Counting Hours On A Timesheet
Oct 15, 2009
When people enter their hours I get them to do it in 24hr format, fine. BUT my problem is coming when I'm working out wages etc. I can get the user to enter 09:00 (start time) and 17:30 (end time) but then the cell works out the hours (cell 2-cell1) gives 8.30 in time format when I need it to show 8.5 (total hours worked)
This means when it goes to work out wages, it takes 8.5*hourly rate not 8.3!!
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Nov 30, 2012
I thought I had everything worked out with this timesheet but I've discovered one more problem.
Weekly Timesheet.xlsx
The total overtime hours needs to show that anything over 40 hours in the Total Regular Hours cell is overtime. And it also needs to show only up to 40 hours in the Total Regular Hours cell.
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May 14, 2013
I need a formula to calculate hours worked between specific times. In the worksheet I have, I need to calculate the hours worked between 5am and 10pm, the start time is in C7, and the finish time in D7 the formula need to be in H7, and another formula in I7 to calculate hours worked before 5am and after 10pm .
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May 28, 2008
I have a questions about counting days and hours.
Imagine that i have an item entering my warehouse on 22/05/2008 at 21h35 and leaving on the 25/05/2008 at 5h42.
A1= 22/05/2008 and B1= 21h35
A2= 25/05/2008 and B2= 5h42
The goal is to count the full 24 hours day and the remaining hours.
For the example given i can say that on day 22 the item only says 2 hours and 25 minutes, on day 23 it stays 24 hours and on day 24 another 24 hours, on day 25 the item leaves at 5h42, so it only stays those 5h42.
So we have 2 full 24 hour days and 2h25 plus the 5h42, the the item were stored 2 days and 8 hours and 7 minutes.
The problem is when the item arrives at (example) 22/05/2008 2h00 and leaves at 25/05/2008 23h00 on another day. Lets say that on the first day the item is 22 hours stored, plus the 2 full 24 hour day and another 23 hours.
So it is 2 days plus the 45 hours, that is 2 days plus 1 day and the remaining 21 hours.
how to add to this 2 full days the 1 day and 21 hours
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Apr 20, 2009
Basicly we pay single rate between 8.00am and 8.00pm at all other times and on bank holidays and weekdays we pay an enhanced rate. If I can calculate the standard hours then the remainder of the hours are enhanced. Aim to count how many work hours fall between a standard start time (SHS) and a standard end time (SHE) (currently 8.00am and 8.00pm), that do not fall on a weekend and are not a bank holiday.
Column B = Start time (eg 06:00)
Column C - End time (eg 22:00)
Column D= date (from which day of week is derived)
Column E = Y or N for whether it is a bank holiday or not..............
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Nov 5, 2009
In cells B8 and C8 an in- and out-time are given, in E8 the time in between.
Now I'd like to calculate the number of hours before 6 o'clock and the number of hours past 6 o'clock.
The formulas I came up with work great in the first example, but fail in the second, because the start day is on another day.
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Jun 26, 2012
I have a column C which list Unique ID and this ID can be repeated several times in Column C. For each row the Unique ID has a value in Column D of how many sick hours are taken. I would like to create a pivot table which would provide a count of the Unique IDs and the total number of hours for the Sector in Column A.
Q1_Sick UnCertified 01042012_25062012(1).xls
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Jan 29, 2014
I have a downtime tracking spreadsheet that we want to be able to track the downtime on the line. However, we only want to count the working hours, not overnight, etc. I have added the weekend day work hours and Saturday work hours but haven't been able to figure out how to connect them into a formula with the down time.
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Jun 27, 2014
As you can see on the example i have TEST hours.xlsx, I have a file that calculate the money every doctor should take based on the working hours.
Nights, holidays and holiday night have different price/hour.
The excel is working fine…but now I have to make a formula that separates automatically based on the beginning time and the end time of the doctor’s shift the day hours tha night hours, the holiday hours and the holiday nights hours.
In the excel I have fill the hours Manuscript, I need a formula to do that for me…
On the yellow cell I have try to find out the formula for the holiday hours but because the day is calculated due to a formula it is not working!!!
