Counting Formula: Count Up The Numbers
Oct 16, 2007
I have a column that contains numbers relating to processing days. I need formulas that I can put into a results table that will show me processing timescales. I need to count up the number of 0s, 1s, 2s, 3s....9s and any numbers that are 10 and above. The column also contains #Value! errors and any formulas I have tried won't work with the error code and are also counting blank cells as 0 whereas I only want to count the cells in which 0 was typed in.
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Dec 19, 2011
Any way to make a formula that would "COUNT" the number of positive values from 0 to 999 (no negatives and nothing higher than 999). Another way of saying it would be values greater than or equal to 0 but not more than 999?
For example. If you had the following numbers in a list, I would like a formula that would only count the 3 numbers that are less than 1000 but equal to or greater than 0.
$370 $1,070 $1,400 $300 $1,160 ($4,720) $1,080 $1,170 $30 $1,050 $1,150
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May 20, 2014
I'm trying to find out if there is a way to count a specific number from a cell that has multiple numbers in the cell. I have attached a worksheet.
Example, on the attached worksheet, I want to count how many 16's in column C and input that total number into G18. Then I want G19 to tell me how many 17's in Column C, then how many 18's in G20 and so on. I want to do this for all days in a month, 1 through 31. If there are no numbers, then "0" or a blank cell is ok. Not to concerned with zero's.
Attached Files: xlsx Book2.xlsx
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Jan 16, 2014
I need to count how many unique ID numbers there are per month.I have figured out how to count the unique ID's for the first month (Jan) but after that I'm having trouble trying to get the count right for Feb and Mar. Formula I used in cell E2 is: {=SUM(IF($A$2:$A$14
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Feb 3, 2014
I was given this spreadsheet to count attendance by entering the entry date and exit day, however it's counting the first day and the last. I'm needing it to only count the first day and not the exit day.Book2.xls
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Nov 27, 2007
i need to put serial no. without considering duplicate value.. i have ' N ' of value somewhere data is repeating when i am giving serial no i want to ignore duplicate value ...example given ... please see attached file..
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Oct 24, 2007
In my rows, I have 0, -1 and 1 and wanted to know how many 1s, 0s and -1s I have. So in the example below, there are 4 -1s, 4 0s and 3 1s.
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Jun 13, 2009
Is there an easy way of counting odd or even numbers in a row? I can't figure it out on countif, isodd, odd, count etc.
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Oct 25, 2006
I am trying to find a way of counting decimal numbers if, say, they begin with 3.
For example, I might have 3.33, 4.1, 3.0, 5.65, 3.8, 3.7, 3.33, etc.
I want to count anything that begins with 3 (3.33, 3.0, etc). Using the data above the answer would be 5 ...5 numbers that begin with a 3.
If this possible?
There doesn't appear to be the facility with Countif. I don't want to truncate the data (the spreadsheet already is quite extensive). I have tried using =SUMPRODUCT((Y$2:Y$170 >=3)*(Y$2:Y$170<=3.9)) but this will return an answer only when there is a complete set of data within cells within the range.
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Jul 20, 2006
I use the following formula to count duplicate random numbers on Row 35 that occurred on Row 34:
I would like to continue to compare against Row 34 and count duplicates on other rows (ex. Row 36 or Row 37) one row at a time.
In addition is it possible to visually identify the duplicates through conditional formatting (ex. Bold or color change) or other ways?
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Oct 19, 2007
I'm using the following formula to get a count of records that have a matching function name that is in B10.
My Problem: There are duplicate entries in my recordset based on COl A (AppID).
How can I change the formula to only count the occurences of the B10 values based on a unique AppID (col A)?
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Oct 18, 2006
I have the data as follows in each cell a number:
1 5 6 23 45 2
6 23 45 5 1 22
9 10 11 1 36 5
I have this kind of data going down about 2000 rows. I want to find how many times 1 and 5 appear in each row until there is no more data to read. I found the formula below but I cant use it for 2000 lines plus any extra that will appear in the future...
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Sep 28, 2012
I need a formula that will count the number of consecutive 3 0's from the following Data series. There are 22 such events.
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Apr 21, 2013
i want Counting duplicate numbers in a string for example Counting 2
22241278-------- Count(2)=4
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Nov 28, 2011
Is there a formula I can use to count the number of unique claim numbers in an excel column?
Is there a way that I can format a cell containing a number containing a decimal point to a number without a decimal point. Example, 205.55 to 20555
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Jan 31, 2013
I wish to count the "number" of numbers in a cell i.e.
Cell A1 has the following data: 12 25 25
This should return 3
Simillarly 4546546545646456 1 2
Should also return 3
I will have data such as the above in a row so i need the count to be able to count a range as opposed to the single cell example above.
Furthermore I need a separate count to count the number or red numbers in a cell. Same parameters as above.
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Jul 1, 2014
I have 2 Columns. One column represents calendar dates and the other column represents numbers between 0 and 7.
Therea re 10000 rows in this table.
I would like to count how many consecutive days I observe certain numbers numbers ( i.e 3+, 4+, 5+, etc)
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May 5, 2006
in a2:a277 i have numbers 1-10, randomly. in m2:m277 i have numbers 0-4, also randomly. i want to count how many of the 1s in column a have a corresponding 0, how many have a 1, how many have a 2, etc. if you just give me one formula i can manipulate it for all 40 outputs i need,
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Dec 11, 2012
I am attempting to count a number of cells in one column so long as they fall within a certain date, which is located in another cell in the same column. I'm trying to account for a number of reports that happened within a certain week.
