Rota - Add Up The Total Number Of Hours Per Week Per Employee
Oct 14, 2007
I am trying to create a rota in excel but I am struggling to get it to add up the total number of hours per week per employee.
It get a little complicated as they work split shift so they may do 4 hours in the afternoon and another shift in the evening going into the next day, example they may work 11.00 am - 3.00 pm and 8.00 pm untill 2 am.
way to calculate the hours every one has done each week to make sure everyone has done the correct hours. I was about to start using a calculator and then realised it would take forever.
Refer to the attached sheet which is Daily Schedule for employee. I need a formula to add hours worked on single day in cell C2 for Monday, E2 for Tuesday, G2 for Wednesday, and so on.
Every day we have Clockin_Clockout info for each employee as shown for employee a & b.
FYI : I am using below formula to add employee hours for the week as (formula in cell R4).
I am trying to add together the total hours for a given week.The spreadsheet is used to show the total hours worked from the signing off and on times given.
I have a running time sheet daily. It has 2 columns for Labor and 2 columns for travel i.e. travel From / To 1300-1400 calculate 1 hour then travel home 1600-1700 1 hour this is calculated by the date entry 01/02/10 I have another calculation that tracks by the date i.e. 01/02/10 then Next job which all works fine.
The problem becomes how do I calculate a weekly total labor and travel by the date So added another column called weekly hour’s labor and use the Weeknum to determine which week is which day/date so the first Monday in January 2010 is week 2
2 problems Having many multiple day / date entries are the same date x 7 days Monday –Sunday (Relies on the date entered and the weeknum) 01/03/10 each line is complete however the dates carry over as does the time
When trying to calculate each row x 3 same date time then the value will be incorrect I need to calculate Say 9.5 hour labor from the date 01/03/10 not 28.5 hours and then calculate the total weekly hours 01/03/10, 9.5 hours labor, 3 hours travel 01/03/10, 9.5 hours labor, 3 hours travel 01/03/10, 9.5 hours labor, 3 hours travel
i do have work and travel times for each job on the same line (separate columns) but I display the total here by date to summarize the totals i have tried sum products and sumif to avail. I am using Windows XP SP2 with MS Office 2007
how do i calculate weekly hours by date and weeknum ?
I have what I thought was going to be a simple function to create and, after a week of getting more error messages than I've had in a year, I'm ready to throw in the towel. Situation: There are two worksheets in the same workbook [Excel 2003]. One is for "Posting" details about technicians and their work orders. The other is a "Report" that summarizes the number of workorders open, closed, etc.
In the "Posting" sheet, I have created dynamic name ranges for two columns: Technician (4-digit text field) and InDate (date field that, if blank, means that the technician has not closed this work order. My ranges are set up like this:
So all I need to do is to total all the blank InDates for each Technician by employee number. I've tried COUNT to SUMPRODUCT. A co-worker got it to work with using...=SUMPRODUCT((ISBLANK(Posting!$D$2:$D$65307))*(Posting!$B$2:$B$65307=4288)) His solution was to list almost every available cell in each column. I just can't help but think that the dynamic name range should be able to work but I can't get it right. I think I'll choke if I get one more "N/A" or "VALUE! error.
I am currently trying to create a rota / rosta for work which will show people what hours they are required to work, in a format similar to below:
NAME | SAT | SUN | MON | TUE |etc > Person A| 8:00 - 17:00 | 13:00 - 22:00 | OFF | 8:00 - 13:00| Person B| OFF | 17:00 - 22:00 | 8:00 - 17:00| OFF |
This is simple enough to create but I also need Excel to calculate how many hours each person is working in a week and the total number of hours used per day and per week. I found out that I can do this using a formula to work out hours and minutes between two times. However what I would also like Excel to do is deduct the unpaid breaks which the person is entitled to, however this depends on the times that they work, i.e. in the example above Person A would be entitled to a 1 hour unpaid lunch on Saturday, a half hour unpaid tea on Sunday and no unpaid break on Tuesday. Therefore 1 hour would be deducted off the Saturday total hours, 30 minutes would be deducted from the Sunday total hours and nothing taken off the Tuesday.
I'm creating a restaurant rota spreadsheet and I need to calculate the hours for each waiter, which is easy enough. But I've got to include stand-by shifts and cover shifts into the rota for the staff and I'd like the formula to ignore the "standby" text, etc in its calculations. I know you can use the =IF(... function, but that only works with one value. As well, the standby shifts will change from shift to shift and week to week, so I need one formula that might encompass all these needs... if there is one!!
My spreadsheet is set up so that Column A has dates and Column B has a value. How can I calculate the total number of values for each day of the week? I've tried a few formulas but they either didn't work or didn't actually take the value into consideration and just counted all the 'Mondays'. I'm not sure if that's clear enough, but if we're just looking at Mondays to simplify it:
Monday, 1 January 2000: 2 Monday, 8 January 2000: 5 Monday, 15 January 2000: 0
I have a base of workers which log each day their activities in hours (D01-D11). I would like a macro to sum total hours of each project (project numbers are from 320-516) and put it into the table on the left.
For example: For PERSON 1, I want that the cell I60 writes 10, and cell I74 = 6. For worker 2 (PERSON 2) would be AK60 = 3,5; AK67 = 8 and AK74 = 8.
I have a base of workers which log each day their activities in hours (D01-D11). I would like a macro to sum total hours of each project (project numbers are from 320-1500) and put it into the table on the left.
For example: For PERSON 1, I want that the cell I60 writes 10, and cell I74 = 6. For worker 2 (PERSON 2) would be AK60 = 3,5; AK67 = 8 and AK74 = 8.
Unfortunately, the formula above gives me the total number of activity and NOT the total number of hours within a specified period. I attached the file I'm working on as reference.
