Count Entries With Two Previous Conditions

Apr 25, 2008

I am trying to count the number of entries in range BH3:BH621 when the cells in range B3:B621 = "Acting" and the range D3:D621 = "Feb"

I can do it with either the B range or the D range, but not both together.

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Count Unique Entries In One Column That Meet Conditions

Jan 17, 2010

I tried to ask this question yesterday -- but it was a follow-up question stuck at the bottom of a thread. So, with your indulgence, here is a simpler version of the question, complete with an attached spreadsheet, if you wish to use it. I also closed the other thread by marking it "Solved", since it answered my initial question.]

The situation:

I have two columns of data. The data is not in alphabetical order, and every column includes duplicate values.

jones m
jones m
west f
jones m
west f

The challenge:

In one cell, count the number of unique names that appear in the name column 3 or more times... with the additional condition that each unique name (which appears at least 3 times) must include at least one one woman!

The correct result: ...

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Modify Listbox Without Disturbing Previous Entries

May 7, 2012

How do you add or delete choices to a dropdown list without deleting all entries that were selected throughout the spreadsheet in the past, or having to change the validatons rules one by one?

I set up the list box choices (dropdown choices) by just naming the group of cells -- that is, by highlighting the group of cells, and typing a name into cell name field (in upper left corner of window); then using that name in data validation on the spreadsheet cell for the user.

- When I try to adjust the box, by adding entries and naming the revised group of cells with the old group name, it does not recognize the new group but the old group.

- If I delete old list and replace with new list, the previous entries disappear.

- When I try to name the new group a different name - it does work - but it involves changing the data validation on the user's spreadsheet, and skipping the ones that are already entered.

I wondered if there is a more efficient manageable way to maintain changes to the list items in a dropdown list box (one that is used for dependent lists) in Excel. I suspect it's easier in Access.

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Userform TextBox - Remember Previous Entries?

Oct 25, 2012

I've have been building a UserForm for data entry into a stock demands system. One of the data entry items is a text box asking the data-inputter to complete a field containing the items drawing reference from the technical manual. The field can be quite long, and is often repeated for multiple items within the same drawing. Unfortunately, a ComboBox item would be have far to many items to make it useful, and so the TextBox item was preferred for this task.

My problem is that I need the TextBox to be able to recall/remember previous entries that have been saved to the data sheet in the workbook and the UserForm is cleared and closed down.

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Loop Deletes Previous Entries From Array

Oct 17, 2006

I think the loop is deleting my previous entries and only putting the last results in.

For assortedrowindex = 3 To 400
targetdate = Date
Do While Month(targetdate) = Month(Date)
Redim Preserve arrTransactions(assortedrowindex - 2)
arrTransactions(assortedrowindex - 2).CUSIP = Cells(assortedrowindex, 12)
arrTransactions(assortedrowindex - 2).OrderDate = Cells(assortedrowindex, 9)
arrTransactions(assortedrowindex - 2).BuyCurncy = Cells(assortedrowindex, 2)
arrTransactions(assortedrowindex - 2).SelCuurncy = Cells(assortedrowindex, 4)
arrTransactions(assortedrowindex - 2).Fund = Cells(assortedrowindex, 7)
arrTransactions(assortedrowindex - 2).SettleDate = Cells(assortedrowindex, 10)
arrTransactions(assortedrowindex - 2).BuyUnits = Cells(assortedrowindex, 15)
arrTransactions(assortedrowindex - 2).FxRate = Cells(assortedrowindex, 16)
If targetdate < arrTransactions(assortedrowindex - 2).SettleDate Then
' Sheets("Sheet2").Activate...............................

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Make Form Remember Data From Previous Entries

Feb 15, 2012

I have a form im using for one of my spreadsheets and it involves alot of data entry, many times alot of the data will be the same not like one entry after another but say the second, fifth, twelfth and fourteenth data entry's will be almost identical. Is there any way i can make the form remember previous entry's kind of like the spreadsheet does? so you start typing and it automatically shows what you typed that was similar into that column and you can hit enter and it will automatically fill that cell out for you. But instead of columns and cells these would be entry box's in a form.

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Copy Certain Cells To New Worksheet That Keeps Track Of Previous Entries

Dec 4, 2012

I'm trying to copy certain cells to a new worksheet that keeps a track of previous entries via date and name and location.

The code works somewhat, however the values are not pasted into the respective worksheet. I'll try to explain the code as I see it.

Sub Button2_Click()

So the first section Activates the sheet that data is entered
ActiveSheet.Unprotect ("fizix")

If the value ST is found in the sheet, the code knows to paste values to another worksheet known as ST_Hist

[Code] ........

Here I have another macro that then deletes the data in the selected ranges denoted by "" or ":", this part of the code works, however I dont have my pasted values in the appropriate sheet!!