The formula I came up with was
But this returns 1 more then it should no matter what. Even when all cells within A_DATE are empty. it returns 1.
I know the COUNTIFS portion works to count the cells between certain dates.
Is what i'm looking to do possible or am I suffering from Excel burnout and just can't see that logicaly it makes no sense?
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Oct 31, 2013
First, I have to say that I am very weak in VBA.
I have a section of code where I need to count the cells from J through BF in rows 42 through 76. The code snippet I'm working on is:
For r = 42 To 76 Step 1
if Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(Range("J" & r:"BP" & r)) = 0 Then
Err = Err + 1
The code checker highlights the ':' in the 'Range .... = 0' with the message "Expected: list separator or )".
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Nov 19, 2007
I have a fairly large spread sheet where I need to count the number of instances where the number in one column matches the number adjacent to it in a second column.
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Jan 24, 2014
I have column in my table that calculates time in hours between now and ticket open date (ticket open date in B1)
so, in C1 i have following formula:
Results are in hours, such as 15, 25, 32, 65 etc
In pivot table, I would like to see how many tickets with values of less than 24 or more than 48, etc
My available columns are: Region, Ticket#, AgingOpenHr(this new column).
I tried it different ways, and I cannot get it Less Than and Greater Than work under Values, works if I select grater than or less than in Label, but label does not produce consistent numbers.
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Sep 10, 2013
The values in columns b:d range from 000-999. I need a formula that will count the number of digits in B:D that match the 3 values in H1 without counting a digit twice. The existing formula counts a digit twice, like the value in H4.
DIGIT HITSABCDEFGH10,1,2209/09/132192191222309/09/134824821441409/08/131191191112509/08/139799792550609/07/137177171551709/07/138668662000
Excel 2007Worksheet FormulasCellFormulaE2=B2&C2&D2F2=SUM(B2:D2)G2=MOD(F2,10)H2=SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(FIND(","&$B2:$D2&",",","&H$1&",")))E3=B3&C3&D3F3=SUM(B3:D3)G3=MOD(F3,10)H3=SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(FIND(","&$B3:$D3&",",","&H$1&",")))E4=B4&
[Code] ......
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Apr 24, 2014
I run a report that dumps from data from an ERP system. I've attached a sample of this report in excel that has two sheets. A summary and the data.
I am able to report on the total number of Purchase order lines and total purchase orders using various formulas. I am also able to use formulas to report on the number of lines associated with each product in the I column.
However I cannot, how to calculate the number of unique Po# (B Column) numbers based on the Product (I Column) .....
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May 9, 2014
I'm trying to build a function, but I haven't been able to successfully navigate some of the eccentricities of Excel formula-building.
Right now I am working on counting all of the cells that contain numbers (so likely just a =COUNT function), but will be eventually getting other descriptive stats as well. My problem is that I would like to create a formula that will perform the counting/mean calculation, etc., but only on a specific column that has the header cell that contains several specific words. Rather than having to type in the target words for each column, I would like to have the target words in the function be imported from multiple designated cells.
For example,
I want to find how many numbered cells are found in column E headed as "dog brown," but I also have columns headed as "cat brown" "dog black" etc. (which I will be using the formula on later) to paint a small picture, in my descriptive table, "dog" is in B31 and "brown" is in C30, then "cat" in B32 and "black" in D30.
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Feb 7, 2012
Say the Range is (D3:M3) there is data in D3,F3,J3,K3,L3, and M3. I want to count consecutive cells with data from M3 backwards to D3. In this scenario the sum would be 4.
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Feb 22, 2010
I have roster that has 12 teams on it, each team has their own column with the supervisors name in the first row. I want to look up the supervisor and count the number of team members listed under that supervisor.
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Jun 11, 2008
I have a field that contains the following: 012100002030
I need a formula that will tell me whether or not the string contains a number higher than 2 or whether or not it contains more than one 2.
the first loan would not meet the criteria as it contains no number higher than 2 and only contains one 2.
the second loan would meet the criteria as it contains two 2's.
the 3rd loan would meet the criteria as it contains a number higher than 2.
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Jan 20, 2008
I want is a field (e.g Large Parts Used) where I can enter in a number, then basically this number is subtracted from current stock field for Large Parts so I get an updated field of current stock on hand.
But what I want to do is once I've entered the number in the Large Parts used field, I can then clear that field but have the corresponding Current stock field to maintain what was last enetered.
Large Parts Current Stock = 50
(enter in) Large Parts Used = 2
Large Parts Current Stock = 48
(Clear field where 2 was entered into Large Parts used)
(Field still stays at Large Parts Current Stock = 48 although field where 2 was entered was cleared, so need it to save the information so can continually clear and re-enter amounts and have the stock continue to reduce)
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Aug 21, 2006
going down are stores a, b, c, d.... what i'm filing in across is the square feet of each store and what quartr or year each store came into place. so there will either be a 0 or a number Now, I want to be able to count the number of nhew stores each quarter. how do i create a formula that just recognizes it the first time there is a number and not a zero... because i will put the square feet in subsequent quarters after it opens so i can see yearly how many square feet the store had. then also, how can create a button on the page that will say quarterly numbers and a button that is annual. so that i can hide the quarterly columns and just see an annual spreadsheet... and for the quarterly button so i can hide the annuals and just see the quarters....
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