Countifs With 2 Date Range In Separate Table
Mar 4, 2014
How can i count "how many "A" for period date in table and date out table in this case"
Date inDate outresult Count
05-Mar08-MarA ?
05-Mar09-MarB ?
06-Mar07-MarA ?
07-Mar08-MarB ?
07-Mar08-MarB ?
08-Mar09-MarC ?
05-Mar08-MarA ?
05-Mar08-MarA ?
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Dec 28, 2008
I need to look at a series of data once per week and calculate the results. I'm trying to use COUNTIFS to get a result based on both the date I'm doing the analysis for and for the response.
I've attached a sheet that shows a sample of what I'm trying to do. Cell B1 contains the date range I'm using, and cell B18 shows the formula I'm having trouble with. I suspect it's because I'm trying to treat a date like text, but I'm not sure.
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Sep 21, 2009
I need a COUNTIFS function (I think that will be the best function to use at least).
I have a two columns of data, column one is dates (mm/dd/yyyy) and column two is states (AK, MA, MI, etc). I need a way to count how many times a states comes up for a certain month. For example, I need to know how many times MA appears through the dates 1/1/2007 and 1/31/2007. Here's what I have so far. It works but I can only specify one date. =COUNTIFS('SHEET NAME'!D:D, "1/5/2007", 'SHEET NAME'!E:E, "MA")
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Mar 20, 2014
I am assessing the impact of product price increases on volume (qty) and sales (£/$).
The prices are changed sporadically and at no set intervals. For example pries were changed on the 15th Jan and 13th Feb this year.
We have set reporting dates (calender months) so i am hoping to be able to divide the report which shows sales & qty's during the 15th Jan - 13th Feb segment and apportion them to the correct months.
I have the start & end dates of the calender months in cells A4:B18 and each time a new report is run (ie 15th Jan or 13th Feb, these dates go across the top i.e. cell C3 = 15th jan & D3 = 13th Feb.
I would like to return a % in cell C4 which relates to the amount of total days in the segment that relate to Jan (ie. 29 days in the segment, 16 relate to Jan so 55.2%).
Cell C5 would then return a % which relates to the amount of total days in the segment that relate to Feb (29 days in the segment, 13 relate to Feb so 44.8%).
Cells D4&D5 would return the next reporting segment and how many days in Jan/Feb respectively (the answer will be 0 but a constant formula acrosss all would be perfect. tried to give as much info as poss.
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Dec 31, 2009
I have an 'existing results table' as per my attached sample.
I have had help previously from this forum to create lists of 'sold' stock within date ranges (tax year periods) and these are represented as 'sold list' in my attached sample.
I now need to create a list of 'unsold stock' for each annual tax year end date; i.e. populate my table with items that have been created before the end of the date range and that have not been sold by the end of the date range.
Please can someone show me the formula on my attached sample?
Please see my example in red.
I am working with Excel07 however my attached sample is in Excel03 because I couldn't upload an XLSX file.
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May 23, 2013
I'm trying to use countifs on a filtered table to find the sum for a column based on 2 criteria.
I've used =SUMPRODUCT(SUBTOTAL(3,OFFSET(Sheet3!K7,ROW(Sheet3!K7:Sheet3!K7:K20000)-ROW(Sheet3!K7),0)),--(Sheet3!K7:Sheet3!K20000="Yes"))
for a single criteria which is great, but I also need it to look at column B.
In a non-filtered table it works as:
=COUNTIFS('Sheet3 '!$K:$K,"Yes",'Sheet3 '!$B:$B,B5)
Is there any way to do this?
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Jun 24, 2008
I need to create a table of dates which is structured as such:
1/7/08 Yes
7/7/08 no
25/7/08 yes
Column A is date, Column B is a binary selection (yes, no)
I then have a separate sheet with rows corresponding to each date in July 08. I need a function which will look up the date for each row with the above date range and return the value of column B.
for example - if the date is between 1/7/08 & 6/7/08, it would return Yes. If the date is between 7/7 & 25/7/08 it would return No.
The above table is not fixed and can have many dates, with no pattern for the dates. I though of using a nexted IF statement but it would become a bit clunky.
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May 26, 2014
Count the number of occurences on 1 day within a 60 minute timeframe. data includes dates and times
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Jul 8, 2009
I want to count the number of occurences involving 3 columns of a spreadsheet, but one of the columns is a date/time field, and I only want to analyse the date.
John 1 02/07/2009 09:45:10
Peter 1 03/06/2009 10:14:12
Fred 1
John 1 02/07/2009 09:45:10
How can I ask how many occurences of John are in column A, with a 1 in column B, with the date 02/07/2009?