1) The output of an excel duration is : 22.00:8.00:25.00 ( day:hour:minutes ) - excel cannot average and work with this number format
2) resolution - =(LEFT(L2,4))+MID(L2, FIND(":",L2)+1,4)/24+MID(L2, FIND(":",L2,7)+1,4)/1440 as an array and Custom Format the cell as [h]:mm - works perfectly.
Q: to be conistent, the initial reporting is dd:hh:mm and then I convert to hh:mm so that excel can process the data. How can I convert from hh:mm to dd:hh:mm so that the excel report can be consistent in presenting the data to senior management?
I have been working on the attached spreadsheet, we have projects that our employees work on. I need to keep track of the hours spent on each. Then I need to combine this information so I can do some calculations, for example based on the total hours spent I can then work out the actual cost spend on the project versus what we have invoiced for this project, like a mini Profit and Loss on the labor only.
I created a different worksheet per employee, I would like each employee to only be able to access there own worksheet, based on some protect or share worksheet rules. I created lists of Projects and Users, so this data is the same in each worksheet. Then I would like the data from each employee (only have 3 at this stage) to collate onto another worksheet, which only I can see, so I can do my total calculations etc. Along with hours, sometimes each project might have extras, this is charged at a certain rate per employee, so on the totals page I will also use this information.
Here is what I have so far. Workings 150514 - sample for expert.xlsx
I am trying to create a a file that will serve as time log and dashboard report for consultants who work a maximum of two hours a day, with a strict(fixed) calendar schedule with multiple sessions. Some consultants may work one hour of a particular schedule on category A(Lead) and the second hour as category 2. How to create a sheet that sums the rates for all the categories worked on a given day without using a macro. Here is my sample data
Sessions and Session Dates sample: Session 1 - 10/8/2013 to 11/8/2013 Session 2 - 11/15/2013 to 12/15/2013 Session 3 - 01/06/2014 to 03/15/2014
*Note the dates will or should be listed in separate columns in order for them to be used for daily logging.
Employees (Sample) Jane Doe Jack Doe John Doe
Desire goals of the report: 1. Daily log as employees work e.g if Jane Doe works on 10/8/2013 as a Lead and Assistant, ideally the data entry person should be able to enter these two values on one cell or pick the relevant value from a set list 2. The report would then match the value of the data in the cell for Jane Doe on 10/8/2013 with a table array with categories in one column and the pay rate in another, and return the appropriate pay value which can either be a sum of the two rates or the total hard coded into the cell. 3.Be able to create a dashboard report that would sum the totals by employee, month,sessions etc in a separate sheet vs other criteria such a budget etc.
I need to copy the values of a range on the weekly sales worksheet to the monthly sales worksheet. The last column is the total on the weekly sales. Part of the heading of the total column is the week ending date (e.g. 10/17/2009. On the Monthly Sales I have the months in columns by week ending (e.g. 10/17/2009).
Range I4:I28 to the monthly sales worksheet by date.
Is there a way to conver a persons time spent (given in weeks) to adjust/convert to show per month. Attached is the sheet. Do note that week 2/25 - 3/1 is a combination of Jan and Feb so hours should be logically divided into jan and feb...
Name 2/18 - 2/22 2/25 - 3/1 3/4 - 3/8 3/11 - 3/15 Feb mar Tom 40 10 0 20 ?? ?? name 2/18-2/22 2/25 - 3/1 3/4 - 3/8 3/11-3/15 Feb Mar
calculate overtime hours from daily time entries. Normal hours are 7.6 per day Time 1/2 is hours over 7.6 but no more than 2 hours Double Time is all hours over that.
I have the spreadsheet with the days of the week in one row and at the end I have 1 cell for Normal Hours, Time 1/2 and Double Time. I need a formula that will work out overtime off each day and add for all days of the week and enter data into one cell. So all normal hours are in Normal hours and Time 1/2 and Double time are automatically calculated once hours are put in per day manually.
WedThurFriSatSunMonTuesTotal Normal HoursTime 1/2Double Time 10101068
I'm trying to create a time sheet to calculate how many hours worked in a week, Once it reaches 40 hours, The excess over 40 hours goes into a "overtime" cell. The "40" hours remain in the regular hours cell.
My overtime pays is anything exceed over 8 hours per day or over 40 hours per week. Right now I can only calculate overtime by either over 8 hr/day or over 40 hr/ week. I need a way to combine both.
I have been a long time lurker of MrExcel, but have always been able to find the answer to my question within the forums. However, I am stumped. I am trying to create a pivot table that will show incremental goals by week, when I have a set goal for the month already. However, I don't want to do a straight average across all the weeks in a month. I would like to see it continually grow during the month. How can i mathmatically do that in Excel?
For example:
Jim had 191 sales leads in the last week of the month in December. Of those 191, he closed 29 of them, for a 15.2% close rate. I want to see him raise that by 6% by next December, so (6%/12 (# months) = .5%). He will need to increase his close rate to 15.7% by the end of January. So, for the month of January, we expect 955 sales leads (5*191) and 149.935 (15.7% of 955) closed. However, I don't want to say Week 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in January should all have 29.987 closes, I would like to be able to say week 1 = 25, week 2 = 27 week 3 = 30 week 4 = 32 and week 5 = 34, but have that incremental increase to total 149.935.
There is (sadly) no changing the percents, or the closed leads number. These have already been submitted and aproved. I just have to be able to let people see the goals by week now, but if they want to see the monthly goal, it must equal what has been approved.
I have a list of employees that i need to simplify into groups as listed below
Employee No's 1-19 20-50 50-199 200-499 500+
In my list of data (attached) that i receive i currently manually count the employee numbers and then put them into the relevant bands dependant on the employee sizes. Example: