Copying Rows From One Sheet To Another

Feb 23, 2007

i am trying to copy rows from several worksheets into one master worksheet. if column F of any row has a value greater than zero then the rows should be copied to the master worksheet with all data.

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Macro For Copying Rows Of Data In Sheet 1 To Sheet 2

Oct 8, 2009

I have a couple of spreadsheets that requires me to copy data from Sheet 1 that matches certain criteria to Sheet 2.

I have tried using posted VB codes that have been written for other people but they dont seem to work (this is probably to do with me not actually knowing what I am doing, as I am not sure what I should be replacing and what I need to be deleting etc out of the pre-written code )

I need to be able to search on column e in Sheet 1 for anything that has just h written in the cell and then copy all the rows that match into Sheet 2. I also would like to ensure that when it is copied it doesnt go in row 2 but maybe 4 or 5 as I have quite allot of headings.

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VBA Copying Two Rows Of Data From One Sheet To Another Sheet

Jul 30, 2013

I have a workbook, "Assessment District" with 3 worksheets. In worksheet "Original," I have 252 rows with columns A-V. I want to copy two coloumns "C" (range 6-252) and "N" (range 6-252) from the worksheet, "Original" into a new worksheet titled "Send" in columns A & B. I only want to copy the two columns "C" and "N" for each row, if column Q does not contain "beach town" or "freeway."

For example, row 6 contains beach town, so I wouldn't copy C6 and N6 onto "Send," but row 100 doesn't contain beach town or freeway, so I would copy C100 and N100 into "Send."

This is a workbook that would be updated annually.

I'm not skilled in VBA at all, but want to impress my supervisor where I'm interning.

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Copying/Deleting Rows From Sheet To Sheet

Aug 2, 2007

what I need, but can't seem to string anything together for the final product. What I want to do is search one sheet, in column BQ, for the word Complete. If a cell has that word in it, I want to copy that row, paste it into another sheet, and than go back and delete that row, and continue the search until all rows have been searched. Is there a simple way to do this?

I was thinking of an auto filter, but I'm not sure it'd work how I want it based off of what I've read.

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Conditional Copying Of Rows From One Sheet Into Another

Sep 1, 2009

I have one excel 2007 workbook with three sheets in it.

Sheet 1 is a master sheet with 1858 rows and 45 columns of data.
Sheet 2 has the qualifier data, that is, one column with 255 unique 6-digit integers each in its own cell.
Sheet 3 is a result or output sheet that is currently empty.

Here is what needs to be done.

Compare all of the 255 unique 6-digit integers from Sheet 2 with the integers in column number 15 (or Column O) of Sheet 1.
If there is a match then copy that entire row from Sheet 1 into Sheet 3.

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Macro For Copying Certain Rows To Another Sheet.

Oct 20, 2009

I'm trying to create a macro that examines a sheet of data, and if the data in a certain column (column P) contains either A,B, or C then it would copy the entire row over to another sheet. If it contained a blank or D,E, F, etc,etc then it would just ignore that and move to the next row.

I have no idea where to start, i've searched google and here on Mr.Excel.

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Out Of Memory Error 7 - Copying Rows From One Sheet To Another?

Feb 27, 2014

I am using the below macro to copy the rows (Starting from Row 2 excluding header row) to another sheet (Starting from Row 2 excluding the header row). I have a huge number of rows which i need to copy to the new sheet (crossing 1.5 Lakh records) which is probably causing "Out of Memory Error: 7" to occur when i execute the below code.


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Excel 2007 :: Copying Formulated Rows From One Sheet To Another

Dec 18, 2013

My knowledge of Excel 2007 is minimal, from formatting individual cells, to creating column totals. I've used it for years in my household budgets. I have an attendance form which is about 3 pages long; currently, it's separated at page breaks, with column totals at the bottom of each 'page'. This is easy because the Row #s are infinite, right? Lately there have been regular adjustments, and I believe the project might be less cumbersome if it were spread out on separate sheets, but how to bring the rows of column totals to cumulative totals on the last sheet.

