lookup values A+B/2>"5" AND C>"3" then "yes", Else "no"

Lookup chart:


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Convert Formulas To Values In Text Box?

Sep 26, 2012

I am copying the value in a cell to another sheet's cell. I want to convert the formulas on the second sheet to reflect their value. I do this all the time within cells by using Past Special and Values however it doesn't give me that option within the Text Box

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Search For Certain Formulas & Convert To Values

Oct 19, 2006

I am trying to find a way to search for specific cell formulas (not the values they produce). For example, how could I search an Excel tab for a cell containing "= sum()" ? I want to ignore all other formulas and values. I then want to replace this formula only with its value.

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Convert Sheet In Another Workbook To Values Only

Mar 20, 2008

I am trying to be a good programmer and not do a whole bunch of activate workbooks and worksheets. So I am 99% complete with my subroutine and stuck on 3 lines. I need to copy my entire pivot table from PvtDest (which is Superdatabase.xls sheets f2 pivot)

Set PvtDest = Workbooks(SSRname).Worksheets(CarrPivot)

PvtDest. Cells.Copy
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False

PvtDest.cells.copy works fine Fails due to (select method.range class failed

finally Selection.Paste special is supposed to paste on PvtDest but I have not been able to accomplish this.

I think I have seen copy paste special in the same command line is that the solution

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Convert Formula Workbook To Values Only

Jun 30, 2008

I would like to have a Macro, which could find Formulas on ALL sheets and replacing them with Values (Special Paste).

Example: I have multiple sheets and on every sheet there are functions (In my case, =MAX). I would like that my Macro would simply find that function and automaticly replace it with a Value (I do not have time to Copy -> Special Paste 300 Functions)

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Convert Numeric Values With Decimals To Text

Jul 14, 2014

I have a list of numbers with decimals : such as


I would like to convert the Numeric values to Text

Result :

Seven Hundred Forty Two Thousand One Hundred and Eleven and Thirty Seven .....
and so on....

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Convert Cell Values To Column Headings

May 2, 2013

I have a table in the format

User Application 1 Application 2 Application 3 ... Application N

ABC aaa bbb ccc ddd
XYZ bbb yyy
LMN ccc ddd

I want to convert it into :

User Application

ABC aaa
ABC bbb
ABC ccc
ABC ddd
XYZ bbb
XYZ yyy
LMN ccc
LMN ddd

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Convert Values Acc To Criteria In Another Closed Wbk, Output To New Wkb

May 8, 2009

I was wondering how to make the following: get a list where each Number from the "source file.xls" is assigned to a Group like in "final list.xls" through "conversion table.xls".

In the "source file.xls" we have apart from Number, the Series and Category columns. I need to compare both Series and Category to the same from "conversion table.xls" and in the third workbook output the matching Number from "source file.xls" and Group from "conversion table.xls" according to matching algorithm.

I am attaching the files:
source file.xls
conversion table.xls
final list.xls

All three should be different workbooks and the first two will need to be closed. Also very important is the source file can have many names so it would be great to implement an open dialog box to load the data from "source file.xls". All data is in text format....

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Convert Formulas To Values On Multiple Sections?

Dec 3, 2013

I want to convert multiple sections that contains formulas to values. Usually i did this by coping range of cells, and paste as Values. But now i have multilple sections and excel doesn't allowe me to copy multiple sections. (i can not use clipboard, because there are more than 2.5 k rows)

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Copy Worksheets To New Workbook And Convert To Values

Mar 19, 2007

I'm looking for a way that I could place a button on my workbook that would create a new document from the specified worksheets and convert the formulas to the values.

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Convert Selected Range On All Worksheets To Values

Aug 9, 2007

I have a macro that changes user selection from formulas to values:

Dim vCol As Variant

vCol = Application.InputBox("Select Column", Type:=2)
If vCol = False Or vCol = "" Then Exit Sub
Set UserRange = Range(vCol & "9:" & vCol & "35")
UserRange.Value = UserRange.Value

End Sub

I have several workbooks that use this macro, and the workbooks can include several sheets.

Is there's an easy way to change the macro so the user selection is changed in all sheets in the workbook. E.g. if the user selection is column H, the formula is changed to values in all sheets in the workbook.

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Convert Formulas In Filtered Range To Values

May 29, 2008

I want to create a Macro to convert the formula results from a filtered data range to values. I thought to use a simple code to do the copy - paste to value

Sub QuickSaveValue()
Dim r As Range, c As Range
Set r = Selection
For Each c In r.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)
c.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Next c
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

But is not good because the range is much to large and i need just a filtered part to be changed and i tried like this:

Sub QuickSaveTV()................

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Paste As Values To Each Of The Cells In The Above To Convert The Formula To A Static Value

Jan 29, 2010

I have the following VBA code, which works nicely -

PHP     For Each C In Sheets("data").Range("A2", Range("A2").End(xlDown))
            C.Offset(0, 5).FormulaR1C1 = "=IF((RIGHT(RC[-1],3)=""ago""),RC[-1],"""")"
    Next C 

What I want to do is Paste As Values to each of the cells in the above to convert the formula to a static value,. Is there a simple bit of code I can include in the above loop, instead of doing a Selection.Copy Selection.PasteValues etc over the range?

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Convert All Worksheets To Values - Save And Copy As Worksheet Name

Oct 12, 2012

Sub Select_All_Sheets_And_Export()
Dim wsWorksheet As Worksheet, wbNew As Workbook


[Code] ........

I have come up with the above code to select all sheets in my workbook and convert to values and then split and save each worksheet as its worksheet name in the same directory.

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