In my Excel spreadsheet I enter todays date in a single cell (A2), then I list various dates that jobs come into shop in other cells (A8:A108). I have cells ( F8:F108) where I have been manually entering an asterik (*) for those jobs equal to or greater than five days old in cell (A2). Is there a formula that can do the math for me? I've tried Excel help but to no avail.
I have been using a formula to count the number of days between 2 dates and if the date was older than 12 months it would work fine.
The data that i was using has been changed and they have decided to change the format of the dates and dropped the year reference no all i have to work with is dates like 27-07 this represents 27th July i can format this date to work fine unless the date falls before 1 jan this year all i get is lots of numbers and it stuffs up the whole calculation.
I need to count the number of equal cells in col D beginning at the top of the column. The counted cells must begin with a text prefix of "Category:" without the quotes.
Some but not all of the cells in col D begin with a prefix of "Category:" without the quotes, followed by a word or words following the word "Category:" See examples below. All of the terms prefixed with "Category:" in col D are in alphabetical order. I need to count the number of identical cells in col D with the "Category:" prefix.
Examples of the contents of cells in col D with the "Category:" prefix are as follows:
Cells above and below cells with a prefix of "Category:" in col D are not adjacent.Cells above and below cells with a prefix of "Category:" in col D are separated by 3 to an undermined number of rows.
I need to count the number of equal cells in col D and insert the count in col A at the last equal term. For example, col A above would have 93, 1, 1, 5, 10, 8, 3, and 12 inserted into col A.
I have two date columns, a start date and end date. Another columns tells me the number of days between these two columns. It may return 45 days which actually straddle 3 different months.
My aim is to identify between this date range how many days in Apr 14. Then in the next column howmany days in May 14 etc
So on the spreadsheet Id have 12 columns for each month of the year. in Apr 14 for each row between the given date range I want it to tell me how many days are actually in April. Id then copy that formula into the May 14 column.
Report I generate once a month that checks to see if tasks are done on or before their due date. Sometimes it works, and others it doesn't...
The basic formula is: [Code] .....
If they closed their task by or before the due date, the condition should be true and it should output "Compliant" beside their task. Otherwise their "Over Due".
The forumla works except when they close their task ON the due date. No matter how I tweak the forumla, it thinks the condition is false as if it cannot tell when the two dates match.
I'm looking at test results and would like to know how many times in a row correct answers were given before getting one incorrect. The way I have this currently set up, is if a student has the answer correct it returns a "TRUE" value, and a "FALSE" value for an incorrect answer. A typical test may have 50 questions, so I would have either "TRUE" or "FALSE" values in rows A1 through A50.
So I've been trying to figure out a formula that counts the number of times "TRUE" rows repeat 'consecutively' in a given column, in this scenario column A. The formula would need to check the current row and if "TRUE" check the row immediately after, if that row is also "TRUE" then check the row immediately after that, until it runs into a "FALSE" string, then display that total count of consecutive "TRUES" in another cell. I understand there may be duplicate results but I'm only really interested in the longest value, so duplicates can be ignored.
If it makes the formula easier, each possible result can be assigned to it's own cell. Let's assume the test has 50 questions. So if a student got all 50 questions correct the result count would be 50 in cell B50, or if they got 25 correct before the first incorrect answer, cell B25 would say 25, etc. I'm guessing I could then easily query this column for the largest value to come up with what I need at a glance.
The attached workbook has dates in column C, although some of these dates are just strings.
I'm trying to write some vba that will tell me how many of the cells in column C contain a date (or looks like a date) that is greater than (after) the real date in cell G1.
At the moment I loop through the cells in column C and can ascertain, which dates can be counted, then copy one row over at a time, but I'm looking for a slicker (perhaps one-liner) answer, perhaps by copying a block of rows in one go. The aim is to copy those rows to another sheet. There are many more rows than in the attached, and many sheets to process, and I have no control over the format of the dates/strings in column C. Currently it takes about 20 seconds to copy over the necessary rows, but I'm looking for it to happen much more quickly; current thoughts are to sort on column C (sorting on column C anything that looks like a number as a number - which has it's own problems!), have a count of dates satisfying the criterion (say using a worksheet formula such as COUNTIF or SUMPRODUCT, perhaps also using EVALUATE) then copy a block of rows in one go.
not very relevant, but the existing code is something like this which highlights rather than copyies the rows(included in the attached): ...
