Copy And Paste Cell Based On Conditions

Jul 9, 2012

I have data in columns A and B.

If the data is in column A it will not be in column B.

My objective is to move the data in column A to column B, as long as it is not a number with the color yellow in the cell.

The data displays as follows:

**SPECIAL NOTE: Cells with 34407211756830 and 34407212013659 have yellow cells.

Column A Column B
34407211756830 000 Staples IV

RC 636

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VBA To Copy And Paste According To Conditions?

May 2, 2014

I have an extract of sample data in columns A to E in the attached file.

I would like to create some VBA code to copy across to columns H to K the data in A to D that has that is flagged as "Y" in column E, sorted in descending order of the values in column D. When there is an "n/a" in column D the products should be sorted in ascending order of the product name. I have shown the desired outcome in H2:K6.

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Macro To Copy And Paste Data With Conditions

Mar 26, 2009

I have 2 reference cells with the date range to look for in C1 and D2.
G2 through IV2 have dates that run across.
I would like for the macro to look for the start and end dates in C1 & D2 and paste the new data as values from A1:B20 into those particular columns of dates within the range.

ABCD1head count23start7/1/092vac%5%end7/15/093iap%3%4misc%3%5off%21%6% ot0%7off%21%8% ot0%9rpr wk rt1.510inst wk rt5.0211go back %5%12nw Mvr %3%13fall out %10%14jep/incomplete %16%15lines in service116% esc3%17% change610%18churn rate60.994%19report rate0.297%20% of market2218%

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Copy And Paste Based On A Cell Value?

Jul 17, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with two tabs Line Crew and Master Log. I have a macro that searches the Master Log Column H for a value "Line Crew" and if it finds it, it will copy that row (Specified range) to the Line Crew tab. My problem with the macro is that it keeps copying the same row. I would like it to move down to the next row search for "Line Crew" , copy and paste until it gets to the end of Master Log Sheet. I have attached a sample of the spreadsheet. Here is my code:

[Code] ..........

Attached File : Book1.xlsm‎

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Copy-Paste Based On Date In Cell

Oct 28, 2009

I have data on sheet-1 ("MEAL CHART") that I copy over to sheet-2 (Nutri_DB) daily. The macro below is working for me when I post the data the same day it is recorded. However, I frequently need to post my data the day before or day after it is recorded.

I would like to modify my code below so it copies/pastes the data based on the date in cell B1 (Named range "DATE") not the actual date (today()).

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Copy And Paste A Range Based On A Cell Value That Is Not Static?

Aug 8, 2014

Task:A user has to copy and paste a range of cells, if any row in column B has "PM" as a value.

I have several macros/VBS scripts that copy and paste from one workbook to another, how do I create a macro that says whatever row "PM" is in copy range F:BC on that row

My issues is the fact the PM can be in any row in column B in different sheets. Example.xlsx

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Repeat Copy Paste Macro Based On Value Of Cell

Mar 4, 2014

I need to repeat the following copy past macro the number of times equal to the value in column B and repeat the process for rows 3 through 27. It would end up being a loop with in a loop. The data in C3:H3 will be pasted onto the "Fixt#" sheet as many times as the value in column B3. The idea is to create an individual entry on the "Fixt#" sheet for each row on the "Totals" sheet.

Sub Create_Fixt_SheetI()
' Create_Fixt_Sheet Macro
ActiveSheet.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

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Copy & Paste Specific Column Based On Cell Reference

May 20, 2008

I've searched for a solution on the board and the internet too but to no avail; I am trying to create a macro that will select the entire column based on a cell reference G1 which is infact a Date.

Column G to Column S are pre-defined with a specific Date in row 8. If the Date in one of these columns (G8 to S8) match with the Date in cell G1, say it finds a match with H8, then I want to copy the range F14:F2000 and paste as values in range H14:H2000. The possibility of a match found is limited to a single columns from G to S.

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Copy/Paste Cell Value To Correponding Dates Based On Month

Sep 5, 2007

I want to paste a cell value into a column that is a certain month based on a date inserted by the user. For example, in cell a1 is £1000 in cell a2 is 01/01/2008 so i would then want this to be pasted in the same row and then column called january 2008.

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Copy Selected Cells From Sheet1 And Paste Them In Sheet2 Based On A Cell Value?