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Copying 193 Rows Yet Referencing Consecutive Cells From Different Sheet

May 1, 2013

I have a worksheet "parent child" with product data, cells F4 and BK4, pull pertinent data from cells T2 and M2 respectively on a different sheet "products".

A5:A196, D5:D196, F5:F196 is dependent on cell F4 and BK5:BK196 is dependent on BK4.

Once we get to row 197, the cycle starts over again. F197 and BK197 needs to equal products!T3 and products!M3. Then rows 198 through 389 will be dependent on row 197.

I basically need this to repeat perpetually for about 1000 different products on the products sheet, thus the ability to create approximately 193,000 rows.

I am not sure what it will take to do this, i am fine if I have to drag and copy all rows, which I have tried to create and failed at, I end up with products! T196, instead of T4.

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Copying Rows With Multiple Colum Values To New Sheet

May 21, 2008

I need to copy specific rows that have a specific value in colum B and Colum M to new worksheets.

So from below attached screenshot , say for an example macro shud filter rows that have "BigPond" in coloum B ,"RG2" in column M & "INT" in column W and i dont want all cells in these rows , i only want copy cells under column C,AK,AL,AM (in this order) to my other excel sheet that is named "BigPond" and it should paste it starting from Row5.

I want to avoid recording a macro as it selects a range and i am expecting more new rows every week so if a record a macro the cell range for selection changes and i get incorrect result.

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Automatically Copying Rows From One Sheet To Another Depending On A Cells Input

Jun 2, 2009

i have a certain column that tells me if a client has withdrawn from the company, and the column just says "y" or "n" i want excel to automatically copy the whole row to another sheet if that cell is a "y" for yes the client withdrew...

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Copying And Pasting Current Region To Another Sheet Without Actually Copying?

May 15, 2014

I want to copy the current region on sheet 3 and paste that into sheet2 starting with cell E4. But I don't want to actually use the copy method. I believe there is a way to do this. I was thinking the following:

[Code] ......

The idea I had was to simply state that cell E4 would be assigned the value of CurrentRegion on sheet 3. Is there a way to bypass the copy method?

If not, how to copy, then paste?

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Copying Cells From One Sheet To Multiple Sheet And Naming Sheet As Copy Text?

Dec 24, 2013

I want to do a loop where you can copy say A3 worksheet 1 then add another sheet naming the work sheet "A3" then copying A3 worksheet 1 to A1 "A3". After that looping to A4 to a new work sheet naming the work sheet "A4"copying the value to A1 "A4", etc...

Is there a simply way of doing this loop? I can probably fit my other coding into the structure.

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Copying Sheet Names And Cell Data Into New Overview Sheet

Mar 21, 2013

I have workbook that has several sheets within the workbook that are set up identical. Each of the sheets in the workbook are for a specific company.

As of right now I have been adding a sheet to the workbook that is an overview for what is in each sheet (the individual companies). Currently I am doing the formatting of the heading and column names manually and I pull the data from each sheet with a VLookup. I have been trying to enhance my VBA skills with coding something that will fill in the appropriate cells from worksheet to worksheet.

What I am trying to do is to populate an overview sheet with cells C24, C25, and B36 being static on each row per sheet. Then each row will be populated with cells C(36, 59, 70, 81), D(36, 59, 70, 81), F(36, 59, 70, 81), G, and H(36, 59, 70, 81). The overview sheet will have the diagram below in a ru

I attached an example : example.xlsx

Sheet 1

[Code] .....

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Eliminate The Asterisk: Copying A Large Sheet Into A Spread Sheet

Dec 3, 2008

I am copying a large sheet into a spread sheet. The problem is one of the columns contain numbers with some cells having an asterisk at the end of the number. This causes problems with the formulas on other sheets that use this data. Can I use a formula or what is the best way to eliminate the "*".

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Update A Cell Value From A Previous Sheet After Copying The Sheet And Renaming It

Nov 21, 2009

I have copied a sheet, moved it to the end and renamed it with a date that is in cell "A1"

Now after that process is finished I need it to update the date in cell "A1" of the newly created sheet with the next day's date.