I have a problem again with one of Date Dif function " =DATEDIF(I5|J5|"m") " in attached file i have this function applied to calculate number of months in between two given dates but it seems this function is not working properly or i am missing some info in this to make it run properly. How to fix this function or give me a proper one which can solve my problem to calculate accurate months between these dates in attached file...
Need a formula (E1) to determine the number of days that have passed between two given dates (C1 & D1) ONLY when the Status of a given report (B1) is "Late"
B1 = Status (Pending; On Hold; Late; Completed) (i.e "LATE") C1 = Status Date (i.e. 28 Mar 14) D1 = Deadline (date) (i.e. 25 Mar 14) E1 = Total Days Late (= ?)
I think I have this wrong. I am using the below listed formula to count the number od dates in a column that are older than 30 days. It comes up "0" even if I enter an old date in the cells in the column.
I've got a 2007 Excel spreadsheet that will count dates within a range using the COUNTIFS function. I am having to send this spreadsheet to users that only have Excel 2003. I need to know how to convert this so it works in 2003.
Since I'm doing this for a fiscal year I have to use a date range. Here are my two formulas I'm trying to convert:
=COUNTIFS(D9:D25,">3/1/08",D9:D25,"<6/30/08") and =COUNTIFS(D9:D25,">7/1/08",D9:D25,"<6/30/09")
I am trying to count the number of instances of dates that occur in a single column. For example, I want to be able to count the total # of dates that occur between Jun and July, then a different count of dates occurring between Aug and Dec (see example below). I have tried this formula: =SUMPRODUCT((E11:E149>=1/8/2008)*(E11:E149<=12/31/2009)) but it comes back with zero.
Column A --------- 1/8/2008 5/8/2008 8/18/2008 9/18/2008
I need to figure out how to tell Excel to count the number of invoices on a worksheet older than 30 days and display that number in my Summary worksheet. Here's a quick example:
Worksheet '1234' has 10 invoices, 6 of which are more than 30 days old (invoice dates are in column B). Worksheet 'Summary' needs to display the total number of invoices and the number older than 30 days.
Its a training list, and I want to count the number of staff with valid training dates, I want to keep invalid dates as a reminder and I also have text N/A to disregard. Have used an IF function array but there are approx 33 column entries I want to add and using array function limits the amount of formula entries up to column 24.
Would be much easier if I used data validation to kick out the invalid date entries but we want to keep them if possible.
I am trying to develop a For Loop that will do countifs functions based on the criteria in the For Loop. Part of the countifs criteria is determining which values in a range are within certain dates. I have isolated the month and year data and am looping with for loops through the years (outer loop) and months (inner loop). The issue that I am running in to is how to place the month and year into the countifs in VBA: month/year. When I do these calculations in the spreadsheet it is easy to write for one of the criterias: ">=1/2013", but trying to do that same formula with variables is become much more challenging.
How could I write a countifs that uses variables to do the same as ">=1/2013"? In essence: ">=monthCount/yearCount".
I have a list of ID# (Col A) and dates (Col B). The ID # of reference is Col (F) and today's date (Col G). I need to count how many future dates there are in the list (Col B) that are unique and in the future from today's date.
I'm still fairly new to all these formulas and functions which is why I'm not attempting this in VBA.
I've attached an example work book and I would like the result in H2.
I have tried applying the same logic to another formula where I wanted to Also count the number of times “Not Stated” and “In Progress” are shown. However when I do I am receiving a ‘0’ number in return. The formula I wrote was:
I"m attempting to generate a report to show the number of occurrences for a particular product within a calendar month.
Data is stored on the first sheet, output is populated on a separate sheet. Seems simple enough, but getting the "month" out of the date, whilst referring to another sheet seems to be the sticking point.
I am trying to find out how many projects might be active as of a certain date.
I have a tab in excel that contains project data. For each project there is a "Start Date" and there might be an "End Date"
My question is, how do I count all the rows where the start date is Less than a given date and the end date is after a given date? The wrinkle is... if the end date is empty then obviously it should be counted as well (assuming the start date is still before the given date).