How to recreate the formulas used in my old database. One important factor is that:
In the old database, once you type in a word, it associates it to a number, and also adds that number in a further row. how do i do this?.
EXAMPLE: - i have the word "sitter" that = 10.25$. If i enter "sitter" in column F, it enters 10.25$ in column M. - Likewise, i can also have the word "private" that = 13.50$. If i enter "private" in column F, it enters 13.50$ in column M.
I have tried Sumproduct and Countif and can not get a proper count of rows that contain specific words in multiple columns. I have attached an example spreadsheet where I am looking for a result of 7 rows that contain 1 to 4 specific words within phrases. The example looks for the words: "virus", "spyware", "malware" & "adaware", and ignores any other words like "aware" or "ware".
I need to count the number of equal cells in col D beginning at the top of the column. The counted cells must begin with a text prefix of "Category:" without the quotes.
Some but not all of the cells in col D begin with a prefix of "Category:" without the quotes, followed by a word or words following the word "Category:" See examples below. All of the terms prefixed with "Category:" in col D are in alphabetical order. I need to count the number of identical cells in col D with the "Category:" prefix.
Examples of the contents of cells in col D with the "Category:" prefix are as follows:
Cells above and below cells with a prefix of "Category:" in col D are not adjacent.Cells above and below cells with a prefix of "Category:" in col D are separated by 3 to an undermined number of rows.
I need to count the number of equal cells in col D and insert the count in col A at the last equal term. For example, col A above would have 93, 1, 1, 5, 10, 8, 3, and 12 inserted into col A.
How a single-cell formula to check that 2 transpose arrays are equal.
For example, A1:A5 are {1,2,3,4,5}
B3:B8 are {1,2,3,4,5}
Is there an array formula in C3 for example, that will check (i.e. say TRUE) if corresponding ranges are true i.e. check in this cell that A1=B3, A2=B4,...A5=B8.
How to correct my formula because it does not work?
Here the formula: =COUNTIFS(Data!C2:C24005,A17,Data!M2:M11149,"<=0")
I need to insert the formula in column C (Findings tab) which counts the rows in Column M (tab named "Data") that equal A17 (Column A in "Findings" tab) and which are less or equal zero. In addition if I drag the formula down I want to only the values be entered in highlighted in blue cells in column C (SKUs With Zero Sales in "Findings" tab) and empty cells in not highlighted cells. I attached images of these two tabs: Data and Findings.
Column A has current building, column b has future building. Would like to count the number of changes without adding a separate column with an if statement.
I'm creating an Excel sheet with statistics for a yearly salary review.
In the document that the managers will fill in there is a column for the employees performance (+, = or -).
I want to use this to compare how much salary raise employees has gotten depending on their performance rating. This is all fin with the + and - just using the regular countifs formula, but when it comes to the = Excel refuses to count them?
I have 1 or 2 maybe 3 words in a cell (difference words). I need to count how many of the same words are in the cell and place the number of words another cell I have included a file the same word may appear in other cells in same column which has to be counted into the same cell
I am trying to use Excel to do my manpower allocation and planning. So I have a column of employees and a row of months. I then put in the project name that each is working on in a given month.
then at the bottom, I just sum the number of people working on a particular project in a month and do a simple calculation between the number of available people and the number who are allocated. This works beautifully IF each person only works on one project in a month. As we know, this is an unreleastic assumption!
What I would like is for me to put in multiple project names in a cell and for the 2nd table to be smart - i.e. if I put in Project A & B for John, then it should count John as 0.5 for each A & B not 1 for each A&B. Similarly if John is working on 3 projects, then it should count only 0.33 for each project John is working on.
I have a problem to count some words in a column: in fact, in the cell they can write several words and my objective is to count in this column how many times there is the word "info" but as they can write several words in the same cell,(for example: speciality, info, degree) I can t really count how many times the word info is written in the column.
I am trying search & count 2 or more words within a cell using a worksheet function. See below example:
The texts are in A1 (only) Entered by John at 02:19 PM on 02/13/2007 Entered by Smith at 02:20 PM on 02/13/2007 Entered by John at 02:30 PM on 02/13/2007 Entered by John at 02:21 PM on 02/12/2007 Entered by John at 02:22 PM on 02/11/2007
The words I am looking for are "John" and "02/13/2007" and the count should be 2. I bolded what should be counted.
I have a table with some reapeated words in, I wondered if anyone had any methods of counting words and displaying the total in number format. for example if I had in cell A1-Hello and A2-Hello and A3-Bye how can I get Hello = 2 and Bye =1
I am looking for code to look at a cell and see if it contains more than one word. So if Cell A has one word Cell B = ? If Cell A has two or more words Cell B= something else. I assume that searching for spaces would be best way to accomplish this
I'm looking at test results and would like to know how many times in a row correct answers were given before getting one incorrect. The way I have this currently set up, is if a student has the answer correct it returns a "TRUE" value, and a "FALSE" value for an incorrect answer. A typical test may have 50 questions, so I would have either "TRUE" or "FALSE" values in rows A1 through A50.
So I've been trying to figure out a formula that counts the number of times "TRUE" rows repeat 'consecutively' in a given column, in this scenario column A. The formula would need to check the current row and if "TRUE" check the row immediately after, if that row is also "TRUE" then check the row immediately after that, until it runs into a "FALSE" string, then display that total count of consecutive "TRUES" in another cell. I understand there may be duplicate results but I'm only really interested in the longest value, so duplicates can be ignored.
If it makes the formula easier, each possible result can be assigned to it's own cell. Let's assume the test has 50 questions. So if a student got all 50 questions correct the result count would be 50 in cell B50, or if they got 25 correct before the first incorrect answer, cell B25 would say 25, etc. I'm guessing I could then easily query this column for the largest value to come up with what I need at a glance.
Im looking to count fields in column G, where the first 4 letters of column G do not begin with the letters "free", I came up with the following formula which doesn't work at all!!
Im also looking to do the same but with a sumif to perform the sum on a different column of data, but with the criteria LEFT(G15:G164, 4) & "" & "free") - (not sure if this bit is right either) staying the same.
I want to count the nr of words in cell without counting the repeated words. For example, in "this is a ball and that is a square", the total nr of words is 9, and the total nr of non-repeated words is 7, because "is" and "a" are repeated twice, and I just want to count it once.
Usually it's to count for one unique word in a cell. But what if I have 2 or more unique word in a cell and need to be counted for?
for example 10827Holiday Decorations & Party Supplyholiday decoration supply10827Holiday Decorations & Party Supplyseasonal decorative this category has 5 unique words in the synonym list
11044Facial massagerfacial11044Facial massagerbeauty care product11044Facial massagerbeauty appliance11044Facial massagerbeauty11044Facial massagerbeauty care11044Facial massagerbeauty product11044Facial massagerfacial appliance this category has only 5 unique words although the synonym list is much longer.
I am trying to count words in seperate rows,columns in a spreadsheet. I have tried to use the formula that was suggested in one of the formula pages but I did not get the correct answer. I tried to do just like the information said with a1:a5. I did get 5 as an answer but when I deleted one of the words it still said there were 5 words.
I would like to modify the below macro so it only counts a word once even if it appears more than once in a row. The reason I want to do this is so I can get a snapshot of the data without certain terms being over-represented.
For example, in the attached example the word 'Microsoft' appears 5 times in row 4 but I only want this to be counted once. In the whole data set Microsoft appears 20 times but only in 7 of the 20 rows so I would like the count to be 7.
The example is set out as follows: In column B there is a description field which in practice will contain consumer complaints and inquiries. To keep the data anonymous the description is filled out with random words and all other columns are blank. The output of Andy Pope's unique word counting macro appears in I:J.
1924 ogden place blvd west unrulu 982 n aoto st apt #1234 easrlr ...
and I'd like to use a couple of formulas in the two columns to the right of this data 1st column:a formula to obtain the number of words in a cell 2nd column:a formula to extract the last n words from a cell (ex. the last 2 words)
so that the columns would have as their results 6 west unrulu 7 #1234 easrlr