Using Lists To Find Information In Large Db
Nov 20, 2008
I have a sheet with many columns of data relating to different companies as shown below (obviously my actual sheet has much more data):
NOTE: the Mr. Excel forums display the data in the correct form. I've tried to fix it here but obviously that didn't work perfectly, so if you want to view it correctly, click on the link above.
Comp Name Facility Name Product Name clean date
Comp A
Plant 1A Prod A1 11/11/2008
Prod A2
Prod A3
Prod A4
Plant 2A Prod A1000 12/1/2008
Prod A1001
Comp B
Plant 1B Prod B1 12/5/2008
Prod B2
In a new worksheet I want to see only the information relating to the Facilities, specifically the clean date of each facility, such that the information looks something like this:
Facility Name clean date
Plant 1A 11/11/2008
Plant 2A 12/1/2008
Plant 1B 12/5/2008
I know that I can use a simply vlookup formula such as the one below:
=VLOOKUP(C21,Info,3,FALSE), where C21 is the Facility Name and "info" is a list of the last 3 columns of my initial datasheet. However, I need to remember add each new facility name to the 2nd list when it is added to the main datasheet.
Is there a way to have the 2nd sheet automatically add the new facility name every time I add one on the main sheet, but without showing the many empty rows inbetween?
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Dec 9, 2009
I'm trying match values (and set a Yes / No result) from values in two very large lists.
List 1 (approx 170,000 rows) contains the 'Find What' values
List 2 (approx 980,000 rows) contains the 'In What' values
Values in list 1 will be unique in list 2, but not all values in list 1 will appear in list 2. The values in each list are all 16 character stings. This is a one-off otherwise I'd probably import into a AccessDB.
Using formulas is taking an absolute age to calculate using MATCH function, so I'm wondering if coding is the better angle.
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Jul 21, 2006
I'm trying to do is take a 3 by 40 area from each file, add it together into one report. I've been browsing through some other examples, but i can't seem to get any of them to work. Heres the
Sub clamdata()
Dim sht As Worksheet
Dim sFolder As String
Dim count As Long
Dim data(3, 50) As Long
Dim sum1(3, 50) As Long
Dim count2 As Long
Dim vaFileName As Variant
How do I have it select the sheet i want (Eyelet Faults) and then get the data from the ranges I want (B7 to D47), add them, and then output that data to one file?
With this code, it gives me a general error message (and doesn't highlight anything):
Runtime error '91'
object variable or with block variable not set
I originally started with this idea:
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sFolder = "C:DataReportsWORsWidget"
Set wbBook = ThisWorkbook
Set wsData = wbBook.Worksheets("Data")
lngRows = wsData.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
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Mar 29, 2007
I have 2 lists in excel format, each list contains numbers. I need to identify which numbers are on one list that are not on the other list.
Is there a formula (hopefully easy) that I can use to identify these?
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Feb 9, 2012
I have a large itemised call bill that i need to do some regular analysis on and wondered if I could automate most of it.
In column C is a list of mobile numbers, in column F the numbers they called (this is an itemised bill so each line represents one call, meaning each number has multiple rows) finally in column K is the cost of each call.
I want the macro to look through column F (number called) and if there are less than 5 instances of that number that are under 0.30 each in cost to be deleted.
Example: if in column F the number 07500 100100 appeared once with a cost of 0.29 I want it deleted but if it appears 6 times with an accumulated cost of 3.50 i.e. more than 0.30 per call averaged out, then i want it to remain on the sheet
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Jun 19, 2007
I have a large spreadsheet (1000-plus entries) that all have about 10 or 15 columns of information (product title, product number, etc).
I also made a form that I want to use as a master form, where all the titles will not change.
What I am wanting to do is, by going off the product number, when you click it, this pre-made master form will pop up, and all the information that was located on the large spreadsheet for this product number will be inserted where it is designated to be on the master form.
While I could probably do something like this through Access, we need to keep it on Excel, and in the same workbook so that it will automatically update things once I put a new number or input onto the large spreadsheet.
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Jul 29, 2013
i usually work with 3d and i export all my working in excel to summarise in a table.Now i came across an issue whereby i have a whole exported list for the whole project and i want to extract some of the info to make a new table.My master list is a dynamic one it keeps on updating from the project.
I have attached the sheet, there is one master sheet and 2 other sheets, PID10 & PID2...those sheets are break down table form the master sheet.
