Date Range And COUNTIFS
Dec 28, 2008
I need to look at a series of data once per week and calculate the results. I'm trying to use COUNTIFS to get a result based on both the date I'm doing the analysis for and for the response.
I've attached a sheet that shows a sample of what I'm trying to do. Cell B1 contains the date range I'm using, and cell B18 shows the formula I'm having trouble with. I suspect it's because I'm trying to treat a date like text, but I'm not sure.
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Sep 21, 2009
I need a COUNTIFS function (I think that will be the best function to use at least).
I have a two columns of data, column one is dates (mm/dd/yyyy) and column two is states (AK, MA, MI, etc). I need a way to count how many times a states comes up for a certain month. For example, I need to know how many times MA appears through the dates 1/1/2007 and 1/31/2007. Here's what I have so far. It works but I can only specify one date. =COUNTIFS('SHEET NAME'!D:D, "1/5/2007", 'SHEET NAME'!E:E, "MA")
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Mar 4, 2014
How can i count "how many "A" for period date in table and date out table in this case"
Date inDate outresult Count
05-Mar08-MarA ?
05-Mar09-MarB ?
06-Mar07-MarA ?
07-Mar08-MarB ?
07-Mar08-MarB ?
08-Mar09-MarC ?
05-Mar08-MarA ?
05-Mar08-MarA ?
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May 26, 2014
Count the number of occurences on 1 day within a 60 minute timeframe. data includes dates and times
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Jul 8, 2009
I want to count the number of occurences involving 3 columns of a spreadsheet, but one of the columns is a date/time field, and I only want to analyse the date.
John 1 02/07/2009 09:45:10
Peter 1 03/06/2009 10:14:12
Fred 1
John 1 02/07/2009 09:45:10
How can I ask how many occurences of John are in column A, with a 1 in column B, with the date 02/07/2009?
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Mar 31, 2014
I'm trying to use the COUNTIFS function & have run into trouble because the 2nd criteria is a date. Typically I would just set the range & then put "01/01/2014" if I was looking for all of the January 1, 2014 cells. However in this spreadsheet my source data contains the date with the time. (01/01/2014 11:27:39 AM). Becasue the time is included in the cell, the function returns no results when I set teh date.
I tried to use a wild card "01/01/2014*" which I thought would bypass the time but it still retuns no results. Is there a way to use a windcard with a date cell?
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Sep 23, 2011
Here is the data I am working with. On another sheet, I want to count the number of entries on Total requests sheet if Column M - Closed < Column Q - End Date. There is other criteria and I have this, which doesn't work: Run-time error '1004' Application defined or object defined error. I think it is due to the part where I'm working with the dates...
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=COUNTIFS('Total Requests'!R2C3:R" & tot_req_row & "C3,RC1,'Total Requests'!
R2C10:R" & tot_req_row & "C10,""5-Very Low"",'Total Requests'!R2C13',""
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Mar 27, 2014
I have the following formula: =IF((COUNTIFS(data_sheet!U:U,Monthly_Report!H10))>166,0,COUNTIFS(data_sheet!U:U,Monthly_Report!H10,data_sheet!BN:BN,"Premier"))
This formula counts values on my data sheet based on the specified criteria. I have this broken ito 3 section, each section that needs to be summed.
Section 1 can not be greater than 165, if it is all the values in the range needs to be reset to 0
Section 2 can not be greater than 190, but at the same time can not be less than 166, else is need to be reset to 0. How would I adjust the above mentioned formula to check these criteria?
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Feb 5, 2014
How to combine many criteria in a COUNTIFS formula with the same range.
I made a formula:
=COUNTIFS(brut!$B:$B;"1T";brut!$G:$G;"F25"; brut!$C:$C;"1")
And it works fine, but I need four more conditions -
brut!$C$C; "2", brut!$C$C; "3", brut!$C$C; "4" and brut!$C$C; "5".
When I change the formula to
=COUNTIFS(brut!$B:$B;"1T";brut!$G:$G;"F25"; brut!$C:$C;"1"; brut!$C$C; "2"; brut!$C$C; "3"; brut!$C$C; "4"; brut!$C$C; "5")
It didn't work anymore.
I don't know how to use IF and COUNTIFS together.
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Mar 15, 2013
The attached file Countifs issue.xlsx shows my attempt to construct a "CountIfs" formula that finds the one record out of ten that matches the following criteria:
a) Col A has 10 IDs. 3 of them are between 40 - 49, and another 2 are alphanumeric. This formula SHOULD identify these 5:
Doesn't work, It finds the 3 numerics but returns "0" when the two alpha-numerics are added.
b) Col B has a list of dates. 5 of the 10 are this month. This formula SHOULD identify them:
Doesn't work. It returns a value of "0".
c) Col C shows the Status for each record. 5 are "A" and 5 are "B". The following formula DOES find all the "B"s
But obviously I need the full formula to find the one record out of the ten that meets all the criteria.
in (a) and (b) and enable me to combine all three sections.