Simple Example: A doctor Is working from 21:00- 8:00 (next morning Sunday) he should have 1 simple hour (21:00-22:00) 9 night hours (22:00-6:00) and 2 holiday hours (6:00-8:00,)
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Nov 14, 2012
I have this spreadsheet where it is basically call center data so in one of the column it shows time of inbound call as example (21:12:05) and other columns shows specific notes about that call example if product was sold on that call or not. So I am trying to find trend that during what period of time in a day maximum product was sold. Example I want to set some criteria that from 8 am to 10 am, 10 am to 1 pm and so on and then to find how many products are sold. So what I am looking is how can i extract hours as numbers only? from time stamp? I tried using =RIGHT(a1,2) but its not working and it messing with the number format.
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Nov 4, 2008
In column A I have a date AND time entered. By the way, this is not via cell format, I have manually entered, say today's date and the current time. In column B I have a future date and time.
Basically, column A is the date and time a problem was given to me. Column B would be the date and time I resolved the problem. Now for the formula....Column C needs to spit out whether the problem was solved between 24 and 48 hours OR less than 24 hours OR greater than 48 hours.
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Mar 19, 2008
This one should be a bit more simple, (vlookups I think)
I have a list of clients, and client codes
001 Mr. A
002 Mr. B
003 Mr. C
And on the time sheets, we must put the client, and the code.
0004 Mr D
But we have to type that in manually (code and client)
Can we use a formula, so that when we type the client, the code will appear? Granted that the name will have to be exactly perfect.
Also, how it it possible, to make a list of possibles to appear, when typinig?
eg, if I type Graem
a list will appear underneath saying the possibilities.
such as
-Graeme A
-Graeme B
-Graeme C
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Jan 13, 2014
Lunch is not paid. Holiday and vacation hours get calculated at the regular pay rate. Overtime is anything in excess of 8 hours per day and/or in excess of 40 hours per week and/or over 5 working days per week. Saturdays for most the employees will be overtime because it will be their 6th workday of the week; but it will be regular time for one employee as it will only be his 5th workday of the week.
For accounting and payroll purposes, we need the totals to display in both hour and decimal format.
So far, I have Lunch, Regular and Overtime hours figured out, but I still need to work with Saturday, Vacation and Holiday hours. Also, currently, the time in and out has to be typed in with the colon and AM or PM. Is there another way to input the info without having to type in those items? I'm trying to make it as user friendly as possible.
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Mar 2, 2010
The below formulae allows me to see the difference between two dates and only returns the difference in working hours ie :
Difference between
02/02/2010 08:00 & 03/02/2010 08:00 is 16 Hours 0 Minutes
The following displays it in the Hrs and Mins format
=TEXT(B15,"[h]")&" Hour"&IF(OR(TEXT(B15,"[h]")+0=0,TEXT(B15,"[h]")+0>1),"s "," ")&MINUTE(B15)&" Minute"&IF(MINUTE(B15)1,"s ",""))
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Dec 15, 2013
I'm attempting to make a simple time sheet for a handful of employees. I'd like to enter the clock in time and clock out time for each day. The end cell should be the running total for the week. The tricky part for me is having the formula subtract an hour for each day that is over 5 hours.
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Jan 29, 2010
Format Time Cell For Greater Than 24 Hours: Hours & Minutes Only .....
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Dec 18, 2008
See workbook attached.
I'm looking for help to detemine rates so it automates in the sheet.
Can you give me assistance and code perhaps ? I'm pretty basic at V-Lookup and If functions. Is this the best route to take ?
All is explained within the workbook.
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Jan 1, 1970
Not sure where the best to ask this is so i'll do it here.
I have a h:mm time which i need to get converted into days/hours/minutes, creating an on the fly phrase of something like "2 days, 4 hours, 32 mins" for example.
eg: 26:45 (hours/minuts) to be converted to "1 day(s), 2 hours, 45 minutes"...
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Nov 16, 2009
I am having trouble with this formula
=IF(E4-D4 < 1/24*7.1,E4-D4,E4-D4-1/24)*24
it works well unless the staff member works past midnight. I get a negative hours worked value returned.
for eg
E4=8AM and D4 is 5PM i get an answer of 9 hours in F4, this is all good but if the start time E4=4PM and the finish is D4=1AM then I get the result of -15 hours in F4
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May 26, 2007
I have a system that enters the ID in the first column, the date and time in the second and third columns and the sense (IN/OUT) in the fourth column, for each employee that enters/exits the premises. Note that not only the in /out can occur over midnight, but also I have the situation of having two periods of the same employee in the same day.