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Apr 29, 2009
ive had to retype this so please bear with me. ive utilised the resources of this site before but ive come to the time where i need to ask a question of my own.
now i will refer to my attached document as what im trying to achieve.
my project is to create membership cards for our social club at work, out of a list of people we have on our manifest.
If you refer to column A, this is where i will dump the manifest of members as time progresses (keeping in mind that more names will be added to this list as it goes).
What i am hoping to achieve, is to start at Cell A2 (highlighted in yellow). For the example the membership name is "a". i want to hit the macro button and the following will occur.
1. data "a" from Cell A2 will be copied to B2 (highlighted in green) and G6 (highlighted in blue). This moves the name from being on the unregistered list over to a membership card and to the registered list, which allows me to cross check that im not doubling up on names with new applicants and current members.
2. once this occurs, i was cell A2 to delete and cell A3 to be moved up, so now, cell A3's data "b" (highlighted in orange) will be moved to A2.
3. a similar process as point 1 will now occur, where A2 will be moved to the highest empty cell in Column B, which would be B3 now. It will also copy to G18 into the 2nd membership card.
4. this process occurs until column A is empty in A2.
5. i wish to really only have an A4 page worth of membership cards before i print, so i wish to be able to "reset" the membership card boxes, so that instead of the membership cards continuing all the way down the worksheet, it will do say 12, then print, then start back in the 1st box. Ideally this is a loop so that it occurs until there are no more names in Column A.
This is a huge feet for me as an idea because ive never gone beyond using basic recorded macros, however im the type who just HAS to learn how to do stuff, so i will lap up any information or assistance i can recieve from anyone here.
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Jan 29, 2013
I would like to Use two drop down list with two set of information to automatically update fields.
I have Job Titles (1-6) and Step (1-5). Each Job Title has a new pay rate and each step is an increase in pay. What I am trying to do is set up a drop down list where some one can drop down Job Title and step and have the rate automatically fill in.
I am able to get the Job title to auto fill the rate field, but am having trouble incorporating the step into the formula.
Here is what i currently have:
=VLOOKUP(H6,'Pay Rate'!$B$2:$G$12,3,FALSE)
H6 = Job tilte field on 'WorkSheet' (Sheet1)
'Pay Rate'!$B$2:$G$12 = Sheet2 and Step increases per Job Title
3 = the current column I was working with in order to make the rate appear
False = for exact info
I do not want to combine the two columns but keep them separate drop down list.
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Nov 11, 2013
I'm trying to create a database where when 3 dependent drop down list selections are combined, information is displayed.
I've tried VLOOKUP and INDEX/MATCH but to no avail.
Attached is the spreadsheet and what I am trying to accomplish. On the first sheet ("budget form") is a table named "Event Costs - room hire". I have created three drop down lists that interact based on what you select. Some rooms offer different services and so are dependent on the selection.
However, I want the final box to display the price depending on what is selected in the previous 3 lists. The amounts and a table I have created is in the "Product Database" sheet and the table is labelled, "Room Hire Control C".
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Feb 10, 2009
I am trying to create a worksheet which can calculate the Outstanding Work Estimation based on available information.
The information available with me is presented in Rows 3, 4, 5, and 6. For these types of work orders, I have information regarding their Previous Outstanding Status, New Orders, Completed Orders, and at presented Unworked Orders (or Outstanding orders at the end of Jan 2008).
Second set of information is available in rows 9 to 23. This information provides for which type of orders were completed by Staff 1 and Staff 2.
Based on these two sets of information, I am trying to get to the point where I can calculate the following:
a) Applying the weight of orders (namely 1A, 1B, 1C and Blend) by using the drop down list function in column B, I should be able to get the results in Column C (C25 onwards till C40), Column D (D25 onwards till D40), and Column E (E25 onwards till E40). Simlarly for all other months...for February, March, and so on...till December 08.
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Apr 4, 2007
Is there a macro to close this msg box:
"There is a large amount of information on the Clipboard. Do you want to ...."
I wish for the default to be no which I believe will be FALSE. But I do not know the command
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May 29, 2014
I have enormous amounts of data to sort through (as we all do) and I am trying to link them to unique identifiers for easier data maintenance later.
What I want to do is vlookup from the 'solved' sheet a code, which will search the 'data' table and return the 'DFU' code.