Dec 27, 2012

have two worksheets, "Entry form" and "Database" in my workbook. I am trying to put together a macro button to find the cell value D5(Entry form) in the column A:A (database), if found, copy selected cells (B5:D5,B7,B9) from entry form and paste in the adjacent cells of the row with the value in the database sheet.

'Match value D3 and replace data
Dim sht As Worksheet, outsht As Worksheet, r As Long
Dim rfoundCell As Range


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Macro - Copy And Paste Based Upon Cell Formatting For Limited Time

Jun 27, 2013

Here is what I am trying to do in lay terms:

If A2 and B2 on Sheet("Master") are not highlighted, copy and paste them into Cell A3 and B3 on Sheet("Job List - Numeric"). Do this up to Row 50 on Sheet("Job List - Numeric"). Once Row 50 is filled, jump to pasting to D3 and E3 on Sheet("Job List - Numeric") and continue up to Row 50 and so on....

I need to do this on one sheet in numerical order based upon Column A and another sheet in alphabetical order based upon Column B.

Here is what I have in code so far:

Sub Final()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim c As Integer
Dim x As Integer
For Row = 2 To 145
Range(ActiveCell, Cells(ActiveCell.Row, ActiveCell.Column + 1)).Select

[Code] .......

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Copy Paste Special As Values Based On Validation Cell Contents

Jan 27, 2007

Need VBA macro that will copy & paste (Special > AS VALUES) from one of two (Data A & B) sheets based on the contents of a validation cell ($D$4) in a third (Report) sheet? The destination starting cell would be $F$11. ALSO - I'd like to have the Named Ranges "DataAExtract" & "DataBExtract" used in the code (for the COPY region) so I can see an example of how to reflect my actual named ranges in my working file.

The reason for doing this is that the "c.Characters...." lines in my conditional formatting macros (attached) are not working on cells containing formula output (in my working file the Report page is all populated by VLOOKUP results), but the macros run fine on hard-coded values. In my attached workbook, I'd like to have the "NEW" macro for the copy & paste step fire first in the sequence of macros running after the FORM button-click (control located in cell $D$5 of the Report sheet), whether that's by writing a new macro and calling mine before the new one ends, OR by consolidating all of my macros plus the new one into one smooth progression.

With this low-tech approach I can get updated VALUES into the report area once the user selects a data source and a customer on the report sheet. The COPY ranges in my working spreadsheet will update based on the selections made in the report page. I tried recording a macro and then modifying the recorded code to add the "If > Then" functionality I'm looking for, but I'm pretty green when it comes to VBA code and syntax.

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Open Multiple Workbooks Based On Cell Values And Copy And Paste Information?

Apr 22, 2014

I tried all failed.We have about 160 different workbooks (one for each business unit) stored online. Staff enters information about their weekly revenue and expenses and here at head office I collect that information and consolidate them.What I am trying to do is that;1.) Create a master Workbook with ~160 worksheets (One worksheet for each unit) named exactly the same with other workbooks2.) And macro can pull the information from related files stored in a certain folderIt is very much like another members problem but I am not sure why I cant get that code working for me? [URL]

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Copy And Paste Range Of Cells Based On Number Of Cell Values In Column A

Mar 17, 2014

Please see attached sample worksheet. Column A will be generated by the user manually.

I'm looking for a way in VBA to have A1:D20 in Sheet2 copied and pasted in the "Bank Reconciliation" Sheet based on how many "Markets" there are in Column A. Then, once that's complete to have A22:D30 (the smaller box in Sheet2) copied and pasted directly below those results.

I have what the macro would hopefully generate to the right in "Bank Reconciliation" (B6:E54) as an example. So if there's a market in A1, copy and paste the box to B6. If there's a market in A2, copy and paste the box directly below the first (B26) etc. etc. until it's done, then paste the smaller box directly below whatever the macro generates.


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Copy Range Based On Certain Conditions

Sep 5, 2006

I have this macro to copy a range to another worksheet:

Sub transpose_UPCID() ' Hace el copy y paste transposed en BAUCS de los numeros de UPC"s y
' las cajas ATR
Dim rng1 As Range
Dim rng2 As Range
Set rng1 = Sheets("Sales-Inventory").Range("UPC", Range("MK_ID").End(xlDown))
Set rng2 = Sheets("Sales-Inventory").Range("Figure", Range("Figure").End(xlDown))
Sheets("BAUCS").Range("C11").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, _
Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False _
, Transpose:=True
Sheets("BAUCS").Range("C37").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, _
Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False _
, Transpose:=True
Application.CutCopyMode = True
End Sub

The only problem is that this code copies all the items and I need this code to look into Column A in the Sales-Inventory worksheet. There I have a data validation with a total of six options. I also have six differents worksheets where I need to copy the values based on that data validation. To give you and example, all items containing XX in column A copy to XX worksheet. Something like that.