The objective is to obtain in some way a daily report for each ID (employee).
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Dec 29, 2013
I'm having difficulty to calculate hours between 2 or 3 days exclude non working hours.
Attached is the example of start date with time & end date with time.
The situation is like "when the case log in till the case assist in working hours." so i will get the hours from case log to case assist.
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Aug 11, 2010
I have been working on a timesheet but the problem I have come across is calculating actual hours worked only in the core hours and any work outside the core hours is calculated in the outside hours column. A standard work day is 7.6 hours working between 8.30am and 5.00pm. However if someone was to commence work either before 6am or after 8pm this is outside of core hours. I have attached an example of my timesheet for you to see what I am talking about.
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Apr 4, 2013
find a formula that will calculate the hours between the two below values but only take in to consideration the business hours (from 9 to 17) and exclude any weekends?
08/03/2013 13:32:00
02/04/2013 09:32:50
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Aug 6, 2013
I have got a formula that can separate day shift hours from night hours, in this case night begins at 7pm to 7am, however the problem is after 12am we get into negative numbers, what formula would fix this and can be combined with the formulas below?
E10 = 19:00 or start of night time hours
B3 = start time
C3 = end time
D3 = day hours workeds =24*IF(E10
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Jun 11, 2008
A1 is 10 (10 hrs worked) , A2 is 10:30am (in time), A3 is 9:00pm (out time), A4 needs to be the total hours and minutes between A2 and A3 based on the hours listed in A-1. What i need is a formula that will calculate the hours and minutes between the 2 times based on hours entered in A1 but that will also compensate for a manadatory 30 minute lunch that needs to be deducted from the total hours if hrs listed in A1 are more than 6.
example: worked 10HRS, 10:30am to 9:00pm, Total hrs is 10hrs 30min, which should be just 10 since the lunch is a none work time and must be subtracted.
If a person worked more than 6hrs, they must take a lunch. if they worked less, than 6 then they don't have to. I need a calcuation to recognize the greater than, less than factor into the equasion also.
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Jan 13, 2009
I am making a schedule and I would like it to take out a 30 min break if the hours worked is over 6 hours.
I have so far
1 11:00 7:30
Gives me 8 hours, I would like it to subtract the 30 minutes only ifthe sum is over 6 and not alter the sum if it is under 6.
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Aug 30, 2007
1) The output of an excel duration is : 22.00:8.00:25.00 ( day:hour:minutes ) - excel cannot average and work with this number format
2) resolution - =(LEFT(L2,4))+MID(L2, FIND(":",L2)+1,4)/24+MID(L2, FIND(":",L2,7)+1,4)/1440 as an array and Custom Format the cell as [h]:mm - works perfectly.
Q: to be conistent, the initial reporting is dd:hh:mm and then I convert to hh:mm so that excel can process the data. How can I convert from hh:mm to dd:hh:mm so that the excel report can be consistent in presenting the data to senior management?
example attached.
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Aug 3, 2008
we work 8hrs 30mns for 4 days 7hrs 30mns for 1 day this is monday to friday
using Excel i need a formula that will add the following:-
a1 8.30
a2 8.30
a3 8.30
a4 8.30
a5 7.30
total 41.30
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Nov 25, 2008
I am trying to make a timesheet in Excel 2007 with a formula.
I want it to read:
IN = 8:30 AM, OUT = 11:30 AM, IN = 12:30 PM, OUT = 4:30 PM
The total hours will be 8 because there is an hour for lunch.
And if I work a few hours one day and leave before lunch, I want the calculation to be right. I found a formula but it wouldn't add the lunch hour and I added a +1 in the formula but it makes the calculations wrong for when I work for only 2 or 3.
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Dec 19, 2009
I have made a work schedule for my local business and have set up a series of formulas that will fill out time cards that I could print out directly onto the paper time cards. The formulas that I have work except that if there are two subsequent entries that later will not return a value and result in an error.
If you could take a look at it that would be awesome. To use it you just need to type a name into the name column and a work time into the time column for that day. then in the other sheets( one for each worker ) it will set up the time card. The the error happens on Thursday, when Bob has an entry right after Fred. Then on Bobs sheet it gives me a #N/A.
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