Example 2905.xlsx
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Mar 24, 2013
I'm looking for a formula that would tell me if a value in colume E can be found in column M while the values in column M may have characters before and after the value I'm looking for. The values are alpha and numberic in many cases.
Find E2 in M:M where E2 = 0123 and is in M:M as a15012388. The "yes/no" result is marked in red where I would like to have the answer.
Looking For
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Apr 20, 2014
I am facing problem to make summary sheet of top 3 value from large number of value of my excel sheet like-
[Code] ......
Now I want to make summary in sheet2 top 5 value among the list of sheet1 separately from group 1, 2 & 3.
If group number is 1 in sheet1 then top 3 value will be like this-
If group number is 2 in sheet1 then top 3 value will be like this-
If group number is 3 in sheet1 then top 3 value will be like this-
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Aug 1, 2006
I have a large amount of data, in columnA a list of cars, columnB a list of engines, in columnC the city built, in columnD the country to ship, in columnE distance, in columnF the time.
Now some makes, city's and destinations match and sometimes the engine, but i would like to be able to say cellX = (time to ship) where cellA = Ford AND cellB = 1.8 AND cellC = London and CellD = Ireland
The key data is the city built and shipping destination, so i'd like to say if cell A3 = London AND Cell B3 = Ireland AND Cell A5 = Ford AND CellA7 = 1.8 then CellA10 = (distance) & CellA11 = (time)
Vlookup's are of no use due to the large amount of data. But is there a way of writting this command in VB?? or am i missing something in Excel?
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Dec 30, 2011
I am facing problem in finding the second large value while my list is having duplicate data.
For Example
my numbers are:-
if I want to find out the top four value by using the formula:-
the result is coming like: - 90,87,87,65
instead of this I want the result as: - 90,87,65,45.
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Apr 10, 2009
So what I have is a large list of items, and each item has the price of the product, and a product type.
What I want to do is find the median price for each specific product type, using a formula, without having to sort or filter my large list of products.
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Jan 19, 2010
Each sheet contains 30,000 rows of data in column A, C, E, G and I.
I want to find each cell of column A, C, E, G and I to another sheets column A, C, E, G and I respectively.
If match found then it should return "True" in column B, D, F, H and J.
I have tried VLookup, but it takes too much of time for calculation (1,50,000 vlookup Formulas needs to calculate in each sheet with If condition) some time calculation gives wrong results.
As well as I want to do filtering on this all the data... so that time calculation gives the problems (I have used application.Calculation=xlCalculationManual)
So now I am using Range.Find method, but that loop excecutes for 30,000 times and each ittration contains 5 Find methods.
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Oct 10, 2007
I am trying to do a find and replace on two list of names which are in different formats to get the list in a correct format for processing in our system.
Sheet1 - Column A - (Has Duplicates)
Tom Jones
Homer Simpson
Sheet2 - Column A - (unique values only)
I want a macro/method of looking at Sheet1 Col A - finding the EXCAT name in Sheet2 ColA and then either Replacing Sheet1 Col A with the Text in Sheet2 ColA or putting it in Sheet 1 ColB next to the one i need to replace.
Desired Example
Sheet1ColA || Sheet2ColA || Sheet1ColB Or Sheet1ColA
-------------- || ------------- || -----------------------
Tom Jones || JONES TOM I1234 || JONES TOM I1234
I have Approx 4187 names to check like this and change to the same format as is in Sheet2 Col A
So a looping macros that looks at sheet1 col A and then finds the name in Sheet2 Col A i think is required, if it does not find a matching name it should leave it BLANK and then move on to the next one to find and replace.
I have tried to split up the cells in Sheet1 ColA into FName, Lname..then doing Vlookups, but thats not working for me
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Mar 14, 2008
It's been a while since I've visited MrExcel, but I've been busy learning C# & ASP.Net & Visual Studio & SQL Server - work doesn't want too much from me :p
Anyway, I'm writing a procedure that plays around with lists in Excel (i.e. the type of list that would show up in CurrentRegion.
They're not connected to any outside data source, or as a pivot table - just columns of data that will have a header row in a different format than the data body.
Is there any way of cycling through each sheet in the workbook and identifying each occurrence of a list?
I've been playing with the code at the bottom of the post, and it finds the boundaries of each list providing (at the moment) that each list starts on row 1. There are other problems with it however.
And to identify the values in the header row? .....