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Dec 17, 2012
I have a table with list of equipments and asset number assigned as primary key, I wanted to have a history movement of these equipments but my idea is somehow not logical and very primitive to update every time 2 excel sheets:
asset no
received by
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Mar 31, 2014
I'm trying to use the COUNTIFS function & have run into trouble because the 2nd criteria is a date. Typically I would just set the range & then put "01/01/2014" if I was looking for all of the January 1, 2014 cells. However in this spreadsheet my source data contains the date with the time. (01/01/2014 11:27:39 AM). Becasue the time is included in the cell, the function returns no results when I set teh date.
I tried to use a wild card "01/01/2014*" which I thought would bypass the time but it still retuns no results. Is there a way to use a windcard with a date cell?
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Sep 23, 2011
Here is the data I am working with. On another sheet, I want to count the number of entries on Total requests sheet if Column M - Closed < Column Q - End Date. There is other criteria and I have this, which doesn't work: Run-time error '1004' Application defined or object defined error. I think it is due to the part where I'm working with the dates...
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=COUNTIFS('Total Requests'!R2C3:R" & tot_req_row & "C3,RC1,'Total Requests'!
R2C10:R" & tot_req_row & "C10,""5-Very Low"",'Total Requests'!R2C13',""
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Mar 27, 2014
I have the following formula: =IF((COUNTIFS(data_sheet!U:U,Monthly_Report!H10))>166,0,COUNTIFS(data_sheet!U:U,Monthly_Report!H10,data_sheet!BN:BN,"Premier"))
This formula counts values on my data sheet based on the specified criteria. I have this broken ito 3 section, each section that needs to be summed.
Section 1 can not be greater than 165, if it is all the values in the range needs to be reset to 0
Section 2 can not be greater than 190, but at the same time can not be less than 166, else is need to be reset to 0. How would I adjust the above mentioned formula to check these criteria?
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Feb 5, 2014
How to combine many criteria in a COUNTIFS formula with the same range.
I made a formula:
=COUNTIFS(brut!$B:$B;"1T";brut!$G:$G;"F25"; brut!$C:$C;"1")
And it works fine, but I need four more conditions -
brut!$C$C; "2", brut!$C$C; "3", brut!$C$C; "4" and brut!$C$C; "5".
When I change the formula to
=COUNTIFS(brut!$B:$B;"1T";brut!$G:$G;"F25"; brut!$C:$C;"1"; brut!$C$C; "2"; brut!$C$C; "3"; brut!$C$C; "4"; brut!$C$C; "5")
It didn't work anymore.
I don't know how to use IF and COUNTIFS together.
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Mar 15, 2013
The attached file Countifs issue.xlsx shows my attempt to construct a "CountIfs" formula that finds the one record out of ten that matches the following criteria:
a) Col A has 10 IDs. 3 of them are between 40 - 49, and another 2 are alphanumeric. This formula SHOULD identify these 5:
Doesn't work, It finds the 3 numerics but returns "0" when the two alpha-numerics are added.
b) Col B has a list of dates. 5 of the 10 are this month. This formula SHOULD identify them:
Doesn't work. It returns a value of "0".
c) Col C shows the Status for each record. 5 are "A" and 5 are "B". The following formula DOES find all the "B"s
But obviously I need the full formula to find the one record out of the ten that meets all the criteria.
in (a) and (b) and enable me to combine all three sections.
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Aug 7, 2013
I have a problem where there are 4 arguments passed to my COUNTIFS function to give me a total count i.e. "KP","James Report","Completed","Month"
Here is the Formula I used;
=COUNTIFS(Master!$B$2:$B$29,Picklist!$C$8,Master!$D$2:$D$29,B3,Master!$H$2:$H$29,Picklist!$C$2,Master!K2:K57,Picklist!E9 )
The last part of my formula is throwing an error "K2:K57"
What I should get in plain English.... "The number of 'James Report' 'Completed by 'KP' in 'August'. (Any specified month based on what comes from my "dates field" on my Master sheet.
I have got a field in my Master sheet with dates which I have transposed into the right month of the year using Month().
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Oct 23, 2012
I have a spreadsheet with two colums with dates. The names of the ranges are 'DataContractualStartDate' and 'DataContractualEndDate'.
How do I manage to count the no. of records with equal dates at the same row?
I have used the following but this gives me zero, while in the example below the result should be 3.
The table looks as follows:
[Code] ....
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Apr 22, 2014
I am trying to count how many work orders we have created from 3 months (90 days) ago. In an effort to make the input work minimal. I wanted to use the =Today() formula and then subtract 3 months.
So I currently have =Today() in A1 and then (A1-90) in cell B1 and I get the date I want.
However, When I use a countifs formula and my criteria is
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Dec 1, 2011
I'm trying to find a formula for the following problem: users have to enter a start and end date in 2 cells.