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Aug 7, 2013
I have a problem where there are 4 arguments passed to my COUNTIFS function to give me a total count i.e. "KP","James Report","Completed","Month"
Here is the Formula I used;
=COUNTIFS(Master!$B$2:$B$29,Picklist!$C$8,Master!$D$2:$D$29,B3,Master!$H$2:$H$29,Picklist!$C$2,Master!K2:K57,Picklist!E9 )
The last part of my formula is throwing an error "K2:K57"
What I should get in plain English.... "The number of 'James Report' 'Completed by 'KP' in 'August'. (Any specified month based on what comes from my "dates field" on my Master sheet.
I have got a field in my Master sheet with dates which I have transposed into the right month of the year using Month().
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Oct 23, 2012
I have a spreadsheet with two colums with dates. The names of the ranges are 'DataContractualStartDate' and 'DataContractualEndDate'.
How do I manage to count the no. of records with equal dates at the same row?
I have used the following but this gives me zero, while in the example below the result should be 3.
The table looks as follows:
[Code] ....
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Apr 22, 2014
I am trying to count how many work orders we have created from 3 months (90 days) ago. In an effort to make the input work minimal. I wanted to use the =Today() formula and then subtract 3 months.
So I currently have =Today() in A1 and then (A1-90) in cell B1 and I get the date I want.
However, When I use a countifs formula and my criteria is
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May 25, 2014
I am now trying to create a excel macro to auto populate all the dates with reference to a start date and end date. The catch is that only working days are required in the range. My reference cells (start and end date) are in Sheet 1 while the destination cell range are in Sheet 2. The reason for creating a macro instead of a function is that the intervals between the start date and end date changes frequently (annual, semi-annual and quarterly) Best case scenario would be a button which I can just press after i input the dates to generate the range of dates in another sheet.
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May 1, 2014
I have a employee travel spreadsheet with air travel dates in two columns. I want to be able to create a rule that will highlight all the cells in a row if the date range on that row fall includes today's date. if someone is traveling in the event there is an emergency and I need to know if they are traveling that particular day. I have attached a sample spreadsheet.
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Oct 11, 2008
I need to create formulas that reference a single date and output date ranges. The objective is to have a person input a Monday date in any given month and receive a four weeks out worth of dates and ranges. For example: In a lone cell, the person inputs 10/13/08. Automatically, the sheet produces the next full week range: October 19 – October 25 in a single cell and also produces a cell for each date. Example: Sunday 19, Monday 20, Tuesday 21, etc…. It should look like:
Monday Date:
October 19 – October 25
Sunday 19
Monday 20
Tuesday 21
Wednesday 22
Thursday 23
Friday 24
Saturday 25
and then repeat for three more weeks. I thought I had it figured out until the month changed. The dates continued in October instead of adding a month. This report will be ran weekly, so simply adding a +1MONTH to some cells will not benefit me as I’ll have to change the formula every week. I want the formula to compute the data without any manipulation over the next several years. The only change will be the Monday date.
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Jan 2, 2014
I have a table that looks like this (its basically a historical data of a stock exchange):
January 4, 2010
The List continues till the current Date.
I want to calculate Average Index Values of a Date of each month within a Date Range.
Example: Calculate Average Index Values for 3rd of Each month from 1st Feb 2010 to 3rd Jan 2011. Formula should calculate Average of the Index Values for 3rd Feb 2010, 3rd March 2010, 3rd April 2010, 3rd May 2010, 3rd June 2010, 3rd July 2010, 3rd Aug 2010, 3rd Sept 2010, 3rd Oct 2010, 3rd Nov 2010, 3rd Dec 2010, 3rd Jan 2011.
Both the Date and the Date Range is variable. Also, the Index Value for selected Date of one or more month may not be available as that being a holiday. In that case, the formula needs to use the last available Index Value before that Date. e.g. If Index Value for 3rd Oct 2010 is not available, system will use the Index Value of 2nd Oct 2010.
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Mar 5, 2014
based on user date ranges entered on sheet1, I'm trying to write code that will write each month of the date range on other sheets across the 2nd row. at this point I'm getting "object required" error at "Set DateStart = Cells(2, 6)"
I also want the date format to be mmm-yy (Mar 14) on the sheets even if sheet1 has a different format. I tried using sourcerange instead of DateStart, but that didnt work either.
Dim projStartDate As Date
Dim projEndDate As Date
Dim DateStart As Date[code]....
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May 26, 2014
i am trying to create a excel macro to auto populate all the dates with reference to a start date and end date. The catch is that only working days are required in the range. My reference cells (start and end date) are in Sheet 1 while the destination cell range are in Sheet 2. The reason for creating a macro instead of a function is that the intervals between the start date and end date changes frequently (annual, semi-annual and quarterly) Best case scenario would be a button which I can just press after i input the dates to generate the range of dates in another sheet.
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Apr 21, 2006
Let's say I have thousands of employees, but I need to determine who worked for me during a particular date range, and all I have to go on is their start date in one column and their end date in another column.
