Imagine that i have an item entering my warehouse on 22/05/2008 at 21h35 and leaving on the 25/05/2008 at 5h42.
A1= 22/05/2008 and B1= 21h35
A2= 25/05/2008 and B2= 5h42
The goal is to count the full 24 hours day and the remaining hours.
For the example given i can say that on day 22 the item only says 2 hours and 25 minutes, on day 23 it stays 24 hours and on day 24 another 24 hours, on day 25 the item leaves at 5h42, so it only stays those 5h42.
So we have 2 full 24 hour days and 2h25 plus the 5h42, the the item were stored 2 days and 8 hours and 7 minutes.
The problem is when the item arrives at (example) 22/05/2008 2h00 and leaves at 25/05/2008 23h00 on another day. Lets say that on the first day the item is 22 hours stored, plus the 2 full 24 hour day and another 23 hours.
So it is 2 days plus the 45 hours, that is 2 days plus 1 day and the remaining 21 hours.
how to add to this 2 full days the 1 day and 21 hours
I have a downtime tracking spreadsheet that we want to be able to track the downtime on the line. However, we only want to count the working hours, not overnight, etc. I have added the weekend day work hours and Saturday work hours but haven't been able to figure out how to connect them into a formula with the down time.
The below formulae allows me to see the difference between two dates and only returns the difference in working hours ie : Difference between 02/02/2010 08:00 & 03/02/2010 08:00 is 16 Hours 0 Minutes
The following displays it in the Hrs and Mins format
1) The output of an excel duration is : 22.00:8.00:25.00 ( day:hour:minutes ) - excel cannot average and work with this number format
2) resolution - =(LEFT(L2,4))+MID(L2, FIND(":",L2)+1,4)/24+MID(L2, FIND(":",L2,7)+1,4)/1440 as an array and Custom Format the cell as [h]:mm - works perfectly.
Q: to be conistent, the initial reporting is dd:hh:mm and then I convert to hh:mm so that excel can process the data. How can I convert from hh:mm to dd:hh:mm so that the excel report can be consistent in presenting the data to senior management?
I'm basically looking for a forumla that will count each employees total scheduled work days for the month inserted and then depening upon the day it is will show how many days the employee has left to work for the month.
I have a spreadsheet where I record individual staff start time, end times and the length of their break. From this I caculate the hours they worked for the day.
E holds Start, F holds End and G holds Break length. Thus using the following forumula gives me the number of hours and minutes:
I can’t figure out why this formula is not working. I am trying to alter it a little, but I still think it should work. Here is what I am trying to do. I am looking to calculate the time difference between two work projects, but exclude time when the office is closed. So someone starts a project at 2pm and finish 10am the next day it will show a result of 4 hours because the office closes at 5.
Here is the formula. It is the time formula from ...
I'm hoping someone here might be able to help me please?
I am trying to write a function that will convert a number into days-hours-minutes. I have managed to get as far as hours-minutes using the following function.
=INT(A1/60)&"h "&ROUND(MOD(A1/60,1)*60,0)&"m"
e.g. If A1 = "7090" the result of this function will be "118h 10m".
I now need to express the result as xxxd xxxh xxxm and this is where I am stuck!
Where i want add Business Hours/Days to get the Target Date.
Working hours: 8:00 AM to 19:00 PM
Urgency Type:
ND (Maximum 1 Day 11 hours) 3D (Maximum 3 Day 11 hours) 4D (Maximum 4 Day 11 hours) 5D (Maximum 5 Day 11 hours) Threshhold - 16:30 PM Weekends to be Excluded.
Holidays to be Excluded based on Country. Say I have 2 countries India and America, where America has holiday on 12/24/2012 but India does not have holiday on that Day. Hence while calculating Tgt date, India should be calculated normally, for America holiday date need to excluded(There will be a Holiday table based on the countries, not limited to 2 countries).
ex: 1) A ticket opened at 12/26/2012 8:56 AM; Target date will be 12/26/2012 19:00, in this case its 1 day 10:04 hours added to the Opened Time.
2) A ticket opened at 12/26/2012 16:56 PM; Target date will be 12/29/2012 19:00, in this case ticket opened after threshold time of 16:30, Technically ticket should start from next day i.e 12/28/2012 8:00 AM and 1 day 11 hours added to this date.
3) A ticket opened at 12/26/2012 7:56 AM(Before the begin of Working hours); Target date will be 12/26/2012 19:00, in this case its 1 day 11:00 hours added to the Opened Time.
4) A ticket opened at 12/21/2012 17:56 PM(After Threshold time); Target date will be 12/24/2012 19:00, in this case its 1 day 11:00 hours added to the Opened Time. If the above ticket belonged to America, then holiday dates(both 24 & 25) need to be skipped and Tgt date will be 12/27/2012 19:00.
Here is the Sample Data
Country Ticket Start Date/ Time Tgt Date/Time Expected Tgt Date/ Time
America ID000123 12/21/2012 18:20
I need results to be appear in the "Tgt Date/Time" column. I have also provided results in "Expected Tgt Date/ Time".