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Copy Cells To 2nd Sheet Based On Conditions

Apr 17, 2012

I have 2 worksheets (X and Y) and am trying to write a macro/vba to copy certain cell values from a row if that row has a marked cell. For example, on sheet X, marked cell is column P and when P = "Y", then values from cells B, D, I, J, L need to be copied to sheet Y.

Sheet Y has multiple rows and the values from X need to be copied into appropriate rows. B from X goes into A from Y, D into B, I and J into C, etc.

Im not sure how to go about this other than have every cell copied and then filtering sheet Y. But Id like to have a macro only copy marked rows and appropriate cell values (some contain formulas) as the data is constantly changing and sheetY has to be printed up.

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Copy And Paste From One Sheet To Another Based On Column A Using A Macro Copy Button

Jan 22, 2007

I want to copy and paste from one sheet to another based on column a using a macro copy button.

E.g. if column a value = apple then copy that row into the apple sheet.

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Populate A Cell Based On Conditions Of Other Cells W/out Putting A Formula In The Cell

Oct 10, 2009

Is there a way to make a cell populate certain text based on conditions of other cells without putting the formula in the cell you want to populate. So that someone could type other text into the cell if the conditions were not met?

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VBA To Set Cell Value Based On Multiple Conditions

Jan 4, 2013

I am creating a document log that tracks all excel files sent and received.

I use RDBmerge to get the filenames and data from the file batches.

My current macro edits the data down to the last stage of data needed to create the log.

My example workbook shows the final stage of the RDBMerge Data "Rough_Data" and then the final data formatted needed for the Log "Final_Data"

Included on the "Rough_Data" worksheet is the Code log used to complete the "Final_Data" worksheet.

I have highlight the cell range on the "Final_Data" Sheet that I need to complete.

filenames can occur multiple times from the RDBmerge, so only one occurance of the filename is place in column B of the "Final_Data" worksheet.

The criteria is this:

A column on the "Final_Data" worksheet as been Named for Each of the possible "Record Types" from Column G of the "Rough_Data" Worksheet. ("A,B,C,D,E,I,O,P,Q,T,V,W,X,Y")

I then must look through the "Rough_Data" worksheet for the first occurrence (if any) of that record type for each filename on the "Final_Data worksheet. If an occurrence is found I then must look at the "Unique ID" & "Program" Columns of the "Rough_Data" Worksheet. The key (on the "Rough_Data" worksheet) is used to determine the code that is written to the corresponding cell.


[Code] .....

I would very much like to automate this process, as sometimes I am dealing with over a hundred files with 30 plus rows of data each.

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How Do I Highlight A Cell Based On Conditions Of Another?

Aug 5, 2009

I want to highlight A1 red if C1 is greater than 55. Is this possible?

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Cell Value Based On Multiple Conditions

Feb 23, 2010

I need to create a macro that will calculate a value based on the contents of multiple cells. Looking at the example attached, if columns A and/or B (employee ID and name) are empty, then allowable OT (G) should be 0. If either have data, then if Stage (F) is CAN, G should be 20. If Stage is FAS or FAR, G should be 10.

I'm not very savvy with IF statements, which is how I imagine this can be done, and I don't know if this would be easier to do as a macro or as a formula within G. Since the contents of the of the cells will be changing on a weekly basis, I'd prefer the formula to only be there if there is content on the line, so we don't have nulls showing.

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Reset Cell Value Based On Two Conditions

Mar 10, 2009

I am trying to build a spreadsheet that tallies hours worked and hours available for the next day. The key to this spreadsheet is the number 70. A worker can accumulate no more then 70 hours in an 8 day period, however after any day with no hours worked the rule resets to 70 hours available again. I have attached a sample spreadsheet so you can see how this should work.

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Highlight Cell Based On 2 OR Conditions

May 15, 2008

I am seeking assistance with code for column H to be highlighted when I have a value of "Pending" or "Work In Progress" is present in column E?

