Copying Information To Multiple Cells And Updating Lists

Apr 29, 2009

ive had to retype this so please bear with me. ive utilised the resources of this site before but ive come to the time where i need to ask a question of my own.

now i will refer to my attached document as what im trying to achieve.

my project is to create membership cards for our social club at work, out of a list of people we have on our manifest.

If you refer to column A, this is where i will dump the manifest of members as time progresses (keeping in mind that more names will be added to this list as it goes).

What i am hoping to achieve, is to start at Cell A2 (highlighted in yellow). For the example the membership name is "a". i want to hit the macro button and the following will occur.

1. data "a" from Cell A2 will be copied to B2 (highlighted in green) and G6 (highlighted in blue). This moves the name from being on the unregistered list over to a membership card and to the registered list, which allows me to cross check that im not doubling up on names with new applicants and current members.

2. once this occurs, i was cell A2 to delete and cell A3 to be moved up, so now, cell A3's data "b" (highlighted in orange) will be moved to A2.

3. a similar process as point 1 will now occur, where A2 will be moved to the highest empty cell in Column B, which would be B3 now. It will also copy to G18 into the 2nd membership card.

4. this process occurs until column A is empty in A2.

5. i wish to really only have an A4 page worth of membership cards before i print, so i wish to be able to "reset" the membership card boxes, so that instead of the membership cards continuing all the way down the worksheet, it will do say 12, then print, then start back in the 1st box. Ideally this is a loop so that it occurs until there are no more names in Column A.

This is a huge feet for me as an idea because ive never gone beyond using basic recorded macros, however im the type who just HAS to learn how to do stuff, so i will lap up any information or assistance i can recieve from anyone here.

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Updating Header Information

Nov 12, 2009

I have a number of sheets in a workbook, each needs to have the header equal to CELL B1 of the first worksheet (SUMMARY). I tried to use the following on each sheet, but every time I change a cell I get a delay as it updates:

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Updating All Validation Drop Down Lists On All Worksheets Simultaneously

Nov 26, 2009

I have a workbook with 20 worksheets. All tabs are identical in format and layout. On B3, I have a drop down list (this may be irrelevant, but it's to select one month of the year) using simple data validation. Now, I initially had a formula in B3 equal to B3 of the first sheet, so that if I changed the month in the first sheet it will change on all sheets, it will do it the first time without touching the drop down lists on the subsequent sheets.

However, if I changed the date on any other sheet other than the first sheet, it will erase my formula and replace with the value I selected from the drop down list.

Can you guys please help me to device a way (code or formula; open to anything) where if I select, say September, on ANY sheet, it will change all the others to that selection (September) as well?

PS: B3 is actually a merged set of cell merging cells B3:D3. I know this is important because code and merged cell don't really mix.

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Updating Information In Named Range

Jun 28, 2012

1. Can a Named Range contain blank cells and update those blank cells as data is being entered?

Example: If I have a range

='Active List 6-25-12'!$A$1:$E$44,

And data only goes to $E$35 and as I add more data to the rows it will populate in any formula totals being pulled from that range?

2. If it is not automatically updating ranges, is there a refresh button to manually update the total? !: The Red refresh !

- Also redefining the data range values doesn't seem to work. I have to delete and recreate them. Frustrating on a 499 row document.

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Identify Different Information Between 2 Lists

Mar 29, 2007

I have 2 lists in excel format, each list contains numbers. I need to identify which numbers are on one list that are not on the other list.

Is there a formula (hopefully easy) that I can use to identify these?

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Hiding Specific Column And Updating Information On Another Sheet

May 30, 2014

Check the attached sample file

a. actual data in columns is approx 150 items (that is why i need to hide/unhide columns)
b. there are about 120 persons whom above items are issued depending on expiry of life of item i.e. issue date plus number of months mentioned in row 3. for example if coat was issued to John on 5th Jan then it's life expires on 5th May and so on.

Now what i want

1. by clicking hide checkbox only that specific column should hide or if i click Hide All check box all column in range should hide.

2. as i enter issue date expiry of that item should automatically update on corresponding month sheet i.e for above example 5th May should automatically get entered in sheet May.