I have a formula that returns me a result in hours. I have a result of 1712 hours but when i try and formatt the cell to show days is says 11. (Which obviosuly isnt right)
Is there anyway to show the correct number of days?
I am trying to add duration time for song files. 4 minutes and 32 seconds + 3 minutes 45 seconds, etc. etc. to get total hours and then to total to days. The range of cells is over 5,000 and I am trying to find out how long a playlist will play.
I am creating a 'HelpDesk Issue Logger' and I am trying to calculate the Network Days and Network Hours between two dates with times. I want to know how many business days and hours are between the two days to give me a TURE 'Response Time.'
I have been to several sites and forums looking for the answer, but I have not been able to find a solutions that works for me. Please find attached a 'stripped' down version of my project.
When people enter their hours I get them to do it in 24hr format, fine. BUT my problem is coming when I'm working out wages etc. I can get the user to enter 09:00 (start time) and 17:30 (end time) but then the cell works out the hours (cell 2-cell1) gives 8.30 in time format when I need it to show 8.5 (total hours worked) This means when it goes to work out wages, it takes 8.5*hourly rate not 8.3!!
I was messing around with a simple countdown timer and need a little help converting a decimal into a format of #days, #hours, #minutes and #seconds.
Cell A1 has target to countdown to 4/14/2010 12:00:00 AM Cell A2 contains =NOW() Cell A3 contains =A1-A2 with the result being 69.4021441 with the amount of decimal places varying depending on when it is refreshed.
I'd Like the result in A3 to read something like "There are 69 days, XX hours, XX minutes and XX seconds until event"
A B 1 4/1/09 12:15 2 4/2/09 10:00 3 4/4/09 8:10 4 4/6/09 9:00 5 4/8/09 5:00 6 4/11/09 7:00
I need to add up hours worked of last 3 days including current day. The date column does not contain everyday's date. How do I formulate a cell for date entry and another cell will show the sum of last 3 days including date not shown and date entered? E.g. If I enter date 4/6/09, result should be 17:10 hrs; 4/11/09, result should be 7:00.
I have two columns A and B. Column A contains problem title and column B is duration minutes. In column B we enter always min and seconds it took us to resolve certain issues (22.15 = 22 minutes and 15 seconds) . At the end of the month I need to run a report for my manager to show her by problem title how long it took my group to resolve issues and it should output as Hours/min/days.
I have a column of tasks that take a certain amount of time to complete formated as h:mm:ss. I want to total the column and convert the total to days, hours and minutes. Is that posible and if so how do I configure a formula and format the cell? example:
Basicly we pay single rate between 8.00am and 8.00pm at all other times and on bank holidays and weekdays we pay an enhanced rate. If I can calculate the standard hours then the remainder of the hours are enhanced. Aim to count how many work hours fall between a standard start time (SHS) and a standard end time (SHE) (currently 8.00am and 8.00pm), that do not fall on a weekend and are not a bank holiday.
Column B = Start time (eg 06:00) Column C - End time (eg 22:00)
Column D= date (from which day of week is derived) Column E = Y or N for whether it is a bank holiday or not..............
In cells B8 and C8 an in- and out-time are given, in E8 the time in between. Now I'd like to calculate the number of hours before 6 o'clock and the number of hours past 6 o'clock.
The formulas I came up with work great in the first example, but fail in the second, because the start day is on another day.
Assuming that a workday is from 8:30am to 5:00pm. (also need to not calcualte Saturday and Sunday but this example doesn't show it).
Wednesday, 7/18/07 at 4:00pm (minus) Friday, 7/20/07 at 9:00am (should equal) 10 hours or 1 day, 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Basically what I want to do it determine how much work time has elapsed from the time a message was left on voicemail to the time that someone picks that message up. We only want to assume that a message can be retrieved duruing business hours but a message can be left at anytime!
Is there a way to have it show the number of days, hours, minutes and seconds? So it will say 45:1:23:42? (45 days, 1 hour, etc...) Or something along these lines?
Right, Column A on my sheet is the date that the work was completed. First thing is I need to be able to count how much work was completed per month. (I dont know why we have it all in one big sheet rather than monthly sheets but thats too logical!)
Secondly, column I is the number of days that piece of work took to complete. I need to be able to have a formula that looks at the month the work was completed, then total up the number of days that the work took.
(Example, if I have three bit of work completed in October, 1 took a total of 20 days, 1 took 15 and 1 took 10 it would = 45 days)
I know that this should be possible as I've had Excel doing more complex formulas than this.
I have a problem now with my new spreadsheet. I need to use vba to automate a process.
Date Item Holding Days
01/03/2014 A 1
[Code] ........
Scenario: On 01/03/2014, I bought A and hold it therefore holding days is 1. Then I sold it on 02/03.2014 so it became 0. Until 04/03/2014, I bought A back, therefore holding 1 day. 05th I didn't sell so I am still holding it, meaning holding days =2. Then on 06th, I sold A and buy B, resetting the holding days to 1 for a new item.
From the table above, how can I use vba to automate the last column?