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Jan 15, 2009
I need a formula to sum column C if data in column A and Column B are found anywhere else in the list. For Example
Column D would show
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May 28, 2009
I understand how to find the top 5 /bottom 5 values using the large/small functions, but the question I have is: How do I get associated fields. For example I attached a sample sheet with values (Fields: Ticker,TE,Sector,Return). How do I get the Ticker,Sector that the return is for. I'd like to show all the associated fields that relate to the retun, but I can't find the solution on how to do that.
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Oct 14, 2011
I have two worksheets each of which includes a left column of unique email addresses (at least, unique within each lsheet)
The data on each sheet is structured identically. What I want is to generate a list of records that appear on both sheets.
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May 10, 2007
I have two lists, one is 15,000 records, the other 100 records. I want to find the common records between the two.
I am using this formula currently, but is returning an incorrect result--
this is the record number in M2
it is returning
as the common record. This formula is from Joseph Rubin's book F1 Excel Formulas and Functions
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Feb 28, 2012
I have four named ranges (Segment, Keyword, Impressions and Dropdown) and I would like to create a formula-based ranking of keywords by impressions and clicks. Using the following array formula, I am able to return the correct values for impressions or clicks:
{=LARGE(IF(Segment=DropDown,Impressions),$H7)} where $H7 is the number ranking 1, 2, 3 etc.
My question is what array formula could be used to find which row in the array returned that number and then pulls the data from the same row in the other named ranges?
Essentially find row of {=LARGE(IF(Segment=DropDown,Impressions),$H7)} but return Keyword and Clicks on that row.
Other Notes: I cannot use pivot tables and some values might be the same which would make Vlookups not accurate for duplicate values.
Link to an example document to clarify this. [URL] .......
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Jan 12, 2013
A stab in the dark here, but is there any way to be able to 'jump' to a particular position within a filtered list. My list has around 20,000 items in it and I'm having to go through each one systematically to make edits on the relevant line and it is so laborious trying to find the correct place in the list every time.
Is there anyway to be able to may be key in the first letter or two letters to avoid all the continuous scrolling to find the relevant entry?
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Jul 5, 2011
Is it possible to find the minimum distance between two points using two separate lists of different lengths without creating separate columns of equal row sizes
? I am trying to find the shortest distance form one point to another which is a fixed value. I am using the standard distance formula: =SQRT(((X2-X1)^2)+((Y2-Y1)^2)+((Z2-Z1)^2)).
My X1,Y1, Z1, has 2,000 rows in three columns that need to be compared to find the minimum distance from my one row/column of X2,Y2,Z2.
Is there a command that could go through and use each row of the X1, Y1, Z1, while looking for the MIN of the above formula without having to create an equal amount of rows for the X2, Y2, Z2?
I know I could do it by running this out the long way and then finding the min after I do all the math but I am wondering if there is an automated way for Excel to go through and do the forumla and then only return the MIN value?
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Apr 23, 2014
Look at the Picture Below I Want that the Cell that marked with Red Arrow Returns a "Rank" Value in the Table, Which is a "Blaster" Rank. And I want That Cell Also Automatically Changed When "Blaster" is Changed to "A.A.Z Gonz" or etc. What Functions that i have to choose, INDEX? XL.jpg
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Feb 27, 2009
I have pasted an excel report that I need to find any duplicate information. For example they are seperated 2 sets of 4.
For example:
Column A and B is one set
Column C and D is one set
With column E is where I need a way to flag duplicate information with "yes" or "true" on that set
The same would need to have happen on the next column G thru J then M thru P finaly S thru V
******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - compare-v1.xls___Running: xl2002 XP : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutW1=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW1Internet & DMZ Idns db-whipNamed.confInternet & DMZ Idns db-metroNamed.confDuplicates Internet & DMZ edns db-whipNamed.confInternet & DMZ edns db-MetroNamed.confDuplicates Integration idns db-whipNamed.confIntegration idns db-metroNamed.confDuplicates Integration edns db-whipNamed.confIntegration edns db-metroNamed.confDuplicates2zone 0.IN-ADDR.ARPAfile db-whip/db. 0.IN-ADDR.ARPAfile db-metro/db. zone 0.IN-ADDR.ARPAfile db-whip/db. 0.IN-ADDR.ARPAfile db-metro/db. zone 0.IN-ADDR.ARPAfile "db-whip/db."zone "0.IN-ADDR.ARPAfile "db-metro/db." zone "0.IN-ADDR.ARPAfile "db-....................
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