A1 contains beginning date of employment
B1 contains ending date of employment
C1 contains specified beginning date (criteria)
D1 contains specified ending date (criteria)
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Jul 1, 2008
I need to compare three cells of random dates shown in Column E, F,& G with Row's H5:AK5, H7:AK7, H9:AK7 (the Dates to these rows is Static on row H3:AK3.) EX: ROW 5 has Start Date, End Date (1) and End Date (2). Compare Cell H3 between Start Date & End Date (1). If H3 falls between or equal to Start and End Date(1) then highlight cell H5. Proceed till AK3 (higlighting only the cells H5:AK5). Then compare cell H3 between or equal to End Date (1) and End Date (2) (higlighting only the cells H5:AK5). Then do the same for ROW 7 and ROW 9.
To make things a bit more difficult I need to have " WK#" in Row 14 (these WK# is on another tab called "Task" of the workbook) needs to be displayed in Row's H4:AK4, H6:AK6, & H8:AK8. EX: Compare Date in D15 between or equal to Start Date & End Date (1) then display Wk# in D14 in H4. Continue till all dates in
D15:Z15 are compared to Start Date & End Date (1) and WK#'s in Row D14:Z14 are inputted if applicable in Row H4:AK4, H6:AK6, H8:AK8. I hope this is not confusing. I can't seem to use the upload option so here is alink to download a jpg of the sheet
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Mar 28, 2014
I'm trying to combine the hours that a employee worked on a single date, with one of multiple time periods that exist for that employee.
I have two sets of data.
Set 1 (hours)
Employee number, date, hours
12345, 1-2-2014, 6
12345, 1-3-2014, 8
12345, 1-10-2014, 8
Set 2 (periods)
Employee number, start date, end date
12345, 1-1-2014, 4-1-2014
12345, 6-1-2014, 1-2-2014
What I'd like to do is to add the start and end date of Set 2 to Set 1 for every row in Set 1
In above example the result should be like this.
12345, 1-2-2014, 6, 1-1-2014, 4-1-2014
12345, 1-2-2014, 8, 1-1-2014, 4-1-2014
12345, 1-10-2014, 8, 6-1-2014, 1-2-2014
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Jun 20, 2013
I created a basic excel weekly budget and would like to know how much money I have as of todays date. on the top row I have a date range from Sunday to Saturday, so it looks like this:
09-15 16-22 23-29
with the month manually put in above it.
then below I have income and expenses with a Overall below that, so basically what I want to is see the Overall value based on todays date, not sure how to do this with the weekly range and automatic current date(which is =TODAY() as far as I know) I have attached a photo as a reference.
Budget Picture.jpg
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Oct 31, 2013
I am using the formula to count if c- is in the cells: =COUNTIF($B2:$U2,"C-")
However, I need to change the formula so rather than just count if C- is in the cells, I need it to count if A*, A+,A, A-, or B+ are in the cell instead.
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Dec 12, 2011
way to search and display a date from a range of cells based on less than or greater than criteria. For example I have following dates in column A:
A1: 2011/01/04
A2: 2011/02/01
A3: 2011/03/01
A4: 2011/04/01
I want to search for the date which is less than 2011/02/01 from the A column and display that date in B1 cell for example. How do I do that?
I want to do this without using any macros.
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Dec 31, 2009
I have an 'existing results table' as per my attached sample.
I have had help previously from this forum to create lists of 'sold' stock within date ranges (tax year periods) and these are represented as 'sold list' in my attached sample.
I now need to create a list of 'unsold stock' for each annual tax year end date; i.e. populate my table with items that have been created before the end of the date range and that have not been sold by the end of the date range.
Please can someone show me the formula on my attached sample?
Please see my example in red.
I am working with Excel07 however my attached sample is in Excel03 because I couldn't upload an XLSX file.
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Mar 17, 2008
Is there a UDF that can determine the number of weeks for a date range specific that is not relative to the week number for the year but for the date range itself. i am aware of the weeknum function but this is for week number relative to the year. eg. date range 01/03/2008 - 31/05/2008 has approx 12 weeks and 14/05/2008 will be week number 10 for the range.
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May 29, 2008
I've found similar queries on the site, but none seem to handle multiple dates, and my attempts so far have been futile!
I press a button on Sheet1 and am prompted to enter a start date and an end date.
Depending on the dates I enter, all rows on Sheet2 which fall outside the Start/End date range will be deleted.
All dates to be checked against on Sheet2 are in a single column, and all rows are populated, there are no blanks. Dates are in the format dd/mm/yy
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Jun 19, 2008
I'm having a problem with data validation. I set an entire column so that it could only be a date between the first date in the list and the current date. I tested a few cells to make sure that it was working the way I wanted and I noticed that it allows a random number like 3 or 5 to be input after row 50. This would create a date in the 1900s. Why is this happening and how can I stop it.
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May 12, 2014
I'm currently working with the formula
However I need the formula to count only one for the n possible duplicates in the Data[Name] column.
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