I have entered sample data manually in months sheet.


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Using Lists To Find Information In Large Db

Nov 20, 2008

I have a sheet with many columns of data relating to different companies as shown below (obviously my actual sheet has much more data):

NOTE: the Mr. Excel forums display the data in the correct form. I've tried to fix it here but obviously that didn't work perfectly, so if you want to view it correctly, click on the link above.

Comp Name Facility Name Product Name clean date
Comp A
Plant 1A Prod A1 11/11/2008
Prod A2
Prod A3
Prod A4
Plant 2A Prod A1000 12/1/2008
Prod A1001

Comp B
Plant 1B Prod B1 12/5/2008
Prod B2

In a new worksheet I want to see only the information relating to the Facilities, specifically the clean date of each facility, such that the information looks something like this:

Facility Name clean date

Plant 1A 11/11/2008
Plant 2A 12/1/2008
Plant 1B 12/5/2008

I know that I can use a simply vlookup formula such as the one below:
=VLOOKUP(C21,Info,3,FALSE), where C21 is the Facility Name and "info" is a list of the last 3 columns of my initial datasheet. However, I need to remember add each new facility name to the 2nd list when it is added to the main datasheet.

Is there a way to have the 2nd sheet automatically add the new facility name every time I add one on the main sheet, but without showing the many empty rows inbetween?

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Distributing Information From One Cell Into Multiple Cells?

Apr 22, 2009

I imported a CSV file into Excel, and the data from the CSV file all ligned up into one column. For example: I have (date, price) both in one column. I need to separate these values into two respective columns.

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Split Information In One Cell To Multiple Cells?

Jan 13, 2014

I am receiving a new report from an external system. Unfortunate the system delivers many information within one cell, and it is not possible to reconfigure. These information are separate by a semi-colon or a semi-colon + space. separate the information in separate cells?

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Updating Spreadsheet Without Copying Values

Aug 4, 2014

I am trying to copy a set of data (lets say workbook 1) into a new workbook(workbook 2). Both files are saved in the same directory.

Workbook 1 will be continually updated with new row additions and some changes in text in the rows. I want to copy these new changes (from workbook 1) without having to copy and paste the new additions into workbook 2, as it is wasting a lot of my time.

Is there a trick in excel to automatically do this?

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Use Two Dropdown Lists With Two Set Of Information To Automatically Update Fields

Jan 29, 2013

I would like to Use two drop down list with two set of information to automatically update fields.

I have Job Titles (1-6) and Step (1-5). Each Job Title has a new pay rate and each step is an increase in pay. What I am trying to do is set up a drop down list where some one can drop down Job Title and step and have the rate automatically fill in.

I am able to get the Job title to auto fill the rate field, but am having trouble incorporating the step into the formula.

Here is what i currently have:

=VLOOKUP(H6,'Pay Rate'!$B$2:$G$12,3,FALSE)

H6 = Job tilte field on 'WorkSheet' (Sheet1)
'Pay Rate'!$B$2:$G$12 = Sheet2 and Step increases per Job Title
3 = the current column I was working with in order to make the rate appear
False = for exact info

I do not want to combine the two columns but keep them separate drop down list.

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All Information In One Cell Instead Of Multiple Cells - Sorting Dataset

Oct 17, 2013

I downloaded a massive dataset in .csv format to work with. My first problem is that I'm having trouble sorting the dataset. When I open the .csv-file every bit of information comes up in the A-column instead of having INFORMATION1 in the A-column INFORMATION2 in the B-column and so on.

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3 Dependent Dropdown Lists / Combined Selection Provides Specific Information

Nov 11, 2013

I'm trying to create a database where when 3 dependent drop down list selections are combined, information is displayed.

I've tried VLOOKUP and INDEX/MATCH but to no avail.

Attached is the spreadsheet and what I am trying to accomplish. On the first sheet ("budget form") is a table named "Event Costs - room hire". I have created three drop down lists that interact based on what you select. Some rooms offer different services and so are dependent on the selection.

However, I want the final box to display the price depending on what is selected in the previous 3 lists. The amounts and a table I have created is in the "Product Database" sheet and the table is labelled, "Room Hire Control C".