I am stuck however referring to the previous sheet to update the date value in "A1"

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Script Not Copying Data From Emails Sheet To New Sheet

Jun 8, 2014

I am currently working on a script that will copy some data from one sheet to another, but I keep getting the following error message:

Run time error: Object required
Set uRng = .Range("F1", .Range("F" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp))

What could be causing it?

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VBA To Hide Sheet In Workbook And Copying Hidden Sheet

Dec 12, 2013

I have a userform which clones the latest sheet and produces copy of it on the next sheet. The first sheet they will be cloning is the sheet called 'template', I however want this to be hidden since I do not want anybody to modify a sheet which basically serves purpose of a template. And once cloned, it is no longer needed.

On the click of the command button, the macro will create sheet1 taking the info from sheet named 'Template' in the same workbook . And now on the next click of the command button, Sheet 2 is created taking the info from sheet1 and Sheet 3 is created taking the info from Sheet 2 and so on. Here is what I currently have, so how can i modify it in order for my scnerio to work?

To select the last sheet in the workbook


To create new sheet


Sheets(Sheets.Count).Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name = MyEvent & " " & MySCN & "(" & ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count - 2 & ")"

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Inserting New Rows / Copying From Additional Rows

May 25, 2013

I'm not great anyways with VBA Macro.Effectively, here is my issue. I have a spreadsheet which is really badly designed.In one column I have multiple numbers separated by a comma. I need this data separated into new individual rows, but at the same time, copying the data in the other columns in that row to the new row.

Example of what I have:

Test 1 54 email1
Test 2 32, 343, 63, 34 email2
Test 3 4934, 5342 email 3

What I need:

Test 1 54 email1
Test 2 32 email2
Test 2 343 email2
Test 2 63 email2
Test 2 34 email2
Test 3 4934 email3
Test 3 5342 email3

I have have the following code below which paste everything into a new column and into a new row, but the problem I have is that it does not push the other rows data down, nor does it copy the 1st rows data (for that data set) into the new rows created.

Option Explicit
Sub Macro1()
Dim fromCol As String
Dim toCol As String
Dim fromRow As String
Dim toRow As String
Dim inVal As String
Dim outVal As String

[Code] ........

The amount of rows I have, so this manually (text to column, then transcoding etc) it out of the questions (i have 1000 rows of this!)

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Copying Dynamic Ranges From One Sheet To Another Sheet?

Jul 7, 2014

I have a separate sheet that I will drop a csv file into. On another sheet, I would like to copy that data. I know how to copy a cell and drag it to collect all the cells for the first go around, and this would work great if only my csv file had the same amount of rows each time, which it doesn't.

Is there anyway to create a macro to copy a dynamic range of rows from another sheet?

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Copying Sheet Data And Pasting It To A New Sheet

Jun 28, 2006

I have multiple worksheets and I am looking to take specific information from those worksheets and paste them into a new one, thereby compiling the information.
The "C" column is populated with certain cells that say "Not Acceptable". This varies from sheet to sheet, but all in the C column. I'm looking for a code that will run through all the sheets, find the cells that say "Not Acceptable", copy that row of information it is in, and paste it onto a specific sheet that we'll call "Summary"

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Copying Data From Sheet To Sheet Using VB

Sep 21, 2007

I have attached my workbook. This has 3 sheets that contain data to be manipulated plus a data page.

The first sheet 'Referrals' is a permanent record, data remains in it for ever.

The second sheet 'database' needs to contain copied data from 'Referrals' when an entry is made in col P of 'Referrals'.

When an entry is made in col P of 'Referrals' the following is required to be copied into the next empty line in 'Database'

Col O 'Referrals' to Col A 'Database'
Cols B,C,D,E 'Referrals' to col B,C,D,E 'Database'
Cols G,H,I,J,K,L 'Referrals' to col L,M,N,O,P,Q 'Database'

Information in 'Database' will be required to be removed from time to time and copied to the sheet 'Leavers' which is another permanent record.

When an entry is made in Col AI of 'Database', the whole line (A:AI) should be cut and pasted into the next free line in 'Leavers' starting at col B. The data in 'Database' col AI also needs to be be copied to 'Leavers' col A.

