Count Number Of Days Since Employee Last Day Of Recorded Absence / Tardy
Aug 9, 2013
I am trying to get the correct formula to count the number of days it has been for each employee since the last occurrence of an absence/tardy. For each employee, starting with the beginning of the year, we mark and employee as Absent as an "A" or Tardy as "T". See below the examples.
We are keeping track so that employees have the ability to make up numbers because after so many occurrences they can become terminated. If an employee has about 60 days in a row without an infraction, that employee can deduct a day from their total on the year.
Also to include a vlookup so that I could have their name as well with the number of days on a separate tab!
I am trying to get the correct formula to count the number of days it has been for each employee since the last occurrence of an absence/tardy. For each employee, starting with the beginning of the year, we mark and employee as Absent as an "A" or Tardy as "T". See below the examples.
Captain America ................................A ..........................T .....................................T Incredible Hulk.......................................................................................... A Spider Man ........................................................................................................................ ........A Iron Man ....................................................T
( I added dots because it wouldn't let me space them out?)
We are keeping track so that employees have the ability to make up numbers because after so many occurrences they can become terminated. If an employee has about 60 days in a row without an infraction, that employee can deduct a day from their total on the year.
Any formula to use. Also to include a vlookup so that I could have their name as well with the number of days on a separate tab!
I am trying to calculate the number of days since an employee worked. Column A has the date and columns B,C, and D show the name of the 3 employees who worked that day. Each row shows the next day in column A with the three employees who worked that day in columns B,C, and D. I need the format of the excel sheet to remain the same. I'm looking for a formula that will calculate the number of days since each employee has worked...there are 10 different employees and only 3 work each day.
Our office has a vacation days accrual policy based on number of years worked. We have a vacation days number, based on year of employment, the employee earns monthly. I need help with a worksheet, formulas, to document each employee, the year of employment they're in, # of days they have available based on the current month (which would need to add up automatically as the year progresses), then any days they request off, and finally a remaining balance of days left.
Create a formula to count number of days an employee work (in 25 working days and 5 Friday as rest day month):
If employee works 25 days during weekdays he will get counted as = 30 days If employee works only 22 days during weekdays with 3 absences during weekdays he will get counted as = 27 days. If employee works from 1st to 24th and 25th to 30th absence he will get counted as = 24 days.
Other examples and output desired I attached here: Sample.xlsx
Need a formula (E1) to determine the number of days that have passed between two given dates (C1 & D1) ONLY when the Status of a given report (B1) is "Late"
B1 = Status (Pending; On Hold; Late; Completed) (i.e "LATE") C1 = Status Date (i.e. 28 Mar 14) D1 = Deadline (date) (i.e. 25 Mar 14) E1 = Total Days Late (= ?)
In B13 I have the start date: 12/1/2008 In C13 I have the end date: 1/5/2009 In cell D13 I want a formula that counts the number of days between the two dates that are not Sunday. The start and end dates are included in the count.
I have created this formula using Ctrl + Shift + Enter:
I need to figure out how to tell Excel to count the number of invoices on a worksheet older than 30 days and display that number in my Summary worksheet. Here's a quick example:
Worksheet '1234' has 10 invoices, 6 of which are more than 30 days old (invoice dates are in column B). Worksheet 'Summary' needs to display the total number of invoices and the number older than 30 days.
I am trying to set up a sick leave list which will work out the cumulative total for the last 12 months (from last day of last sick entry). The problem I have, as the is is added to, I need a function/formula to work out 12 months from last date and then add up the no. of sick days from then to the last date. Hope this is clear. The next problem is I need it to work out total days and then without weekends. Below is the chart I have to work out.
Column 1 Start date of sickness column 2 End date Column 3 the number of days sick in period (column 2 less column 1 in days) column 4 the number of days sick in period above excluding week ends (column 2 less column 1, less weekends in days) column 5 total sick days in last 12 months from date in column 2 going back a year including weekends column 6 total sick days in last 12 months from date in column 2 going back a year excluding weekends
What function or formulas can I use to calculate column 3,4,5 & 6. I am a not very experienecd in Excel
Now I need to find no. of days which fall under the month of FEB from the date range 21-Feb-2013 till 07-Mar-2013 (Col C2, Col D2) which are working days. so that I can subtract that from no. of working days for that month (FEB) to get the no. of working days which the person has actually worked.
I have been using a formula to count the number of days between 2 dates and if the date was older than 12 months it would work fine.