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VBA Copying Filtered Lists?

Jan 28, 2014

I have the following snippet of code which runs a filter on a list and copies the filtered values to the first available row on another sheet.

However, i get an error when there is no data after the filter. How can i change the code so that if there is no data, it simply moves onto the next line.

Here's my code:

lastrow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Range("F2:F" & lastrow).Formula = "=countif(d$2:D2,D2)"
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$F$" & lastrow).AutoFilter Field:=6, Criteria1:=">1"
Range("A2:F" & lastrow).Select


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VBA Copying Filtered Lists

Feb 13, 2014

I have the following code, which adds a column to some data, and counts duplicated. It then filters the list, and copies it to a new sheet.

Range("F1").Formula = "Duplicate?"
lastrow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Range("F2:F" & lastrow).Formula = "=countif(d$2:D2,D2)"

[Code] .......

This works fine except for if there is no Data.

If there is no data in "sheet 4".

How can i get it to skip the copy/paste when lastrow = 0?

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Using Lists Function Calculate The Outstanding Work Estimation Based On Available Information

Feb 10, 2009

I am trying to create a worksheet which can calculate the Outstanding Work Estimation based on available information.

The information available with me is presented in Rows 3, 4, 5, and 6. For these types of work orders, I have information regarding their Previous Outstanding Status, New Orders, Completed Orders, and at presented Unworked Orders (or Outstanding orders at the end of Jan 2008).

Second set of information is available in rows 9 to 23. This information provides for which type of orders were completed by Staff 1 and Staff 2.

Based on these two sets of information, I am trying to get to the point where I can calculate the following:

a) Applying the weight of orders (namely 1A, 1B, 1C and Blend) by using the drop down list function in column B, I should be able to get the results in Column C (C25 onwards till C40), Column D (D25 onwards till D40), and Column E (E25 onwards till E40). Simlarly for all other months...for February, March, and so on...till December 08.

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Copying To Multiple Cells Without Dragging

Mar 14, 2013

Is there a way to copy a formula from Cell A1 down to A1500 withhout dragging the fill handle?

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Copying Formula Over Multiple Cells?

Oct 4, 2011

I am doing a VLOOKUP and i need to copy it over 2000 cells, problem is when I copy it, the array changes, not just the Lookup_value



this is the first cells equation and when i try to copy it to the next cell or do a fill it changes it to:


Obviously the Lookup_value is doing the right thing, but the table array is not. and I know i have done this before, not sure why it is doing it now.

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Copying A Set Of Cells From Multiple Worksheets To New Row On Summary Sheet

Oct 6, 2009

I have a workbook that tracks pollutant emissions. The workbook could end up having up to 180 worksheets, one for each pollutant and the emission total. I have VBA to create a new sheet for each pollutant (attached) using a hidden template sheet.

The summary sheet in position 1 needs to list each pollutant worksheet on a new row, and the same 4 cells from each worksheet (id, name, value, value). I have been typing out the cell references in the summary sheet, and it gets boring [=Sheet!Cell id], [=Sheet!Cell name], etc.

Is there a way for me to copy those cells to the summary sheet when the new sheet is created?

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Copying Conditional Formatting Formulas To Multiple Cells?

Jul 9, 2013

I have applied conditional formatting to a cell using formulas and i want to copy that formatting to a new cell using similar formula but pointing to different cells. Is it possible to do so? I have tried to copy and paste special>formats, but that just copies the conditional formatting with the same formulas.

Sample: =IF($C$5/$C$295>$R$5,TRUE,FALSE)

I want to copy to $D$5/$D$295>$R$5,TRUE,FALSE) without having to paste the new formula in each time.

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Copying Data In Specified Cells In Multiple Files To A New File

Apr 12, 2006

I have about a thousand Excel timesheets that all contain 'hours worked' data in a column. Each row contains the area of the project they have worked on and therefore the amount of time they have spent on it. The timesheets also contain the person's name and a w/e date.

I want to sequentially work through each timesheet held locally in a single folder and copy the person's name, w/e date and the hours held in the column into a single new spreadsheet. I need to transpose the data so each amount of time spent on an activity ends up in a column.