If cutting the line from 'Database' leaves a gap, the entries below should be moved up.

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Copying Rows IF Value

Apr 30, 2009

I have a macro which I have been successfully using for a while and it's served me well. But now I have far too much data on my source file (55-60k rows) and I only need data the data if Column C is "AB". I'm the first to admit that I know nothing about macros.

If anyone can tell me how to make this only copy the rows where Coulumn C is "AB".

Do While fn ""
If fn ThisWorkbook.Name Then
With Workbooks.Open(myDir & fn)
With .Sheets("3-Queues by Agent").Range("A1:R60000")
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(5).Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)(2) _
.Resize(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count).Value = .Value
End With
.Close False
End With
End If

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Copying Only Rows With Data In First Column - Skipping Rows With Blank First Column

May 12, 2014

I have 2 columns of data E and F. Column E has 11 different words that randomly repeat, Column F has 10 years of dates, about 1,000 entries (10/11/12 format). Both columns values come from formulas.

I am trying to copy cells E & F to columns K & L starting in row 2 only if there is is data in column E (one of the 11 words) and skipping all others rows. Both the E & F values of tthe row must be copied together, i.e if text is in E45, then copy E45 and F45 into column K and L starting with K2 & L2. This is a task which will be repeated multiple times as data is replaced in columns A-D.

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Copying Formatting For 40K+ Rows..

Oct 23, 2007

I have to copy the formatting from "rows G&H" for 40,000+ lines. Is there an easier way than doing the formatting then highlighting the first two cells (G4 and H4) then dragging the bottom right hand corner down 40,000 lines?

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Copying Text To Next Rows

Apr 25, 2009

I have a spreadsheet (see attached) that has city names, accessories sku number and quantity sold for each week. I run this report every week and when the spreadsheet has empty rows which I delete, but there are some rows that also have partial data that can be deleted. Anyway, I would like to copy name of first store (los Angeles) in this sample and copy down till the next city comes up (San Diego) and do the same all the way down. I have total of 20 stores and I wondering if you guys know of a formula or vba code that could help me with this.

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Copying And Linking Rows

Apr 16, 2013

For example, I have an excel worksheet which has a main "master" list that has all of the cars that are sold along with the name of the salesperson who sold it all the way to the right (Column 6)

What i am trying to accomplish:
I would like excel to automatically take all of the rows which have the same salesperson name in column six and sort them into separate sheets, but i would also like these rows to automatically update if information is changed in them or if they are deleted on either the salespersons sheet or the master sheet.

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Copying Rows In VBA Until Blank Row

Aug 8, 2007

How do I go about copying rows starting at A1 and counting down until there is a blank row in VBA?

Row 1 - value
Row 2 - value
Etc etc
Then Row 13 is blank

I just want to copy all the data above the blank row, which I will then paste on another xls?

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VBA Copying Rows Into Another Workbook

Aug 28, 2008

I have a workbook into which a number of rows will be imported (a variable number). These will be edited then I want all the rows to be stored in a ever growing database. At the moment I simply copy these rows open a second workbook and paste the rows into the first blank row in the second sheet.

Is there a way to do this automatically.
1) select and copy all rows containing data
2) open second workbook & find first blank row
3) Paste data into second workbook
4) Save and close second workbook

I think with some effort I could manage the copying and pasting but I have no idea how to open and close the second sheet automatically.

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Copying From One Sheet To Another ...

Mar 31, 2009

My main sheet has a couple drop down menus controlled by vba which depending on what is selected, it assigns cells differently. For example, from the drop down menu, if 'A' is selected, cell G16 will be assigned as "abc", but if 'B' is selected from the drop down menu, cell G16 will be assigned as "xyz".

Just for additional information as it may help, "abc" and "xyz" are actually assigned around G90 and G91, but when 'A' or 'B' are selected, it cuts "abc" and "xyz" for G90 or G91 and pastes them to G16.

What I am trying to do is have cells in another worksheet show what is in the first screen. But if I assign cell G16 in Sheet2 as 'Sheet1'!G16, it will work if 'A' is selected from the drop down menu, but return #REF! when 'B' is selected from the drop down menu.

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