The data that i was using has been changed and they have decided to change the format of the dates and dropped the year reference no all i have to work with is dates like 27-07 this represents 27th July i can format this date to work fine unless the date falls before 1 jan this year all i get is lots of numbers and it stuffs up the whole calculation.
I m trying to do is this. For every person in company there is a table 30 days (cells) long, and 3 shifts (cells) wide. Every shift leader fills in the data in the "calendar" so every day, for every person, he will fill in number of hours.
I have to make excel process the whole calendar 30 x 3 = 90 cells, into final results for our payroll department. So the end product of the excel table should be Person name, total work days, total sick leave days, holiday days, and so on.
specific problem i have is how to calculate number of State Holiday days. You can see my best attempt in the attached file.
if there is only one number / mark entered each day (in only one of the 3 shifts) thansumproduct works ok.
I developed a 14-day work schedule and I assigned each different job position a number. The different job positions are numbered 1-6 and are as follows: #1=5:30am-1:30pm, #2=6:00am-2:00pm, #3=9:30am-1:30pm, #4=12:00pm-8:00pm, #5=1:00pm-8:00pm & #6=6:00pm-8:00pm. Numbers 1,2,4,5 clock-out for a 30 minute lunch break, while the other numbers do not.
My goal is to insert the numbers 1-6 into the spreadsheet throughout the 14 days for each employee, and have Excel calculate the total number of hours for each employee in the far right column. I would also like "V" & "H" to equal 7.5 hours. This would save a lot of time instead of going through and adding up the hours with a calculator
I have three companies in column A, In Column B I have a date of when an item was sent to them, in Column C I have the amount of days this item has been out with that company. Is there a formula that will count the number of days an item has been out with one of the companies per month, and find an average if more than 1 item has been sent per month. Two items have been sent to company A in Sep 09, one item has been there 10 days the other 20 days, the answer I would be looking for is 15.
I have a large spreadsheet which holds lots of data with date ranges that i need to performs different actions to. Any way to identify the number of days, per calender month, that falls in a date range.
sample data...
Start Date End Date Old Value New Value
08/03/2010 18/06/2010 16758.2 16758.1
[Code] .......
I need to break down the total number of days per month
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
24 30 31 18
[Code] ......
As you can see this also laps into a new year, which poses my next problem, ill probably just add more columns on to the end of the table for that though...
I will later apply different calculations to these cells but in short need to get a calculation for the number of days per month first.
(in short spreading the new value out accross the year then multiplying it by the days... i also need to apply a further daily volume cal to it).
There are dates in column C and I need to count how many days are coming due within 90 days of each date based on the today() function but do not exceed the 90 days.
how can I sum up all the "Type of Defect"[CR, LOF, DR] for a specific Welder. They were tag as Welder 1-7. In the attached example (Sheet1- Data), Welder 1 has 2 "CR" and 1 "LOF", this figures to be reflected in Sheet 2 (TOD).
I have a list of employees that i need to simplify into groups as listed below
Employee No's 1-19 20-50 50-199 200-499 500+
In my list of data (attached) that i receive i currently manually count the employee numbers and then put them into the relevant bands dependant on the employee sizes. Example:
I need a formula to count how many days hours & mins between 2 dates but included in the formula need to ensure it only counts business days.
Column A 02/09/2011 13:00
Column AO 02/09/2011 13:02
I need in Column AP to show 0 00:02
The formula I have tried using is - =IF(AO3="","",AO3-A3) which doesnt work as instead of showing 0 00:02 it shows 1 00:02. I dont want it to count as 1 day just 2 mins.
Once that has been worked out I need to include WORKDAYS formula to only count working days. I have created the list on 'Controls' Tab Column A10:A47.
Is it possible with excel, to automatically insert an employees number if their name is inserted.
Example: Column A If Smith, John is entered in Column B automatically have his employee number show 5668? Joe, Mary entered in Column A Column B to show 12345
This would save me a huge amount of time going back and fourth.
I have been given a database with peoples names that require a unique number to hide/replace the name to hide their identity for a meeting and to act as a ghost system.
The problem i have is that some individuals names on the list appear more than once so i cannot simply call Joe Bloggs number 3 as he can appear further down the list at number 120.
I was wondering is there is a way to do this without manually replacing each name with a number and making and logging the persons name that corresponds to the number.
as there are 600 names and some can appear up to 4 - 5 times!
I am trying to create a rota in excel but I am struggling to get it to add up the total number of hours per week per employee.
It get a little complicated as they work split shift so they may do 4 hours in the afternoon and another shift in the evening going into the next day, example they may work 11.00 am - 3.00 pm and 8.00 pm untill 2 am.