I need a formula to return a certain value within a table, where the dates are sorted into ranges:
For example: start date 02/01/1971 - end date: 05/05/1984
would return 576,448
[Code] .........
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Oct 23, 2013
Have a simple Pivot table that i have grouped in 14 day buckets.
Currently, the date range looks like this:
1/21/2013 - 2/3/2013
However, I want the range to show the 'last' date only.
Is there a simple way to do this? I just can not see it in the format cells menu...
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May 9, 2014
I would like to compare % difference between date range through pivot table
Date RangeProductAmt
1st weekABC1000
2nd WeekABC2000
3rd WeekABC1259
1st weekXYZ3000
2nd WeekXYZ4000
3rd WeekXYZ2500
How to plot a Pivot table to compare the % difference between 3rd Week Vs 2nd Week Vs 1 Week for each product through pivot table?
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May 6, 2009
I have two tables: the 1st table consists of date range (From and To) and week number while the other table has only dates.
1st Table
3/27/2009 4/2/200914
4/3/2009 4/9/200915
4/10/2009 4/16/200916
4/17/2009 4/23/200917
4/24/2009 4/30/200918
2nd Table
Need simple formula that would show a wk number in the 2nd table (2nd column)? I.e 03/28/2009 has wk no. 14, etc.
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Jun 25, 2008
When using a Pivot Table I regularly filter on known data specific to me i.e. WBS codes.
Column ‘A’ contains the WBS Codes which can be as many a 1000, however, I only need to filter out the 10 or so I require, and currently I uncheck all the records and manually scroll through the list to check the ones I require.
In order to speed things up I recorded a macro which works fine, however, If I need to check any new codes I would have to record the macro again, as I tried to edit the Macro and all it does is to un check all the other codes I don't need.
Is it possible to create a Macro that picks up a range of data that is then used to filter on. (i.e. only the records I require)
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Feb 13, 2014
I have a report I am attempting to populate with data from a pivot table in another worksheet. Column A holds all the reference numbers (primary key), column B contains various start dates, and I want column C to contain all the payments made since the start date for each reference number.
The source data is a pivot table with Row = Reference number, column = transaction date, values = transaction amounts. This is an extremely large table, as I'm processing data from almost 1,200 cases, which each have around 20 payments spread over the last year, on completely random days. What I would like to do is build a formula in my report which looks up the records for the reference number from column A, and then adds up all the payments which have been made after the date in column B (and ignore any payments in the table which are before that date).
And to make things more complicated:
if an error is generated, it needs to return as 0, not #N/AThe report has the dates in UK format dd/mm/yyyy, but the pivot table has the dates in SQL format: yyyy-mm-ddThe pivot table is connected to a SQL database via ODBC and has to refresh every time it is opened.
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Nov 5, 2009
I would like a formula that will take the info from 2 cells (not adjacent to each other or in the same row) and then look these up in a table giving the answer in the 3rd column somewhere else on the worksheet.
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Oct 7, 2010
I've got an excel worksheet that contains a list of buildings and their associated control valves for water supply (subset of table attached).
I'd like the user to be able to search by building name to display its associated valves and control information. I realize I could use the list function on the worksheet, but would prefer to set it up as front page to the workbook where data is displayed in a nicer format.
I guess my question is if there any way I can set up another worksheet with a drop down box that allows the user to select a building or type in the building name and have its corresponding data display?
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Dec 16, 2013
Im using a table so I can sort diffrent catagories and I'm trying to put other functions to the right of the table I noticed as I change the sort on the table is moves the information outside the table as well is there a way to seperate that information or do I just need to move it above my table?
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Oct 8, 2013
Table1 (TeamA)
Table 2 (TeamB)
Table 3 (TeamC)
Table 4 (TeamD)
Given above is a single Sheet in excel with Four Different Tables for each team. I would like to scroll and enter data separately in each Table.
Say for Example Table 1 Team A
Scroll through the rows (1-100)
Enter Data (in any row)
Freeze panes at header
Likewise for all the tables separately. I had tried using split panes, but that is not what i am looking for.
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May 12, 2009
I have a worksheet with 10000 records. For example, entire data in ColA-ColZ. In that, ColA-ColF - Personal Information; ColG-J Group1; ColK-N Group2; ColO-R Group3; ColS-U Group4; ColW-Z Group5. I this case, the data to be copied into another sheet as follows:
1) the personal data should be copied repeatedly.
2) Each Group data should be copied next to personal data.
3) The group's name is mentioned at the top of the datasheet.
I have attached a sample workbook for your kind reference.
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Nov 4, 2013
I have a data input sheet on a spreadsheet with a pick list where we can select an option, but I need another 'flat file friendly' option to appear on a second sheet where the data will be pulled from. For example
If on the front sheet Flat Roof Insulation is selected, it needs to return FRI into the other sheet, there are 45 options in the list.
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