Sub ClearAll()

ActiveSheet.Unprotect ("fizix")


[Code] ........

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Increment Count By From The Previous Count Only When There Is A Value

Jan 14, 2009

This is probably simple and tried to find this in the forum, though not tried hard.

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Vlookup With Conditions To Find Multiple Entries

Feb 2, 2009

I have a table (table1) with material numbers which have a price . This value is time dependent i.e., a material 999 could have a price of $10 for 1/1/2008-1/15/2008 and $20 for 1/16/1008 - 1/31/2008.

999 1/1/2008 1/15/2008 $10
999 1/15/2008 1/31/2008 $20
998 2/1/2008 - 2/25/2008 $15

I have another table (table2) in another sheet in the same workbook have a material and date.

999 1/10/2008
999 1/20/2008
998 2/15/2008

My requirement to take the material value and date in table2 and match it with table1 and get the value of column D in table 1 to column C of table2.

I have tried using vlookup but it only works for the first match and doesn't check for other values

below is the function that i tried

=if(and(vlookup(A2,Sheet2!A1:D4,2,false)<=Sheet1!B2,vlookup(Sheet1!A2,Sheet2!A2:D4,3,false)>=Sheet1! C2)),vlookup(Sheet1!A2,Sheet2!A2:D4,4,false),"error")

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Count Formula: Count Total Entries In Columns

Feb 22, 2007

I have been using the wrong formula to count total entries in columns and only just found this error. The MAX formula in cell B4 is: =MAX($B$12:$B$36). If the all the rows are full within range F12:F36, then the MAX formula is fine to count the total within range B12:B36 (25) so I thought. But sometimes there are omissions between F12:F36. If there are 2 blank cells anywhere within F12:F36 for example, then B4 needs to show 23 respectively. In the sample WkBk B4 needs to show 8

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Conditional Sum & Count: Count Request Matching The Crateria Of Date And Other Conditions

Nov 17, 2007

see my attached sheet cotaining the following questions. in a day report sheet how should i count request matching the crateria of date and other conditions. in a monthly report a heavy conditional sum calculation which make slower sheets how can i make it faster.

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Count Blank Cells Only If A 1 Is Previous

Feb 19, 2009

getting a formula to do this

I have
......D E
5 )......1
6 )......2
7 )......3
8 )......4
9 )......5
etc down to 31

They only show up when the cell next to it is not empty.


If nothing is put into say D5 D6 or D7 but something is put in D8 then i would like E8 to become 1 as it is the first to be filled.Then when D9 has something in it, it becomes 2 if D10 has nothing in it it gets left blank but when d11 has something in it e11 becomes 4 counting the blank cell in between.

How can this be done.

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How To Arange And Count Various Numbers In Previous Column

Jun 4, 2007

Let's say there is a one column with 9 cells. I need in another column to be aranged various numbers in previous column and in another column to be counted every number how many times appears.

Below is one small example of what I need.

4 2 2
8 4 3
10 8 2
4 10 1
8 15 1

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Count Total Number Of Cells With Value Greater Than 0 For Previous Year?

Jun 1, 2014

Sheet 2 contains the following:

Column AH2:AH367 represents the current year and contains values from Jan 1 to Dec 31 inclusive, some of which are zero and future values are blank.
Column AG2:AG367 represents last year and contains the same and all cells have a value (some are zero).

The date column is A2:A367 (the columns in between are all the years prior to 2013).

I need a formula that counts the total number of cells with a value greater than zero for the range AG2:AG367 up to and including today's date to be returned in cell A1 of Sheet 1.

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Count Only Bold Entries

Apr 21, 2007

is there any way to get a formula to count only the entries that are in bold abd ignore all others

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Count Letter W In The Last 5 Entries

Jul 13, 2009

I want to count how many "W" are in the last 5 data entered. How can I do this? See attached sheet as an example - need to count the "w" in column C.

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Count Only Entries For Certain Year

Feb 28, 2012

I have a column with dates for the year 2011 and 2012.

For eg 5-jan-11, 10-apr-11, 18-feb-12 etc

I want a formula in a cell to count only the entries for the year 2012

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Count Number Of Different Entries

Jun 18, 2008

I have a list of ID's, many of which appear several times. Is there a formula that will give me the number of different ID's? That is:


the formula would give the answer "3" for 3 different numbers in the 4 total numbers.

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Count Numbered Only Entries

Jun 22, 2006

I have a spreadsheet with data down column A. The data is either numeric or alpha numeric, however, it is not seen as numerical.

Is there a formula I can use to count the total number of cells with only numbers in against other criteria too? I can use Sumproduct for 2 criteria but can't figure out how to do the 3rd.

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Count Of Duplicate Entries

Sep 14, 2006

there are unique entries like AU0896 etc. that are repeated in my list.
my job is to find how many unique entries there are and add the count at the end so, basically if there are 6 AU0896 entries, then I must create a AU08966 value.

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Count By Unique Entries

Feb 24, 2007

I am hoping this can be done with formulae. Starting at C7 and continuing down the C column there is a list of names which could potentially run from C7 to C5000. This list of names will contain duplicates. For each name there is a corresponding 'reason' in the F column which will contain the word 'Truancy' or 'Late'.

I need a formula that can count the number of UNIQUE names in the C column which correspond to the word 'Truancy' or 'Late' in the E column.

An example,

C7 ...........................E7
John Potts.................Truancy 2
Matt Jones................Truancy 10
John Potts.................Truancy 4
Matt Jones ...............Late AM
Pete Burns................Late PM
Pete Burns ...............Late Both
Steve Lopez..............Truancy 6

Count of unique names with the word Truancy in the corresponding E column = 3 [John Potts has 2 instances of the word truancy in column E but this is only counted once]

Count of unique name with the Word Late in the corresponding E column = 2 [Pete Burns has 2 instances of the word late in the E column but this is only counted once].

I have also included a sample workbook.

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Count By 2 Conditions

Nov 1, 2009

i dont understand why this code is not working. i get run time 1004 application or object defined error. basically i want to count column 11 if there is a value in column 2.

Public Sub offloadDoor()
Dim unassigned As Long
unassigned = 0
For rowvar = 18 To 504
If IsEmpty(Sheet2. Cells(rowvar, 11).Value) = False Then
If IsEmpty(Sheet2.Cells(rowvar, 2).Value) = False Then
unassigned = unassigned + 1
End If
End If
Sheet8.Cells("b3").Value = unassigned
End Sub

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SumIf - Count Entries Of Cell

May 5, 2014

What is the formula on B2 to drag down to count entries of cell 1 which are 10 and 10 result being 2.

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IF Statement For Count Of Entries Outside Of Specified Time

Jun 3, 2014

Trying to write an if statement giving a simple value of 1 if a time is outside of weekday hours 8am to 9pm. Cell formatted as (6/3/17 2:15 PM). Function should report "0" value as this is a Tuesday between 8am and 9pm.

A cell formatted as (6/3/14 7:54 AM) should result in "0" value.

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Count Individual Entries In A List

Aug 12, 2014

What I am having trouble with is after making a data validation list in a column, I need to count each separate list entry and display it in a "totals" column. The drop down list has 4 entries yes, no, blank, and pending. The formula must count which value has been selected from the list and return it to a cell same as the COUNTA. I.E. 100 rows in the SS 50 are yes, 25 are no, 20 are pending, and 5 are blank.

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Count Time (entries Per Hour)

Oct 7, 2008

I have a bunch of data and I want to be able to count the number of entries that fall within each of the 24 hour increments in a 24 hour clock. (military time)

For 12:00:00 all times would be between and including 12:00:00 and 12:59:59

Column B | Count
12:00:00 344
13:00:00 44
14:00:00 5

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COUNTIF (count How Many Entries There Are Within A Range)

Nov 12, 2008

I have a column of values in "£"s and i need to count how many entries there are within a range. I have been able to do it with text but not money values with £ signs!!

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Count Unique Entries With Criteria?

Dec 3, 2012

Count unique entries in a column according to two specified criteria.Specifically, I am trying to count the number of days in a month a supplier has a visited.Below is an example taken from the excel:

Date Supplier
01-ago-12 Mr X
01-ago-12 Mr X
01-ago-12 Mr X

I want a formula that allows me to see how different dates Mr X has visited in each month. So in August he has visited 8 times BUT only on 5 different dates.

In the case of Mr Y I want the formula to give the answer 5 (even though he has visited 6 times in total, he has visited on only 5 different dates).

In the case of Mr X in September, the answer to the formula would be 2, since has visited on 2 different dates in September.

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Getting Excel To Count Text Entries

Jul 18, 2014

I want to learn how to program excel to do this :

1) Type in a text data in a predesignated entry box

2) Excel automatically inserts that text into a table

3) If that text is already in the table, then adds a counter next to it (or increases the counter by one)

4) Excels then clears the text data in the entry box

Basically, I want to tabulate the number of times a specific entry comes up, and it would be much faster if I can just type it in, press enter, and let excel do the rest. It would be ideal if I can also add a date to that entry, so the data table comes up to something like a date vs the entries table, and the intersection would be the number of times each entry comes up on that day.

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Count Number Of Entries In A Sheet

Nov 12, 2008

I have a list of words in one column, some of which feature more than once, in random order, i.e.:


I want to have a function that counts the number of times each word appears, so in the cell next to each entry for "Superman" it would say 3, for "Bird" 2 etc. If I add another "Superman" it should then change to 4 next to each entry. Also, I will be adding new words all the time, so the function needs to be able to cope with that too.

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