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Copy Paste Based On A Condition

Nov 7, 2011


I have run into a problem which is quite unique. I have data for 40000 football matches. The Sheet "Raw data" has the raw format of the data.

Sheet "Goal Difference (Home - Away)" is pretty important. This sheet is the goal difference between the home team and the away team. "A5:A95" has the number of minutes in a football match and we are trying to track the way a team progresses throughout the match. Lets assume the score is 0-2 for the 1st match and the goals were scored in "39, 76," minute by the away team. So the data will read 0 from 0-38, -1 from 39-75 and -2 from 76-90.

Sheet "Red Cards conceeded_Home" tracks the number of red cards as the match progresses through 0-90 minutes for the home team. The catch here is if the score reads Red Cards : "1 - 2" and the Red Cards Time reads "26, 15, 18". The red card was issued to the home team at 26th minute, The away team received it at the 15th and 18th minute. So the data will read 0 from 0-25, 1 from 26-90.

The same applies to the other tabs.

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Colour Cell Based On Few Conditions / Cell Values Of Other Cells In Same Row?

Jun 28, 2014

In the xls for each step I have 2 raws-planned and actual. Step planned duration is populated manually over the weeks.Before that row we have another reflecting the actual step status per week

I would like to find a way how cell reflecting the actual status of a step can be automatically populated (coulored) based on the colour/value of activities that are planned for that week and for that step.Activities are listed below the step and again have planned and actual row.

The rule should be : if for a week we have several activities all of them should be finished in order to have step stataus auto populated as green. If a single activity planned for that week is not done-then weekly step status should be red.

The activities for each step are grouped below the step. It seems that one of the difficult part in that request would be how formula will understand where starts and finishes the activities that belong to one step. To get that happen I placed a column showing step and another column where we activity.

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Copy Method (copy From The Selected Cell And Paste One Cell Below(next Row) In Same Column)

Oct 23, 2009

what is wrong in this code, it does not paste.

HTML Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 0).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 7).Select
ActiveCell.Copy Destination:=ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=(R[1])"

I am trying to copy from the selected cell and paste one cell below(next row) in same column.

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Count Cells Based On Conditions In That And Other Cell(s)?

Jan 28, 2013

I have an issue log containing (separate) columns with dates, numbers and text.

One column (A) has the status (open/in progress/pending/closed/re-opened)
One column (B) has raise dates
One column (C) has close dates
One column (D) has the type of track (this is text, 3 types)

I want to count the amount of cells that have a close date before date x, given they are open (in Column A), and for a specific track (column D).

After creating a new sheet with a date range in one column encompassing all dates that occur in my column B & C, I tried to come up with a formula to count how many cells, and consequently how many issues, were open (or closed) on a particular date per track and as a whole.

So for instance; count cells in column C if Column C is before date 101112 and Column A is open and column D is "Build".

After trying COUNTIF and SUMPRODUCT the conclusion is I can't get it right.

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VBA - Copy And Paste Rows Based On A Condition?

Apr 19, 2013

I have tried to write some VBA to copy and paste rows based on the condition in cells A:A in sheet one. So far I have managed to put something together which will paste the first row and insert a new row below but keeps on pasting the same row. But not much else! Not sure I have tried to make it more difficult than what is it.

I would like it to copy a row based on a certain condition ("WRW") in A:A sheet one and paste it to sheet2.

Function DoOne(RowIndex As Integer) As Boolean
Dim Key
Dim Target


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Copy And Paste Data Based On Yes Or No In Column?

Jan 30, 2014

I have an Excel Spread Sheet that lists all of the people who have been issued Keys in your workplace, so the row has multiple information columns (Name, Department, Key Code, etc). One row is titled "Left Workplace" and you can select either a Yes or a No. Based on that selction I want it to copy and paste into a different spreadsheet (Either Inactive - if "No" is selected or Active - if "Yes" is selected) What is the best way to go about this?

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Copy And Paste Data Based On Date

Apr 24, 2014

This code basically copies data from one worksheet to another worksheet based on the date and works great.

However, I have been asked to changed the format of the spreadsheet and the code needs to be changed. The code is in "This workbook".

The code takes the data from the summary tab and copies it to the archive tab. I now need it to take it from the summary tab and copy it to the archive 2 tab.

I have attached a copy of the spreadsheet. Data and Archive2.xlsm‎

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