I have attempted to record a macro for this but each time I try and run it after the intitial run, it moves to a completely different cell or set of cells to the ones I have directed it and consequently there is no data copied to the new sheet.

I believe this is the first problem..! The second is working through a high number of spreadsheets held in a single locattion but whilst browsing this site I saw the "Excel VBA Loop Through a Folder of Excel Workbooks" page and think this should work fine.

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Copying Information From An Autofiltered Worksheet

Feb 6, 2009

I want to create a macro that will take information from one worksheet to another. The problem is that the first worksheet has an autofilter and i do not know how copy information only from the cells that were filtered with the correct information without copying it manually.

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Copying Row Information And Pasting Onto New Sheet

Jul 22, 2006

I just need a code that will copy items in a row from column A:F...

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Excel 2007 :: Copying Conditional Format To Multiple Cells

Nov 5, 2013

I'm a 2007 user. I am trying to conditional format a range of F1:J10, where F1 will be conditionally formatted relationally to A1. G1 is relational to B1. H2 relational to C2, etc., all the way down to J10 relational to E10. My conditional format formula in cell F1 is >A1*2 (will format F1 as orange). I want to be able to copy the conditional formatting over so the formula in J10 for example would be: >E10*2 (will format it orange).

I omit the "$" in the conditional format formula in an attempt to prevent it from being absolute. But every time I copy the conditional formatting over to the other cells, the formula within those cells remains identical to the formula in the original cell.

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Code To Download Information From Notepad And Copying Info

Sep 19, 2007

Everyday system generates a notepad with the information.. from the notepad i ve to copy paste the info to the excel manually.

Can a code be written where (after downloading information to the excel from the notepad) it automatically fill the information in the excel.

For your reference i ve attached both notepad and excel with dummy datas.
(how i do manually)

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Copying Information From Table But Only Number Shows Up Not Actual Formula?

Aug 13, 2013

I am trying to track inventory over 160 days in a spreadsheet. Every week I update a table that shows the number of skus and dollar amount that are over 160 days in a table. I have a ton of formulas that will automatically populate once I put in the new weekly data on a different spreadsheet. I want to track the weekly data so what I would really like to be able to do is paste the actual numbers and not the formulas into another excel spreadsheet so I can track the progress over time. Is there a way to just paste the actual numerical number instead of the formula itself?

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Copying From Hidden Cells Are Not Copying Protected

Dec 12, 2007

I am trying to make the cells Iam am copying paste hidden cells with all formats - seems to work fine other than the security part of them, Iam makeing a sheet for work and just trying to make it were it will not get destroyed by other users-

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Updating Multiple Cell Values ..

Sep 3, 2008

I am having trouble writing a code for something I need to do. There is a workbook with a worksheet for each month. At the start of every month a new worksheet is added. The opening data in this new worksheet is coming from the closing data of previous month, and some of this data is modified as the month passes.

So, in a way, some of the data for each month depends on the data of previous months. If there was an error in one of the cells, for say, January, and it was corrected manually, it will affect the cell values for feb, march, and so on. Currently, its all a manual process - from copying previous month's data to a new worksheet, and manually correcting errors in each worksheet, which is error -prone and a time consuming process. Is there any way to link each month's data and create an "update values" button clicking on which will update the values for cells in every month's worksheet following the one which had errors in it and was manually updated. It has to one directional.

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Updating Multiple Series' On Chart

Nov 18, 2008

I have a chart with 3 series':


The chart is called chtEngagement. I want to use vb to update these series'.
Series1 should be shown as:

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Automatically Updating Multiple Sheets

Jun 22, 2007

I would like to make my stock sheet able to copy entres to another sheet within the same work book. (avoiding using VB as I can't do that)

If data is entered in sheet2, it is automatically copied onto sheet1.

The reason is that each storage device will have its own sheet and all entries will automatically be copied to the master sheet. This will make things easy for the people who need to use this system for updating and seaching it.

I have seen a similare problem that seems much more complex here @ Copy Data From Multiple Closed Spreadsheets

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